会長のオープニングスピーチ 会長は双子のお子さんが同時に歩き始めたという微笑ましいエピソ
ビジネスセッション 会計担当のTさんから、
今日のテーマ: ボディケア 今回の例会では、TMOD(例会進行役)を担当したNさんが「
健康管理の重要性を強調しました。 -
ェア。 -
ました。 -
テーブルトピックセッション テーブルトピック(即興スピーチ)の進行はNさんが担当し、
豆腐ダイエットはやってみたけれど、お勧めしない」 とユーモアたっぷりに応えました。 -
学生時代にハードな陸上トレーニングをしていた」 と振り返りました。 -
自己紹介スピーチを披露しました。 英語会計の資格を持つ彼のスピーチは、 仕事にまつわるユニークなエピソードで参加者を引き込みました。 -
クラブ愛に溢れたスピーチを行い、感謝の気持ちを表しました。 -
自身の故郷である長崎の現状を交えた深い洞察を披露し、 人口減少が地域社会に与える影響を強く訴えかけました。
表彰セッション 今回の例会では、以下のメンバーが表彰されました。
ベストテーブルトピックスピーカー: Mさん
ベストエバリュエーター: Sさん、Oさん
ベスト準備スピーチスピーカー: Sさん
まとめ 今回の横浜トーストマスターズクラブの例会は、
Yokohama Toastmasters Club Meeting Report (September 7, 2024)
On September 7, 17 members attended the meeting in person, with 2 more joining online, making it a lively gathering. The theme for this meeting was “Body Care,” and participants shared various ideas and experiences about daily self-care, leading to a lively and laughter-filled discussion.
President’s Opening Speech
The President warmed the hearts of the attendees with an endearing story about her twins, who had both started walking at the same time. The synchronized growth of the twins was a source of both amazement and joy.
Business Session
Treasurer T reminded everyone about the upcoming membership fee payment for October. Additionally, H, who had recently joined, received a commemorative ribbon and pin, officially welcoming them as a club member.
Today’s Theme: Body Care
TMOD N led the session on “Body Care,” inviting participants to share their thoughts on self-care. N highlighted the importance of taking care of the body by sharing their own routine of taking a bath every day. Other supporting members also shared their own body care practices.
Grammarian T emphasized the importance of daily exercise and weight management.
Ah-Counter I shared their use of skincare cream.
Vote Counter H talked about maintaining their health through running.
Timer N introduced their yoga practice.
Table Topics Session
N led the Table Topics session, where unique questions related to body care were posed.
When asked about unusual body care methods, M humorously replied, “I tried a tofu diet, but I wouldn’t recommend it.”
T reflected on their student days, recalling rigorous athletic training from their track and field days.
In response to the question of choosing one grooming product to use for life, M shared their choice of a hair-styling product to fix bed hair.
Prepared Speech Session
A gave a self-introduction speech, using their resume to showcase a diverse career background. With a qualification in English accounting, A engaged the audience with unique work-related anecdotes.
T reflected on the challenges of their club role while expressing their deep love and appreciation for the Yokohama Toastmasters Club.
S provided profound insights into Japan’s declining birthrate and aging population, using their hometown of Nagasaki as an example. They emphasized the significant impact population decline is having on local communities.
Awards Presentation
The following members were recognized during this meeting:
Best Table Topics Speaker: M
Best Evaluator: S and O
Best Prepared Speech Speaker: S
This Yokohama Toastmasters Club meeting, with its focus on body care, was a well-rounded session filled with laughter and learning. It provided a great opportunity for participants to share their opinions and experiences, while honing their public speaking and impromptu skills. We look forward to seeing you at the next meeting!
If you’re interested, we encourage you to attend one of our meetings. Yokohama Toastmasters Club is here to support your growth!