第706回例会レポート / 横浜トーストマスターズクラブ


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「2019年の振り返り」/ 横浜トーストマスターズクラブ第704回例会レポート



Our regular meeting #704 was held at Kaikou Kinen Kaikan on 2F.
It was cold and raining, but we had a joyful and fruitful meeting with 7 guests, surprisingly 6 out of 7 are from other countries.

The theme of the meeting was “Your review of this year”.
We are in December, the last month of this year.
Really time flies, especially for me just like one blink of my eyes.
So, “what like is this year for You” was the theme.


■Word of the Day by TM. S.H / 今日の言葉

“ phenomenal” means remarkable or exceptional./ 驚くべき・並外れた。
Example: a man of phenomenal intelligence./ 並外れた知性の持ち主

very great or impressive


■Table Topic by TM A.T/ 即興スピーチ

Topic master performed a phenomenal trial by using all our imagination.
TM T showed us screen images and the speaker had to make a story expand.

Q1.~Q4. Please explain what kind of situation this picture is ?
Q5.~Q7.Please explain what kind of situation will happen after this picture ?



1. TM. M.F 2.14 min.
2. TM. G.S 1.20 min.
3. TM. Y.O 1.32 min.
4. TM. R.A (Guest from other club) 1.07 min.
5. TM. S.I 1.19 min.
6. TM. S.H 1.33 min.
7. TM. K.M 1.22 min.



■Prepared speech session/ 準備スピーチ

There were 4 speakers and enjoyed various kinds of speeches.

1. “Not only for serving others” by TM. M.N 6.52 min.
Pathways: InnovativePlanning, Level2-project1
He talked how important Leadership and Communication were


2. “My communication principle” by TM. R.K 7.27 min
Pathways: Dynamic leadership, Level2-project2

The speech was about his transition through his work this year.


3. “It’s time for Table Topics…!” by TM. H.A 7.13 min
Pathways: Motivational Strategies, Level2-project2

She talked how to improve and progress in Table Topic.


4. “Machine Translation” by TM N. S. 7.26 min.
Pathways: Presentation Mastery, level1-project2

He talked about AI translation changing.


Every speech was attractive, useful and helpful so that we really enjoyed.


■Evaluation session/論評

Each evaluator for the speech pointed out good points and a room for improvement frankly but went too far in saying, so they couldn’t keep an allotted time.


1. TM. H.M. evaluated TM. M.N. (first speaker)
Positive: Speech structure, following theme and how his leadership style has been changing with experiences.
To be improved: Try not to see the script, Opening, his speech sounded starting out of nowhere.


2. TM. Y.O. evaluated TM. R.K. (second speaker)
Positive: Speech structure, divided into three parts with showing numbers.
To be improved: Conclusion. It may be better to talk how his career history and leadership style are connecting.


3. TM. T.S. evaluated TM. H.A. (third speaker)
Positive: Demonstration and how her table topic speech got better.
To be improved: Follow objectives of the speech. Speaking up.


4. TM. R.K. evaluated TM. N.S. (fourth speaker)
Positive: The theme “Google Translation” was good for toastmasters.
To be improved: Conclusion such as how the “Google Translation” would be developed.
よかった点:Google TranslationというToastmasterに合ったテーマ。
改善点:結論。今後のGoogle Translationの展望など。


