第774回例会レポート / The 774th Regular Meeting Report


Date&Time: 14:00-16:00 November 19th 2022/ Venue: Sakuragicho Pio city + Online
There were 23 people including two guests participated in the meeting.

TMODは熟練メンバーのTM T.N.さんです。

Like the today’s meeting theme “ Autumn”, it was clear and fine autumn weather.
The meeting started with introduction of fun guests.
Toastmaster of the day isTM T.N. who is one of very experienced YTMC members.
The word of the day is enthusiastic. I don’t like the word because its hard to pronounce! But it requires to practice in order to use smoothly. Good choice!

テーブルトピックは熱心なメンバーのTM M.N.さん。

The table topic master TM M.N. is very eager to learn and very enthusiastic member like the word of the day. Aligning to the meeting theme, the table topic is regarding “food”.
What is good to eat for breakfast? what’s your best Japanese food ever? what’s your best foreign food ever? where is the best to eat out on a weekend? Any food to eat but embarrassing. If you open a restaurant, what do you serve? Any embarrassing memory at a restaurant.
These topics were for YTMC, because many of us love to eat. All of the tables topic speakers talked so fluently. Everyone enjoyed the session.
Following the table topic, the prepared speech session starts.

トップバッターは、身長152センチのTM K.T.さん。自分の背が低いことに対してのメリット、デメリットを比較し、高いところに届かない、ズボンの裾上げにエクストラ料金がかかる!
2番目のスピーカーは我がクラブで最も若いTM K.M.
3番目のスピーカーはTM M.T.さん。人前にでることが苦手だったのを(そうは見えない)克服した経験を話してくれました。会社のプレゼンのトレーニング受講に手を上げ、部を紹介するスピーチに選ばれたこと。虎穴に入らんば虎子を得ず。挑戦することの大切さを教えてくれるスピーチでした。
4番目のスピーカーはTM N.A.さん。心の安心について。誰もが求める心理的なの安心についてそのメカニズムや不安を取り除く方法を教えてくれました、スピーチクラブという特性に合ったとてもよいトピックだったと思います。学ぶことが多いスピーチでした。

First speaker TM K.T. talked about her height. She is short (152cm), but there are pros and cons for being short. Hard to reach to higher place in her daily life, always required to get a pants short by paying an extra fees, easy to get through a crowd, get a kid’s size cloth, and so on. Whatever you like your hight or not, just accept it, that was her closing which hit me because I didn’t like my 167cm hight.
The second speaker was TM K.M. who is the youngest member in our club. He introduced a bo-taoshi game which is a traditional game in Japanese militarily. He showed us a video of the game that I never seen before. It seemed fierce and violent! He explained the rule and how to play the game including the player’s role with beginners−friendly words. It was like a rugby game but get a pole held by players to win. Very interesting.
The third speaker was TM M.T. He said he had a stage fright, he doesn’t seem so though,. He talked how he overcame the stage fright he used to have. He voluntarily took a presentation workshops at work and accepted to introduce his department at his workplace. No venture, no gain. We all learnt importance to keep challenging.
The 4th speaker was TM N.A. He talked about psychological safety. He thought us mechanism of psychological safety which all people is seeking for and how to remove anxiety. The topic was great for us because it was matched our speciality saying speech club. We also learnt a lot.

GEは副会長のTM H. O.さん、論評セッションとはをゲストに優しい分かりやすい説明で始めてくれました。
最初の論評者はTM N.S.さん、良いポイントをたくさん挙げてくれ、スピーカーのモチベーションを上げてくれる論評でした。
2番目の論評者は次の日論評コンテストへクラブ代表として参加するTM H.A. さん。スピーチタイトルを上達ポイントにあげましたが、指摘も笑いを取ってくれるH.A. さんの手法はさすがです。論評者をビビらせないように!というコメントが個人的にはツボでした。
3番目はTM T.K.さん。よいポイントとアドバイスを的確にあげ、お手本のような論評でした。
4番目の論評者は、TM T.K. さん。洗練されたスピーチを、かっこよすぎる!と表現したT.K. さんの論評も、役立つアドバイスがふんだんに含まれていてスピーカー本人のみならず、学ぶことの多い論評でした。
TM H. O. さんが最後に総括を順番にしていきましたが、冒頭から一つ一つ丁寧にピックアップしてくれコメントしてくれました。一人一人の論評者のコメントも、みんなが思っていることを代弁してくれ、笑いのある総括でした。クラブのムードメーカーですね。

The general evaluator today was Vice President TM H. O. He started with giving us guest-friendly explanation of what the evaluation session was.
The first evaluator was TM N.S. He gave a very motivational evaluation for the speaker by raising many good points.
The second evaluator was TM H.A. who would be attending the area evaluation contest next day as a contestant. She picked a speech title for an improvement point. She used humor to point out what would be better which was quite technical. Personally, it was fun that she said “please do not scare the evaluator”.
The third evaluator was TM A.T. His evaluation could be an example of “THE” evaluation by raising good points and sound advice.
The 4th evaluator was TM T.S. She expressed TM N.A’s sophisticated speech “too sophisticated”. Her evaluation contained lots of usual advices not only for a speaker but for all of us. We could get a lot from her.
TM H. O. evaluated a whole meeting at the last. He went back to the begging and picked point by point carefully. He also gave a feedback to each evaluators by representing the audience’s minds with a humor. He always lift the mood of members.

