第810回例会レポート/The 810th Regular Meeting Report


The 810th regular meeting report
Date and Time: 14:00 – 16:00, May 25th, 2024
Venue: Hatoba Kaikan (3F floor) and online

Apologize from Website Reporter

Because of the W-roll with TMOD this time, I was taking notes as I proceeded.

For this reason, I apologize that my report is not as detailed as usual.

I would be happy if you could get a feel for the atmosphere of the meeting, even if it is only a rough sketch.

Website Reporterより】




Today’s meeting was held in a conference room on the third floor of the Hatoba Kaikan. This room was a venue we used to use often before. This may become our main venue in the future…?

We welcomed one guest today! Anyone is always welcomed to visit us! Visiting us does not mean joining, so please feel free to come and visit.




business session

Election of officers for the coming term was held. Candidates, one for each office, were unanimously approved.

The new board of officers will be in place starting in July..




Word of the day

Today’s Word of the Day is “exponentially,” meaning “rapidly, dramatically, and geometrically.

This word was quite advanced. The audience practiced the words individually.



TMOD chose “Your Memory of Exam” as the theme.

Each roll takers shared their episodes, such as “I got a red mark in Chemistry,” “I got 6 out of 100 in Math,” “A friend I lent my notebook to get a better grade than me,” “I submitted my answer sheet blank,” etc.



Table Topic

The theme of this year’s event was “Rainy Season”.

Nominated members answered questions about how they feel on rainy days and what they spend their time doing.

I feel lonely at night,” “I watch movies or recorded NHK’s morning dramas,” or “I was happy that a sporting event I hate was canceled.”

When asked for movie recommendations, TM T.S. listed “Notting Hill,” “Pride and Prejudice,” and “Bridget Jones’s Diary,” and Table Topic Master TM Y.O. was surprised at the speed of his answers.







おすすめの映画を聞かれたTM T.Sは「ノッティングヒルの恋人」「プライドと偏見」「ブリジット・ジョーンズの日記」を挙げ、その回答の速さにテーブル・トピック・マスターのTM Y.Oもびっくりでした。

Prepared speech

We had four prepared speakers today.

The first one, TM I, gave an icebreaker speech for the first time since joining.

She attracted the audience with her imposing behavior and calm appearance, which was hard to believe that it was her first speech.

She talked about her career history and how she joined Toastmasters.

I was touched by her husband’s words, “It’s your life, whatever you decide, I will support you.



1人目のTM Iは入会後初めてのアイスブレイクスピーチ。




The second was TM K. He always seems to be busy, but this time he revealed his schedule for the past month. It turns out that he has been busy with work. At the same time, we also found out that a quarter of the month is spent with a hangover in the morning. Take care of yourself! (I can’t speak for others, but…)

His message was ”By staying in a neutral state, we are able to keep energy and allow us to be more sensitive to others’ feelings.

2人目はTM K。いつも忙しくしている印象ですが、今回は何と過去1か月のスケジュールを大公開してくれました。やはり仕事で忙しくしていることが分かりました。同時に1か月の4分の1は二日酔いで朝を迎えていることも判明。身体は大事にしましょう!(人のこと言えませんが…)


The third speaker was TM N. She talked about the activities of the NPO she is involved with.

She brought a cupcake that was actually made at her workspace, and we were able to pass around and look at it.

It was very effective to have pictures and actual products to help us visualize what they are doing.

3人目はTM N。彼女が携わっているNPOの活動について話してくれました。



Lastly, TM H.S. talked about his “self-image”. He talked about how he realized the difference between the image he has of himself and the image others have of him through a conversation with his wife.

最後はTM H.S。「自分の印象」についてです。自分が自分に対してもっているイメージと他社から持たれているイメージの差について奥様との会話によって気づいた話など、実際の体験を例に挙げて話してくれました。


All of the speeches were rated as “well structured”.

The most frequently points for improvement in each evaluation are eye contact, vocal variety, and body language.

Not only to the speakers this meeting but also to ourselves, these are points that we need to keep in mind when we give speeches in the future.

And one more point: “Memorize the script as much as possible!”








Best Table Topic Speaker: TM H.O.

Best Evaluator: TM N.S.

Best Prepared Speech Speaker: TM H.S.


テーブルトピック:TM H.O

評価部門:TM N.S

スピーチ部門:TM H.S

Comment from guests

We were all very happy to hear him say, “I want to come back again.

He even used today’s word “exponentially” in his speech. How wonderful!!




Yokohama Toastmasters was founded some day in June, so the next meeting will be the last meeting as for the 35th anniversary year. We hope to continue to enjoy our activities in our 36th year.

Anyone can attend up to three visits free of charge, so please feel free to contact us!







