The 778th Regular Meeting Report




Getting big chilly here in Yokohama, but it was full of energy in the town!




Today’s TMOD is TM. N.

Representing YTMC, she had just attended Toastmasters training. She said that adjective vocabulary is important!

今日のテーマは”New Year`s Resolution”. 一月も中盤に差し掛かりましたが、まだまだ今年の目標を立てる時期ですね。

Today’s theme is “New Year`s Resolution”.

It’s time to set goals for the year.

面白かったのがGrammarianのTM. Mがロール紹介の際、「New Year`s Resolutionを作らないのがNew Year`s Resolution」ですといって会場を沸かせていました!

It was interesting when Grammarian TM.M introduced the roles, he excited the audience by saying, “My new Year’s Resolution is not making New Year’s Resolution.”

皆さんお待ちかねのテーブルトピックの担当はTM. Mです。

Smart Phoneがupdateするように、自分自身もいつもアップデートしていきたいとポジティブなスタート。

Today`s table topic master is TM.M. She mentioned that her new year`s resolution is the to update herself like smart phone!

また、彼女は”Die with Zero”という本のコンセプトに則った質問を考えてきました。





She prepared her questions based on the concept of the book “Die with Zero”.

What’s your life’s bucket list? What can you do now? “If you can do anything, what do you want to do?”

The good thing about Toastmasters is that we can know this kind of knowledge at the meeting. I was impressed the concept of the book and just purchased this book from Amazon.

Also, this time, two of the guests were pointed for table topic speech.

Both answered so confidently that I couldn’t believe they were guests.

本日のPrepares Speakerは4人

最初のスピーカは「難しい聴衆をマネージメントする」という課題の TM.O。まるで寸劇みたいで、大笑いしました。

We had 4 prepared speakers at this meeting.

The assignment of TM.O was how to manages difficult audiences.

There were several members who interrupts his speech, but he managed nicely.

It was a great entertainment show and we all enjoyed.

ご自身のリーダーシップ体験を語ったTM.KのLeading by example.


TM.K gave a speech about leadership, title was “Leading by example”, talking about his own leadership experience. What do you do to motivate people? It was very helpful.

TM.Aは”New year`s resolutions: Too much of a good thing”


タバコの止め方Cold Turkeyなど面白い話を交えたプレゼンでした。

TM.A gave a speech “New year`s resolutions: Too much of a good thing”

Educational content using PowerPoint presentations.

It was professional presentation with interesting stories such as Cold Turkey, how to stop smoking.

最後のTM.IはBreaking free from the dependence of scolding



The last TM.I gave a speech, “Breaking free from the dependence of scolding”.

A very sensitive topic from his experience as a schoolteacher.

This is a common problem for ordinary people!

論評ももちろん4名でした。中でもBest EvaluatorをとったTM. Oは明確なポイントを指摘しておりました。本日のゲストもEvaluationが最も感銘を受けたというくらいです。


Of course, there were 4 evaluators. Among them, TM.O, who won the Best Evaluator, pointed out a clear evaluation points.  Today’s guests commented that one of the most impressed things about toastmaster was Evaluation secession.

Evaluator gave useful feedback to the speaker in a limited time, and we are so proud as toastmasters!

General EvaluatorはTM. O,

これは例会全体の論評です。 プロジェクターの光加減から、例会でのメンバーへの話す機会をどのように割り当てるのか?など、改善ポイントをたくさん指摘しました。


General Evaluator was TM. O.

General evaluation is the evaluation for the entire meeting. TM. O pointed out many improvements point such as how we allocate the spacers at the regular meeting and suggested the set up or projector in order to all audience able to see clearly.  By this kind of general evaluation, we can enhance and improve the operation of the meeting!

今回の表彰です。Best speakers of this meeting!

Best Table topic speaker: TM. O

Best Evaluator: TM. O

Best Prepared Speaker: TM. K


It was a wonderful meeting, and we all enjoyed the meeting lead by TOMOD, TM. N. Well Done!!


We all see you in the inhouse contest!!


The 777th Regular Meeting Report


また、今回からYTMCに新たな仲間TM. Oが加わることとなり、インダクションを行いました。

Happy New Year to all readers of the Regular Meeting Report. Today’s meeting was our first meeting of the year and, what a lucky number, our 777th meeting. This year’s meeting was very lively, with most of the participants attending on-site and 6 guests.
We also had an induction of a new member to YTMC, TM. O.

