第823回例会(スペシャルワークショップ)レポート/The 823th Meeting (Special Workshop) Report



Under the clear blue sky of early winter, Yokohama TMC’s special workshop was successfully held in a festive atmosphere created by the victory parade of the Yokohama DeNA Baystars, which coincidentally took place in the neighborhood on the same day. The streets were crowded with people eager to see the parade, as well as those who came to attend our special instructor’s workshop, TM N.T.!


The officers of YTMC had been preparing for this special workshop for months, and at last, the day arrived! The preparations were flawless, and all that remained was to await the arrival of the instructor.



Finally, he arrived, dressed casually with a broad smile on his face. TM N.T. is a four-time champion of the District 76 (All Japan) Speech Contests and ranked in the top 20 of the Toastmasters International Speech Contest. We had invited him to conduct a workshop on crafting an engaging public speech through the art of storytelling.




The venue was packed with 50 participants, some traveling from as far as western Japan to hear the champion speak. Not only did he conduct the workshop, but he also performed some of his award-winning speeches. What a treat!


In his workshop, TM N.T. discussed how to add meaning and value to a speech, how to distill personal experiences into a key message, and how to craft memorable phrases. He illustrated these points with iconic quotes like, “That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind,” and “Genius is 1 percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration.”

He then delved into storytelling techniques, explaining the Three-Act Structure and the concept of the Character Arc. To fully grasp his insights, you really had to be there!

The content was so engaging that participants were furiously taking notes. A group discussion followed, where attendees exchanged ideas and enjoyed collaborative learning.


In the latter part of the workshop, two Yokohama TMC members delivered test speeches. It must have been daunting to follow the champion’s award-winning performance, but both speakers rose to the occasion magnificently. Their courage and effort were truly commendable!

The first speaker, TM M, spoke about what ‘triggered’ her to study English seriously, recounting her initial visit to a U.S. theme park and her transformation as an English speaker. The second speaker, TM O, shared a touching story about an old friend who reread his collection of New Year’s cards on his deathbed, concluding that the most important things in life are people and relationships. After these speeches, group discussions were held, and representatives presented their insights. TM N.T. provided detailed feedback to help the speakers further refine their craft. Undoubtedly, this feedback will inspire improvements in their future speeches!

Before the workshop concluded, TM N.T. delivered another award-winning speech, “You Decide,” which he presented in the semi-finals of the international contest held in Cincinnati in 2013. The speech was so moving and inspiring that the audience listened with bated breath.

Just before the end of the workshop, two test speakers presented the instructor with a golf ball with the instructor’s name on it. The gift was the idea of the officers who heard that TM N.T. liked to play golf.




The workshop ended with a big round of applause for the fabulous instructor, TM N.T. I’m confident everyone gained valuable insights from this experience and felt motivated for the upcoming speech contests next year!

初冬の澄み渡る青空の下、横浜TMCのスペシャルワークショップが成功裡に開催されました。その日は偶然にも、近隣で横浜DeNAベイスターズの優勝パレードが行われており、祝祭ムードに彩られた街は、パレードを見に来た人々のみならず、我らが特別講師TM N.T.を見に来た人々で賑わっていました!(笑)








最初のスピーカーのTM Mは、アメリカのテーマパークを初めて訪れた時に起こった、英語学習に真剣に取り組むようになったきっかけについて話をしました。2人目のスピーカーのTM Oは、亡くなる直前に過去の年賀状を何度も読み返していた友人の話を通じて、友情や人間関係が人生で最も大切だというメッセージを伝えてくれました。

スピーチの後、グループディスカッションを行い、各グループの代表が簡単な論評プレゼンテーションを行いました。また、講師のTM N.T.からスピーチ改善のための詳細なフィードバックもあり、スピーカーたちの今後のスピーチの改善に役立つこと間違いありません。


ワークショップの終盤、TM N.T.が国際大会準決勝(2013年シンシナティ)で発表したスピーチ「You Decide」を再び披露してくれました。この感動的で心を揺さぶるスピーチに、参加者全員が息をのむように聞き入っていました。


ワークショップは、素晴らしい講師TM N.T.への大きな拍手で幕を閉じました。参加者全員がこの経験を通じて多くを学びました。来年のスピーチコンテストに向けての大いなる刺激となった一日でした!




第822回例会レポート/The 822th Regular Meeting Report





The 822nd meeting also took place in a hybrid format, both on-site and online, and we welcomed four guests to our meeting, which began with a full house. One of the guests was a Toastmasters club member from Vietnam who visited us during her short-term internship in Japan. It is a great pleasure to be able to exchange ideas across national borders.

The layout of the venue, which was getting cramped, was slightly changed to allow more seating and more communication. The meeting started with comfortable atmosphere.

そして、この日の総合司会はTM Oさん。英語力抜群で、落ち着いた進行をしていただきました。テーマは「人生の宝物」。Oさんの宝物は「週末」で、指折り数えて平日を過ごしているとのこと。そういえば私たちの例会も週末にありますね!役割に当たったみなさんの宝物エピソードはとてもおもしろかったです。


And the Toastmaster of the day was TM O. He has excellent English skills and conducted the event in a calm and relaxed manner. The theme was “My Treasure of Life,” and Mr. O said that his treasure is “weekends,” and he spends his weekdays counting them off on his fingers. Come to think of it, our meetings are also held on weekends! It was very interesting to hear about the episodes of treasures of everyone who hit their roles.


