第822回例会レポート/The 822th Regular Meeting Report





The 822nd meeting also took place in a hybrid format, both on-site and online, and we welcomed four guests to our meeting, which began with a full house. One of the guests was a Toastmasters club member from Vietnam who visited us during her short-term internship in Japan. It is a great pleasure to be able to exchange ideas across national borders.

The layout of the venue, which was getting cramped, was slightly changed to allow more seating and more communication. The meeting started with comfortable atmosphere.

そして、この日の総合司会はTM Oさん。英語力抜群で、落ち着いた進行をしていただきました。テーマは「人生の宝物」。Oさんの宝物は「週末」で、指折り数えて平日を過ごしているとのこと。そういえば私たちの例会も週末にありますね!役割に当たったみなさんの宝物エピソードはとてもおもしろかったです。


And the Toastmaster of the day was TM O. He has excellent English skills and conducted the event in a calm and relaxed manner. The theme was “My Treasure of Life,” and Mr. O said that his treasure is “weekends,” and he spends his weekdays counting them off on his fingers. Come to think of it, our meetings are also held on weekends! It was very interesting to hear about the episodes of treasures of everyone who hit their roles.


最初のセッション、テーブルトピックはTM Sさんが担当。即興で聞かれた質問に対して語るこのセッションはいつもドキドキです。11月の例会らしくテーマに選んだのは「秋」にまつわること。どの質問も日常生活に関連していて、とても答えやすい質問でした。そのおかげで、終始穏やかに和やかにセッションが進みました。海外からのゲストの方から、このセッションのスピーチで日本の文化が知れて良かったと後から感想もいただきました。そのような視点で質問を考えるのも良さそうですね。質問は以下のような内容でした。

The first session, Table Topic, was led by TM S. The theme was questions related to “autumn.” The questions were all related to daily life and were very easy to answer. Thanks to his facilitation, the session proceeded calmly and peacefully from start to finish. One of the guests from overseas commented afterwards that it was good to learn about Japanese culture through the speeches in this session. It would be good to consider questions from such a perspective. The questions were as follows.

  1. What kind of season is autumn for you?
  2. What is your favorite food in autumn, and why?
  3. What is one thing for you to show your appreciation?
  4. Have you ever bought something you regretted?


続いて準備スピーチです。1人目のスピーカーTM Kさんは、母の味「しめ鯖」「カレーライス」について語ってくれました。そして、お母様のお料理のおかげで、今Kさんはお料理が大好きで、家族の笑顔のためお料理をしていると語ってくれました。とても心温まるスピーチでした。

2人目のスピーカーTM Sさんは、ご両親が老人ホームに入ることになったいきさつをシェアしてくれました。あまりの充実した施設に、お父さんはワクワクしているそう。寿命が延びているとはいえ、みんなが迎える人生の最後の時期。なんだか元気をもらう&ポジティブになれるスピーチでした。

3人目のスピーカーはTM  Iさん。旅行が大好きというIさんは、観光公害”Over Tourism”について語ってくれました。鎌倉の観光公害を例に挙げながら、英語が話せる人が増えることが解決策になるということ。トーストマスターズクラブはそんな意味でも必要だと感じさせられました。

最後のスピーカーは、TM Nさん。今年度60周年を迎えた東海道新幹線との思い出について話してくれました。新幹線で流れる音楽をスピーカーを使って紹介してくれたおかげで、わたしたちも新幹線に想いを馳せることができました。

Next were the prepared speeches: the first speaker, TM K., talked about his mother’s tastes of “shime saba” (mackerel) and “curry and rice”. Thanks to his mother’s cooking, he now loves to cook and cooks to bring smiles to his family’s faces. It was a very heartwarming speech.

The second speaker, TM S., shared how her parents decided to move to a nursing home. She said that her father is excited with the facility, which is so well equipped. Even though life expectancy is increasing, this is the last period of life that we all face. It was a speech that somehow cheered us up & made us feel positive.

The third speaker was TM I. Mr. I, who loves to travel, talked about “over tourism” pollution. He cited the tourism pollution in Kamakura as an example and said that the solution is to increase the number of English-speaking people. He also made me feel that Toastmasters clubs are necessary in this sense as well.

The last speaker was TM N. He talked about his memories with the Tokaido Shinkansen, which celebrated its 60th anniversary this year. He introduced the music played on the Shinkansen through the speakers, which made us think about the Shinkansen.