TM. Y.A. conducted Evaluation session as General Evaluator.
And suggested that role takers give clear and accurate explanations and take a constructive step.
論評の部はTM. Y.A.さんが総合論評をされました。
1. Role explanation should be more guest-friendly such as TM. K.N. explained the meaning of the role especially when we had lots of guest.
2. TM. H.M: her appreciation to TM. M.N. told “no pressure, take it easy” to her at the beginning her evaluation could be done at the bouquet and brickbat considering she got overtime. It may be better to focus on evaluation.
3. TM. Y.O. and TM T.S. : his/her points for improvement was a keen observation.
4. TM. R.K.: he evaluated mostly “Google Translation” not his speech. But this is happened to not only him. Other evaluators sometimes do the same thing and it could be happened to everybody. Please just remember to focus on “evaluate a speech”.
スピーチよりGoogle Translationを評してしまったが、誰にでも起こりうること。実際にスピーチの論評ではないことをやってしまう論評者もいる。“スピーチを論評する”ことに集中することを忘れずに。
5. The key to improve the table topic speech is vocabulary. The trick to learn vocabulary faster is “context”. It’s easy to ask the audience who knows a context or review your speech by yourself and lookup a dictionary after the meeting when you could not say the word at the table topic speech. And then repeat doing that.


■Award session:

Best Table topic: TM. S.I.
Best Evaluator: TM. Y.O.
Best Prepared Speeker: TM. N. S.


At the quest’s comment of the end of the meeting, all guests said, “the meeting was nice and speeches were wonderful. The club atmosphere was really good.”
Especially three of them said, “I’ll come again. I’ll join this club.”

I thought we had a fruitful meeting in a relaxed atmosphere.




横浜オーシャントーストマスターズクラブと合同例会! / 横浜トーストマスターズクラブ第705回例会レポート




It was the last meeting for 2019 and the joint meeting with Yokohama Toastmasters club meeting #705/Yokohama Ocean Toastmasters club meeting #216. The seats were full with over 40 participants and and full of passions. Today’s theme was “Chirismas Carols/Songs”. TMOD Y.A., I, requested all role takers to tell their favorite Chirismas carols or songs and since a phrase wishing everyone would. I also sung the Twelve Days of Christmas which is one of famous Chirsmas carols as counting up and down song such as mother goose. Even thoug I was not good at singing, the audience gave me a warm hand.



■Word of the Day  / 今日の言葉



very happy, or likely to make people very happy

It was Chirsmassy choice and easy to use.



■Table Topic by TM A.T/ 即興スピーチ

本日の即興スピーチマスターは横浜トーストマスターズクラブのプレジデントTM. K.O.です。バラエティに富んだ質問に会場が沸きました。

Today’s table topic master was TM. K.O from Yokohama Toastmasters Club. The audience was excited with his various questions.


Speaker TM. H.A. (Yokohama)

Q2.Please tell us the appealing points for your club.
Speaker TM. H.M (Yokohama Ocean)

Speaker TM. A.I (Yokohama)

Q4.What was the best Chirsmas gift that you got ever and why it was the best?
Speaker TM. Iioka (Yokohama Ocean)

Q5.Please pick somebody from the audience and praise him/her.
Speaker TM. S.A. (Yokohama Ocean)

Q6.Please review your new year resolution of 2019.
Speaker TM. W.Y (Yokohama)

Speaker TM. J.S. (Guest)



It was few opportunities for Yokohama members to have a table topic session in Japanese but all of them enjoyed the bilingual table topic. The answer of Yokoahama Ocean’s members with colourful characters was outstanding and they were not hesitate to give an unique answer to the unique question which


■Prepared speech session/ 準備スピーチ

There were 4 speakers and enjoyed various kinds of speeches.

1. “Oshirasama R-18”
by TM. T.N (Yokohama) Time: 9.36 min.
Advanced manual “Storytelling”
Project 1 <The Folk Taler>
He told us a folk story from “Tohnomonogatari” which is about a girl who loves a horse too much to get married and how her story ends with feelings.


2. “She believes”
by TM. R.O (Yokohama Ocean) Time: 6.49 min.
Pathways “Presentation Mastery”
Level-2 Project 2 <Understanding Your Communication Style>
He spoke a cute episode about his daughter who believed in Santa when his family lived in England from a parents’ point of view.


3. “My luckiest thing at YTMC is ….”
by TM. K.T. (Yokohama) Time: 7.39 min.
Pathways “Innovative Planning”
Level-2 Project 3 <Introduction to Toastmasters Mentoring>
She intoroduced a mentor system of Toastmasters well with her experience and her viewpoint.