さて、今回のTMODはエリアディレクターのTM. T。テーマは”Be Confident in yourself!”。新年を迎えて、去年自分が自信を持てなかったことに関して、今年はそれを良くしていくぞという心意気を感じさせるテーマとなっていました。今日の言葉は”fresh”、「新鮮味のある」といった汎用性の高い言葉です。

Now, this year’s TMOD is Area Director TM. T. The theme was “Be Confident in yourself!”. The word of the day was “fresh”.

テーブルトピックマスターはTM. O。テーブルトピックは、質問に対して即興のスピーチを行うという、とても楽しいセッションです。今回は、「始めたいまたは止めたい習慣はなにか」や「誇れる習慣」、「意外に思われるだろう習慣」など、それぞれの「習慣」に関する質問をしてくれました。全般的に皆さんは健康と整理整頓への関心が高い傾向にありました。

The Table Topic Master was TM. O. The Table Topic is a very enjoyable session, with impromptu speeches in response to questions. This time, they asked questions about different ‘habits’, such as ‘What is a habit you want to start or stop’, ‘Your habit that you are proud of’ and ‘Your habit that would surprise others’. Overall, everyone tended to be very interested in health and tidying up things.

Next up was the Toastmasters’ main event, the Prepared Speech. This is a session where speakers listen to speeches that speakers made previously. This time, three speeches were given.

(1) 最初のスピーカーはTM. A。タイトルは”Be Positive and Ask for Help!”でした。昨年は夫婦共々、病院に行くことが多かったとのこと。夫が入院した際には、普段の日常がどれほど有り難いものかを実感したようです。また、周りのサポートのすばらしさに感動したとも。病院に行くことが多いなど、ネガティブなことが多かった昨年ですが、なんと最後に喜ばしいニュースが!12月に通院したところ、双子を身ごもっていることが発覚。ご懐妊おめでとうございます!
(1) The first speaker was TM. A. The title was “Be Positive and Ask for Help!” She said that she and her husband went to a doctor a lot in the last year. When her husband was hospitalised, she realised how grateful she was for her normal everyday life. She was also impressed by the wonderful support she had around her. Last year was full of bad things, but at the end of it all, there was a good news! When she went to a doctor in December, the doctor said that she was carrying twins. Congratulations on your pregnancy!

(2) 次のスピーカーは、TM. S。タイトルは”Start where you are”でした。このスピーチは、個人的な今年の目標についてのもの。その目標とは、「恋人を作ること」。どうやら、母親から「結婚しろ」という圧力があるとのこと。また、前回の例会後の飲み会で、「どのような恋人がよいか」ということを、メンバー同士と長時間の議論を交わしたようです。そのためか、スピーチの間、会場は絶えず笑いに囲まれていました。
(2) The next speaker was TM. S. The title was “Start where you are”. This speech was about personal goals for the year. The goal was to have a boyfriend. Apparently, there is pressure from her mother to get married. It also appears that she had a lengthy discussion with other members about what kind of boyfriend she would like to have at the drinking party after the last meeting. This may be why the audience was constantly surrounded by laughter during the speeches.

(3) 最後のスピーカーは、ベテランYTMCメンバーTM. T。スピーチタイトルは”If you make a wish”でした。なんとTM. Tは、今回が初めてスライドを使用したスピーチとのこと。高齢ではありますが、Tの挑戦は終わりません。スピーチの内容は、「七福神」に関するもの。七福神のそれぞれの役割等について語られました。
(3) The last speaker was veteran YTMC member TM. T. Her speech was entitled “If you make a wish”. This was TM. T’s first speech using slides. Despite her advanced age, TM. T’s challenge is not over. The content of the speech was about Shichi-huku-jin, or “the Seven Gods of Good Fortune”. She talked about the roles of each Gods.

今回のジェネラルエバリュエーターは、プレジデントのTM. Sでした。彼の下、ユーモアを交えたエバリュエーションが実施されました。
The last session is the evaluation session. This is the very session that is enlightening and makes Toastmasters Toastmasters. Members can learn from each other through feedback in the session.The Evaluator notes what is good and what needs improvement with regard to the prepared speaker’s speech. The General Evaluator then evaluates the Evaluator and the meeting as a whole.
This time the General Evaluator was President TM S. Under his leadership, the evaluations were carried out with a sense of humour.

The meeting was then concluded with a photo shoot. Due to the large number of people, it was very lively and convivial, and YTMC looks to be well on its way in the New Year!
