第657回例会レポート“The Most Memorable Christmas in Your Life” #657 TMOD Meeting Report


第657回例会レポート“The Most Memorable Christmas in your life” ♯657TMOD Meeting Report


今回のWord of the dayである“Speechless“が示す通り、まさに言葉にならないほどに洗練された即興スピーチ、準備スピーチ、そしてユーモア溢れるジョークセッションもあり、一年を締めくくるに相応しい充実した例会となりました。

中でも、アイスブレーク スピーチに挑戦したTM M.Kは、素晴らしい自己紹介スピーチを披露し、初めての準備スピーチにも関わらず、なんといきなりベストスピーチ賞を獲得するという偉業を達成しました。

初のテーブルトピックマスターに挑んだTM H.Mも季節に合ったトピックでスリリングにオーディエンスを盛り上げてくれました。

同じく初めて総合論評という大役を務めたTM T.Tも、未経験とは思えない堂々とした立ち居振る舞いで、論評パートのスムーズな司会進行と、例会全体への的確なフィードバックを行なってくれました。今回は比較的入会してから日の浅いメンバーが、各々初めて大役を果たしたのが印象的な例会でした。



The final meeting of Yokohama Toastmasters Club in 2017 was held on December 16th.
The meeting proceeded in the enjoyable Christmas atmosphere talking about the most memorable Christmas in our lives.

As the word of the day indicates, we enjoyed many “speechless”, splendid and sophisticated speeches (prepared and table topic/impromptu speeches) along with humorous joke session. The successful meeting was quite suitable for a finale of the year.

Especially, TM M.K has accomplished an incredible feat of winning the best speech award despite the fact that it was her very first prepared speech.

TM H.M also tried the role of table topic master for the first time. She brought a lot of excitements into the session with a variety of seasonal questions.

Adding to the above-mentioned members, TM T.T performed an important role of a general evaluator admirably. He did a great job as a chairperson in the evaluation session and delivered appropriate feedback for the whole meeting with confidence.

We were impressed with the relatively inexperienced members who tried the difficult roles for the first time and accomplished their tasks successfully.

In the business session, the induction ceremony for a new member was conducted.
We induct new members at almost every meeting. We can say it proves that our club has been supported by many people in our long history and we are proud of what we have achieved.

Thank you for your cooperation and positive support.



第656回例会レポート“The Most Memorable Event in 2017” #656 TMOD Meeting Report


第656回例会レポート“The Most Memorable Event in 2017”




入念に準備して臨んだ全てのスピーカー達が素晴らしいスピーチを披露し、CCマニュアルの最終プロジェクト10に挑んだTM F.がベストスピーカーに選ばれました。おめでとうございます!

TM F.はプロジェクト6を終了した頃から突然殻を破り、めきめきと上達したように思います。各メンバーの上達スピードはそれぞれ違いますが、全員が着実に伸びていると思います。意欲的な取り組みとご協力、どうも有難うございました。


YTMC #656 Speech Marathon Meeting TMOD report

#656 meeting was successfully finished gathering 25 members and seven pure guests even though it was held in the busiest month of the year “Shiwasu (year-end month)”. Although we used a bigger room than usual, I felt it small due to the large number of attendees that packed the room.

In the first business session, a female Taiwanese’s induction ceremony was held. In the speech marathon, we had three CC manual speakers and three varieties of advanced manual speakers. All speakers had prepared their projects well and performed nicely. Especially TM F. completed CC #10 and won the best speaker. Congratulations!

He seems to have broken his shell and improved a lot suddenly after finishing project #6. Although each member achieves his/her goals at one’s own pace, all members are steadily progressing.

Thank you for your cooperation and positive support.

