第812回例会レポート/The 812th Regular Meeting Report



冒頭では、2021年度のDCPポイント満点である10点を表彰するリボンが届いたことが知らされ、紹介されました。満点は日本の中でもなかなか取ることができない基準です。当時の会長TM Sはじめ、メンバーの貢献は素晴らしく、クラブの充実を感じられてとても嬉しいスタートでした。

The 812th meeting was the last anniversary meeting of the Toastmasters’ year. The rainy season did not arrive and it was a very hot and sunny day. Although the meeting style was hybrid, all 20 participants were able to visit the venue and see each other’s faces. It made the last meeting wonderful!

At the beginning of the meeting, it was informed and introduced that ribbons had been received to award 10 DCP points, a perfect score for the year 2021. A perfect score is a standard that is hard to obtain in Japan. The contributions of the President TM S (at that time) and other members were excellent, and it was a very happy start to feel the club’s fulfillment.


そして、この日の総合司会はTM Oさん。英語力抜群で、落ち着いた進行をしていただきました。テーマは「小さな挑戦」。小さな挑戦を続けることで、きっと大きな力になりますね。自宅のマットレスを売ろうとしている、ベランダで野菜を育てている、今日の初めての役割を頑張るぞ~、など皆さん様々な挑戦を紹介してくれました。

Today’s guest joined for the third time. We are excited to hear that he also expressed his intention to join the club.

And the Toastmaster of the Day was TM O. He has excellent English skills and conducted the meeting in a calm and relaxed manner. The theme was “Small Challenges.” I am sure that continuing to take on small challenges will give us great power. Everyone introduced various challenges such as trying to sell a mattress at home, growing vegetables on the balcony, and doing her best in my first role today!

最初のセッション、テーブルトピックはTM Mさんが担当。テーマに選んだのは「学校」にまつわること。経験したこことのあるテーマについての質問は、みなさん答えやすいですね。スピーカーのみなさんの学生時代にお話が聞けて楽しかったです。みなさん、学ぶことが好きだったからここにあるのかもしれないなとも思いました。質問は以下のような内容でした。

The first session “table topic” was handled by TM M. The theme chosen was related to “school.” It was easy for everyone to answer questions about a topic they had experienced before. It was fun to hear the speakers talk about their school days. I also felt that maybe everyone was here because they loved learning. The questions were as follows.

1. Tell me about your memorable teacher.

2. When you were a student, did you study by yourself or with your friends?

3. What is the merit of boys’ school or girls’ school compare to co-education school?

4. Which do you prefer, “school with uniforms” or “school with casual clothes”?

続いて準備スピーチです。1人目のスピーカーTM Nさんは、YTMCを始めた経緯を話してくれました。そして最近3つのクラブの見学に行かれたことを紹介していて興味深かったです。他のクラブの話を聞くことは刺激になりますね。

2人目のスピーカーTM Oさんは、未来の自分へあてた手紙が過去から届いた話をユーモアたっぷりに話して、100年後の世界に伝えたいことを考えたらそれも難しい、わかることしか書けないんだよねと話してくれました。しみじみと考えさせられました。

3人目のスピーカーはTM Oさん。熊対人間という題目で、3人のパネリストを交えて話し合いました。熊と人間から生まれた合いの子を準備したことが、笑いを誘って、あっという間の時間になりました。

Then came the preparation speeches: the first speaker, TM N, told us how he started YTMC. He also introduced his recent visit to three clubs, which was interesting. It is inspiring to hear about other clubs.

The second speaker, TM O, told a humorous story about a letter he received from the past that was addressed to his future self, and said that when he thought about what he wanted to tell the world 100 years from now, it would be difficult too, and he could only write what he could understand. It made me think deeply.

The third speaker was TM O. She discussed the subject of “bears versus humans” with the three panelists. The preparation of a ligature born of a bear and a human made us laugh and the time passed quickly.

そして、総合論評はベテラン会員のTM Sさん。経験値の高いスムーズな進行で進みました。そして論評するメンバーも的確な内容でさすが!TM Sさんは今日の例会だけでなく、今年度の役員の功績をたたえて語り、心温まる例会となりました。

And the general evaluation was by one of the experienced members, TM S. The session proceeded smoothly, and the members who commented were also very accurate. TM S spoke not only of today’s meeting but also praised the achievements of this year’s officers, making the meeting a heartwarming one.


At the end of the meeting, the president and the VPE presented awards to four members as a summary of the year’s activities. The names of the awards were: the Language Leadership Award, the Master of Ceremony Award, the Behind the Scene Award, and the MVP. Thanks to the efforts of the four members as well as all the officers, we were able to have a fulfilling year. I would also like to thank everyone who helped and supported the club in various situations. Then there was a Installation Ceremony, and finally the next meeting will start with a new organization. As mentioned in the new president’s speech, let’s all make this club, which has been in existence for more than 35 years, a wonderful place to everyone!



