第727回例会レポート / The 727th Regular Meeting Report


Date&Time: 14:00-16:00, December 26th.
Venue: Yokohama City Kaiko Kinen Kaikan #9 Conf. Room

Our 727th meeting (the final meeting of year 2020) was held with 25 participants.
(Onsite 12, Online 9, Guest 4)











A guest became our club member, she is 9th new joiner at YTMC.

Its great to adopt new blood to evolve our club.


Former president TM O performed Toast Master of the Day.

His facilitation of the meeting was stable.






















TM M conducted Table Topics Session. The theme of session was vacation.

He asked the best and the worst memories of vacation etc.

Some of guests were assigned and they managed to respond properly, 

it was hard to believe they were for the first time, great job!


4 members made speech at prepared speech session.

TM K introduced himself as a ice breaker speech. We could take he has a strong intention to improve public speech skills.

Another TM K gave a tips of changing something successfully.

TM O made us a lot of laugh by a humorous speech and TM N introduced movies he was impressed.


4 Evaluators did great work not only highlighting speaker’s strengths but also pointing out their development needs.


At the end of the meeting, TM I made a special speech won the 3rd place at Kanagawa rookie contest.

Her speech skills are significantly improved and hard to believe that was her 4th attempt of speech.

Everyone gave positive feedback after the session.













I felt such kinds of atmosphere are YTMC’s strength and many of guests consider to join us.


Year 2020 was challenging for us because some of members have to join from online.

However, we could improve our hybrid meeting to make everyone join the meeting from everywhere.

YTMC will keep utilizing technology and help member’s development on speech skills and leadership.


Would express my appreciation all of YTMC member’s support!


The next meeting will be held on January 9th at Kaiko Kinen Kaikan.

Hope everybody have wonderful holiday season and see you next!




第726回例会レポート / The 726th meeting report


Date&Time: 14:00-16:00, November 21st.
Venue: Hatoba Kaikan 1F

Our 726th meeting was held with 25 participants.
(Onsite 18, Online 6, Guest 1)














TM M took the TMOD role for the first time.
He selected theme as “rumor” since the PCR test results of his classmate was negative
however, a newspaper reported on his school students got infected.

Table topic master was TM M, she gave questions about the recent life with COVID19 to us.
COVID related questions are frequently asked but the answers were very interesting.



























There were 4 members challenged prepared speech,
A new member told us his leadership style, a reinstated member delivered a very positive perspective for the future to us.
Also, a veteran member spoke about fighting against the multiple signs of aging.
The best prepared speaker enthusiastically made a speech about the balance between rice snack and nuts of Kakinotane.
According to her, the best mix is 50:50, Good to know!

Evaluators assessed each speech well and gave them many valuable feedback, Great.

A guest participated our meeting 3 times expressed her intention to join our club when we asked a brief comment.
New members join us while some members leave us because of their new life.
Such organizational metabolism is the strength of YTMC.
















The next meeting is planned on December 12th. Joint meeting with DenenToshi TMC.
Our next regular meeting will be December 26th at Kaiko Kinen Kaikan.

See you then!


第725回例会レポート / The 725th regular meeting report


Date&Time: 14:00-16:00, November 7th, 2020
Venue: Hatoba Kaikan 1F Multipurpose room

Our 725th meeting was held at Hatoba Kaikan.











There were 22 participants (19 members + 3 guests) bit less than usual.

We had another induction ceremony since one guests expressed intention to join our club.
He works for multinational enterprise and have ambitions to work abroad.
Hoping YTMC will help to fulfill his future plans.

The theme was “Relax” since there are a lot of news in a state of high tention
and what we need is relaxation now.
We got many ideas to be relaxed such as enjoy tasting tea, night out, reading books and listening to music, etc.

Also, the word of the day was “optimal”, a new member selected that word since he is working with colleagues to find the optimal points. Most of participants used that, Nice!











Table Topics session was interesting since master prepared 30+ questions and picked one randomly.
All respondants enjoyed real impromptu speech.











There are 4 prepared speakers in that meeting.
One fresh person performed icebreaker speech as a history teacher.
Two accomplished level2 projects, a speaker addressed heroes
and the other talked his leadership along with a British Politician.
Fourth speakers persuasive speech at the severe situation of company.

All speeches are brilliant and difficult to choose the best.

Evaluators also very good. They gave effective feedback to speakers.

The best table topic speaker was a guest who came twice, it was great. Hope she will join our club in the near future
and improve her skills further.
Another good news was, a new member won the best prepared speaker, Congratulations!


