例会の流れ Meeting Agenda



■通常例会のタイムテーブル Regular meeting time table (agenda)

14:00 Call to order
 Guest Introduction
 Business Session
 The Word of the Day
⇒Toastmasters of the Day
 Introduction of roll takers 
 ⇒Vote Counter
14:20 ⇒Tips Session ‥‥役立つ話
14:25 ⇒Joke Session ‥‥ジョーク
14:30 ⇒Table Topic Session
 Call for Timer’s Report/ Voting for Best Table Topics Speaker
⇒Prepared Speech Session
 Speech 1 / Speaker1
 Speech 2 / Speaker2
 Speech 3 / Speaker3
 Speech 4 / Speaker4
 Call for Timer’s Report / Voting for Best Prepared Speaker
15:15 Intermission ‥‥休憩
⇒Evaluation Session / General Evaluator (G.E.)
 Evaluation for Speech 1 / Evaluator 1
 Evaluation for Speech 2 / Evaluator 2
 Evaluation for Speech 3 / Evaluator 3
 Evaluation for Speech 4 / Evaluator 4
 Call for Timer’s Report/ Voting for Best Evaluator
15:40 General Evaluation
 GRAHCO Report
Award Presentation
Buques & Brickbats
Comments from guests & who haven’t spoken in the meeting


16:00 Adjournment ‥‥閉会

各セッション、役割の説明 Explanation of each Session and Role

■TMOD / ToastMaster of the Day:今日のトーストマスター

TMOD is a Chairman of the day. The TMOD is not only a Chairman but also a coordinator, organizer, planner, leader, host and a trouble shooter.
It is a good practice for managing a meeting effectively as well as introducing speakers in a way that excites the audience and motivates them to listen.



The timer is responsible for keeping accurate times of Table Topic participants, prepared speakers, and evaluators. Using signs of Green, Yellow and Red, Timer shows the Time for the speakers.
This way the program participants will practice expressing their thoughts within a specific time.


■Vote Counter:集計係

Vote Counter is responsible for gathering ballots from all attendee and counting the number after finish all speech. During the meeting, Vote Counter has to count ballots and inform the result to TMOD by end of meeting.


■GRAHCO :文法係&えーとカウンター

“GRAHCO” = Grammarian and AH Counter

To present the Word of the Day; keep number of the AHs used by the members; monitor the grammar used by TM’s during the meeting and note grammatical errors; and present the GRAHCO’s report at the end of meeting.
The ah-counter counts the number of unnecessary “filler” words, such as ums and ahs, and reports the number before the meeting ends. The grammarian reports any grammatical errors or outstanding uses of words in English and Japanese

また、例会内で誰が何回不要な言葉(「えーと」「あの」 “Ah” “Um” “Well,”等)を発したか数え、例会の最後に報告します。 発表者はこれにより、自分で気付かなかった口癖を直していく事が出来ます。


Tips master picks up the article from monthly magazine “Toastmaster” which concerns communication and leadership skills and introduces it in a meeting. The article is very useful to improve our skills.



Joke master adds humors to the meeting. At the same time, we can recognize the difficulty to make others laugh in English.


■Table Topic:テーブルトピック

In the Table Topics Session, one has two minutes to answer a theme chosen on the spot.


■Prepared Speech:準備スピーカー

In a meeting, three to five speakers make a prepared-speech within limited time. The speaker can decide the topic of speech freely. To improve speech skill, speaker makes an effort to follow the objectives in manual.


■GE / General Evaluator:総合論評者

General Evaluator is responsible for the review and evaluation of the entire meeting, including the business portion. GE is also responsible for that portion of the meeting pertaining to the evaluation of individual speakers.



Evaluators make constructive comments from various view points for each prepared speech within three minutes. Various view points of evaluation include speech structure, eye contact, body language, voice etc.