第811回例会レポート/The 811th Regular Meeting Report


Happy birthday to you~♪ Happy birthday to you~♫ Happy birthday, Dear YTMC~~♬“

June 1st 2024 is YTMC’s 36th birthday. There were 17 onsite participants, 2 online participants, and 1 guest in our #811 regular meeting.

Everyone sang “Happy Birthday song” and the #811 regular meeting started at 2PM as usual with beautiful weather and happy atmosphere.

President TM KT, thank you for her excellent choice as the answer of the meeting theme, “your favorite song.”

Happy birthday songの歌でスタートした811回目の例会。この日はYTMC36回目の誕生日。例会への参加者はメンバー 17名、ゲスト1名。天気も最高で穏やかな土曜日の午後、みんなで歌うHappy birthday songとともに、幸せな雰囲気で例会がスタートしました。プレジデントKTの今回の例会のテーマ“your favorite song”への素敵な曲の選択に感謝です。


Word of the day was “Greener” which was selected by YTMC new comer TM YI.

May is the month of fresh greenery so it must have been a perfect choice.

本日の言葉は”Greener” 。新緑シーズンの5月にとても相応しい言葉です。TM 新人 YIさんの素晴らしい選定でしたね。

Toastmaster of the day was TM HS, who is called as the Master of Ceremony for anniversary event. His cool and calm demeanor, along with his performance gave us sense of stability and security. It also made our birthday anniversary meeting truly wonderful and amazing.

TMODは、記念例会の司会のスペシャリスト、TM HS。落ち着いた・安定感のある司会進行は流石でした。

Table Topic session

Table Topic Master was TM HK from online. The Theme was “Stay comfortable”.

He proceeded this session comfortably as if he were in the meeting room.

He gave us 6 questions as below.

    1. Do you have any plans to travel this summer vacation?

He wants to go back to his hometown and take care of his parents if he could take a summer vacation in the middle of busy season.(TM RK)

    1. What is your motivation to learn foreign language such as English?

In business occasion using English, to communicate with people from other countries and to go abroad which is one of her hobbies. (TM YI)

    1. In the rainy season, what do you do to stay comfortable?

To watch videos and play in the playroom of her apartment with her sons. (TM HA)

In addition, She announced that she is planning on holding a club party in that playroom in late June. We are looking forward to that party. Let’s participate!

    1. Do you have any favorite summer festivals and why do you like it?

Fireworks, especially it was the best when she went for a private trip in Hokkaido.TM RS

    1. If you wanted to become sushi-master, which did you learn in, sushi-school you could graduate in 3 months or real traditional sushi-restaurant where you couldn’t determine when you could graduate?

Sushi school because of working in a Sushi restaurant in the US and getting a lot of money .(TM MT)

    1. Please imagine, you are very busy both at work and home. Do you have any recommendations to relax shortly on busy days?

Short sleep is the most effective, but he had failure experience that he overslept and skipped a meeting.(Guest U)

 本日のテーブルトッピクスマスターは、TM K。テーマは”快適性“。


    1. 夏休みの旅行の予定は?

仕事が忙しく夏休みがとれるかどうか分からないが、もし取れたら実家の宇和島に帰って両親と過ごしたい。(TM RK)

    1. 外国語を学習するモチベーションは?

仕事で必要なこと。海外の人との会話や趣味の海外旅行(TM YI)


子供とビデオを見たり、キッズルームで遊んだりして過ごす(TM HA)

また、TM Aからは彼女が6月下旬に企画してくれているクラブ パーティの紹介がありました。楽しみですね。みんなで参加しましょう!

4.好きな夏のお祭りは? なぜそのお祭りが好きか?

一番好きなお祭りは、北海道で見た花火大会(TM RS)


寿司の学校で習って、アメリカでお寿司屋さんをやって金儲けする(TM MT)

6. 忙しい日に、短時間でできるリラックス方法は?



Prepared speech session

There were 3 speakers and all of them were experienced members.


1st Speaker: TM NS /Speech Title :“NISA”

TM NS is one of our experienced members and he performed like a professional speaker this time.

NISA” is a timely and high attention in Japan so everyone was very interested in this topic.

He delivered about 20-min long speech, but it was very informative, clear and easy to understand.

Starting from introducing three methods to grow assets: stocks, bonds and real estate, then explaining benefits of NISA, such as “tax exemption” and “diversified investment, as well as the downside of “no guaranty of principal.” with some failure experience. In addition, he advised generational investment methods for workers and the seniors.

