The 788th Regular Meeting Report


The 788th regular meeting report
Date and Time: 14:00 – 16:30, 17th June, 2023
Venue: Hatoba Kaikan and online
Meeting Theme : Your happiness on rainy days

Our meeting today got started with induction ceremony. We’ve got a new member today. Welcome TM. S.S.!!
The word of the day was “superb” which means excellent, wonderful, amazing, fine, etc.
Today’s Toastmaster of the day is TM. H.K. He picked the meeting theme “Your happiness on rainy days.

TM. A.T, grammarian today said at the beginning “Don’t be afraid of making grammatical mistake” which is very important to learn.

本日の例会は、新しい会員を受け入れる入会式から始まりました。TM S.Sさん、ようこそ我がクラブへ!!
文法担当のTM A.Tさんは始めに間違いを恐れないで!という大事なメッセージをくれました。

The table topic master today was TM.H.O who asked questions regarding “rain”.

テーブルトピックでは、マスターのTM O.Hが本日のテーマである雨にまつわる質問をしました。

1st Speaker: Guest T.N.
2nd Speaker: TM.K.T she hates rain same as me.
3rd Speaker: TM. S.S. She like to do jigsaw puzzle when it’s raining. She can focus on it very much.
That’s is good way to spend the time inside.
4th Speaker: TM. M.T. He said he is the one who brings rain and talk about his unlucky incident at a camping.
5th Speaker: TM. Y.A.
6th Speaker: Guest S.O.


1st Speaker, H.S. Speech Title: Strength + Weaknesses = Myself.

He was a new member and made his very first speech “Ice Breaker speech” I always like to listen to the Ice Breaker speech because I can know who he or she is like. He was brave to talk about his strength and weaknesses. He said it’s important to know weakness of your own to understand yourself. Indeed!! His weakness is communication skill. He doesn’t seem so. I really like the equation of his speech title. It was superb speech!

2nd Speaker: TM.R.K. Speech Title: Tunnel-visioned

He talked about his mentors. He has three mentors!! His story when he had 10 mentees in his team at work. He appealed to importance to have a mentor who lead your success. It was a motivational speech.

3rd Speaker: TM K.O Speech Title: As I YouTuber

He introduced “Dango Channel” which is his company’s channel. He talked about the YouTube channel and digital tattoo. Three good points to be a YouTuber was mentioned. He was very persuasive. His speech was very friendly warm and funny as usual.

We were watching his YouTube video during the intermission.

1番目のスピーカーは、新しいメンバーのTM H.Sさん。タイトルはStrength + Weaknesses = Myself。今日は“Ice Breaker speech”で初スピーチになります。“Ice Breaker speech”は、その人のことを知ることができて好きなお題です。弱点を人に話すのはとても勇気のいることですが、自分の強点も踏まえながら、自分自身を知るためには自分の弱点を知ることが大事というメッセージをくれました。コミュニケーションが弱いらしいですが、そうは見えないです。タイトルの方程式、私はとても気に入りました。

2番目のスピーカーはTM R.Kさん、タイトルはTunnel-visionedです。メンターについてのスピーチで、なんと彼自身、3人もメンターがいるそうです。10人メンティーを抱えていた時の話から、メンテーは自分を成功へと導いてくれる人、だから持つことが大事、というメッセージを投げかけてくれました。動機づけになるとてもよいスピーチでした。

3番目のスピーカーは、TM K.Oさん、スピーチタイトルは、As I YouTuber。だんごチャンネルという彼自身の会社のYouTubeチャンネルを紹介してくれました。社会問題化もしているデジタルタトゥーに触れつつ、YouTuberになるメリットを3点挙げてくれました。とても説得力があり、いつもながらフレンドリーで温かみがあり、かつユーモアあふれるスピーチでした。


1st evaluator: TM T.S

She picked three good points of TM H.S speech. Her suggestion was to be more passionate speaker It would be a big challenge for him in future. Her evaluation was very motivational.

2nd evaluator TM T.T

She mentioned originality about TM R.K speech which was very good point of view. She pointed out to talk loudly and take a pause. That is also important to be looked professional speaker.

3rd evaluator TM M.N

He mentioned ‘ouch’ points of TM K.O speech, being prepared well, take a silence instead of using filler words, etc. Because of his character, it didn’t sounds harsh at all. It was funny TM R.S who was General Evaluator mentioned it was a honest evaluation.


1人目の論評者は、TM T.Sさん。スピーチの良かった点を3つあげ、もっと情熱的なスピーカーになることを挑戦する!という、中々、大きな挑戦を投げかけました。とても、モチベーションが上がる論評でした。

2人目の論評者は、TM T.Tさん。TM R.Kのスピーチのオリジナリティに着目。とてもよい視点です。プロフェッショナルに見えるスピーカーのキーになる、大きな声で合間を取りながら話すことを指摘しました。

3人目の論評者は、TM M.Nさん。もっと準備をすることと、冒頭から痛いところを突いた論評でした。フィラーワードの代わりに沈黙することなど、鋭い指摘でした。論評後に、総論評者のTM R.Sさんが、正直な論評でしたとコメントされたのが中々面白かったです。

Today’s General Evaluator was TM R.S who smiles and laughs all the time. She is a good mood maker for our club. She gave a comment to each role takers and praise them.

