第819回例会レポート/The 819th Regular Meeting Report









今回のWord of the Dayは「Barely」。「ほとんど~ない」のように否定の意味を含む単語で、多くの方が知っているものの、普段あまり使う機会が少ないかと思います。本日の例会の中でどのようにこの単語を使えばよいか、実践する機会になりました。


The 819th regular meeting was held on 5th October!
Unfortunately the weather was rainy, but the room was full of enthusiasm.

First, the President gave a presentation on the upcoming workshop on 30th November by a legendary champion, “The art of creating compelling speeches through storytelling”. This workshop is free to non-members and anyone interested is welcome to attend.

Today’s word of the day is “barely”. It is a word with a negative meaning, and although many people are familiar with it, it is not used very often in everyday life. We had the opportunity to practice using this word in today’s session.


TMOD (Toastmaster of the Day):


当日のTMODを務めたのはTM Nさん。当日のテーマは「学生時代に最も印象に残った先生」でした。実はこの日がWorld Teachers’ Dayであることからこのテーマを選択したとのことでした。参加者一人ひとりが、それぞれの学生時代の先生やご自身に関する話を共有され、ノスタルジックな気分に浸るとともに参加者の意外な一面を知る機会になりました。


TM N was the TMOD for the day. The theme of the day was “The most impressive teacher in school days”. In fact, he chose this theme because it was World Teachers’ Day. Each participant shared a story about a teacher from their school days or about themselves. It was a nostalgic experience and an opportunity to get to know an unexpected side of the participants.


Table Topics:

テーブルトピックスはTM Sさんが担当。今回は13名と多くの方からそれぞれのトピックを披露していただきました。学生時代によく聞いていた曲のアーティストの話、数学が好きになった話、気になる人と過ごした学校行事、一度だけ学校のルールを破ろうとしたが未遂に終わった話など、多様で興味深いお話ばかりでした。

TM S was in charge of the table topics. This time 13 participants presented their own topics. The stories were varied and interesting, including one about an artist whose music TM A used to listen to when she was at school, a story about how TM N.S fell in love with mathematics, a school event TM M spent with someone he was attracted to, and a story about a one-time attempt to break a school rule that ended in an unsuccessful attempt.

Prepared Speech:

当初は3名のスピーカーが予定されていましたが、当日キャンセルにより、2名での実施となりました。なお、トーストマスターズの規定で、スピーカーが2名になる場合はBest Prepared SpeakerやBest Evaluatorの選出を行わないことになります。


一人目はTM H.Nさん。睡眠学習や催眠術についてユーモアを交えながら話していただきました。


二人目はTM Tさん。来日した旧友と一緒に過ごされた日々についてのスピーチ。


Three speakers were originally scheduled, but due to a cancellation on the day of the meeting, two speakers made speeches.


Please note that according to Toastmasters rules, when there are two speakers, the best prepared speaker and the best evaluator are not selected.


The first speaker was TM H.N. He spoke about sleeping-learning and hypnosis with humor.


The second was TM T. She gave a speech about her days with her old friend who came to Japan.




General Evaluator (GE)はTM M.Tさんが務めました。

一人目のTM IさんはTM H.Nさんのスピーチに対して、ユーモアを交えたスピーチで会場の全員が楽しめた点を評価されました。


二人目のTM K.TさんはTM Tさんのスピーチに対して、心温まるトピックと笑顔あふれる表情が高く評価されました。


The General Evaluator (GE) was TM M.T.
The first TM I appreciated TM H.N’s speech for its humor and the fact that everyone in the room enjoyed it.

The second TM K.T was highly commended for her heartwarming topic and smiling face in response to TM T’s speech.


Awards Presentation


今回の表彰セッションでは、ベストテーブルトピックスピーカーとして TM Oさんが表彰されました。

TM O was awarded Best Table Topic Speaker at Awards Presentation.







Meeting Information:

YTMC regular meetings are held on the first and third Saturday of every month. If you are interested in English or want to give speeches or presentations in public with confidence, please come along!
Please look forward to our next meeting on 19 October!
