第799回例会レポート/The 799th Regular Meeting Report


YTMC regular meeting #799 in Sakuragicho Poi City / 2023.12.2

Meeting Theme: Time Flies



時が経つのも早いもので今年のミーティングも残り2回となりました。本日のミーティングテーマは「Time Flies:時が経つのは早い」です。

Word of the dayは「TraditionalTM C.Nさんが担当されました。年末年始にぴったりなWODでした。

Time flies, and we are down to the last two meetings of the year. Today’s theme is “Time Flies”.

Word of the day is “Traditional” presented by TM C.N. It was the perfect word for the year-end and New Year season.




She introduced a wonderful sentence.

Yesterday is a history. Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That’s why it’s called present”.


Table Topics MasterTM H.Kさん












Table Topic Master is TM H.K

You provided some topics to reflect on this year, inspired by the year-end.

What is your best moment this year?

What is your best book, YouTube cannel or something this year?

What is your best find or something new this year?

What is the best goods you bought this year?

What is your goal or you want to achieve in the next year?

Prepared speechは3名の方が行いました。

1stスピーカーはTM K.Oさん


コロナ明け初の対面での開催になり、TM K.OBig Partyのリーダーを行うとのことです。きっと素晴らしい会になることでしょう。

1st speaker is TM K.O

He explained the information about International Speech Contest and party in 2024. It will be the first in-person after COVID and he will be a leader at the big party. It will be great party.


2ndのスピーカーはTM T.Sさん



2nd speaker is TM T.S

She discussed how to learn English with three panelists. Topics are “What motivate to learn English?”, ”Why Japanese people can’t speak English”, “What is the best way to practice English?” and so on. It was an amazing speech on how to learn English with the audience as well.

3rdのスピーカーはTM Y.Oさん


Chat GPTの翻訳はとても綺麗な日本語、英語に翻訳してくれるが、スピーチには向いていないのでは。Chat GPTはあくまでも参考程度に使用した方が良いと話されていました。

3rd speaker is TM Y.O

He spoke about AI and public speaking based on his own experience. Chat GPT’s translations are very clearly Japanese and English, but it may not be well-suited for speech. It is best to use Chat GPT for reference.


続いてEvaluate セッションのGETM M.Tさん

1st EvaluatorTM R.Sさん


ここはトーストマスターズ なので、みんなを招待しても良かったのでは。

General Evaluator is TM M.T

1st Evaluator is TM R.S

Good point: The opening is very impressive.

Improve point: Every body here is invited this event.


2nd Evaluator TM N.Mさん



2nd Evaluator is TM N.M

Good point: Topic choice was great. She was good at digging and spreading the panelist answer. She also asked the Audience.

Improve point: Most native speakers don’t say “Uh-huh.”,” I see.” A lot but Japanese use them often.

3rd EvaluatorTM T.Tさん

とてもタイムリーで興味深い。一言目で聴衆の心を掴んだ。ストーリは本人の経験に基づいていて自然だった。Chat GPTの適切な使い方が分かりやすく説明されていた。


3rd Evaluator is TM T.T

Good point: Very timely theme and interesting. He grabbed the audience heat. The story was real his experience. He explained how to use Chat GPT clearly.

Improve point: Change more vocal variety and voice volume during speech.

表彰 Awards

Best Table Topic: TM

Best Evaluator: TM

Best Prepared Speaker: TM



Today’s meeting was successful. Next meeting is #800 anniversary meeting & Christmas Party at Hatoba Kikan 4th floor. Don’t miss it!
