第809回例会レポート/The 809th Regular Meeting Report


The 809th regular meeting was held fully online on May 11th.

This was the first full online meeting.

We had one guest, Ms. F from Philippine.

The President’s Remark included some notices for participating in the meeting, such as turning on the camera and muting audio except the speaker.


* Word of the Day: Today’s master was TM I.

He chose the word, “procrastinate” which means Delay or Postpone. Example sentence :

You procrastinate doing something that you ought to because you don’t want to do it.

*今日の言葉:担当はTM I.



Toastmaster of the Day (TMOD)

Today’s TMOD was TM T. having many works as one of important officers.

The meeting theme was “place”.

During Golden Week, he took a family trip to Sendai and saw the wonderful scenery of Matsushima, as well as the Arahama district that was hit by the March 11 disaster. What was a favorite or memorable place for you


担当はTM T. 彼はクラブオフィサーとして色々な仕事をこなしています。



Table Topic session: Today’s Topic master was TM T having an elementary daughter. And she felt that many things related to school changed greatly in her school days.

So the topic theme was “About an elementary school”

*テーブル トピック:今日のトピック担当はTM Tさんです。


*1. “What was your favorite subject in elementary school ? Please share a memory from the class.” TM I

小学校の時、一番楽しかった授業は何でしたか?その授業での思い出を教えてください。→ Iさん
TM I liked History, especially Sengoku, warrior period. And he loves Nobunaga.


*2. “What was the subject you disliked the most in elementary school ? And why ?


小学校の時、一番きらいだった授業は何でしたか?また、それはなぜですか? →Kさん
TM K disliked Art drawing a picture.

If the teacher gave him much more advice, his drawing would improve.


*3. “Can you recount a memory from elementary school sports day?  TM I


TM I had a shocking memory in sport day. Sha was good at running and chosen as short track runner and even more final runner. It was an honor.

But while running, she was told that her underwear was showing. So she became embarrassed and couldn’t run well.

*4. “What was the most enjoyable event or activity held in your elementary school class ? Ms. F from Philippine, our guest.

小学校のクラスで行われたイベントや行事の中で一番楽しかったものは何でしたか?その時の体験を説明してください。 F さん、今日のゲスト。
She introduced events that were not found in Japan, such as field trips, music festivals, and costume days.


*5. “Share a funny or memorable story involving a teacher or principal from elementary school.” TM T

小学校の先生や校長先生との面白いエピソードや思い出を共有してください。 → Tさん

 The teacher in the 5th grade was very strict, giving us homework every day.

And on the Kanji test, if we put the dots in the little wrong place, he gave an X. So I couldn’t get a good mark and didn’t like him.


*6. “What was your favorite menu in elementary school lunches? or any memory about lunch time.”  TM S

小学校の給食で一番好きだったメニューは何でしたか?それを食べる時の思い出              教えてくださをい。 → Sさん
The only thing the school provided was skim milk powder for lunch, and I brought bread from home. School lunches remind me of those poor days.



*7. “Are there any traditions or rules to elementary school that you disliked ?

Please share your experience. TM A
TM A lived in Germany until the early grades of elementary school, in there,

students made a circle around a desk, faced each other and classrooms learned by talking. Back to Japan, I was surprised by the difference in learning and teaching style. Students sat at the blackboard and were quiet and didn’t ask any questions. Now I am a teacher in a junior high school and think Japanese style is better.


*Prepared speech(準備スピーチ):

1st Speaker was TM O.

Speech title was “My Proposal for Education Reform.”

It was a speech to inspire the audience.

He started by saying that I used to like mathematics when a kid. But during High school, he lost interesting in math. So I would make a proposal about education reform, especially mathematics.

He thinks two important aspects for mathematics education.

One is “acquiring knowledge.”

This knowledge is useful and helpful if you make a purchase in a shop.

The second is improving logical thinking ability.

But he doesn’t think it works actually and feels that it focuses on technical calculation side. Therefore his counter proposal is that math education should include the history of mathematics. For example, trigonometric, he heard it was developed along with the advancement of sea navigation in 6th century. This kind of story is very interesting and inspiring to study. He was very frustrating to study math without such essential questions answered.

He’d like to make a proposal again that the history of mathematics should be included in math education in junior and high school.

一番目のスピーカーはTM O.

タイトルは「教育改革について提案」; スピーチ目的は聴衆を鼓舞する。

* 子供の頃数学が好きでしたが高校では興味が無くなりました。よって数学教育についての提案です。数学教育には2つの重要な側面があるとおもいます。ひとつは知識の習得、買い物するときに役にたつ。もう一つは論理的思考能力の向上、しかし実際それが機能してるとは思わないし、そして専門的な計算を重視している。そこで提案したいのは数学史を中学や高校で取り入れる。例えば三角関数、16世紀の航海術の発展と喪に開発された。こういう話は興味深いし啓発されます。なぜ新しい数学概念が生まれたかなど本質的な疑問が解決されないまま勉強するのはフラストレーションがたまった。中学や高校で数学史を取り入れるべきともう一度提案します。

2nd speaker was TM M.

Speech title was “Youth Words”

It was a speech understanding your communication style.

He begun with his story that he was in charge of four English classes at university and it was difficult for him to remember the names of the students and check the tests. But his most interesting was Youth Words.

Words is living things and changing. He introduced some youth words with example sentences.

    1. Yabai” means dangerous /to be in trouble but actually great/wonderful

TM M’s class is Yabai.

The true meaning is TM’s class is great/wonderful.

    1. Gachi,Bari & mecha” means very.

Today’s lunch is mecha delicious. It means Today’s lunch is very delicious.

    1. Disuru” means disrespect.

Classmates started to Disuru him. Classmates started to disrespect him.

Lastly he expressed YTMC in youth words.

YTMC is a Bari & Yabai club with Mecha good people.

YTMC is a good club with many good people.

二番目のスピーカーはTM M.











*Evaluation Session (論評セション):

General Evaluator was TM O.

1st evaluator was TM A who took over a role of TM S who was absent.

TM O is an experienced speaker and she was attracted his speech through his own experience.

    • good points:

Message was clear and repeated sentences were very understandable.

    • Room for improvement:

Making more eye contact.

Voice tone was a little monotonous, so he need emotion to make the speech colorful.

一番目の論評者はTM Aさん。

TM Oは優れたスピーカーです。ご自身の経験を通した話には引付けられました。




2nd evaluator was TM A who had been to the UK during GW.

She introduced harassment words in English.

See it ! Say it ! Sorted it !”

    • Good points:

Transition technique was great and nice.

Speak humorous story with a serious face.

    • Room for improvement:

Use more gesture and vocal variety to make more interesting.

2番目の論評者はM Aさん。

彼女はGWに英国に行ってた。そしてイギリスのスラングを紹介しながらTM Aさんの論評を進めた。



TM O as GE gave accurate and gentle comments throughout the meeting.

*Word of the Day, “procrastinate” was a good choice.

*TMOD started with a good opening, and the meeting theme would do better to introduce it before a role taker’s speech.

*Topic master’s explanation was good and she looked enjoying catch-ball conversation.

総合論評はTM Oさん。







*Award presentation (表彰)

Best Table Topic was TM S  ベスト即興スピーチはTMS

Best Evaluator was TM A evaluated the 2nd speaker. ベスト論評者はTM A

Best Speaker was TM M  ベストスピーカーはTM M

Although this was our first full online meeting, it was a fulfilling and fruitful meeting !

