第794回例会レポート/The 794th Regular Meeting Report


The 794th Regular Meeting Report

Date&Time: 14:00-16:00 September 16th 2023/ Venue: Hatoba Kaikan + Online
There were 18 participants including two guests.

Our 794th regular meeting was held in Hatobakaikan as usual.
The Toastmaster of the day (TMOD) was performed by TM.RS. She went through the meeting smoothly with a good time management even she was absent for a month.
The meeting theme was “Share your experience how to learn new things”.
Each role takers for this meeting introduced the way of leaning.
今回のTMODは、TM. RSが務めました。一か月欠席のあとすぐTMODでしたがスムーズな進行で会議運営をしました。

The “Word of the Day” was “vibrant”. It was a bit difficult to use in the speech, but everyone tried to use it during the meeting.
Then, we moved on to the Table Topic session proceeded by TM MT. The questions were based on “Aging society” since we will have a national holiday called as “Respect-for-the-Aged Day”.
Two guests joined the session and enjoyed making speech inpromptuly.
1. Guess which prefecture with the highest average life expectancy and why?
2. What kind of person do you want to be at old age?
3. Share the secrets to live long.
4. Guess how the lifestyle will change in 2030, 1/3 of population will be age 65+
5. What kinds of social problem will happen in 2030?
6. Create a travel plan suitable for elder people.

続いてのTable Topicsは、TM MTの司会で進められました。本日の質問は敬老の日が近いということで高齢化を題材にしていました。2名のゲストも加わり非常に盛り上がりました。

1. どの県の平均寿命が一番高いと思いますか?
4. 2030
5. 2030

Then we moved on to prepared speech session. There were three prepared speakers lined up.
The first speaker was TM MH, she performed the very first speech as a toastmaster, she introduced herself with her child who are into comics.
The second speaker was TM KR. he shared a story of facing a difficult situation at his former company.
TM KO made a speech about the leadership behavior while he acts a division director of toastmasters.

最初のスピーカーはTM MHがトーストマスターズに加入して初めてのスピーチで自分自身と漫画に熱中しているお子様のことを紹介してくださいました。
番目のスピーカーであるTM KRは前職での困難な状況について前向きに振り返っていました。

General Evaluation session started by TM HN after 10min intermission. Three evaluators gave valuable and constructive feedback to designated speaker. We expect prepared speakers will make better speeches by taking evaluator’s feedback.

Lastly, we moved on to the Award session.
Award winners were as below.
Best Table topic Speaker: TM HA1
Best Evaluator: TM HA2
Best Speaker: TM KO

休憩をはさんで、TM.Nの進行でGeneral Evaluatorがスタートしました。3人の論評者がそれぞれの発表者対して価値のある建設的なフィードバックをしました。今回の準備スピーチをした方々がフィードバックを受けて次回以降よりよいスピーチをされることを期待してます。
Best Table topic Speaker: TM HA1
Best Evaluator: TM HA2
Best Speaker: TM KO

We were not only practicing speech in English but also learning a lot from all participants in that meeting as always. Also we went to the pub near Kannai Station and deepen our friendship by giving further feedback could not be shared in the meeting.
YTMC meeting is held on the first and third Saturday of every month, we welcome guests who are interested in developing public speech in English and leadership skills.
The next meeting will be on November 19
th at Sakuragicho PioCity. Looking forward to seeing you!



第791回例会レポート/The 791st Regular Meeting Report


8月2日はTM NMがファシリテーターとなり、写真から分かるように楽しい笑顔あふれる例会が開かれました!

On August 2, TM NM was the facilitator, and as you can see from the photos, the meeting was full of fun and smiles!


第793回例会レポート/The 793rd Regular Meeting Report


9月2日はTM OMをゲストとして迎え、「How to Enjoy Challenges in Table Topic Session(即興スピーチをどう楽しむか)」と題し、ワークショップを行いました。



ワークショップの流れとしては、スピーチの達人、特に即興スピーチの達人として知られるTM OMが資料に基づき、ポイントを学び、あてられたメンバーが即興スピーチをするスタイルでした。




このような貴重な機会にご対応頂いたTM OMに感謝したいと思います。ありがとうございました!!



On September 2, we welcomed TM OM as our guest and held a workshop titled “How to Enjoy Challenges in Table Topic Session”.

The participation rate of our members was very high, showing that everyone was very interested in the topic.


The flow of the workshop was based on the material of TM OM, who is known as a master of speeches, especially impromptu speeches, and the members who were assigned to give impromptu speeches.

In response to questions that were out of the ordinary or too simple to think about, the members used what they had learned to improvise their speeches.

I felt that the explanations were clear and easy to understand, with clear points such as not being able to say what you don’t know, not being conscious of answering questions completely, being aware of your speaking style beforehand, and having your story be thought of as the listener’s story at the end of the speech.


We would like to thank TM OM for this valuable opportunity! We really appreciate it!!

The next meeting , we will have a longer table topic session using what we have learned!