4. “私のコミュニケーションスタイル(CS)”
by TM. K.E (Yokohama Ocean) Time: 6.52 min.
Pathways “プレゼンテーション熟達”
Level-1 Project 2 <自分のコミュニケーションスタイルを理解する>
She talked her communication style which was identified by answering a questionnaire survey provided by the toastmasters, with using “Sazae-san” family charactors as an example.


Today’s speeches were with a wide range such as a folk tale, a seasonal story, toastmasters’ activity and project. I hope everyone enjoyed.




■Evaluation session/論評



1. TM. S.I.(Yokohama) evaluated TM. T.N. (first speaker)
Positive: イメージするのが難しい昔話をジェスチャーを交えて上手く伝えられていた。
The story was difficult to picture but he delivered very well with using gestures.
To be improved: R-18とタイトルに入っているが、ファンタジーなのでなくったかも?
“R-18” in the tile may not be necessary since the story was fantasy.


2. TM. T.S. (Yokohama) evaluated TM. R.O. (second speaker)
Positive: クリスマスシーズンにふさわしいテーマ。
The theme was fit to the Chistmas season.
His speech skill was excel at following project object and consistant speech in order to understand his communication style through a communication between his daughter and him.
To be improved: 娘さんと自身のそれぞれのコミュニケーションスタイルを比較しながらどのように娘さんを説得したのか、もう少し詳細を語れるとよりよい。
It may make his speech better if he could compare his daughter and his communication styles and then talk how he talke her into getting another toy.


3. S.W. (Yokohama Ocean) evaluated TM. K.T. (third speaker)
Positive: スピーチ冒頭に質問をし聴衆に「気づかせる」デモンストレーションステージの端から端まで動き有効に使用していた点。
Demonstrations to raise the audience awareness with a questions at the beginning. Detailed information what she actually took an action as a mentor such as how to act a role and how to do speech.
To be improved: メンターを始めたときの精神的葛藤と終えたときの気持ちの差をもう少し語れるとよかった。話し方が少し早いと感じた。もう少し間を入れるとよい。
Talking about differences between her mental conflict when she started mentoring and aa feeling when she completed her tasks as a mentor may be making her speech better. She talked a bit too fast so give the audience a pause.


4. K.S. (Yokohama Ocean) evaluated TM. K.E. (fourth speaker)
Positive: 自分のコミュニケーションスタイルを紐解く上で、サザエさんファミリーを例にあげ、聴衆がイメージしやすかった。
To be improved: 子供時代の影響から自身のコミュニケーションスタイルがどのように変化していったのかをもう少し語られるとよかった。





Each evaluator pointed good and improvement points with his/her point of view. Grammarian TM.T.S. said she enjoyed the meeting too much to miss grammers to be pointed out. But she picked interesting words used in a meeting instead.


TM. S.H. conducted Evaluation session as General Evaluator.

We enjoyed both Japanese and English mixed meeting.
The table topic was comfortable to answer.

2.For TM. S.I.: ストーリーの概要を説明してくれた。/He explained the summary of the story.
For TM. T.S.: メッセージがクリアだった。/His message was clear/
For TM. S.W.: 歌声と英語の発音がよかった。また論評内容がロジカルだった。/Her voice with singning and pronounciation was good and the evaluation was logical.
For TM.K.S. 話自体が非常にずっと聞いていたくなるような楽しい内容だった。


■Grammarian’s report

TM. Y.A introduced the word of ”Epiphany” which means “a Christian holy day in January (traditionally 6 January in Western Christianity) that celebrates the revelation of the baby Jesus to the world” but “epiphany” can be used with meaning “a moment when you suddenly feel that you understand, or suddenly become conscious of, something that is very important to you”.

