第828回例会レポート/The 828th Regular Meeting Report




本日のWord of the dayはUltimately(最後に、ついに、結局、究極的には)です。

TMODは例会テーマにYour Success Storyというテーマを選んだベテランのTM.T.Sさん。どんなYour Success Storyが出てくるのか楽しみです。

TM.T.TさんのSuccess Storyは、子供のころに二重跳びができたというかわいいお話でした。

Table Topic Masterは風邪で急遽お休みしたTM.A.Hさんのピンチヒッター、TM.Y.Oさんです。冬をテーマにした質問で、冬のスポーツや、冬のイヤな思い出など、とても分かりやすく回答しやすいものでした。


一番目のスピーカーTM.K.Oさんは、This is me!というタイトルで、子供の頃からの悪い癖が大人になった今でも残ったままであることをユーモア交えて話してくれました。

二番目のスピーカーは、入会したてのTM.A.Jさんです。A is for…というタイトルで、自身のFirst Nameのスペルを頭文字にした形容詞を一つずつチョイスし、しっかりWord of the Dayを使いつつ、斬新なIce breakerスピーチを披露してくれました。

三番目のスピーカーはTM.M.Nさん。New friendsというタイトルで新しい友好関係の心温まるエピソードを交えたスピーチをしてくれました。

四番目のスピーカーはTM.K.Mさん。タイトルはQue Sera Sera What my mother taught me 。14歳のときに空襲を経験した母親から教わったことを話してくれ、感動的なスピーチでした。


休憩を経て、Evaluation Session。本日のEvaluatorは4名です。

一番目のEvaluatorはTM.K.T です。事前にスピーチの目的などの情報提供がなかったことについて、苦言を呈されたものの、なぜか彼女が言うと嫌な感じがしないというところが、彼女の持ち味です。





Best Speaker Award      TM.K.M

Best Table Topics Award            TM.N.M

Best Evaluator Award    TM.H.O








The third meeting of this year has begun. Today’s Word of the Day is “Ultimately” (finally, eventually, in the end, ultimately). The TMOD is the veteran TM.T.S, who chose the theme “Your Success Story” for the meeting. I’m looking forward to hearing what kind of Your Success Story will come out.

TM.T.T’s Success Story was a cute tale about being able to do double skip when she was a child.

The Table Topic Master is TM.Y.O, who is filling in for TM.A.H, who called in sick suddenly. The questions were themed about winter, making them very easy to answer, covering winter sports and unpleasant winter memories.


There are four prepared speeches today. The first speaker, TM.K.O, spoke humorously about how bad habits from childhood still remain in adulthood with the title “This is me!”

 The second speaker is the newly joined TM.A.J, who presented an innovative Ice Breaker speech titled “A is for…” where he chose adjectives starting with the letters of his first name while effectively using the Word of the Day.


The third speaker, TM.M.N, gave a speech titled “New friends,” sharing a heartwarming episode about new friendships.


The fourth speaker, TM.K.M, titled his speech “Que Sera Sera What my mother taught me,” sharing what he learned from his mother, who experienced air raids at her age of 14, delivering a touching speech.


The first evaluator was TM.K.T. Although she expressed some dissatisfaction about the lack of information provided in advance regarding the purpose of the speech, there is something about her that makes it not offensive when she says it, which is her charm.

The second evaluator was TM.H.O, who is also the mentor of speaker TM.A.J. He boasted that “his (mentee’s) success is my success,” while delivering a fluent critique in his own style.

The third evaluator was TM.H.N. He provided a solid critique, firmly challenging experienced speaker TM.N.M.

The fourth evaluator was TM.S.R. Always smiling, she is also the type to sprinkle in some sharp comments while laughing. She pointed out that we should stick closely to the purpose of the speech.

The award winners for today are as follows: Best Speaker Award TM.K.M, Best Table Topics Award TM.N.M, Best Evaluator Award TM.H.O. Today’s meeting was lively and enjoyable.

If you are interested, please come as a guest to our meeting. Let’s learn together while striving for improvement!