最初のセッション、テーブルトピックはTM Sさんが担当。即興で聞かれた質問に対して語るこのセッションはいつもドキドキです。11月の例会らしくテーマに選んだのは「秋」にまつわること。どの質問も日常生活に関連していて、とても答えやすい質問でした。そのおかげで、終始穏やかに和やかにセッションが進みました。海外からのゲストの方から、このセッションのスピーチで日本の文化が知れて良かったと後から感想もいただきました。そのような視点で質問を考えるのも良さそうですね。質問は以下のような内容でした。

The first session, Table Topic, was led by TM S. The theme was questions related to “autumn.” The questions were all related to daily life and were very easy to answer. Thanks to his facilitation, the session proceeded calmly and peacefully from start to finish. One of the guests from overseas commented afterwards that it was good to learn about Japanese culture through the speeches in this session. It would be good to consider questions from such a perspective. The questions were as follows.

  1. What kind of season is autumn for you?
  2. What is your favorite food in autumn, and why?
  3. What is one thing for you to show your appreciation?
  4. Have you ever bought something you regretted?


続いて準備スピーチです。1人目のスピーカーTM Kさんは、母の味「しめ鯖」「カレーライス」について語ってくれました。そして、お母様のお料理のおかげで、今Kさんはお料理が大好きで、家族の笑顔のためお料理をしていると語ってくれました。とても心温まるスピーチでした。

2人目のスピーカーTM Sさんは、ご両親が老人ホームに入ることになったいきさつをシェアしてくれました。あまりの充実した施設に、お父さんはワクワクしているそう。寿命が延びているとはいえ、みんなが迎える人生の最後の時期。なんだか元気をもらう&ポジティブになれるスピーチでした。

3人目のスピーカーはTM  Iさん。旅行が大好きというIさんは、観光公害”Over Tourism”について語ってくれました。鎌倉の観光公害を例に挙げながら、英語が話せる人が増えることが解決策になるということ。トーストマスターズクラブはそんな意味でも必要だと感じさせられました。

最後のスピーカーは、TM Nさん。今年度60周年を迎えた東海道新幹線との思い出について話してくれました。新幹線で流れる音楽をスピーカーを使って紹介してくれたおかげで、わたしたちも新幹線に想いを馳せることができました。

Next were the prepared speeches: the first speaker, TM K., talked about his mother’s tastes of “shime saba” (mackerel) and “curry and rice”. Thanks to his mother’s cooking, he now loves to cook and cooks to bring smiles to his family’s faces. It was a very heartwarming speech.

The second speaker, TM S., shared how her parents decided to move to a nursing home. She said that her father is excited with the facility, which is so well equipped. Even though life expectancy is increasing, this is the last period of life that we all face. It was a speech that somehow cheered us up & made us feel positive.

The third speaker was TM I. Mr. I, who loves to travel, talked about “over tourism” pollution. He cited the tourism pollution in Kamakura as an example and said that the solution is to increase the number of English-speaking people. He also made me feel that Toastmasters clubs are necessary in this sense as well.

The last speaker was TM N. He talked about his memories with the Tokaido Shinkansen, which celebrated its 60th anniversary this year. He introduced the music played on the Shinkansen through the speakers, which made us think about the Shinkansen.


そして、総合論評はベテラン会員のTM Tさん。経験値の高い落ち着いたスムーズな進行で進みました。例会全体をこまやかに論評されていました。そして論評するメンバーもみなさん的確な内容でさすが!やはりこのセッションがあるからお互いを高めあっていけるんですね。最後に各賞の受賞がありました。テーブルトピックの賞を取ったのは、今年入会したばかりのTM Uさん。入会して良かったとメンバーへの感謝を伝える内容はとても感動的なスピーチでした。

And the general evaluator was by one of experienced members, TM T. She proceeded calmly and smoothly with her high level of experience. She commented on the entire meeting in detail. The members who commented were all very precise in their comments, as expected! I think this session is the reason why we are able to improve each other. Finally, the awards were given out. The winner of the Table Topic Award was TM U, who just joined this year. His speech was very moving as he expressed his gratitude to the members for their support.




At the end of the meeting, there is an announcement of the next scheduled workshop. We will have a workshop on speech writing with a great instructor. It is very high profile and over 25 guests have signed up and we are very excited about it. The day of the workshop is just the day of the BayStars victory parade celebrating the BayStars’ first place in Japan. It is going to be a bit difficult to come to the venue, but please enjoy the air and take care, everyone!

Let’s continue to build each other up and make this club exciting again together.


第821回例会レポート/The 821th Regular Meeting Report


The weather was so wet that a baseball game had to be cancelled, but four guests came!

The venue was packed to the point that there were no more empty seats, which was a cry of joy.





【Word of the day】

Today’s Word of the day that TM O chose was “VERDICT”.

It means “judgment,” ”award,” or “decision.

It is a word that we can use not only in our regular meetings but also in our daily English conversation.

本日のWord of the dayはTM Oが担当し、「Verdict」という単語を選んでくれました。




TMOD chose “Theme Song” as the meeting theme.

The idea was to sing a few phrases of your own theme song.

Unfortunately, due to embarrassment, only one member sang, but TMOD selected a theme song for each roll taker and she performed it.

I was one of those who could not sing because I lacked confidence, so I will practice for the next chance.






【Table Topic】

Since there was one less Prepared Speaker, the Table Topic Section will be longer than usual to adjust for time.

We would like to thank TM I for his willingness to accommodate this last-minute request.

Table Topic Master TM I chose “Autumn for reading” and “Autumn for appetite” as the theme of his questions.