2.TM. K.O.が使ったCheer up。元気づけるはCheer up、応援するときはCheer for。日本人は応援するにCheer upを間違えて使うことが多いので注意。
Ledgend of Toastmasterが面白かった。代わりにIconicも使える。





■Award session:

Best Table topic: TM. M.H.
Best Evaluator: TM. S.W.
Best Prepared Speeker: TM. K.E.



It was a very joyful meeting supported by easy-going Yokohama Ocean Toastmaster members. All awards were sweeped by them. Let’s have another joint meeting to pay back next time.
Thank you for all and a happy new year.






出席者全員参加で盛り上がりました! / 横浜トーストマスターズクラブ第703回例会レポート



「My Strong Point(s)/自分の長所(強み)」


Our regular meeting #703 was held at Kaiko-Kinen Kaikan.
Because the number of participants was less than usual, most of participants were assigned a role.
However, the meeting was very paganized, enjoyable and productive.


■Word of the day/今日の言葉

“tremendous” proposed by TM S.T


1.extraordinarily large in size or extent or amount or power or degree
2.extraordinarily good or great
   used especially as intensifiers
3.extreme in degree or extent or amount or impact


■Table Topic/テーブルトピック


今日のTable Topic Masterは、TM. S. Hさん。Hさんのテーマの回答は「超健康体であること」!!(驚)家族や職場の方がどんなに体調を崩していても、風邪をひいていても、うつされず、常に元気だそうです!風邪やインフルエンザが流行り出すこの時期、なんともうらやましい長所です!

Today’s table topic master was TM. S.H.   She said her strong point is ‘super healthy body’.Even during the winter season, she never gets a sick and she keeps in a healthy condition! Wow!

Speakers/ スピーカー
1, TM.Y.A 2, Mr. O 3, TM.R.K 4, TM.S.T 5, TM.TT 6, TM.Y.O 7, TM.M.N 8, TM.H.M



■Prepared Speech Session


Today’s prepared speakers were all men!!
Thank you for your wonderful speech!


1.”The Leader in Arctic” TM. T.M
Pathways “Innovative Planning”
Level-1 Project 2 <Evaluation and Feedback> 2nd

Aalthough it was 3rd speech for him since he joined YTMC, it was a wonderful speech and we all enjoyed and learned a lot from his speech skill and his speech story.

入会して3つ目のスピーチであるにもかかわらず、オリジナリティがあるストーリーで、聴衆を魅了しました。今日が最後の出席とのことで、残念ですが、またぜひTM Mさんのスピーチを聞けることを楽しみにして待っています!


2.”Person to Person Call” TM. A. I
Pathways “Innovative Planning”
Level-1 Project 2 <Evaluation and Feedback> 2nd

He gave us a heartwarming, humorous and story-telling speech about his experience about his wife.



3.”Slips of the Pen” TM. R.K
Pathways “Innovative Planning”
Level-1 Project 3 <Reserching and Presentation>


4 “Up with you!” TM. A.T
Pathways “Innovative Planning”
Level-2 Project 2 <Introduction to Toastmasters Mentering>


3.TM.R.K and 4. TM.A.T were very experienced members and they gave us well-organized speech and their speeches were followed by speech objectives well. Great job!

TM Kさん、TM Tさんも、マニュアルに沿った題材を選び、聴衆を惹きつけていました。


本日のテーマに関する質問回答/Answer to the question regarding Today’s theme

1, TM T.M. 
柔軟性 – どんな状況下でも柔軟に対応できる力を持っているとのこと!
TM Mさんは今日が最後の例会となりましたが、素晴らしい回答をしてくださりました。

Flexibility-ability to control under any situation.
It was a great answer and thanking to his last speech at YTMC.

2, TM A.I.     

His speech is always tremendously great despite of his age. His answer was self-torturing with his humor, his strong point was “loosing strength”!! But we don’t feel so!

3, TM. R.K :         

He can be friend with anyone!! Great strong point! I believe that he uses the communication skill improving at YTMC!

4, TM. A.T :
He has a special skill which is able to forget bad memories easily. How lucky he is!