Results of Today’s awards
The best table topic speaker: TM Y.A.
The best evaluator: TM T.S.
The best prepared speakers: TM K.T.

We are genderless, ageless and multinational club. Very friendly, kind and homelike. Should you have any interests, please come and visit us!


第773回例会レポート / The 773rd Regular Meeting Report


The 773rd Regular Meeting Report
Date&Time: 14:00-16:00 November 5th 2022/ Venue: Hatoba Kaikan + Online
There were 21 people including two guests participated in the meeting.

Our #773 regular meeting was held in Hatobakaikan as usual. Even the weather was cool and calm, our meeting was very active exciting since diversified generation from early 20s to around late 70s.
A small award ceremony of the evaluation contest was held at the beginning. Congratulations award winners!

The Toastmaster of the day (TMOD) was performed by TM.N from online. He went through the meeting smoothly with a good time management.
The meeting theme was “What books have you been reading recently?”.
Role takers for this meeting introduced variety of books such as novels, business readings, self-development etc.

今回のTMODは、TM. Nが務めました。スムーズな進行で会議運営をしました。

The “Word of the Day” was “enlighten”. It was a bit difficult to use in the speech, but everyone tried to use it during the meeting.
Then, we moved on to the Table Topic session proceeded by TM.A. The questions were based on the books which she read with her daughter.
Two guests joined the session and enjoyed making speech inpromptuly.
1. Do you prefer playing the park or stay home in your childhood?
2. Tell us tips for a good sleep
3. Have you ever wet the bed?
4. What would you like to spend upcoming holiday season?
5. Where is your favorite place to swim?
6. Where do you want to go if you can fly?

続いてのTable Topicsは、TM.Aの司会で進められました。本日の質問はTM Aが娘さんと読んでいる本を題材としていました。2名のゲストも即興のスピーチをして楽しみました。
1. 子供時代は公園で遊んでいましたか?それとも家にいましたか?
2. 安眠の秘訣をおしえてください。
3. おねしょしたことがありますか?
4. 今度のホリデーシーズンはどうすごしますか?
5. どこで泳ぐのが好きですか?
6. もし空を飛べたとするとどこにいきますか?

Then we moved on to prepared speech session. There were four prepared speakers lined up.
The first speaker was TM.A, he explained the benefit of being an Area Director of toastmasters.
The second speaker was TM S. he shared a story of having been placed the catheter in the heart a couple of weeks ago with humor.
TM M made a speech about the experience she succeeded in reducing 8kg in accordance with the book published by RIZAP.
The fourth speaker was TM N. she told us lessons learned from organizing the reunion party.
最初のスピーカーはTM Oがトーストマスターズのエリアディレクターになることのメリットを説明していました。
2番目のスピーカーであるTM Sは数週間前に受けたカテーテル手術のことをユーモアたっぷりに話していました。
TM MはRIZAPの本に従って8㎏の減量に成功した経験を話してくれました。
4番目はTM Nは同窓会を企画したときに学んだことを語ってくれました。

General Evaluation session started by TM N after 10min intermission. Four evaluators gave valuable and constructive feedback to designated speaker. We expect prepared speakers will make better speeches by taking evaluator’s feedback.
Lastly, we moved on to the Award session.
Award winners were as below.
Best Table topic Speaker: TM. YA
Best Evaluator: TM. AN
Best Speaker: TM. M

休憩をはさんで、TM.Nの進行でGeneral Evaluatorがスタートしました。4人の論評者がそれぞれの発表者対して価値のある建設的なフィードバックをしました。今回の準備スピーチをした方々がフィードバックを受けて次回以降よりよいスピーチをされることを期待してます。

Best Table topic Speaker: TM. YA
Best Evaluator: TM. AN
Best Speaker: TM. M

We were not only practicing speech in English but also learning a lot from all participants in that meeting as always. Also we went to the pub near Kannai Station and deepen our friendship by giving further feedback could not be shared in the meeting.
YTMC meeting is held on the first and third Saturday of every month, we welcome guests who are interested in developing public speech in English and leadership skills.
The next meeting will be on November 19th at Sakuragicho PioCity. Looking forward to seeing you!

