第827回例会レポート/The 827th Regular Meeting Report






本日の司会(Toastmaster of the Day: TMOD)はTM Uです。半年前に入会され、今回初めてTMOD役にチャレンジされました。初のTMODということで、TM Usubaが設定した今日の例会のテーマは「挑戦」です。


“コロナやインフルエンザや風邪をひかないよう健康維持” “ハンバーガーを割ける(見ない&食べない)こと”

“トーストマスターでのコンテストに挑戦すること” “あまり頑張りすぎないこと(あまり新しいチャレンジをしない)” など・・・

「今日の言葉」Word of The Dayの担当 は、 TM Mでした。

Exceptionally  = 異常に、非常に、並外れて、格段に、などの意味を持っている単語を選ばれました。

 例文としては、Your speech was exceptionally great. などです。

今日のGrammarian(文法係) は前回の例会で正式会員となったばかりのTM Aでした。Aさんは英語ネイティブの方ですが「英語を話す上で、話そうとする意欲や伝えようとする気持ちが一番大切!」と、我々日本人にはとても刺さるメッセージをお話しされつつも、「でもやはり文法も大事だよね。」と添えていました。


次の即興スピーチセッション(Table Topic Session)は、経験豊富なTM Noriaki Sakamotoさんが担当されました。本日の例会のテーマである「挑戦」にまつわる質問を投げかけ、とてもスムーズな進行で盛り上げてくださいました。

1, What is your Memorable Challenge?

2,What was your most challenge food, please explain how do you overcome?

3、What do you think is most important to make a challenge successfully?

4、What do you think major reason to cost。。。。。。。。。。

5,  Are you a person to go for a challenge? Or avoid a challenge? Why?

6,  Who is the most challenging person in YTMC ?


TM M:スピーチタイトルは「The Trigger」


TM Shao:


TM Tachi : スピーチタイトルは「Just Keep Walking」



後半の論評セッションです。トーストマスターズクラブでは「先生」がいないため、各メンバーへのフィードバック、助言が、とても大切な要素となっています。本日の総合論評(General Evaluator)は経験豊富なTM Aが担当されました。論評セッション全体をとてもスムーズに進行し、各3名の論評者に対しても、次につながるTipsを添えてアドバイスをされていました。

その後、再び例会の進行がTMODのTM Uに戻り、表彰式を行いました。

・Best Speaker : TM Tachi / Best Evaluator: TM Sakuma / Best TableTopic Master : TM Ashley


TM Uはまだ入会して半年、そして初めてのTMODとは思えないくらい、とても落ち着いて例会進めてくださいました。初めてTMODをやった感想として「準備は少し大変だが、例会当日はスピーカーのスピーチを聞くことに専念できるし、Table Topicsにもあたることがないので、楽しめた!笑」と添えていました。



最後に会長のTM Aより、幾つかアナウンスがありました。


・来月のクラブ内コンテスト、・Area Joint Meeting、・ポトラックパーティーの案内





Yokohama Toastmasters Club – 827th Regular Meeting Report
Date: January 25, 2025  from 2:00 PM


The 827th regular meeting of the Yokohama Toastmasters Club started promptly at 2:00 PM.
Today, we were joined by three guests—one attending for the first time and two who have declared their intention to join as official members at the February meeting. We’re excited to welcome them aboard!

Meeting Overview

The Toastmaster of the Day (TMOD) was TM U, who joined the club six months ago and took on the challenge of serving as TMOD for the first time. TM U chose the theme “Challenge” for today’s meeting. The Question of the Day was:
“What is your challenge (or goal) this year?”
Each role player shared their answer to the question. Some unique answers included:

  • Maintaining good health and avoiding colds, the flu, and COVID-19.
  • Resisting the temptation to eat or even see hamburgers.
  • Taking part in the Toastmasters contest.
  • Not overexerting oneself and avoiding too many new challenges.

Word of the Day

The Word of the Day was introduced by TM M:  Exceptionally – meaning “extremely, unusually, remarkably.”
Example: “Your speech was exceptionally great.”


