第754回例会レポート / The 754th Regular Meeting Report


第754回例会レポート / The 754rd Regular Meeting Report

The Yokohama Toastmaster’s 754th meeting was SPECIAL.
Because, one…we had an In-house Contest!
Two…it was held fully online without government’s “Stay-at-home” order! to adjust to the International Contest’s rules.
Three…we had Four contests in one day! Because this year, the District 76 (Japan) decided to have Humorous Speech Contest with the annual International Speech Contest.
Therefore, we opened the meeting an hour earlier than usual at 13:00 o’clock and had
1. English Humorous Contest
2. Japanese Humorous Contest
3. English International Contest
4. Japanese Spring contest
till 16:30.

Despite the long hours and tough schedule, around 25 people got together and enjoyed the contest.

The Contest Chair, TM N, facilitated the contest smoothly in an orderly manner. He took this major role for the first time but didn’t seem nervous at all and did a great job.
In the English Humorous Contest, the first speaker, TM I, began his speech by singing a song, and unfolded the story of his honeymoon humorously. The second speaker, TM A, used a white stuffed bear as her little daughter, and talked about the struggle in raising her comically. The last speaker, TM O, described his series of long and lonely weekends hilariously and won the first place in this category.

Here, the Contest Chair switched into Japanese, and started the Japanese Humorous Speech Contest.
The first speaker was also TM I, the same one who spoke first in the English contest. He talked about how wonderful Anime is by using his entire body, singing, dancing, etc., and made us laugh a lot. The second speaker, TM K, delivered his episode in which he almost died in a bike accident like a Kurohige (black beard) game in a very comedic manner. The third speaker, TM O, talked about how he is conceived as NOT ordinary by people around him. His speech was hilarious, unexpected and thorough, which resulted in his victory in this category.

After the intermission, the contest continued. In the International English Speech category, we had four contestants who competed one another. First speaker strongly suggested that we follow our instinct in a desperate situation by talking about her childhood memory. The second speaker told us about his dreams with an anecdote of his business trip to the U.S. The third speaker said communication is a gift to you, and his closing remark was so impressive that he won the second place in this category. The fourth speaker delivered the touching story in a comedic manner and gave us a fabulous idea of being our own godfather. He grasped our hearts and won the first place.

The last contest, the Japanese Spring Contest, opened with the first speaker’s story about his lisp. The story about his physical lisp as well as his emotional lisp in communication was very interesting. The second speaker talked about his addiction to get points (mileages) on his credit cards. The third and last speaker’s speech was about how important to take a deep breath, physically and emotionally, especially in a trying time like this. His speech sunk in our disturbed minds and gave him the first-place award.

The interview session was facilitated by the first-time interviewer, TM P. She managed the long interview session in a calm, professional, and cheerful manner and we learned a lot about the contestants thanks to her smooth and interesting questions.

Awards presentation was a fun time that we all enjoyed and we learned from guests’ comments that although the contest was long, they enjoyed it immensely.

As you can see, although having four contests at the same time in one day was a challenge for all of us, we did it successfully without mishap, which proves anew how talented, trained, prepared, disciplined, and united we are and today made me proud of ourselves once again. Atta boys and atta girls, you did a great job! And winners, congratulations to you all!

3つ目は、1回の例会中に4つのコンテストを同時開催したからです。今年は、District 76 (日本支部)が、毎年恒例の国際スピーチコンテストにユーモアスピーチコンテストを併催することを決定したのです。
1. 英語ユーモアコンテスト
2. 日本語ユーモアコンテスト
3. 英語インターナショナルコンテスト
4. 春の日本語コンテスト


コンテスト委員長のTM Nさんは、整然とした態度でスムーズにコンテストを進行されました。初めての大役でしたが、緊張する様子もなく、素晴らしい仕事をされました。
英語ユーモアコンテストでは、最初のスピーカーであるTM Iさんが、歌を歌いながらスピーチを始め、新婚旅行の話をユーモラスに展開しました。二人目のTM Aさんは、白い熊のぬいぐるみを娘さんに見立て、子育ての苦労をコミカルに語りました。最後のTM Oさんは、長く寂しい週末の連続をユーモラスに語り、この部門で1位を獲得されました。