For reading, he asked questions such as “Books that helped you in your work,” “Books you would recommend to the children,” and “E-books,” while for food, he asked question, including “Favorite restaurants in Yokohama” and “Memorable restaurants on your trip. He finally asked 10 questions in total.


Prepared Speakerが1名減ってしまったため、時間の調整のためにTable Topic Sectionを通常より長めに行うことになりました。

直前のお願いになりましたが、快く対応してくれたTM Iに感謝です。

Table Topic MasterのTM Iが選んだ質問テーマは「読書の秋」「食欲の秋」。



【Prepared speech】

The first speaker, TM M, presented a speech about “close friend.”

What is the definition of a “close friend?” Is it someone who shares the same interests or someone who doesn’t hesitate to reach out to you when you are in need?

How many of your friends would you say are “close” to you? I was thrilled by the question, “How many of your friends can you say are ‘close friends’?


What are the requirements of a “Close friend” for you?

How many “Close friends” do you have?

It was a speech that made us think again about friends.


1人目はTM Mが「友人」についてのスピーチを披露してくれました。




あなたにとって「Close friend」の条件はなんですか?

あなたには「Close friend」が何人いますか?



The second speaker was TM S.

The audience applauded as this was the last project for his Pathway.

Instead of a speech format, he gave an explanation of the “Pathway” used by Toastmasters and the “easy-speak” used by YTMC for role-assignments.

As a Website Reporter, it was the first time for me to know that I could read the Japanese explanation on “Pathway”.

2人目はTM S。



「Pathway」で日本語の説明を読むことができるというのはWebsite Reporterの私にとっては初めて知るありがたい情報でした。


At the end of this month on the 30th, YTMC will hold a workshop.

We will have as our instructor a person who has won the All-Japan championship 4 times, participated in the World Convention 3 times, and has been selected as one of the TOP 20 speakers in the world.

This is a rare opportunity to learn how to create a captivating speech through storytelling.

Click here to register.








第820回例会レポート/The 820th Regular Meeting Report


It was an unusually hot day for this time of the year, and our regular meeting was also an unusual one. Yes, it was the so-called “Halloween Special.” The room was decorated in Halloween colors, and members were also expected to wear Halloween-themed colors. Here is a brief report of the “Halloween Special” meeting.

Before the meeting, Mr. I introduced the “Word of the Day.”

His choice for the word was “Spootacular,” a combination of “spooky” and “spectacular,” meaning “weird.” This added a special touch to the meeting.




  1. Table Topics Session

Today’s Table Topics Master, Mr. T, dressed in a pumpkin-orange shirt, kicked off the session by playing the Harry Potter soundtrack. All of his questions were related to Halloween:

  1. If you were to dress up for Halloween, what kind of character would you choose?
  2. If you had to choose a Halloween costume for a member of the Yokohama Toastmasters Club (other than yourself), who would you choose, and what costume would they wear?
  3. If a ghost suddenly sent you a message on Halloween night, what would it say, and how would you respond?
  4. On Halloween, if you could gain one magical power, what ability would you want, and why?
  5. If your Jack-O’-Lantern suddenly started talking, what do you think it would say?
  6. On Halloween night, if you had the chance to glimpse “Halloween in the future,” what do you think it would look like, and what would be different?

Mr. T’s questions successfully sparked the members’ creativity. Well done, Mr. T!

  1. Prepared Speech Session

After the Table Topics session, we moved on to the Prepared Speech session. Three veteran members gave humorous, unique, and informative speeches.

The first speaker, Ms. A, spoke about her husband for the first time during her YTMC membership. His nickname is “Bear” because of his weight, but we were all surprised to hear that he had lost about 20 kg by taking special medication. Good for her husband!

The second speaker, TM O, an experienced speaker, gave us a proposal on how to promote the Yokohama Toastmasters Club. According to Mr. O, YTMC’s strengths are as follows:

  1. Great members
  2. Challenging spirit
  3. A sense of respect
  4. Diversity
  5. Strong facilitation skills

He pointed out that these five strengths are so appealing that anyone interested in public speaking will want to join our club. Thank you very much for your valuable advice, Mr. O.

The final speaker, Ms. S, a businesswoman, shared her summer travels to France and other European countries. Her company held a photo contest, and she won a round-trip ticket to France. She took advantage of this opportunity to travel to other European countries like Italy and Switzerland. She showed us some slides of her travels, particularly enjoying the “Tour de Mont-Blanc.” I’m sure she loved the stunning greenery of Switzerland!

After the speeches, members evaluated the talks, and the winners of Best Table Topics Speaker, Best Prepared Speaker, and Best Evaluator were announced. In addition, a special “Best Dresser” award was given to Mr. U, who came dressed as Spider-Man.

That’s all for the report of the Halloween Special meeting. We all had a great time! Our next event will be the Christmas meeting. If you find our club activities interesting, feel free to knock on our door—we’d love to welcome you!


ミーティングの前に、Iさんが「今日の言葉」を紹介してくれました。選んだ言葉は”Spootacular” これは「spooky(不気味)」と「spectacular(素晴らしい)」を合わせた造語で、「ちょっと変な感じ」という意味です。この言葉のおかげでミーティングも特別な雰囲気になりました。

  1. テーブルトピックセッション


  1. ハロウィンで仮装するとしたら、どんなキャラクターになりたいですか?
  2. 自分以外の横浜トーストマスターズクラブのメンバーに仮装させるとしたら、誰にどんなコスチュームを選びますか?
  3. ハロウィンの夜に突然幽霊からメッセージが来たら、それは何て言ってくると思いますか?そして、どう返事しますか?
  4. ハロウィンに1つだけ魔法の力が手に入るとしたら、どんな能力が欲しいですか?その理由は?
  5. 自分のジャック・オー・ランタンが突然しゃべり出したら、何を言うと思いますか?
  6. ハロウィンの夜に未来のハロウィンをちょっとだけ見るチャンスがあったら、どんな風になっていると思いますか?何が違うと思いますか?


