第814回例会レポート/The 814th Regular Meeting Report



冒頭では、TM Sさんのプロジェクター購入についてのプレゼンから始まりました。
質問2:貴方は売りに来たの?買いに来たの?→TM Sさんの売り込みプレゼンが素晴らし過ぎて、思わず出たジョークの質問でした。こういう知的な会話が楽しめるのは素敵ですね。


The 814th meeting took place amidst scorching heat. Of course, inside the venue, the air conditioning provided relief, and everyone must have felt a sense of comfort upon entering. YTMC indeed has the charm to attract people even in hot weather!
It began with TM S’s presentation about the projector purchase. Here are the answers to the questions posed:

Regarding the existing machine after the new purchase:
The plan is to discuss whether to sell it on platforms like Mercari (an online marketplace). So, there’s a consideration about selling it.
“Are you here to sell or buy?”
This question was a playful joke prompted by TM S’s impressive sales pitch. It’s delightful to engage in such witty conversations, isn’t it?
And it’s great to hear that everyone unanimously agreed on the purchase, especially considering the convenience of handling the new projector compared to the older model.


Today, we had guests from both the East Kobe Toastmasters Club and One-World TMC. Additionally, we held an induction ceremony for new members. It was a special moment—the first time since the pandemic that we could all shake hands. Everyone welcomed the new members with smiles and warmth.

今日のword of the dayはTM.NSさんが選んだものです。彼はGood jobという言葉を選びました。言われても言っても嬉しい言葉ですね。

Today’s Word of the Day, chosen by TM.NS, is “Good job.” It’s a phrase that never fails to bring a smile, whether you’re saying it or receiving it.


TM.T did a fantastic job as the general evaluator today! Choosing the meeting theme—“Your favorite food/recipe/menu for hot summer and why”—was a great way to engage everyone. And it seems like she took it a step further by treating everyone to a delightful culinary experience.

テーブルトピックはTM Oさんが担当しました。テーマに選んだのは暑い夏に関連することでした。

TM O did a great job handling the Table Topics session! Choosing a theme related to hot summer was a smart move—it’s a topic that resonates with everyone during this season.
And TM.T, the guest, had some fantastic recommendations for beating the heat. Camping along a riverbank or having a barbecue—those sound like delightful ways to stay cool and enjoy the summer vibes!

続いて準備スピーチです。1人目のスピーカーTM Tさんは奥様の御実家である布団屋さんを続ける為に布団作りの勉強をしている事、そしてその為にYTMCを去らねばならない事を伝えてくれました。勇気ある決断に拍手!そしていつでも戻ってきて下さいね!

2人目のスピーカーTM Mさんはダイエットの奮闘記をユーモアと実体験を交えて話してくれました。6種類のダイエットの内、一番効果が高いが危険なフルータリアンダイエットは興味深いですね。

3人目のスピーカーはTM OYさん。大学時代仲が良く最近癌で亡くなった友人が教えてくれた、誰の人生にとっても大事な事。重いテーマですが非常に心を打つスピーチでした。

TM T’s Decision:
TM T shared that, in order to continue running the futon (Japanese bedding) business at his wife’s family’s shop, he’s currently studying futon-making techniques. Admirably, he made the courageous decision to step away from YTMC temporarily to focus on this important endeavor. Let’s applaud his bravery! And as we say in Toastmasters, the door is always open—he’s welcome back anytime!

TM M’s Diet Chronicles:
TM M took us on a humorous journey through her dieting experiences. Among the six diets she tried, the most effective (yet perilous) one was the “Fruitarian Diet.” Now, that piques my curiosity!

TM O’s Profound Reflections:
TM O touched our hearts with a weighty theme. He reminisced about a close friend from her university days who recently passed away from cancer. This friend imparted a lesson that’s universally vital for everyone. It’s remarkable how even in the heaviness of such topics, a speech can resonate deeply and leave an indelible mark.


総合論評はTM OHさん。土用丑の日に鰻を食べるのは平賀源内のアイデアという楽しいトリビアから始まりました。論評するメンバーも的確な内容で、特にTM AYの論評は高い評価を得ました。


And now, the grand finale: the group photo! As they say, “Seeing is believing.” If anyone’s curious about Toastmasters, remember that you can attend as a guest up to three times for free. So, why not drop by and experience it firsthand?


第813回例会レポート/The 813th Regular Meeting Report



The 813th meeting is the first anniversary meeting of the year.


新プレジデントのAさんから今年のスローガン「One day, One Happiness」が発表されました。よい言葉ですね。とくに人との出会いに感じる幸福を説明されました。活発なコミュニケーションで小さな幸福を毎回見つけましょう。

A, the new President, presented this year’s slogan “One day, One Happiness“  It is a good slogan. She particularly explained the happiness when communicating with people. Let’s find a little happiness everyday through active communication.


We will also start our Instagram from this year. Please take a look at our activities through the Instagram as well. We are in the process of finalizing the operation method and will provide more details in our next report.



S was the toast master of the day. He is a veteran and relaxed. The theme was “Plans for this summer. It seems that members have various plans such as Going Hokkaido, Thailand, camping, countryside, sailing, and so on.



N was in charge of the table topic for the first session. The theme was related to current affairs. Everyone tried their best to answer questions related to the Tokyo gubernatorial election, the Paris Olympics, new money, new movies, and so on.



Then came the preparatory speeches. The first speaker was the new YTMC president, TM. A. Her speech was based on the theme of this year’s YTMC. She proposed to incorporate new things while respecting traditions, to increase the number of members, to increase communication, and to feel happiness through these things.  It was an appropriate content for the first speech of the new year.



The second speaker was TM. S. Her speech was like a workshop. We all practiced recitation in pairs of three. We went way over time, but it was a lot of fun. We found out who was a good speech imitator.



The third person was TM. S. She talked about the difficulty of communication, saying harsh things to her own family. Although the topic tended to be heavy based on her own experience, she talked about it with humor as usual.



The general evaluation was given by TM. N, a veteran member. He gave a constructive commentary with a sense of humor.


And finally, a commemorative photo. The first Toastmaster meeting of this year started smoothly. If you are interested, please come and visit us. You are welcome.


