第659回例会レポート“Books” #659 TMOD Meeting Report


“Books” #659 TMOD Report

横浜トーストマスターズクラブ2018年第2回目の例会は、桜木町ぴおシティの6階で行われました。今回の例会は、メンバーの一人TM Yが無事女の子を出産したという嬉しいニュースに始まり、素晴らしいセッションと面白いお話の数々に彩られながら盛大に催されました。

テーブルトピックセッションでは、TM Nがユニークな文字入りサイコロを使って観衆を楽しませ、会場を沸かせました。各スピーカーが自分が振ったサイコロの文字をキーワードに使用し、ショートストーリーを組み立てるという手の込んだ内容でした。

「全くの奇遇から (by accident)」自分が務める大学に友人を招き、素晴らしい講義をしてもらえることになった話を披露したVPEのTM Sが、見事ベストテーブルトピックスピーカーに選ばれました。

準備スピーチセッションでは、4名のスピーカーがそれぞれ基本マニュアルと上級マニュアルのプロジェクトに挑み、素晴らしいスピーチを披露してくれました。TM Hはイギリス滞在時に学んだ数々の教訓を紹介しながら、周囲の人々が如何に彼の考え方や物の見方を変えたかを論じてくれました。TM Kは「ノモフォビア (携帯電話依存症)」について面白おかしく語り、観衆を沸かせました。

初めてスピーチに挑戦したTM Tsは、メモも使わず堂々とした語り口で立派に初スピーチを終えました。スピーチの中で掘削機モデルを紹介し、掘削機が社会の中でどれほど重要な役割を担っているかを熱く語ったTM Tが、見事ベストスピーカーに選ばれました。

論評セッションでは、TM Tのスピーチを論評したTM Aがベスト論評者賞を獲得しました。ジェネラル・イバリュエーターに初めて挑んだTM Mは、初挑戦とは思えないスムーズな進行役を務めました。




“Books” #659 TMOD Report

The second meeting in 2018 of Yokohama Toastmasters club was held on the 6th floor of Pio Sakuragi-cho building. Starting with a good news about TM Y ‘s new-born daughter, S- chan, the meeting proceeded successfully with amazing sessions and interesting stories.

TM N brought an atmosphere of excitement to the audience when she introduced a word dice in the Table Topic Session. She asked all chosen speakers to create a short story including the keyword they got from the dice. Our VPE TM S won the Best Table Topic Speaker Award by his story about how “by accident” he could invite a friend to deliver wonderful lectures at his university.

In the Prepared Speech Session, we had four wonderful speeches from both Competent Communication Manual and Advanced Manual. TM H shared the lessons he learned in England and how people around him changed his point of view. TM K cheered up the room by his humorous “nomophobia” story.TM Ts successfully accomplished her first speech with confidence without using any note. TM T introduced an excavator model and explained its important role in our society. Finally, the Best Prepared Speaker Award was given to TM T.

In the Evaluation Session, TM A got the Best Evaluator Award when she evaluated TM T‘s speech. TM M controlled this session very smoothly even though this was the first time he took the role of General Evaluator.

In this meeting, many members tried their roles for the first time. However, they all completed their tasks successfully. Let us challenge ourselves with new roles and enjoy every YTMC meeting in the future.




第658回例会レポート“New Year’s Resolution” #658 TMOD Meeting Report




TM Mは初めてのTMOD役に挑戦し、スムースに例会を進行しました。彼が選んだ例会のテーマは、新年初の例会にふさわしい「新年の誓い」でした。

テーブルトピックマスターのTM Kも、時季に応じたトピックを準備し (冬休みなど)、中にはあまりの質問の難しさに難儀するスピーカーもいました (私です!)。



初の総合論評者を担当したTM Aは、経験豊富なTMの如く、スムースにセッションを進行しました。それもそのはず、横浜トーストマスターズクラブで担当するのが初めてだっただけで、実はベテランTMなのです。
各ベスト賞は、さきほども紹介した入会したばかりのTM O、見事な論評を披露したTM A、そしてチャーミングなダンスと明るい笑顔で観客を魅了したTM Iに贈られました。


VPPR T. S. (TMOD TM M. の代筆)


On January 6th, 2018, we had the first meeting of the year at the Yokohama Port Memorial Hall, which is the venue we use on special occasions. The total of 28 people, which included six guests, got together in one of the most historical buildings in Yokohama to celebrate the beginning of the New Year.

In the business session, a new member was inducted as though heralding the brilliant future of our club in the new year of 2018. Although he was a new member, he surprised us by getting the Best Table Topic Speaker Award. Congratulations!

TM M took the role of TMOD for the first time and did a great job. The theme he chose for the meeting was “New Year’s Resolution”, which was quite appropriate for the first meeting of the year.

In the Table Topic Session, a Table Topic Master TM K asked seasonal questions (about winter holidays, etc.) to the speakers. Some questions were tricky, and it was interesting to see how some speakers struggled to answer these questions (I was one of them who struggled!).

The Prepared Speech Session this time was quite unique and something to behold, because it was full of variety in terms of contents, difficulties, and visual effects. Three out of four speakers tried on each different advanced manual, and the one speaker worked on the last project of the C. C. basic manual.

The first speaker used color samples as props, which left a strong impression on the audience. The second speaker talked about her beliefs in learning English and sent out a strong message to the audience. The third speaker challenged on reciting poetry in public for the first time in his life and the fourth speaker DANCED in front of the audience. How brave and what a variety of speeches we witnessed at the beginning of the year!

The Evaluation Session was conducted by a first-timer TM A, who facilitated it with the dexterity of an experienced Toastmaster (she was the first-timer in this club only).
The Best Awards were given to above-mentioned TM O, who was just inducted, to TM A, who made a great evaluation, and to TM I, who showed us her charming dance with brilliant smiles.

Overall, our first meeting in 2018 was a great success and I hope we’ll have a series of meetings like this in the coming year.

VPPR T. S. (on behalf of TMOD TM M.)