Lastly, he recommended, “Decide which one you want to buy using NISA!!”

It was like he was a professional advisor and we participated in a real financial seminar.

Everyone, start NISA to grow our asset for the future!

最初のスピーカーは、経験豊富なTM NS。スピーチタイトルは“NISA”





2nd Speaker: TM KO /Speech Title :“After Big Party”

TM KO is Mr. Entertainer of YTMC! He shared the review about PARTY after District 76 Annual conference 2024 for the first time in 5 years after COVID-19 pandemic. He was a leader of that PARTY project. It was a powerful speech with beautiful PowerPoint slides, covering topics such as his leadership skills, team coordination, tips for entertaining a big party, such as table-seat cards, “Aitai” cards (comment sheets), and how to create excitement of the party using gorgeous game prizes.

Project members “enjoy”, the maximum is very important, it leads project to success!” It is his motto as a leader. It sounded very strong and impressive.

156 participants joined and that PARTY could be fully succeeded. He and his team’s contribution paid off. We are proud of him.

2番目のスピーカーは、エンターテイナー TM KO 。 スピーチタイトルは”After Big Party”





3rd Speaker: TM TT /Speech Title :“My Mentor and I”

TM TT is our mother of YTMC! She provided a wonderful, heartwarming speech about her actual experience of her first mentor’s kind support and advice to her. It was a very dramatic and emotional speech, conveying her love and gratitude towards her mentor. Her final message, “Thanks to my mentor, I have been enjoying YTMC for over 20 years!” . It was a particularly impactful message. Please continue to enjoy YTMC from now on!

3番目のスピーカーは、YTMCの母、TM T。スピーチタイトルは”My mentor and I”


Evaluation session

After the intermission, it was time for our 3 professional evaluators to make an evaluation.


1st evaluator: TM YO for TM NS speech about “NISA”

His evaluation was very excellent and comfortable, demonstrating both professional insights and technical expertise as an experienced member. He also talked about his wife’s recent behavior to be interested in NISA. He lastly said “We should buy NISA!” It may be a message toward himself.

最初の論評者はTM Y. TMSのスピーチに関する論評です。


2nd evaluator: TM TS for TM KO speech about “After Big Party”

She is an experienced and professional member. She wanted to provide many high praises for his speech but focused on three excellent and highlight points, which were ①the use of beautiful and visually appealing slides, ② detailed explanation of meticulous planning and execution, ③ the heartfelt explanation and message as a project leader thought the purpose of this project. Despite being an online review, it was incredible that she gave us the feeling as if we were listening in person at the venue.

2番目の論評者は、こちらも経験豊富なTM TS。今回のスピ―チの多くの高評価のうち、①綺麗で分かりやすいスライドの利用、②綿密な計画と実行の具体的な説明、③今回のプロジェクトの目的に沿ったプロジェクトリーダーとしての気持ちがこもった説明が、特に3つ良いポイントとして挙げられました。今回はオンラインからの論評でしたが、まるで会場で聞いているような感じしたのは流石でした。


3rd evaluator: TM KM for TM TT speech about “My Mentor and I”

He praised not only for the content of her speech but also for the excellence in delivering her speech. He also used “If I were you” suggestion for room for improvement. It was really softly convincing and persuasive expression which was reflected in his developing as a university teacher. I also would like to try using it the next time I’m appointed as an evaluator.

3番目の論評者は、TM KM。

コンテンツの内容だけでなく、スピーチを伝える方法のすばらしさの点などを高評価として挙げられました。また改善点の説明の際に、彼が使った“If I were you,“ の表現は、彼が大学の教師として培われている納得感・説得力がある表現で、とても勉強になりました。私も、論評者に指名された際には、今度使ってみたいと思います。


General Evaluator was our president TM KT.

She made an evaluation about proceeding the whole meeting and 3 evaluators with precise and uniqueness. Especially it was informative and appropriate that she appointed that the meeting room change without a rectum coincidentally helped improve TM YO’s speech attitude better.

総合論評者は、プレジデント TM T。


特に、登壇台がない場所でTM YOのスピーチの姿勢や態度が改善したという指摘は、納得感があり素晴らしかったです。

Award session

The award recipients were as follows:

Best Table Topics: Guest U

Best Evaluator: TM KM

Best Prepared Speaker: TM TT



ベスト即興スピーチ : ゲスト Uさん

ベスト論評者 : TM KMさん

ベストスピーカー : TM TTさん


The next regular meeting will be held on June 15th, which will be the final meeting for current officers. Onsite venue is the meeting room on 1st floor in Hatoba Kaikan.

Please join us as a guest!! See you next time!!!