■Evaluation : 論評

本日の総合論評は、TM T.Sさんが担当されました。いつもキレと高いエネルギーのある論評をしてくださるT.Sさん。
TM. T.Sさんは、個々のメンバーの良い点を引き出し発表することに長けており、今回の論評セッションでも、Evaluator(論評者)だけでなく、TMODのTM. K.Tについて、サポート役の方々についても触れて、短時間で実りある論評をしてくださいました。ありがとうございました!

TM T.S, one of the experienced member took a General Evaluator’s role. His speech style has always very energetic and powerful. Today’s his general evaluation session was very organized and he gave us clear and precise evaluations for all role takes within a limited time. Thank you very much for your big support!


本日のテーマに関する質問回答/Answer to the question regarding Today’s theme

1, TM. S.I. :         
BBQ !!  ご自身は「BBQ Masterだ!」とおっしゃっていました。ぜひまたYTMCメンバーでBBQパーティーをやりましょう!
BBQ!! He says he is “BBQ Master”. Let’s have a BBQ party with YTMC members again.

2, TM. Y.O. :
“continuity” is his strong point and special skill as well. I’m jealous of him because I get bored quickly.

3, TM. R.K:
好奇心 何事にも好奇心をもってチャンレンジする意欲と熱意をお持ちのKさん素晴らしい長所です!
“Curiosity”. He has motivation and passion to challenges anything with curiosity.

4, TM. M.N..
忍耐力 多少イヤなことや辛いことがあっても辛抱強く耐えられる力をお持ちとのこと。そういった方は決して多くないので、素晴らしい強みだと思いました!
“patience”. He is very patient person. He can put up with things even he has bad or hard feelings. It is a great strong point since there are no many who can do it.


■Award : 表彰

なんと本日のBest Table Topic Awardを受賞された、TM H.Mさんは、YTMCに入会されて、初めてBest Table Topic Awardをとられたとのこと!!記念すべき初受賞、おめでとうございます!!

Congratulation to all award receivers!!  Especially, TM H.M! For her, it was a first experience to receive Best Table Topic Award since she joined YTMC!  She did a wonderful job!

【Best Table Topic Speaker】TM H.M
【Best Evaluator】TM A.I
【Best Speaker】※Double Award!! TM S.I & TM R.K




Although the number of participants were little less than usual meeting, all meeting participants had a chance to speak during the meeting, which was great situation and full-filling meeting.
As we-all had a chance to speak and talk, we were able to know and understand each other through the meeting.
Thank you for all participants and guests!





横浜みなとみらいの名所で英語スピーチの競演! / 横浜トーストマスターズクラブ第702回例会レポート




Our regular meeting #702 was held at Kaiko Kinen Kaikan. It was super sunny day, and we enjoyed our meeting with 2 guests. One of them was the father of TMOD, which was very rare!! Toastmasters Club is a very great place to enjoy and motivate each other with other generation.

今回の例会のテーマは“My Favorite Culture”でした。次の日が文化の日ということで、好きな秋の過ごし方や、お気に入りの本や映画などを、あらかじめリサーチしていたメンバーの答えを紹介しながら会を進めていきました。それぞれの秋の楽しみ方を紹介しながら、ゆっくりと過ごしたい気持ちになりました。

The theme for this meeting was “my favorite culture.” The TMOD (Toastmaster of the Day) asked each member about their favorite books or movies in advance, and shared those stories through the meeting. There are many varieties of stories, and those stories made us feel like spending this comfortable season very relaxed.


■Table Topic / テーブルトピックスピーチ(即興スピーチ)


conducted by TM.Y.A


This is the practice for impromptu speeches. The theme for today was “advice.” At the beginning, the Table Topic Master asked one question “What is important to be a good all the members paid attention to the theme, so it was very effective. All the question was to require some advice about many variety of situations. Members were struggling to answer those questions, but they seemed to enjoy the session!