  1. プリペアード・スピーチセッション




  1. 素晴らしいメンバー
  2. 挑戦する精神
  3. 尊敬の念
  4. 多様性
  5. ファシリテーションスキルの高さ







第819回例会レポート/The 819th Regular Meeting Report









今回のWord of the Dayは「Barely」。「ほとんど~ない」のように否定の意味を含む単語で、多くの方が知っているものの、普段あまり使う機会が少ないかと思います。本日の例会の中でどのようにこの単語を使えばよいか、実践する機会になりました。


The 819th regular meeting was held on 5th October!
Unfortunately the weather was rainy, but the room was full of enthusiasm.

First, the President gave a presentation on the upcoming workshop on 30th November by a legendary champion, “The art of creating compelling speeches through storytelling”. This workshop is free to non-members and anyone interested is welcome to attend.

Today’s word of the day is “barely”. It is a word with a negative meaning, and although many people are familiar with it, it is not used very often in everyday life. We had the opportunity to practice using this word in today’s session.


TMOD (Toastmaster of the Day):


当日のTMODを務めたのはTM Nさん。当日のテーマは「学生時代に最も印象に残った先生」でした。実はこの日がWorld Teachers’ Dayであることからこのテーマを選択したとのことでした。参加者一人ひとりが、それぞれの学生時代の先生やご自身に関する話を共有され、ノスタルジックな気分に浸るとともに参加者の意外な一面を知る機会になりました。


TM N was the TMOD for the day. The theme of the day was “The most impressive teacher in school days”. In fact, he chose this theme because it was World Teachers’ Day. Each participant shared a story about a teacher from their school days or about themselves. It was a nostalgic experience and an opportunity to get to know an unexpected side of the participants.


Table Topics:

テーブルトピックスはTM Sさんが担当。今回は13名と多くの方からそれぞれのトピックを披露していただきました。学生時代によく聞いていた曲のアーティストの話、数学が好きになった話、気になる人と過ごした学校行事、一度だけ学校のルールを破ろうとしたが未遂に終わった話など、多様で興味深いお話ばかりでした。

TM S was in charge of the table topics. This time 13 participants presented their own topics. The stories were varied and interesting, including one about an artist whose music TM A used to listen to when she was at school, a story about how TM N.S fell in love with mathematics, a school event TM M spent with someone he was attracted to, and a story about a one-time attempt to break a school rule that ended in an unsuccessful attempt.

Prepared Speech:

当初は3名のスピーカーが予定されていましたが、当日キャンセルにより、2名での実施となりました。なお、トーストマスターズの規定で、スピーカーが2名になる場合はBest Prepared SpeakerやBest Evaluatorの選出を行わないことになります。


一人目はTM H.Nさん。睡眠学習や催眠術についてユーモアを交えながら話していただきました。


二人目はTM Tさん。来日した旧友と一緒に過ごされた日々についてのスピーチ。


Three speakers were originally scheduled, but due to a cancellation on the day of the meeting, two speakers made speeches.


Please note that according to Toastmasters rules, when there are two speakers, the best prepared speaker and the best evaluator are not selected.


The first speaker was TM H.N. He spoke about sleeping-learning and hypnosis with humor.


The second was TM T. She gave a speech about her days with her old friend who came to Japan.




General Evaluator (GE)はTM M.Tさんが務めました。

一人目のTM IさんはTM H.Nさんのスピーチに対して、ユーモアを交えたスピーチで会場の全員が楽しめた点を評価されました。


二人目のTM K.TさんはTM Tさんのスピーチに対して、心温まるトピックと笑顔あふれる表情が高く評価されました。


The General Evaluator (GE) was TM M.T.
The first TM I appreciated TM H.N’s speech for its humor and the fact that everyone in the room enjoyed it.

The second TM K.T was highly commended for her heartwarming topic and smiling face in response to TM T’s speech.


Awards Presentation


今回の表彰セッションでは、ベストテーブルトピックスピーカーとして TM Oさんが表彰されました。

TM O was awarded Best Table Topic Speaker at Awards Presentation.







Meeting Information:

YTMC regular meetings are held on the first and third Saturday of every month. If you are interested in English or want to give speeches or presentations in public with confidence, please come along!
Please look forward to our next meeting on 19 October!


第818回例会レポート/The 818th Regular Meeting Report






Despite being mid-September, the temperature still exceeded 30 degrees, making it sweltering hot. At Yokohama Stadium, Baystars vs. Tigers game, which is a game to qualify for the Climax Series, was in full swing, with both teams’ fans packing the stadium and raising the heat even further.

Listening to the familiar sounds of Kansai dialect spoken by Hanshin fans who came from the Kansai region, President A entered at the home ground of Yokohama Toastmasters, Hatoba Kaikan, she said with a cheerful opening.

There was a surprise at the beginning of the meeting when the Toastmaster of the Day (TMOD=today’s MC) , TM S, hadn’t arrived, even though the meeting started as scheduled at 2 p.m




At the start, the president introduced a valuable workshop hosted by a legendary champion, scheduled to be held on November 30. Even if you’re not a member, you can join us for free. We’d love to see you at the event!!!


