The 776th Regular Meeting Report


Date&Time: 14:00-16:00 December 17th 2022/ Venue: Hatoba Kaikan + Online
There were 25 people including two guests participated in the meeting.

On a sunny day at the end of the year, the 776th regular meeting was held at the Hatoba Kaikan. The room was decorated for Christmas. Participants also wear Christmas props such as headdresses. At the beginning of the meeting, TM. A, who participated in Area C2’s evaluation contest and won first place, was presented with an award.

室内はクリスマスの飾りつけです。参加者も、頭飾りなど、クリスマスの小道具を身につけています。冒頭にArea C2の評論コンテストに参加して1位になったAさんの表彰がありました。Aさん、おめでとうございます。その後、定例がスタートしました。

The regular meeting then began. The TMOD for this meeting was TM.I. He conducted the meeting smoothly. The theme of this regular meeting was “Final Gift of 2022 which I want. This topic is appropriate for Christmas and the end of the year. Before each participant gave a speech, he or she announced the gift he or she would like to receive. We shared our wishes such as going back to their hometown or going to a hot spring.

今回のTMODは、TM.I。スムーズな会議を進行されました。今回の定例のテーマは“Final Gift of 2022 which I want”。2022年の最後に欲しいプレゼント。クリスマスそして年末にふさわしいトピックです。それぞれの参加者がスピーチの前に自分が欲しいプレゼントを発表しました。故郷に帰りたい、温泉に行きたい、などです。

The word of the day was “Dubious. It is a word that we do not usually use. TM. I, a veteran TMOD, repeated it and confirmed it for everyone.


The next Table Topics was moderated by TM.S. She herself collected questions she wanted to ask the members. ‘What is your own dark side, but one that you actually enjoy?’ What is an event that seemed like a loss at the time but turned out to be a good thing in the end?” How do you calm an angry person? How do you make someone over 25 cheerful? These were all interesting questions that were a bit philosophical. And the answers were all wonderful. I was amazed at how they were able to improvise such answers, and it was a table topic that really showed the high level of YTMC.

続いてのTable Topicsは、TM.Sの司会で進められました。彼女自身がメンバーに聞きたい質問を集めたそうです。「自分自身のダークサイドではあるが、実は楽しんでいるものは何ですか?」「その時は損失だと思ったが、結局はよかったと思った出来事は?」「怒っている人をどうやってなだめますか?」「25才を過ぎた人を陽気にする方法は?」など、少し哲学的で面白い質問ばかりでした。そして回答者が皆さん、素晴らしかった。よく即興でこんな回答ができるなと感嘆しました。YTMCのレベルの高さを実感するテーブルトピックでした。

Following the impromptu speech session, the preparatory speech session began. There were three speakers.

The first speaker was TM O, whose title was “Support Someone who wants to support others. He spoke about his experience of volunteering with his company colleague in a flood affected area. His speech was very persuasive because of his real-life experience on how to gather and motivate people. His speech was casual yet confident.

The next speaker, TM.S, titled “Shame on you, Takako. “ It is a story about how he responded to a person who suddenly posted a fight on the notice board at Toastmasters. It was a fun speech with serious anger, yet humorously put together, and a great summary of how to use SNS.

The third speaker, TM.N., spoke on the theme of “Lost with Translation” and talked about the strange English writing in Japan. He took pictures of strange English signs in various places and showed them to the audience. It was a good reference for me even while laughing.


最初のスピーカーはTM O、タイトルは「Support Someone who wants to support others」でした。洪水被害にあった地域を会社の有志でボランティアした体験を話されました。どうやって人を集めて、やる気にさせるか、実体験だけに説得力がありました。カジュアルでありながら自信を感じるスピーチでした。

次のスピーカーは、TM.S、タイトルは「Shame on you, Takako」。トーストマスターズでの告知板に突然に喧嘩を売るような書き込みをしてきた人への対応の話です。真剣な怒りがありながら、ユーモラスにまとめて楽しいスピーチでした。SNSの使い方のまとめも素晴らしかったです。

3番目のスピーカーは、TM.N。テーマは「Lost with Translation」 。日本にある変な英語の表記について話をされました。たんねんにいろんな場所で変な英語表記の写真をとってそれを見せながらの解説でした。笑いながらも他人事ではないと参考になりました。

After the intermission, General Evaluation session started led by TM. N. There were four evaluators, and they gave constructive and valuable feedback to each prepared speaker.
Then, we moved on to the Award session which was our main event.
The result of Award session was following.

Best Table topic Speaker: TM.M
Best Evaluator: TM.A
Best Speaker: TM.S


最優秀テーブルトピック・スピーカー TM.M
ベストエバリュエーター TM.A
ベストスピーカー TM.S

Finally, we sang “Jingle Bells” while looking at lyric’s cards brought by TMOD I. It was the first time for me to look at the lyrics of “Jingle Bells” and it was a good way to end the meeting.

