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Let the Marathon begin… That is right folks! We had a speech marathon for the Yokohama TMC 629thMeeting. A total of 7 speeches and 7 Evaluations were conducted successfully. We couldn’t beat the World Record Marathon pace and complete in 2 hours but we did our best including an Induction Ceremony for Mr. & Mrs. S., who are transfer members all the way from Fukui!
Right after the business session, we were captivated by the Word of the Day, which was “captivate/captivating”. It was used well throughout the meeting. We skipped our usual Jokes/Tips/Table Topics sessions to get right into the Speech Marathon.
First we were surprised at the low carb diet that TM H. introduced and how he lost several kilograms in just a few weeks.
We then were captivated by the beauty of Miyajima, as TM K. took us on a journey to a place worth visiting in Japan. He included references to the newly crowned Hiroshima Carp Baseball group winners and the upcoming Toastmaster’s District Fall Conference in Hiroshima.
TM O. then lectured us about her favorite professor from Carnegie Mellon University. She described how impressed she was from the lecture he gave.
We were then captivated by today’s Best Speaker TM J., as he explained for the first time ever his new innovative JABOT theory. Maybe Toastmasters will feature him in a future magazine or add his tips to their manuals as he really focused on some key speaking tips for all of us.
TM N. came literally riding on her horse with boots and all using her Body perfectly to describe the flowing movement that the body needs to make while horse-back riding. We could imagine it as if we were riding ourselves. It was one of the best CC #5 project speeches that I have experienced.
After a short break, TM M. continued the marathon with a long rally of her own. She had to battle with English speakers, who were extremely hard to understand, going back and forth several times before eventually getting it or giving up. She used vocal variety in unique ways that impressed the audience.
Last but not least, the audience got an Advanced Manual Speech to Make us Laugh from the Humorously Speaking Manual. TM I. described her Summer Trip to Seattle. Her trip was not as exciting as the story of how she enjoyed “single” life in Japan after moving her husband for an extended stay in Seattle.

Our GE TM T. took the reins and performed admirably by giving great feedback to all role takers and all Evaluators. Our top evaluator must have learned the JABOT Theory as TM. N.S. took the honors after his evaluation of the Jabot theory speech. Many evaluators could get good practice is due to the 7 speeches we had.
Eventually the Marathon came to an end and some participants enjoyed drinks after the meeting at our regular bar!
Thanks for all Speakers and Role Takers for their efforts as everyone stayed until the end and we could finish the Marathon together!
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ビジネスセッション(連絡事項)の後、”Word of the Day(今日の言葉)”担当のFさんが紹介してくれた言葉に、私たちは魅了されました。
そうです、今日の言葉は”captivate/captivating (魅了する/魅力的な)”。
Toastmaster of the Day (TMOD), M.F.