総論評者のTM R.Sさんは、いつも笑顔で笑いながら話し、クラブのムードメーカーです。それぞれのロールテイカーをピックアップしてコメントし、褒めてくれるというとてもよい総論でした。


TM K.T and TM Y.A Best Table Topic Speaker
TM T.S Best Evaluator
TM T.S Best Speaker

Lastly TMOD TM H.K gave a comment for the meeting and he said the meeting was superb!! Very true.

最後にTMODのTM H.Kさんが、素晴らしい例会だったと本日のワードを使ってコメントしました。本当にそうです!

Today was the last day for the term. We had two special events.

今期のベストアワードはプレジデントのTM N.S.から授与されました。3名の方、おめでとうございます!

2023 YTMC Award was announced by VPE TM H.O.
2023 Best Promoter: TM S.I who arranged our 35th anniversary meeting.
2023 Best Rookie: TM R.S
2023 MVP: TM M.T
These awards were presented by President TM N.S.


We had the induction ceremony for new officers. Officers this term, wonderful and superb job!!
New president TM K.T made a remark.
Her cues for the next term were 1. Be Yourself, 2. Discipline, 3. Educational. Her address was very touched. She is the one who loves YTMC very much.

All in all, the meeting was super superb!!

その後役員の交代セレモニーが行われました。役員のみなさん、素晴らしい働きお疲れ様でした。新しいプレジデントが来期の方針を掲げました。キーワードは、1. Be Yourself, 2. Discipline, 3. Educationalです。心に触れる挨拶で、彼女がいかにこのクラブが大好きかわかりました。


Reported by TM Y.A


YTMC 35th Anniversary (The 787th Meeting Report)


YTMC 35th Anniversary (The 787th meeting report)
Date and Time: 13:00 – 16:30, June 3rd, 2023
Venue: Hatoba Kaikan and online

Although the weather was initially threatening due to Typhoon No. 2, the 35th anniversary ceremony started at 1:00 p.m. under clear skies and sunny skies.
The venue for today’s ceremony was the same as usual, but instead of the usual first floor, it was on the fifth floor with a wide view.
From the window, we can see the Red Brick Warehouse and Osanbashi Bridge.
I thought it was worth coming here today just to see the view.


TM.S, the MC, declared the meeting open, and a YTMC history video made by TM. I. was shown.

When the video showed the presidents of YTMC, the audience burst into applause.
The following programs were then conducted during the ceremony.

 1.Club Anniversary Cerificate presentation by Division Director to the current
  presidents for the 35th anniversary
 2.Speech by the current President
 3.Message from the first president
 4.Speech by TM. T, the current Area Director and the next President of YTMC
 5.Introduction and comments by alumni including charter members of 35 years ago
 6.Comments from guests from other clubs
 7.Group photo

And the ‘handshake’ that had been refrained for a long time due to COVID-19 has revived.
We are finally beginning to return to the norm.

By the way,35 years ago, it was “Showa” period. It makes me feel the history.

 1.Club Anniversary Cerificate presentation Division Directorより現プレジデントへ


The regular meeting was then held at 2:00 p.m.
President TM S opened the meeting.
Today’s Word of the day is “Transformative” 
-How will everyone weave it into their speeches?
The Toastmaster of the day was TM. O, a veteran of the event.
When he introduced each role-taker, he included comments about what kind of person they are.

・プレジデントTM Sの開会宣言
・本日のWord of the dayは”Transformative” 
・Toastmaster of the day はベテランのOさん。

Next up was the table topic session.
TM. A, another veteran, asked 8 questions on the theme of YTMC.
1.”What is your first impression of YTMC?”
2.”What has been changed in YTMC, do you know?”
3.”What is special about YTMC”
4.”Why YTMC lasts 35 years”
5.”Please design the YTMC logo.”
6.”What kind of souvenir would you like to make at YTMC?”
7.”Please provide financial support.”
8.”Please promote those items to the guests.”

Everyone nominated to answer had very unique answers.
I learned for the first time that P-chan (?), who was used in the collection box,
had been a member since the foundation.

The best table topic master was Mr. O and Ms. F, who instantly drew the YTMC logo on the whiteboard.
They are very talented artists, aren’t they?

1. “YTMCの第一印象は?”
2. “YTMCで何が変わりました?”
3. “YTMCの特別なところは何でしょう”
4. “なぜYTMCは35年間続いているのでしょうか”
5. “YTMCのロゴをデザインしてください。”
6. “YTMCでどんなおみやげを作りたいですか?”
7. “おみやげの資金援助をお願いします。”
8. “そのおみやげをゲストにアピールしてください”


Next,prepared speech session.
Today was the 35th anniversary of YTMC, so speeches related to YTMC were in full bloom.
Unlike usual meetings, the speakers were equipped with pin microphones.
This allows them to move freely around the podium without worrying about the position of the microphone, making it easier for them to express themselves with gestures than usual.

Our first speaker was TM. T.
It takes over 10,000 hours to master something.
His PowerPoint presentation was specific and easy to understand.

TM. A spoke in a very natural way and seemed to be talking to everyone rather than giving a speech.
I can’t imagine that TM. Arai was not good at speeches, but YTMC has a magic that makes speakers relax.

TM. T talked about her fun trip at YTMC (speech, officer, drink party, etc).
And TM. T was chosen as the best prepared speaker. Congratulations!
We are very much looking forward to seeing her in “Season 2”.





After a 10-minute break, three evaluators provided feedback to the prepared speakers.
ANd TM. S. was chosen as the best evaluator.

Today’s meeting was a special one, but with so much planned, the time went by quickly.
The next meeting will be held on June 17.
That’s it for reporting. Thank you!