第810回例会レポート/The 810th Regular Meeting Report


The 810th regular meeting report
Date and Time: 14:00 – 16:00, May 25th, 2024
Venue: Hatoba Kaikan (3F floor) and online

Apologize from Website Reporter

Because of the W-roll with TMOD this time, I was taking notes as I proceeded.

For this reason, I apologize that my report is not as detailed as usual.

I would be happy if you could get a feel for the atmosphere of the meeting, even if it is only a rough sketch.

Website Reporterより】




Today’s meeting was held in a conference room on the third floor of the Hatoba Kaikan. This room was a venue we used to use often before. This may become our main venue in the future…?

We welcomed one guest today! Anyone is always welcomed to visit us! Visiting us does not mean joining, so please feel free to come and visit.




business session

Election of officers for the coming term was held. Candidates, one for each office, were unanimously approved.

The new board of officers will be in place starting in July..




Word of the day

Today’s Word of the Day is “exponentially,” meaning “rapidly, dramatically, and geometrically.

This word was quite advanced. The audience practiced the words individually.



TMOD chose “Your Memory of Exam” as the theme.

Each roll takers shared their episodes, such as “I got a red mark in Chemistry,” “I got 6 out of 100 in Math,” “A friend I lent my notebook to get a better grade than me,” “I submitted my answer sheet blank,” etc.



Table Topic

The theme of this year’s event was “Rainy Season”.

Nominated members answered questions about how they feel on rainy days and what they spend their time doing.

I feel lonely at night,” “I watch movies or recorded NHK’s morning dramas,” or “I was happy that a sporting event I hate was canceled.”

When asked for movie recommendations, TM T.S. listed “Notting Hill,” “Pride and Prejudice,” and “Bridget Jones’s Diary,” and Table Topic Master TM Y.O. was surprised at the speed of his answers.







おすすめの映画を聞かれたTM T.Sは「ノッティングヒルの恋人」「プライドと偏見」「ブリジット・ジョーンズの日記」を挙げ、その回答の速さにテーブル・トピック・マスターのTM Y.Oもびっくりでした。

Prepared speech

We had four prepared speakers today.

The first one, TM I, gave an icebreaker speech for the first time since joining.

She attracted the audience with her imposing behavior and calm appearance, which was hard to believe that it was her first speech.

She talked about her career history and how she joined Toastmasters.

I was touched by her husband’s words, “It’s your life, whatever you decide, I will support you.



1人目のTM Iは入会後初めてのアイスブレイクスピーチ。




The second was TM K. He always seems to be busy, but this time he revealed his schedule for the past month. It turns out that he has been busy with work. At the same time, we also found out that a quarter of the month is spent with a hangover in the morning. Take care of yourself! (I can’t speak for others, but…)

His message was ”By staying in a neutral state, we are able to keep energy and allow us to be more sensitive to others’ feelings.

2人目はTM K。いつも忙しくしている印象ですが、今回は何と過去1か月のスケジュールを大公開してくれました。やはり仕事で忙しくしていることが分かりました。同時に1か月の4分の1は二日酔いで朝を迎えていることも判明。身体は大事にしましょう!(人のこと言えませんが…)


The third speaker was TM N. She talked about the activities of the NPO she is involved with.

She brought a cupcake that was actually made at her workspace, and we were able to pass around and look at it.

It was very effective to have pictures and actual products to help us visualize what they are doing.

3人目はTM N。彼女が携わっているNPOの活動について話してくれました。



Lastly, TM H.S. talked about his “self-image”. He talked about how he realized the difference between the image he has of himself and the image others have of him through a conversation with his wife.

最後はTM H.S。「自分の印象」についてです。自分が自分に対してもっているイメージと他社から持たれているイメージの差について奥様との会話によって気づいた話など、実際の体験を例に挙げて話してくれました。


All of the speeches were rated as “well structured”.

The most frequently points for improvement in each evaluation are eye contact, vocal variety, and body language.

Not only to the speakers this meeting but also to ourselves, these are points that we need to keep in mind when we give speeches in the future.

And one more point: “Memorize the script as much as possible!”








Best Table Topic Speaker: TM H.O.

Best Evaluator: TM N.S.

Best Prepared Speech Speaker: TM H.S.


テーブルトピック:TM H.O

評価部門:TM N.S

スピーチ部門:TM H.S

Comment from guests

We were all very happy to hear him say, “I want to come back again.

He even used today’s word “exponentially” in his speech. How wonderful!!




Yokohama Toastmasters was founded some day in June, so the next meeting will be the last meeting as for the 35th anniversary year. We hope to continue to enjoy our activities in our 36th year.

Anyone can attend up to three visits free of charge, so please feel free to contact us!