【Q1】What is good advice? What’s important to advise?

Speaker everyone

実用になる, 実用的な, 実際に役立つ





【Q2】My handwriting is terrible. How can I improve my handwriting? Please advise.

Speaker TM I.I

【Q3】I’m 3rd grade of junior high school girl. I still like a boy whom I was dating but broke up last year. I texted him to ask him to go out on Sunday by LINE. The message was read but he didn’t reply. What should I do for the next action. Please advise.

Speaker TM K.Y

【Q4】I bought a Tshirt on the internet. But my family told me not to go out in that Tshirt. What Should I do? Please advise.

Speaker TM S.I

【Q5】I’m planing to buy a pair of winter boots this year. But I don’t know which colours to buy. Please advise.

Speaker TM N.S

【Q6】Same as Q5.
Speaker TM T.S


■Prepared Speech / 準備スピーチ

【1】Speech title: “Why Karate?”
Pathways “Effective Coaching”
Level-1 Project 2 <Evaluation and Feedback> 2nd
Speaker TM M.F

He shared why he started Karate sport with his passion.


【2】Speech title: “Be Yourself and Be Confident!”
Pathways “Visionary Communication”
Level-2 Project 1 <Understanding Your Leadership Style>
Speaker TM K.T

She made a speech about ideal leadership style using Toastmasters Club.


【3】Speech title: “Like John Lennon Said”
Pathways “Innovative Planning”
Level-2 Project 1 <Understanding Your Leadership Style>
Speaker TM K.N

She talked how difficult and important to say “Help!” when we become a leader.


【4】Speech title: “Everything Happens for Reason”
Pathways “Motivational Strategies”
Level-1 Project 2 <Evaluation and Feedback> 1st
Speaker TM S.G

He made the speech as a rehearsal for the rookies contest coming in two 2 weeks. The speech was about his father and his histories.



We had four prepared speakers on this day. All the speakers gave great and hi-level speeches. The final speaker TM S He received many advice after the meeting. Good luck with your contest!!


■Evaluation / 論評

【1】Evaluation for 1st speech
 Evaluator TM T.M Time:3.05min.

His speech style is good with gestures and performances.
The message delivery was smooth and simple which made easier for the audience to understand.



Using more phrases and words.
Twice a month of Karate sounds not enough to convince the audience. Thinking Karate often can be more convincing to tell his passions for Karate.

【2】Evaluation for 2nd speech
Evaluator TM K.O Time:2.35 min.

Using slogan of YTMC when she was the president as a title was good.
The message was clear and powerful.


Time allocation for each paragraph.


【3】Evaluation for 3rd speech
Evaluator TM H.M Time:2.30 min.

The message was clear with using “John Lennon” in the speech title.
The phrase “Leader is not super human” was impressive.


It’s better to try not using the script.


【4】Evaluation for 4th speech
Evaluator TM H.A Time: 3.15min.


Using philosophical words that made his character.


Going back to the opening at the conclusion.


All the evaluators made evaluation speeches in time, and they gave fruitful feedback to the speakers. Among them, TM M tried it for the first time, but he seemed very relaxed! The impressive point was TM A gave a wonderful speech to TM S for the rookies contest. We could feel the supportive atmosphere that the experienced member helps the new member, which was very nice! Let’s support each other and enjoy the next meeting too!


■General Evaluation / 総合論評

1.President said “hello” twice at the opening which was redundant.



The table topic was creative.

3.TM.T.M 初めての論評は非常によかったが、I thinkを多用しているため、もっと違う言い方ができるとよい。

The first evaluation of TM. T.M was very good, but if he could say “I think” in another words, it would be even better.


■Grammarian’s report / 文法係のレポート

1.よかったフレーズ。Eternal wealthy. To be honest with you….など。skill and spritsという単語の組み合わせ。

Good pharase: Eternal wealthy. To be honest with you….Good combination of the word “skill and sprits”.


Using “handwirter“ instaed of “handwriting“ may be better.