その後、昨今の物価高、円安による入会費の値上げの動議を終えて、いよいよメインセッションへ。今日の言葉はTM Nが選択した“ROCK”。今日の司会者のTM Sも会場に到着し、いよいよショーがスタート。本日のテーマは”モーメント”。壮大な自然の前で人間の小ささを実感するモーメントについて、自然災害による悲しいモーメントや山頂から雄大な自然を感じるモーメントなどいろいろなレスポンスが紹介されました。


After concluding the motion to raise the Initiation fee because of recent inflation and the weak yen, we dived into the main session. Today’s Word of the Day(WOD), chosen by TM N, was ‘ROCK!”.  TMOD, TM S, has finally reached the venue and it‘s showtime!

Today’s meeting theme was “Moments”, focusing on experiencing the smallness of human beings in the face of Mother Nature. Various responses were shared, such as, tragedy moments related to natural disasters, and the breathtaking moments felt from the top of a mountain

続いてTM Mによるテーブルトピックセッション。テーマは”Ultimate Choice”  以下の究極の2択から1つを選択して即興スピーチ。



Next, we had a Table topic session led by TM M, with the thrilling theme “Ultimate Choice”.

Each member faced a choice between two ultimate options and delivered a ROCKing impromptu speech.


#1. Which would you choose for your partner, someone who likes the same things as you, or someone who can’t forgive the same things as you?

自分の一人の時間を許してくれる人。まだ独身のTM Kは自虐トークを披露。

A person who allows me my alone time. The still single TM K showcased some self-deprecating humor.


#2. What’s the last meal you want to eat at the end of your life: a regular meal? Or a meal at a fancy restaurant?

家族や友人とregular mealを食べながら一緒に過ごしたい。本日のゲストの方からは、心温まるトーク。

I want to spend time enjoying regular meals with family or friends. Today’s guest shared the heartwarming talk.


#3. If you could only eat either sushi or yakiniku for the rest of your life, which would you choose?

お寿司を選択するが、毎日お寿司だと飽きるので、1日目はご飯、2日日はマグロ、3日目はガリ、4日は醤油を飲む、という食べ方をする。このROCKな回答は本日の言葉を選択したTM N。でも、醤油を飲むのは健康によくないので止めましょうね。

I choose sushi, but if I had sushi every day, I’d get bored. So, on the 1st day, I’d have only rice, on the 2nd day, only tuna, on the 3rd day, only pickled ginger, and on the 4th day, I’d only drink soy sauce! That’s the ROCKing answer from TM N, who chose WOD. Stop drinking soy sauce because it is unhealthy.


#4. If you wanted to time travel, would you go to the past? Go to the future? What do you want to see?

最近、日本の歴史を勉強しているTM Sは”go to the past”を選択、特に奈良時代。動乱が多かった奈良時代について身を持って体験することで奈良時代を理解したいというハードワーキングな返答。

TM S, who has recently been studying Japanese history, chose to “go to the past”, specifically focusing on the Nara period. He gave a hardworking response, saying he wants to understand the struggles and battles of the Nara period by experiencing them firsthand.


#5. If you had to choose, would you rather have a guaranteed 10 million yen or a one-in-two chance of getting 100 million yen?

ちっぽけな人間は大きな掛けをチャレンジすべし。1億円ゲットしたら横浜トーストマスターズのみんなと世界旅行に行きたい、とTM T。

A small human being should challenge themselves to take on big risks. If he received 100 million yen, he would like to travel around the world with everyone in Yokohama Toastmasters, said TM T.


#6.  Which would you try, skydiving or bungee jumping?

自殺のようなバンジージャンプよりは、鳥になれるスカイダイビング。高所恐怖症のTM Tからはユニークな返答。

Skydiving, which makes her feel like a bird, is preferable to bungee jumping, which feels like suicide. This is a unique response from TM T, who dislikes heights.



If you were in this ultimate choice, which would you choose?”


最初は、エンターテイナー TM Oによるユーモア一杯のエキサイティングなパフォーマンス。オープニングの彼がダイエットできない話しから、エンディングは“ I understand, but”という大人の躾アプリ会社を設立したい、というスティーブジョブスばりのドラマティックなストーリー展開。”今日は特別な日(ダイエットは明日から)“ ”大人は自分自身を管理できない“という名言を残しました。


The next session was a prepared speech session, including three speakers this time.

First was the entertainer TM O, delivering a humorous and exciting performance. He started with a story about his struggles with dieting and ended with a dramatic idea like Steve Jobs, expressing his desire to establish a company that develops a rigorous app for adult discipline called “I Understand, But”. He concluded with memorable quotes: “Today is a special day (dieting starts tomorrow)” and “Adults cannot manage themselves”.


2人目は、TM Uのデビューライブ。初登場とは思えないほど落ち着いてアットフォームな雰囲気で、彼のホームタウンの益子町について紹介。彼の珍しい苗字もこのエリアで多いことや苗字の覚え方まで陶器や農業で有名な益子町のローカルな情報を交えた素晴らしいスピ―チとでした。


The second speaker was TM U, making his debut live performance. He appeared very calm and at home while introducing his hometown of Mashiko. He shared that his rare surname is common in this area and provided local information about Mashiko, which is known for its pottery and agriculture. Good job!


最後は、エネルギッシュなTM Tによるショータイム。夏休みの家族旅行で行った沖縄の油布島の紹介を彼女の娘の夏休みの自由研究を通して紹介。大自然いっぱいの由布島の観光や歴史、水牛について紹介する教育的なショーとなりました。一度は行ってみましょう


Finally, we had an energetic showtime with TM T. She introduced the beautiful Yubu Island in Okinawa, which she visited during her family vacation this summer, through her daughter’s summer research project. It turned into an educational show that highlighted the beauty from Mother Nature, as well as the tourist attractions, water buffalos and history of Yubu Island.