The next meeting will be held on January 7 at Hatoba Kaikan.
If anyone is interested, please join us as a guest. We look forward to seeing you there.
See you at the next meeting. Thank you!




第775回例会レポート / The 775th Regular Meeting Report


The 775rd Regular Meeting Report
Date&Time: 14:00-16:00 December 3rd 2022/ Venue: Hatoba Kaikan + Online
There were 20 people including 1 guest participated in the meeting.

Time flies like an arrow. We only have two meetings left this year including one of today. “The year end” is today’s meeting theme. We had a guest, TM MW, from the other club. Today’s Toastmaster of the Day is long awaited TM TT, who is among the most experienced member in our club. Word of the Day is “Magical”, which is familiar and easy to use.

(1) 今年のトーストマスターで思い出深い経験は何ですか? → コンテストに初チャレンジ(YOさん)
(2) トーストマスターコンテストの思い出は何ですか? → 2011年のエバリュエーションディストリクト大会で2位になったこと(MWさん)
(3) 今年一番高価な買い物はなんでしたか? → 新車(HAさん)
(4) 年末までに済ませないといけないことは何ですか? → 家の大掃除(MTさん)
(5) 今年、家族で楽しんだ出来事は何ですか? → 悪い出来事は病気(NSさん)
Today’s Table Topic Master is TM KT, who is the Director of Area C2 and is also an experienced member. She asked five questions related to today’s theme. All these questions were aligned toward the end of this year.
(1) What is your most memorable experience in Toastmasters activity this year? → My first challenge to Contest (TM YO)
(2) What is the memorable magical experience about Contest? → Won the 2nd place in 2011 District Evaluation Contest (TM MW).
(3) What was the most expensive shopping this year? → New car (TM HA)!
(4) What is the stuff that you need to complete by the end of this year? → House cleaning (TM MT).
(5) What kind of enjoyable family event did you have? → A few diseases in my family (TM NS)

(1) 最初のスピーカーはATさんでした。彼は “あ~、またやってしまった!” からスピーチを始めました。このスピーチのために十分な準備をしなかったそうです。その理由は、時間がない、など3つ挙げていました。結論は“準備が肝心”。
(2)2人目は、HNさん、スピーチのタイトルは「My favorite building」。ドラム式洗濯機のような外観の中銀カプセルタワーを紹介しました。この建物には以前から興味があったそうです。取り壊される前に、この建物の観光ツアーに参加できたことを喜んでいました。
(3) 3人目は、HKさん。今日のスピーチの目的は、難しい聴衆の扱い方を練習することでした。そのため、このスピーチでは、聴衆の中に、おしゃべりな人、口をはさむ人、議論する人などの役割を演じる人がいました。そして、そのような聴衆が、彼のスピーチを妨害するのだが、彼はそれをうまく処理した。実に面白かった。
(4)最後のスピーカーは、ベテランのTNさんです。彼は、”I decide, NOT you “と言って、スピーチを始めました。そして、リーダーの3つのレベルについて説明しました。低レベルのリーダーは、自分ですべてを詳細に決定する。中堅のリーダーは、目標達成のために努力するように指示する。トップレベルのリーダーは、適切な権限委譲を行い、メンバーに力を与える。とても説得力のあるスピーチでした。

Next session is prepared speech. We had four speeches today.
(1) The first speaker was TM AT. He started his speech with “Oh, I did it again!” He did not prepare enough for this speech. He listed three reasons, like not enough time, etc. He concluded his speech that “Preparation is very important”.
(2) The second speaker was TM HN with his speech title “My favorite building”. He introduced the Nakagin Capsule Tower, which looks like drum style washing machine. He has been interested in this building for long time. He was happy to be able to participate the sightseeing tour of this building before it was demolished.
(3) The third speaker was TM HK. His speech objective today was to practice how to manage difficult audiences. Some of the audiences played the role of chatter, talker, interrupter and arguer. These role players disrupted his speech, but he successfully managed these interruptions. It was really fun.
(4) The last speaker was TM TN, who is also the experienced member. He started his speech saying “I decide, NOT you”. He explained three leader levels. Low level leader decides everything in detail. Medium level leader tells the members to work hard and achieve the goal. Top level leader empowers the members with proper delegation. Very convincing speech!


The last session is the Evaluation session. Today’s general evaluator is Ms. TS. She is also an experienced member. The evaluators were Ms. KO, Mr. MN, Ms. YO, and Ms. YN. Each evaluator pointed out the good points and areas for improvement in the target speeches. The interesting one was Mr. YO. First he asked the speaker, “Do you prefer the dry version or the gentle version?” he asked the speaker. After this, each member in a supporter role gave his/her report, and the General Evaluator summarized the entire meeting and closed the regular meeting. After the meeting, we enjoyed a drink at the nearby “82” (Scotch bar) as usual.