最初のスピーカーは、英語コンテストの第一スピーカーと同じTM Iさん。歌やダンスなど、全身を使ってアニメの素晴らしさを語り、大いに笑わせてくれました。二番手のTM Kさんは、自転車事故で死にかけたエピソードを黒ひげゲームにかけて、コミカルに語ってくれました。三人目のOさんは、いかに自分が周囲から「普通じゃない」と思われているかについて語ってくれ、この部門で優勝されました。



インタビューセッションは、この役初挑戦のTM Pさんが進行役を務め、長時間のセッションにもかかわらず、落ち着いた様子で、プロフェッショナルに、かつ明るくこなし、その滑らかで興味深い質問のおかげで、出場者についてもっと深く知ることができました。


1日に4つのコンテストを同時開催することは、私たち全員にとって初挑戦でしたが、大きな問題もなく、大成功に終わりました。これは、YTMCメンバーの底力、私たちの日ごろの鍛錬、才能!?、準備万端ぶり、規律や団結力のあらわれだと思います。今日改めてYTMCの一員であることを誇らしく思いました。みんな、よく頑張りました! そして、受賞者のみなさん、おめでとうございました!


第753回例会レポート / The 753rd Regular Meeting Report


Meeting #753, January 8, 2022

It was the first meeting of year 2022. Even the number of participants was less than usual due to the new year holiday season, 14 members including 2 guests were on site and 9 members via online enjoyed the meeting. The theme of that meeting was “new year’s resolution”, members shared their own goals throughout the year. Also, we welcomed a new member who expressed the intention to join us at the last meeting. Wonderful start we could make.


Toast Master Of the Day (TMOD) on that meeting was TM KM, it was her first attempt as the master of ceremony. Seemed a bit nervous at the beginning but she could go through the meeting very well. Fantastic!

今回のトーストマスターはTM KMが務めました。彼女は今回が初めての司会の役割でした。最初は緊張をしていた感じでしたが、ミーティングを円滑に進めていただきました。素晴らしかったです。

In the table topic session, the theme was “generation” facilitated by today’s Table Topic Master Mr YO, respondents struggled with squeezing the unique answers for the questions;
1: What makes you feel the generation gap?
2: What makes you feel young?
3: What makes you feel “still” young?
4: What makes you feel old?
5: What makes you feel “very” old?
6: What can you do to deal with “the generation gap”?


1: 何によってジェネレーションギャップを感じますか?
2: あなたが若さを実感することは何ですか?
3: あなたがまだ若いと感じることは何ですか?
4: あなたが老いたと感じることは何ですか?
5: あなたがとても老いたと感じることは何ですか?
6: ジェネレーションギャップとどう向き合っていますか?

In the prepared speech session, we had 4 speakers:
1: What is the soul made of? – TM YN raised the scientific question; if teleportation can be done, where will our soul go? The speech came from that. It was a very interesting speech she made.
2: The most enjoyable leadership role in my Toastmaster Journey – TM KT made a speech about the events during her presidency such as the 30 years anniversary ceremony of our club, She demonstrated the importance of taking the officer roles at the non-profit organization.
3: Find your beloved one – It was another humorous speech by TM HO, he advised to try to use “the dating apps” in order to find the best partner without bias.
4: Magic word: Thank you – TM KO presented “Thank you” has the power to make people happy, so everyone must use it frequently.

1: 「魂の起源は?」YNさんはワープができるようになったら魂(意識)はついてくるのでしょうか?という疑問から面白いスピーチをしていただきました。
2: 「トーストマスターズでのリーダーの役割で最も楽しめたこと」KTさんは当クラブの30周年の記念例会のリードなど、会長時代に行ったイベントについて語っていただき、NPOでの役員を引き受けることの重要性をスピーチにしていただきました。
3: 「あなたのパートナーをさがそう」HOさんはパートナーを探すときに先入観にとらわれずマッチングアプリをつかってみてはと提案していただきました。
4: 「ありがとうは魔法の言葉」KOさんはありがとうという言葉は皆を幸せにするので積極的に使っていきましょうというスピーチをしました。

4 evaluators gave constructive feedback to each at the evaluation session. I like this session to develop our critical thinking and provide room for improvement of speakers.


At the end of the meeting, a guest gave us a brief comment and expressed the intention to join our club! Looking forward to having an induction ceremony soon.


The next meeting will be held solely “Online” on January 22th. The in-house speech contest! See you real soon!