Our IT infra team is always doing a great job to carry out the meeting without trouble! Fantastic.

The next meeting will be held on November 21st.
Stay safe, stay tuned.


第724回例会レポート / The 724th regular meeting report


Our 724th meeting was held at Bankokubashi Conference Center on October 17th.











Table Topic Master was TM N who conducted TMOD at the previous meeting.
He asked participants their lifetime events.
What was your biggest challenge? the most terrible thing? etc.

These were very simple questions but we had to squeeze out our thoughts in an instant.















Prepared speech session was special since it was in-house contest for Kanagawa Rookie Contest.
All speakers are rookies and performed speech at the special room for webcast.
I was surprised that all 3 speakers were nicely done.















TM I won that competition and promoted to Kanagawa area contest.
Congratulations and all the best!

3 experienced evaluators gave valuable feedback to rookies.
I think they learned from them a lot.

There were 25 participants.
– Onsite
15 members
3 guests
– Online
7 members

The good news was a guest decided to join our club! Fantastic!

Our next meeting will be held at Hatoba Kaikan on November 7th.
See you in two weeks!


第723回例会レポート / The 723rd regular meeting report


Date & Time: 14:00-16:00, October 3rd, 2020

Venue: Hatoba Kaikan 3F + Zoom


Our 723rd meeting was held at Hatoba Kaikan which has a very nice harbor view.

Since the capacity of the meeting room was limited, we could have 12 participants onsite (7 members + 5 guests).

On the flip side, there are 15 members joined via zoom. This is great! 











At the beginning of the meeting, we had a big induction ceremony for 3 new comers.

We are very glad to welcome them as YTMC members in spite of such a difficult situation caused by Coronavirus.












TMOD (Toast Master Of the Day) was TM N, that was his first attempt of the important role of our meeting.

Word of the day was “Phenomenal”, remarkable or exceptional, especially exceptionally good.

I sensed the meeting would be a phenomenal one!


TM M took a role of Table Topics Master and that was his first attempt for running the Table Topics session.

The theme he picked was “Book”, he gave us interesting questions such as pros and cons of reading books, preference between paper books or electronic ones, etc.

All 3 new members performed their first impromptu speeches as the “official” YTMC member.

Well done Table Topics Master and new members!


Prepared speeches were done by 4 members.

A Sri Lankan member gave us an ice breaker (the first prepared speech) on site, 2 members talked about mentoring and an elder member performed the second speech from online.

The interesting thing was all evaluators made evaluation via online. All evaluations were critical but warm, I believe Prepared speakers will take all feedback given by evaluators.


The meeting was successful from the below points of view, Fantastic!

  • Rookies fulfilled the important roles such as TMOD, Grammarian, TT Master and prepared speech.
  • No major trouble in audio and video.
  • 3 members enrolled in our club and 1 re-enrolled.
  • 2 guests enjoyed participating in the meeting.
  • Ended the meeting pretty much on time.


The next meeting will be held on October 17th. The venue is Bankokubashi Conference Center, much more participants are able to join the meeting on site.


We already received the intention of some guests to participate in the meeting.

Let’s join us to make a great meeting!












トーストマスターズではクラブ会員が持ち回りで役割を担当します。 今回、私は”Word of the Day” (今日の言葉)を担当しました。 その日の例会で意識して使ってもらう言葉をお題としてだします!

今回選んだ単語は”build”でした。日本語で「建てる 」、「構築する」などの意味です。建物だけでなく、目に見えないものを確立するときにも使える単語です。 私は、この単語を参加者の方々が何回使ったかを数えて報告する役割でした。

比較的スピーチに取り入れやすいかな?と思ったのですが、Table Topicのお題がトーストマスターズでの経験であったり、準備スピーチにアドリブでこうした単語を入れ込むのがむずかしかったのか、結果としてあまり使ってもらえなかったです。。。聞き逃したかもしれません。。。

単語の使用回数をチェックしながらスピーチの内容を理解してフィードバックの紙を書くのは意外と難しかったです。 次回は皆さんにもっと使ってもらえる言葉を選んでみたいと思います! (了








今回はTable Topics Bootcampということで即興スピーチの集中練習会でした。



与えられたお題についてその場で構成を考えて皆さんの前でスピーチするというのは母国語でも相当難易度が高いチャレンジです。 しかもこれを英語でやるということで、事前にできることといえば「よく寝てくる!」ことくらいでした!