It’s a place everyone should visit at least once! in their life!”




ベストテーブルトピックスピーカー: TM S

ベストエバリュエーター: TM A

ベスト準備スピーチスピーカー: TM O


After the wonderful evaluations from three experienced evaluators, today’s No. 1 was decided.

Best Table Topics Speaker: TM S

Best Evaluator: TM A

Best Prepared Speech Speaker: TM O”




This time was special as always, and it was an exciting event filled with energy and smiles. The next meeting will take place on Saturday, October 5th.

I can’t wait to see the ROCKing performances that will be showcased next time.

If you’re interested, please feel free to join us.

See you next time!


第817回例会レポート/The 817th Regular Meeting Report



会長のオープニングスピーチ 会長は双子のお子さんが同時に歩き始めたという微笑ましいエピソードで、参加者の心を温めました。まるでタイミングを合わせたかのように成長する双子に驚きと喜びを感じた様子でした。

ビジネスセッション 会計担当のTさんから、10月からの会費の支払いについての案内がありました。また、前回入会されたHさんには、入会記念のリボンとピンバッジが贈られ、クラブの一員としての歓迎が行われました。

今日のテーマ: ボディケア 今回の例会では、TMOD(例会進行役)を担当したNさんが「ボディケア」というテーマを掲げ、参加者全員がセルフケアに関する話題で意見を交換しました。Nさんは、毎日お風呂に入る習慣について話し、日々の体をいたわる大切さを強調しました。サポート役のメンバーも、それぞれのボディケア習慣について共有しました。

  • 文法係のTさんは「毎日運動し、体重を管理している」と語り、健康管理の重要性を強調しました。

  • AhカウンターのIさんはスキンクリームを活用していることをシェア。

  • ボートカウンターのHさんはランニングで体調を整えていると話しました。

  • タイマーのNさんはヨガの実践を紹介しました。

テーブルトピックセッション テーブルトピック(即興スピーチ)の進行はNさんが担当し、ボディケアに関連したユニークな質問が飛び交いました。

  1. 変わったボディケア方法に関する質問には、Mさんが「豆腐ダイエットはやってみたけれど、お勧めしない」とユーモアたっぷりに応えました。

  2. Tさんは、「変わったエクササイズはしていないが、学生時代にハードな陸上トレーニングをしていた」と振り返りました。

  3. もし一生使うグルーミング製品を一つ選ぶならという質問に対し、Mさんは寝ぐせ直しを選んだエピソードを語りました。


  • Aさんは、自身の履歴書を使いながら多彩な経歴を紹介し、自己紹介スピーチを披露しました。英語会計の資格を持つ彼のスピーチは、仕事にまつわるユニークなエピソードで参加者を引き込みました。

  • Tさんは、クラブの魅力や役職の挑戦を振り返りながら、クラブ愛に溢れたスピーチを行い、感謝の気持ちを表しました。

  • Sさんは、日本の少子高齢化問題について、自身の故郷である長崎の現状を交えた深い洞察を披露し、人口減少が地域社会に与える影響を強く訴えかけました。

表彰セッション 今回の例会では、以下のメンバーが表彰されました。

  • ベストテーブルトピックスピーカー: Mさん

  • ベストエバリュエーター: Sさん、Oさん

  • ベスト準備スピーチスピーカー: Sさん

まとめ 今回の横浜トーストマスターズクラブの例会は、ボディケアをテーマにした充実した内容で、笑いあり学びありの楽しい時間となりました。参加者それぞれが自分の意見や経験をシェアし合い、スピーチや即興力を磨く良い機会となりました。次回も皆さんのご参加をお待ちしています!


Yokohama Toastmasters Club Meeting Report (September 7, 2024)

On September 7, 17 members attended the meeting in person, with 2 more joining online, making it a lively gathering. The theme for this meeting was “Body Care,” and participants shared various ideas and experiences about daily self-care, leading to a lively and laughter-filled discussion.

President’s Opening Speech
The President warmed the hearts of the attendees with an endearing story about her twins, who had both started walking at the same time. The synchronized growth of the twins was a source of both amazement and joy.

Business Session
Treasurer T reminded everyone about the upcoming membership fee payment for October. Additionally, H, who had recently joined, received a commemorative ribbon and pin, officially welcoming them as a club member.

Today’s Theme: Body Care
TMOD N led the session on “Body Care,” inviting participants to share their thoughts on self-care. N highlighted the importance of taking care of the body by sharing their own routine of taking a bath every day. Other supporting members also shared their own body care practices.

  • Grammarian T emphasized the importance of daily exercise and weight management.

  • Ah-Counter I shared their use of skincare cream.

  • Vote Counter H talked about maintaining their health through running.

  • Timer N introduced their yoga practice.

Table Topics Session
N led the Table Topics session, where unique questions related to body care were posed.

  • When asked about unusual body care methods, M humorously replied, “I tried a tofu diet, but I wouldn’t recommend it.”

  • T reflected on their student days, recalling rigorous athletic training from their track and field days.

  • In response to the question of choosing one grooming product to use for life, M shared their choice of a hair-styling product to fix bed hair.

Prepared Speech Session

  • A gave a self-introduction speech, using their resume to showcase a diverse career background. With a qualification in English accounting, A engaged the audience with unique work-related anecdotes.

  • T reflected on the challenges of their club role while expressing their deep love and appreciation for the Yokohama Toastmasters Club.