Today’s grammarian was TM A, who became an official member at the last meeting. Although TM A is a native English speaker, they emphasized to us that the most important thing in speaking English is the willingness and desire to communicate, and that “grammar is important, too!”

Table Topics Session

The Table Topics session was led by the experienced TM Noriaki Sakamoto. He posed several thought-provoking questions related to the meeting theme of “Challenge,” creating a smooth and engaging session:

  1. What is your memorable challenge?
  2. What was the most challenging food for you, and how did you overcome it?
  3. What do you think is most important to make a challenge successful?
  4. What do you think is the major reason for failure in a challenge?
  5. Are you the type of person who embraces challenges or avoids them? Why?
  6. Who do you think is the most challenging person in YTMC?

Prepared Speeches

In the main session of prepared speeches, three members gave speeches filled with personal stories:

  • TM M: The title of the speech was “The Trigger.” TM M shared a deeply personal story about struggles with English communication during a trip to the US, where their attempts to express themselves and understand others led to frustration. The speech described their emotional journey and the changes they made in their approach to learning English.
  • TM S: TM Shao gave a heartfelt speech about the relationship and distance with their parents back in their home country, sharing their experiences in a very relatable way.
  • TM T: The title of the speech was “Just Keep Walking.” TM Tachi spoke about suddenly developing knee pain and the challenges they faced in daily life, the changes that occurred through visits to the doctor, and how walking became more significant after recovering. The speech conveyed the importance of perseverance and health.


Since Toastmasters clubs do not have formal “teachers,” feedback and advice from fellow members are crucial. Today’s General Evaluator was the experienced TM A, who smoothly facilitated the session and provided insightful tips to each evaluator.


Afterward, the meeting proceeded with the awards ceremony:

Best Speaker: TM T / Best Evaluator: TM S/ Best Table Topics Master: TM A

Closing Remarks

TM U, despite being a member for only six months and hosting their first TMOD, did an excellent job in leading the meeting with composure. When reflecting on their first time as TMOD, they mentioned that while the preparation was a bit challenging, the actual meeting allowed them to focus on listening to the speeches and enjoy the session without having to participate in Table Topics. Well done, TM U!

Lastly, the president, TM A, made a few announcements about upcoming club events:

Next month’s club contest, Area Joint Meeting and Potluck party invitation

Today’s meeting was filled with learning, smiles, and laughter, making it a wonderful session.
We look forward to seeing you at the next meeting!


