第818回例会レポート/The 818th Regular Meeting Report






Despite being mid-September, the temperature still exceeded 30 degrees, making it sweltering hot. At Yokohama Stadium, Baystars vs. Tigers game, which is a game to qualify for the Climax Series, was in full swing, with both teams’ fans packing the stadium and raising the heat even further.

Listening to the familiar sounds of Kansai dialect spoken by Hanshin fans who came from the Kansai region, President A entered at the home ground of Yokohama Toastmasters, Hatoba Kaikan, she said with a cheerful opening.

There was a surprise at the beginning of the meeting when the Toastmaster of the Day (TMOD=today’s MC) , TM S, hadn’t arrived, even though the meeting started as scheduled at 2 p.m




At the start, the president introduced a valuable workshop hosted by a legendary champion, scheduled to be held on November 30. Even if you’re not a member, you can join us for free. We’d love to see you at the event!!!


その後、昨今の物価高、円安による入会費の値上げの動議を終えて、いよいよメインセッションへ。今日の言葉はTM Nが選択した“ROCK”。今日の司会者のTM Sも会場に到着し、いよいよショーがスタート。本日のテーマは”モーメント”。壮大な自然の前で人間の小ささを実感するモーメントについて、自然災害による悲しいモーメントや山頂から雄大な自然を感じるモーメントなどいろいろなレスポンスが紹介されました。


After concluding the motion to raise the Initiation fee because of recent inflation and the weak yen, we dived into the main session. Today’s Word of the Day(WOD), chosen by TM N, was ‘ROCK!”.  TMOD, TM S, has finally reached the venue and it‘s showtime!

Today’s meeting theme was “Moments”, focusing on experiencing the smallness of human beings in the face of Mother Nature. Various responses were shared, such as, tragedy moments related to natural disasters, and the breathtaking moments felt from the top of a mountain

続いてTM Mによるテーブルトピックセッション。テーマは”Ultimate Choice”  以下の究極の2択から1つを選択して即興スピーチ。



Next, we had a Table topic session led by TM M, with the thrilling theme “Ultimate Choice”.

Each member faced a choice between two ultimate options and delivered a ROCKing impromptu speech.


#1. Which would you choose for your partner, someone who likes the same things as you, or someone who can’t forgive the same things as you?

自分の一人の時間を許してくれる人。まだ独身のTM Kは自虐トークを披露。

A person who allows me my alone time. The still single TM K showcased some self-deprecating humor.


#2. What’s the last meal you want to eat at the end of your life: a regular meal? Or a meal at a fancy restaurant?

家族や友人とregular mealを食べながら一緒に過ごしたい。本日のゲストの方からは、心温まるトーク。

I want to spend time enjoying regular meals with family or friends. Today’s guest shared the heartwarming talk.


#3. If you could only eat either sushi or yakiniku for the rest of your life, which would you choose?

お寿司を選択するが、毎日お寿司だと飽きるので、1日目はご飯、2日日はマグロ、3日目はガリ、4日は醤油を飲む、という食べ方をする。このROCKな回答は本日の言葉を選択したTM N。でも、醤油を飲むのは健康によくないので止めましょうね。

I choose sushi, but if I had sushi every day, I’d get bored. So, on the 1st day, I’d have only rice, on the 2nd day, only tuna, on the 3rd day, only pickled ginger, and on the 4th day, I’d only drink soy sauce! That’s the ROCKing answer from TM N, who chose WOD. Stop drinking soy sauce because it is unhealthy.


#4. If you wanted to time travel, would you go to the past? Go to the future? What do you want to see?

最近、日本の歴史を勉強しているTM Sは”go to the past”を選択、特に奈良時代。動乱が多かった奈良時代について身を持って体験することで奈良時代を理解したいというハードワーキングな返答。

TM S, who has recently been studying Japanese history, chose to “go to the past”, specifically focusing on the Nara period. He gave a hardworking response, saying he wants to understand the struggles and battles of the Nara period by experiencing them firsthand.


#5. If you had to choose, would you rather have a guaranteed 10 million yen or a one-in-two chance of getting 100 million yen?

ちっぽけな人間は大きな掛けをチャレンジすべし。1億円ゲットしたら横浜トーストマスターズのみんなと世界旅行に行きたい、とTM T。

A small human being should challenge themselves to take on big risks. If he received 100 million yen, he would like to travel around the world with everyone in Yokohama Toastmasters, said TM T.


#6.  Which would you try, skydiving or bungee jumping?

自殺のようなバンジージャンプよりは、鳥になれるスカイダイビング。高所恐怖症のTM Tからはユニークな返答。

Skydiving, which makes her feel like a bird, is preferable to bungee jumping, which feels like suicide. This is a unique response from TM T, who dislikes heights.



If you were in this ultimate choice, which would you choose?”


最初は、エンターテイナー TM Oによるユーモア一杯のエキサイティングなパフォーマンス。オープニングの彼がダイエットできない話しから、エンディングは“ I understand, but”という大人の躾アプリ会社を設立したい、というスティーブジョブスばりのドラマティックなストーリー展開。”今日は特別な日(ダイエットは明日から)“ ”大人は自分自身を管理できない“という名言を残しました。


The next session was a prepared speech session, including three speakers this time.

First was the entertainer TM O, delivering a humorous and exciting performance. He started with a story about his struggles with dieting and ended with a dramatic idea like Steve Jobs, expressing his desire to establish a company that develops a rigorous app for adult discipline called “I Understand, But”. He concluded with memorable quotes: “Today is a special day (dieting starts tomorrow)” and “Adults cannot manage themselves”.


2人目は、TM Uのデビューライブ。初登場とは思えないほど落ち着いてアットフォームな雰囲気で、彼のホームタウンの益子町について紹介。彼の珍しい苗字もこのエリアで多いことや苗字の覚え方まで陶器や農業で有名な益子町のローカルな情報を交えた素晴らしいスピ―チとでした。


The second speaker was TM U, making his debut live performance. He appeared very calm and at home while introducing his hometown of Mashiko. He shared that his rare surname is common in this area and provided local information about Mashiko, which is known for its pottery and agriculture. Good job!


最後は、エネルギッシュなTM Tによるショータイム。夏休みの家族旅行で行った沖縄の油布島の紹介を彼女の娘の夏休みの自由研究を通して紹介。大自然いっぱいの由布島の観光や歴史、水牛について紹介する教育的なショーとなりました。一度は行ってみましょう


Finally, we had an energetic showtime with TM T. She introduced the beautiful Yubu Island in Okinawa, which she visited during her family vacation this summer, through her daughter’s summer research project. It turned into an educational show that highlighted the beauty from Mother Nature, as well as the tourist attractions, water buffalos and history of Yubu Island.

It’s a place everyone should visit at least once! in their life!”




ベストテーブルトピックスピーカー: TM S

ベストエバリュエーター: TM A

ベスト準備スピーチスピーカー: TM O


After the wonderful evaluations from three experienced evaluators, today’s No. 1 was decided.

Best Table Topics Speaker: TM S

Best Evaluator: TM A

Best Prepared Speech Speaker: TM O”




This time was special as always, and it was an exciting event filled with energy and smiles. The next meeting will take place on Saturday, October 5th.

I can’t wait to see the ROCKing performances that will be showcased next time.

If you’re interested, please feel free to join us.

See you next time!


Regular Meetingカテゴリーの記事