  • S provided profound insights into Japan’s declining birthrate and aging population, using their hometown of Nagasaki as an example. They emphasized the significant impact population decline is having on local communities.

Awards Presentation
The following members were recognized during this meeting:

  • Best Table Topics Speaker: M

  • Best Evaluator: S and O

  • Best Prepared Speech Speaker: S

This Yokohama Toastmasters Club meeting, with its focus on body care, was a well-rounded session filled with laughter and learning. It provided a great opportunity for participants to share their opinions and experiences, while honing their public speaking and impromptu skills. We look forward to seeing you at the next meeting!

If you’re interested, we encourage you to attend one of our meetings. Yokohama Toastmasters Club is here to support your growth!


第816回例会レポート/The 816th Regular Meeting Report



Yesterday’s typhoon has gone and the severe heat is back.
Today’s meeting is not at the usual Hatoba-Kaikan, but at Piosi City near Sakuragicho.
It’s nice to have a change of scenery once in a while for a change of pace.


There was a bit of line trouble at the beginning, but we started with 17 plus 2 guests.
Since the President was on her way home today, veteran TM.S. took over for her.

今日の言葉は、”sleep on it”です。

First of all, here is today’s Word of the day.
The word of the day is “sleep on it.”
If I were to weave this phrase into my speech…sleep on it.


TM.T, a.k.a. Mr. YTMC, started today’s TMOD.
Today’s theme was “Your habits in your daily life”
It was interesting to see the various habits of each speaker revealed.



After the role description of each role holder, the next step is the Table Topic Session.
Today’s table topic master is TM.A.
Today, eight questions that children have about war were presented on the screen,
The nominated respondents were to choose one of them and give a speech about their answer.
I think this was a very timely topic since two days ago was the anniversary of the end of the war.


1人目のスピーカーTM Nさんはトーストマスターズでの7年間のスピーキングの旅についてお話されました。
2人目のスピーカーTM Nさんは趣味のちぎり絵について実物を見せながら熱く語ってくれました。
3人目のスピーカーTM Kさんは釣りを人生に例えて面白いスピーチを展開されました。
4人目のスピーカーTM Iさんの「統計でウソをつく方法」という書籍を引用したお話はとても興味深いものでした。

Then next, the prepared speeches. Four people spoke today.
The first speaker, TM N, talked about her 7-year speaking journey in Toastmasters.
The second speaker, TM N, spoke passionately about her hobby of chigiri-e showing actual pieces.
The third speaker, TM K, gave an interesting speech comparing fishing to life.
The fourth speaker, TM I, quoted from the book “How to Lie with Statistics”, which was very interesting.


Next, the evaluation session began, moderated by TM.S, the general evaluator.
The four evaluators accurately pointed out the good points and areas for improvement of the four speakers.



Finally, the awards were given to the best speakers.
Best Table Topic : TM.T
Best Evaluation : TM.M
Best Prepared Speech : TM.K


Yokohama Toastmasters is not only an English speaking meeting, but also a place for people of all ages and backgrounds to interact. You can visit for free up to three times, so please feel free to come and visit us.


第815回例会レポート/The 815th Regular Meeting Report



On August 3, the 815th meeting was held! Since it coincided with the Paris Olympics, the meeting kicked off with President TM A sharing some Olympic-related stories. The excitement of the Olympics seemed to carry over into the meeting as well.

8月3日に、第815回の例会が開催されました!ちょうどパリオリンピックの真っ最中ということもあり、会の冒頭ではPresident TM Aさんがオリンピックにまつわるお話でスタート。オリンピックの熱気がそのまま例会にも伝わったようでした。


Word of the Day:
The Word of the Day this time was “Whereas.” Although many people are familiar with this word, it is not often used in daily conversation, making it a great opportunity for everyone to try using it. A brilliant choice indeed.

今回のWord of the Dayは「Whereas」。この単語は多くの人が知っているものの、普段あまり使う機会が少ないため、皆さんにとって使ってみる良い機会となりました。素晴らしい選択です。


TMOD (Toastmaster of the Day):

The TMOD for the day was TM T. The theme was “How do you enjoy summer?”—a timely topic that allowed each participant to share their own ways of enjoying the season.

当日のTMODを務めたのはTM Tさん。テーマは「夏をどのように楽しみますか?」というタイムリーなお題でした。参加者一人ひとりが、それぞれの夏の楽しみ方を共有されていました。




Table Topics:

Table Topics was led by TM O, who participated online. Despite being remote, they visualized the questions using a PowerPoint presentation, making the session very clear and enjoyable.

テーブルトピックスはTM Oさんが担当。オンラインでの参加でしたが、PPTで質問内容をビジュアル化し、非常にわかりやすい内容で進行。楽しいセッションとなりました。



Prepared Speech:
Originally, four speakers were scheduled, but due to a last-minute cancellation, only two speakers presented. As a side note, according to Toastmasters’ rules, if there are only two speakers, the Best Prepared Speaker and Best Evaluator awards are not given.

The first speaker was TM M, who gave a speech about the impact of smartphones on our health. He humorously discussed symptoms of smartphone addiction and potential countermeasures, making the topic easy to understand.





The second speaker was TM K, who talked about the receipts used for business trip expense reports, incorporating his own experiences in Shanghai. His humorous recounting of the challenges in communicating receipts in Chinese during expense reports brought a lot of laughter.


