プレジデントのTM S氏による、14時ちょうどの開会宣言で始まった第744回のミーティングは、前回同様フルオンラインでの開催です。
本日のTMOD(Toast Master Of the Day =総合司会)は今回初チャレンジのTM Iさん。
そんなTM Iさんが今回のテーマに選んだのが「TOKYO2020」。
最初のセッションは、テーブルトピック(= 即興スピーチ)。
マスターはベテランのTM Aさん。6月より着任した新オフィサーのメンバーにまつわるエピソードを紹介しつつ、それに関連したお題を出していくという初の試みです。
続いては、Prepared Session (= 準備スピーチ)
トーストマスターに通う意義を3つのポイントからスピーチされたTM Kさん、船員のコロナ対策の現状について論理的にスピーチされたTM NMさん、英語に関西弁をミックスするという斬新さが光っていたTM NTさん、サーフィンの楽しさと経済性を湘南の浜辺の情景を情緒たっぷりに述べながら話したTM Oさんと、興味深いスピーチが続きました。
Evaluate Sessionでは今回初のGeneral Evaluater(= 総合評価者)となるTM M氏。しかし本セッションの堂々たるコントロールはベテランの風格を感じさせる差配でした。
TMODのTM Iさんはオリンピックの表彰台をイメージしたグラフィックを用意しての発表で、タイムリーな演出が光りました。
The 744th meeting started at 2:00 p.m. with the opening remarks by TM S, President, was held fully online as in the previous meeting.
Although we couldn’t meet, but Zoom screen was filled with the faces of 27 people, including three guests.
Today’s TMOD (Toast Master Of the Day) was TM I, challenged himself to TMOD for the first time.
He wanted to grip the flow of the event by being in charge of TMOD.
And TM I chose “TOKYO 2020” as today’s theme.
Each Role Player talked about the impression of Tokyo Olympics in their speech beginning.
The first session was Table Topic (impromptu speech).
The nominated person answers in impromptu by the Table Topic Master question.
The Table Topic Master was TM A, a veteran, introduced the new Officer members with their episodes, and posed table topic questions related to their episodes.
This is a new approach.
The nominated respondents were answering questions extemporaneously, each with their own witty answers, and they were all great.
The next session was the Prepared Session (=prepared speech).
Four people competed with each other with their prepared speeches.
TM K gave a speech on the significance of attending Toastmaster from three points of view, TM NM gave a logical speech on the current situation of corona measures for seafarers, TM NT was brilliant with his novelty of mixing English with Kansai dialect, and TM O talked about the fun and economy of surfing while describing the scenery of the Shonan beach with a lot of emotion.
All of the speeches were very interesting.
In the Evaluate Session, TM M was the first time to General Evaluator.
But however, his excellent control made us think that he was a veteran.
Now, it was time to announce the Grand Prize winner for each session. The winner will be decided by the votes of all the members who participated today.
TMOD’s TM I prepared a graphic of an Olympic podium, and his timely presentation shone.