そして、総合論評はベテラン会員のTM Tさん。経験値の高い落ち着いたスムーズな進行で進みました。例会全体をこまやかに論評されていました。そして論評するメンバーもみなさん的確な内容でさすが!やはりこのセッションがあるからお互いを高めあっていけるんですね。最後に各賞の受賞がありました。テーブルトピックの賞を取ったのは、今年入会したばかりのTM Uさん。入会して良かったとメンバーへの感謝を伝える内容はとても感動的なスピーチでした。

And the general evaluator was by one of experienced members, TM T. She proceeded calmly and smoothly with her high level of experience. She commented on the entire meeting in detail. The members who commented were all very precise in their comments, as expected! I think this session is the reason why we are able to improve each other. Finally, the awards were given out. The winner of the Table Topic Award was TM U, who just joined this year. His speech was very moving as he expressed his gratitude to the members for their support.




At the end of the meeting, there is an announcement of the next scheduled workshop. We will have a workshop on speech writing with a great instructor. It is very high profile and over 25 guests have signed up and we are very excited about it. The day of the workshop is just the day of the BayStars victory parade celebrating the BayStars’ first place in Japan. It is going to be a bit difficult to come to the venue, but please enjoy the air and take care, everyone!

Let’s continue to build each other up and make this club exciting again together.


第821回例会レポート/The 821th Regular Meeting Report


The weather was so wet that a baseball game had to be cancelled, but four guests came!

The venue was packed to the point that there were no more empty seats, which was a cry of joy.





【Word of the day】

Today’s Word of the day that TM O chose was “VERDICT”.

It means “judgment,” ”award,” or “decision.

It is a word that we can use not only in our regular meetings but also in our daily English conversation.

本日のWord of the dayはTM Oが担当し、「Verdict」という単語を選んでくれました。




TMOD chose “Theme Song” as the meeting theme.

The idea was to sing a few phrases of your own theme song.

Unfortunately, due to embarrassment, only one member sang, but TMOD selected a theme song for each roll taker and she performed it.

I was one of those who could not sing because I lacked confidence, so I will practice for the next chance.






【Table Topic】

Since there was one less Prepared Speaker, the Table Topic Section will be longer than usual to adjust for time.

We would like to thank TM I for his willingness to accommodate this last-minute request.

Table Topic Master TM I chose “Autumn for reading” and “Autumn for appetite” as the theme of his questions.

For reading, he asked questions such as “Books that helped you in your work,” “Books you would recommend to the children,” and “E-books,” while for food, he asked question, including “Favorite restaurants in Yokohama” and “Memorable restaurants on your trip. He finally asked 10 questions in total.


Prepared Speakerが1名減ってしまったため、時間の調整のためにTable Topic Sectionを通常より長めに行うことになりました。

直前のお願いになりましたが、快く対応してくれたTM Iに感謝です。

Table Topic MasterのTM Iが選んだ質問テーマは「読書の秋」「食欲の秋」。



【Prepared speech】

The first speaker, TM M, presented a speech about “close friend.”

What is the definition of a “close friend?” Is it someone who shares the same interests or someone who doesn’t hesitate to reach out to you when you are in need?

How many of your friends would you say are “close” to you? I was thrilled by the question, “How many of your friends can you say are ‘close friends’?


What are the requirements of a “Close friend” for you?

How many “Close friends” do you have?

It was a speech that made us think again about friends.


1人目はTM Mが「友人」についてのスピーチを披露してくれました。




あなたにとって「Close friend」の条件はなんですか?

あなたには「Close friend」が何人いますか?



The second speaker was TM S.

The audience applauded as this was the last project for his Pathway.

Instead of a speech format, he gave an explanation of the “Pathway” used by Toastmasters and the “easy-speak” used by YTMC for role-assignments.

As a Website Reporter, it was the first time for me to know that I could read the Japanese explanation on “Pathway”.

2人目はTM S。



「Pathway」で日本語の説明を読むことができるというのはWebsite Reporterの私にとっては初めて知るありがたい情報でした。


At the end of this month on the 30th, YTMC will hold a workshop.

We will have as our instructor a person who has won the All-Japan championship 4 times, participated in the World Convention 3 times, and has been selected as one of the TOP 20 speakers in the world.

This is a rare opportunity to learn how to create a captivating speech through storytelling.

Click here to register.