すごく凹んでしまいましたが、「そのまま答えるのが難しければ、違う切り口でスピーチしても全然かまわないのですよ!」とアドバイスをいただきました。 なるほど!お題に対して真面目に答えようとしていたのですが、そういう考え方もあるのかと目から鱗がおちた感じがしました。




ということで今回はバンジージャンプをするより度胸がついたんじゃないかと思いました! (バンジージャンプをしたとは言ってない つぎ当てられたら少しでも上手くなったねと言われるように頑張りたいです!!!







初回は入会後に皆さんが経験するPrepared speech (準備スピーチ)です。



入会して最初のスピーチは”Ice Breaker”、つまり自己紹介のスピーチをしました。


原稿も準備し、事前練習も念入りにしました。 実際に例会が始まったら、「練習した時よりゆっくり話さないと伝わらない気がする!」と感じて、本番ではゆっくりと話しました。 さて結果は。。。?


しかし、スピーチを聞いてくださった皆さんから、”Nice Smile!”, “I could understand well (よくわかるよ)”とか、”It was very touching(とても心に響いたよ)”とコメントをいただきました。





YTMCの方々のEvaluationは的確であったかいと感じました。 自分だけでなく、他人も成長する喜びやドキドキ感を味わいたい方にはトーストマスターズはすごくオススメです!


第722回例会レポート / The 722nd regular meeting report


Date & Time: 14:00-16:00, September 19th, 2020

Venue: Yokohama City Kaiko Kinen Kaikan Conf Room #9 + Zoom















Our 722th regular meeting was held at Kaiko Kinen Kaikan.

This place is one of my favorite place since the neo-renaissance style building was built in over 100 years ago. 

It is a great honor to hold the meeting at such a historical place of Yokohama.


The meeting was started from some announcement of educational point of view by VPE TM A.

VPE is proactively planning the program in order for everyone to enjoy the show. Good job.











Secondly, TM S ran table topic session. TM S had to suspend toastmasters activity to chase his path,

so this is the last meeting for him.

TM S gave us questions of the experience of the toastmasters meeting.

All respondents were struggled to squeeze the answer for his questions, but it was enjoyable for all.

Best wishes TM S but hoping he will return to our club in the future.













4 members performed prepared speech this time.

Contents of speech were diversified as they told us the experience in running their instrumental concert, small scale project, the leadership style and life plans.

Evaluations are warm but critical in order for speakers to improve public speaking skills. 


There were 6 guests (5 onsite and 1 online) attended the meeting.

Their comments at the end of the meeting were very impressive and I am glad to hear everyone is interested in our club and 3 of them expressed desire to join our club.












The next meeting will be October 3rd at Hatoba Kaikan.

It will be fantastic since a big induction ceremony will be done for 3 prospects at least.


See you shortly.




第721回例会レポート – Table Topics Boot Camp


The 721st meeting – Table Topics Boot Camp

Date & Time: 14:00-16:00, September 5th, 2020

Venue: Bankokubashi Conf Center #402 + Zoom













We conducted “Table Topics Boot Camp” as our 721st meeting to hone our impromptu speech skills.

TM A hosted the meeting since has lots of experience as a member of Tokyo Table Topics Toastmasters Club.

At the beginning of session, each of us set goals of the day.
Some focused on building solid structure, paying attention to vocal variety, ensuring humor etc.



Participants were divided into groups of three to go through casual table topics sessions after having impromptu speech tips from TM A.

Session was done as follows.


Step 1: A san asks a question. Start timing for 5 minutes.

Step 2: B san speaks for 2 min.

              C san offers feedback until timer says “Time’s up!” (3 min.)

Step 3: B san practices the speech one more time until A san says times up.

Step 4: Rotate


Then, all participants got together to have the real session.

TM A give a question to a participant, s/he will make an answer to the question
Just after completing the speech, the other person who are assigned by TM A will give a feedback.
Giving feedback just after the speech was very challenging for us since we don’t have much experience on that.













The questions by TM A were very unique and interesting, so all participants enjoyed listening to the responses of speakers
and feedback from other speakers.

We all recognized our speeches were better than usual since we had exercises within small groups prior to the real sessions.
Warm up is very important to make a good speech.

I believe we were able to have some sort of confidence of speaking impromptu throughout the boot camp.

On behalf of the club, I would like to express my sincere appreciation to TM A conducted such a brilliant session!
Also, special thanks to those who contributed preparation for the session.














The next meeting will be regular meeting on September 19th.
I am looking forward to listening to the improved impromptu speeches you guys will make.

