第640回例会レポート #640 TMOD Meeting Report



今日の言葉「Word of the day」は今回初挑戦のHさん。「upbeat/明るい・楽しい・上向きな」という言葉が紹介されました。ポジティブな単語で、例会中も複数のメンバーがスピーチ中に「upbeat」、を使っていました。

ジョークセッション(Joke Session)はFさんが担当。2種類のとてもユニークなお話をしてくださり、メンバーを笑わせてくれました。
Tipsセッション(Tips Session)では、GさんがToastmaster magazineの2017年3月号の中から、「8 Tips for Table Topics / 即興スピーチセッションの8つのポイント」という内容について、お話をされました。今後のTable Topic Sessionで役立つ情報が満載でした。
テーブルトピック(即興スピーチ)セッション(Table Topic Session)は、経験豊富なTさんが担当。「桜のこの時期に友人や家族とで最も思い出に残った出来事は?」など、4月のこの時期に合った4つの質問が出されました。Tさんはいつもその月、その季節に合った素晴らしい質問を出してくるので、毎回ワクワクさせられます!

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そして、スピーチセッション(Speech Session)では4人のスピーカーが個性的なスピーチを披露されました。

総合論評セッション(General Evaluation Session)は、なんと今回初挑戦の、Fさん。ご自身なりにしっかり事前準備をされ挑んでいました。スタートから緊張している様子が伝わってきましたが、各役割に対して、たくさんの評価、フィードバックをしてくれました。



Meeting#640 on April 1st.2017, the day of April was held on Yokohama-youth near Sakuragicho-station.
We had 2 guests and the number of participants were less than usual but the meeting started smoothly with warm atmosphere.

Our Vice President of Education, TM Nakanishi joined today’s meeting via Web from Paris.Although we were not able to hear his voice clearly, we able to see and enjoyed the view of city, Paris.
Today, TM H challenged [Word of the day’s] role first time and he introduced us the word ’upbeat’. Several members used this words during the meeting.
Today’s joke master was TM F. He entertained us with 2 unique stories. Next Tips session, TM G provided us many useful tips about Table Topicmaster using Toastmaster magazine.
Today’s Table Topismaster was one of the very experienced members, TM T. She gave us 4 questions related to Spring and a first year of school. The question which I liked was ‘On the day of the entrance ceremony, you as the president of university have to make opening remark to new fresh students. What would you say? What would you tell them? And TM S answered this question. In the past, I haven’t imagined the situation that I am a president of University, so it was very difficult but thought-provoking question for me.

In today’s speech session, we had 4 speakers.
1st Speaker, TM O was very new member and it was his ice-breaker (first speech) today. Even so, his speech was well prepared and he gave us great introduction’s speech about him.
2nd Speaker, TM T made us very heartwarming and dramatical speech about her experience with his boyfriend. Her speech’s message’ leave work stress behind’ was very clear and strong.
3rd Speaker, TM K gave us an interesting speech about his trip to New York with his grandmother. Based on his project manual, he showed many pictures as visual aid during his speech. Not only his speech itself, I also enjoyed his many pictures.
Last speaker was TM I who is one of the very experienced member in our club. His advanced manual was Entertaining Speaker and his unique speech was about his experience during his trip with family. Although he faced on big trouble at the immigration of US, he successfully flied on to Hawaii and then went back to Japan safely. The story was very interesting and exciting.

During the evaluation session, each evaluator made a great evaluation for their speakers. Especially, TM S provided very effective and appropriate advisements for TM I to make his speech better.
Today’s General evaluator was TM F and it was his first challenge to be a General Evaluator. So that, he prepared a lot before the meeting and during the session, he gave us many comments. I felt he was very nervous to challenge this role but I am sure he will be a great General evaluator next time!
TM N.Sakamoto who was Grammarian also provide many useful and informative grammatical report.

Today’s meeting was finished without any big issue and all members had a chance to speak and talk at least one time. Some members took double roles and helped each other’s.
Thank you so much for your big support to make a great meeting!!!



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