第826回例会レポート/The 826th Regular Meeting Report


A club meeting for the first time in 2025 started on time at 1400 hrs with much fresh, vital, and warm atmosphere. We had four guests joining the meeting.
Before commencing the meeting, an induction ceremony was carried out for a new member. Today’s Toastmaster of the Day [TMOD] was Toastmaster [TM] T. He joined the club a couple of years ago and dedicated much of his skills and time for club activities, not only for technical issues in highbrid club meetings but also proactive involvement in club officer roles. The meeting theme was “Your first dream of the new year” When TMOD introduced today’s role takers along with their first new year’s dream, he showed us an AI generated illustration for each of them he created in advance based on the dream. Every audience seems to have been amazed and enjoyed with seeing a latest technology.
After the role explanation by each role taker, the first session, Table Topic Session was conducted by TM S smoothly as Table Topic Master [TTM]. She also joined the club a couple of years ago and performed various roles proactively. In this session, TTM asks a question and then the designated person answers it impromptu. The topic was timely and relating to `end and new year` like, “What is your routine when you say good bye to the last year and say hello to the new year?” “What is your secret in relieving your stress  during a long holiday?” or “How do you feel about a duration of a year, long or short?” etc.
The next session was Prepared Speech. The first speaker was TM A, who is an experienced member. The title was “Find Happiness with Your Mentor/Mentee” She looked back the first half of YTMC fiscal year along with five key words she wrote up each on a flip board with and emphasized how Mentor/Mentee relation is important for Toastmasters journey.
The second speaker was TM U, who joined the club recently and it was his second opportunity to deliver a speech. His speech title was “My relationship with niece and nephew” He shared his experience when he challenged a successful communication toward his very young niece and nephew. Having a revival of the scenes with humorous gesture, the speech was determined well to entertain audience.
The last speaker was TM S, who joined the club a couple of years ago. His speech title was “Unforgettable words” His speech was based on his experience with a senior reliable coworker who has a SHOWA era spirit occasionally that someone feels comfortable or not. Anyway, TM S was encouraged by him in various opportunities. It was well organized speech.
The last session was Evaluation Session where evaluators evaluate prepared speeches. General Evaluator [GE], TM O1, conducted this session very smoothly. Evaluators were TM M, TM O2  and TM O3. They evaluated the each prepared speech, pointing out good points and improvement points. And, all role takers presented their reports accordingly. In the end, TM O1 gave a general evaluation for the whole meeting and pass the control back to TMOD. The best Table Topic Speaker was awarded to TM J, the best evaluator was awarded to TM M,  and best prepared speaker was awarded to TM S. It was good to see that the club meeting was conducted in a very friendly atmosphere as usual and adjourned almost on time at 1600 hrs.
例会開始前には、新メンバーの入会式が行われました。本日の司会(Toastmaster of the Day: TMOD)は、トーストマスターTでした。彼は数年前にクラブに参加し、ハイブリッド会議での技術的な問題への対応だけでなく、クラブ役員としても積極的に活動し、クラブ活動に多くの技量と時間を捧げてきました。本日のテーマは「新年の初夢」でした。TMODが今日の役割担当者を紹介する際、それぞれの新年の初夢を元にAIで生成したイラストを事前に作成し、紹介しました。最新技術を取り入れたイラストに、参加者全員が驚きと楽しみを感じていました。
各役割担当者の説明が終わった後、最初のセッションであるテーブルトピックスセッションが、TTM(テーブルトピックマスター)として司会を務めたTM Sによってスムーズに進行されました。彼女も数年前にクラブに参加し、さまざまな役割を積極的にこなしてきました。このセッションでは、TTMが質問を投げかけ、それに指定された人が即興で答える形式です。トピックは「年末年始」に関連したもので、「昨年を締めくくり、新年を迎えるときのルーティンは?」「長い休み中にストレスを解消する秘訣は?」「1年という期間について、長いと感じるか短いと感じるか?」など、時節に合ったものでした。
次のセッションは準備スピーチセッションでした。最初のスピーカーは経験豊富なメンバーであるTM Aでした。スピーチのタイトルは「メンター/メンティーと共に見つける幸せ」でした。彼女は、等クラブの会計年度前半を振り返り、フリップボードに記した5つのキーワードをもとに、トーストマスターズにおけるメンター/メンティー関係の重要性を強調しました。
2番目のスピーカーは、最近クラブに入会し、今回が2回目のスピーチとなるTM Uでした。スピーチタイトルは「姪と甥との関係」でした。彼は、非常に幼い姪と甥に対して成功したコミュニケーションを試みた経験を共有しました。場面をユーモラスなジェスチャーで再現し、聴衆を楽しませることを意識したスピーチで、大いに会場を盛り上げました。。
最後のスピーカーは、数年前にクラブに参加したTM Sでした。スピーチタイトルは「忘れられない言葉」でした。スピーチは、昭和時代の精神を持つ信頼できる上司との経験に基づいていました。人によっては居心地の良さを感じたり、そうでなかったりすることもありますが、ともかくTM Sはその上司から多くの機会で励まされました。よく構成されたスピーチでした。
最後のセッションは、評価セッションでした。ここでは、準備スピーチの評価が行われます。総合論評者(General Evaluator: GE)であるTM O1が、このセッションをスムーズに進行しました。評価者はTM M、TM A、TM O2で、各準備スピーチについて、良かった点や改善点を指摘しました。すべての役割担当者も順に報告を行いました。最後にTM O1が全体の総合論評を行い、司会のTMODにコントロールを戻しました。ベストテーブルトピックスピーカーにはTM J、ベスト論評者にはTM O2、そしてベストスピーカーにはTM Sが選ばれました。例会はいつものように非常にフレンドリーな雰囲気で進行され、ほぼ定刻通り16時に閉会となりました。