当初は4名のスピーカーが予定されていましたが、当日キャンセルが出たため、2名での実施となりました。豆知識ですが、トーストマスターズの規定では、2名の場合Best Prepared SpeakerとBest Evaluatorの選出は行われません。


一人目はTM Mさん。スマートフォンが私たちの健康に与える影響についてのスピーチでした。スマホ依存症の症状から対策まで、ユーモアを交えながらわかりやすく話してくれました。


二人目はTM Kさん。出張経費精算で使用するレシートに関する話で、自身の上海での経験を交えたスピーチ。経費精算時に中国語でレシートを伝える苦労を、ユーモアたっぷりに語り、笑いを誘いました。


The General Evaluator (GE) was TM M, who handled the role with remarkable smoothness, despite it being their first time.

The first evaluation was by TM O, who praised TM M’s use of slides and catchy expressions in his speech.
The second evaluation was by TM T, who commended TM K’s speech for its relatable topic that resonated with everyone.

General Evaluator (GE)はTM Mさんが初めて務めましたが、初めてとは思えない落ち着きでスムーズに進行しました。

一人目のTM OさんはTM Mさんのスピーチに対して、スライドを活用した点やキャッチーな表現が評価されました。

二人目のTM TさんはTM Kさんのスピーチに対して、共感を呼ぶトピックがよかったと高く評価されました。


Meeting Information:
YTMC meetings are held on the first and third Saturdays of every month. If you are interested in improving your English or gaining confidence in public speaking and presentations, please join us!






第814回例会レポート/The 814th Regular Meeting Report



冒頭では、TM Sさんのプロジェクター購入についてのプレゼンから始まりました。
質問2:貴方は売りに来たの?買いに来たの?→TM Sさんの売り込みプレゼンが素晴らし過ぎて、思わず出たジョークの質問でした。こういう知的な会話が楽しめるのは素敵ですね。


The 814th meeting took place amidst scorching heat. Of course, inside the venue, the air conditioning provided relief, and everyone must have felt a sense of comfort upon entering. YTMC indeed has the charm to attract people even in hot weather!
It began with TM S’s presentation about the projector purchase. Here are the answers to the questions posed:

Regarding the existing machine after the new purchase:
The plan is to discuss whether to sell it on platforms like Mercari (an online marketplace). So, there’s a consideration about selling it.
“Are you here to sell or buy?”
This question was a playful joke prompted by TM S’s impressive sales pitch. It’s delightful to engage in such witty conversations, isn’t it?
And it’s great to hear that everyone unanimously agreed on the purchase, especially considering the convenience of handling the new projector compared to the older model.


Today, we had guests from both the East Kobe Toastmasters Club and One-World TMC. Additionally, we held an induction ceremony for new members. It was a special moment—the first time since the pandemic that we could all shake hands. Everyone welcomed the new members with smiles and warmth.

今日のword of the dayはTM.NSさんが選んだものです。彼はGood jobという言葉を選びました。言われても言っても嬉しい言葉ですね。

Today’s Word of the Day, chosen by TM.NS, is “Good job.” It’s a phrase that never fails to bring a smile, whether you’re saying it or receiving it.


TM.T did a fantastic job as the general evaluator today! Choosing the meeting theme—“Your favorite food/recipe/menu for hot summer and why”—was a great way to engage everyone. And it seems like she took it a step further by treating everyone to a delightful culinary experience.

テーブルトピックはTM Oさんが担当しました。テーマに選んだのは暑い夏に関連することでした。

TM O did a great job handling the Table Topics session! Choosing a theme related to hot summer was a smart move—it’s a topic that resonates with everyone during this season.
And TM.T, the guest, had some fantastic recommendations for beating the heat. Camping along a riverbank or having a barbecue—those sound like delightful ways to stay cool and enjoy the summer vibes!

続いて準備スピーチです。1人目のスピーカーTM Tさんは奥様の御実家である布団屋さんを続ける為に布団作りの勉強をしている事、そしてその為にYTMCを去らねばならない事を伝えてくれました。勇気ある決断に拍手!そしていつでも戻ってきて下さいね!

2人目のスピーカーTM Mさんはダイエットの奮闘記をユーモアと実体験を交えて話してくれました。6種類のダイエットの内、一番効果が高いが危険なフルータリアンダイエットは興味深いですね。

3人目のスピーカーはTM OYさん。大学時代仲が良く最近癌で亡くなった友人が教えてくれた、誰の人生にとっても大事な事。重いテーマですが非常に心を打つスピーチでした。

TM T’s Decision:
TM T shared that, in order to continue running the futon (Japanese bedding) business at his wife’s family’s shop, he’s currently studying futon-making techniques. Admirably, he made the courageous decision to step away from YTMC temporarily to focus on this important endeavor. Let’s applaud his bravery! And as we say in Toastmasters, the door is always open—he’s welcome back anytime!

TM M’s Diet Chronicles:
TM M took us on a humorous journey through her dieting experiences. Among the six diets she tried, the most effective (yet perilous) one was the “Fruitarian Diet.” Now, that piques my curiosity!

TM O’s Profound Reflections:
TM O touched our hearts with a weighty theme. He reminisced about a close friend from her university days who recently passed away from cancer. This friend imparted a lesson that’s universally vital for everyone. It’s remarkable how even in the heaviness of such topics, a speech can resonate deeply and leave an indelible mark.


総合論評はTM OHさん。土用丑の日に鰻を食べるのは平賀源内のアイデアという楽しいトリビアから始まりました。論評するメンバーも的確な内容で、特にTM AYの論評は高い評価を得ました。


And now, the grand finale: the group photo! As they say, “Seeing is believing.” If anyone’s curious about Toastmasters, remember that you can attend as a guest up to three times for free. So, why not drop by and experience it firsthand?