3.“hierarchy spiral” could be more appropriate to say “hierarchy system”.


■Award / 表彰

【Best Table Topic Speaker】TM T.S

【Best Evaluator】TM H.A

【Best Speaker】TM K.N



We had joke session, which Yokohama TMC hold as a special session. In this meeting, TM T introduced some American jokes with his fluent English. Sometimes it takes time to understand American joke, but the audience was having a lot of fun! If you are interested in those session, please visit us!!



答えやすい質問だと楽しい♪即興英語スピーチ / 横浜トーストマスターズクラブ第701回例会レポート



Meeting Theme: Typhoons / 今回の例会テーマ:台風


We have experienced many rainy days and typoons, expecially in every weekends since early of August. So many members refered to the things happned in the last few weeks.


■Word of the day / 今日の言葉

Conducted by TM.K.N



1.of extreme beauty
2.delicately beautiful
3.lavishly elegant and refined
4.intense or sharp

e.g. exqusite flowers, exquisite taste in furniture, in exquisite detail, exquisite skill


■Table Topic / テーブルトピックスピーチ(即興スピーチ)

Table Topic Master : TM T.S

Theme: Pros and cons of being someone, something, being in a particular situation or status.


【Q1】The first human stepped on Mars.
Speaker TM. S.G Time:1.43 min.

【Q2】A cat
Speaker TM K.N Time:1.42 min.

【Q3】A father
Speaker TM T.N Time:2.09 min.

【Q4】Dnald trump
Speaker TM H.O Time:1.45 min.

【Q5】A newspaper
Speaker TM H.m Time:2.12 min.

【Q6】A woman
Speaker TM H.A Time:1.51 min.

【Q7】Old (aged)
Speaker TM N.S Time:1.38 min.

【Q8】Old brother
Speaker TM T.M Time:1.02 min.

Speaker Guest: Mr.R.I Time:2.15 min.

【Q10】A man
Speaker TM S.T Time:1.41 min.

Speaker Guest: Ms.A.Y Time:1.12 min.


It looked enjoyable to respond pros and cons on a specific issue. Many members had an opportunity to make a comment on each topic respectively despite they had their own another role in the meeting—amazingly we had no members who has no assignment in the meeting. So even a guest was appointed to answer a question.


■Prepared Speech / 準備スピーチ

【1】Speech title: “My Brotherhood”
Pathways “Innovative Planning”
Level-1 Project 2 <Evaluation and Feedback> 1st speech
Speaker TM T.M Time:6.14 min.

He talked about his younger brother who has it all and relations how to deal with it emotionally comparing with “Space Brothers”, Japanese comic.


【2】Speech title: “What is Simple Life?”
Pathways “Leadership Development”
Level-1 Project 2 <Evaluation and Feedback> 1st speech
Speaker TM H.A Time:6.39 min.

Her speech was about organizing and the way how not to have lots of things. The idea was from Marie Kondo who is a professional.


【3】Speech title: “My ideal leader”
Pathways “Dynamic Leadership”
Level-2 Project 1 <Understanding Your Leadership Style>
Speaker TM K.O Time:8.18 min. (over time)

He was requested to give a speech of his leadership style which was guided by Pathways project.


【4】Speech title: “Skinholic”
Pathways “Team Collaboration”
Level-2 Project 1 <Understanding Your Leadership Style>
Speaker TM S.H Time:5.03 min.

She talked about the way of her skin care which is linked to her job as a teacher and leader.


All the speakers performed well because they seem to have made a preparation satisfactorily. It contributes a good mood in a club meeting and it is no doubt that other members are impresed and encouraged.


■Evaluation / 論評

【1】Evaluation for 1st speech
 Evaluator TM A.I Time:3.17min.

Well organized.
Very understandable to the audience.

Use more vocal variety and gestures.
Conclusion was a bit weak.


【2】Evaluation for 2nd speech
Evaluator TM H.O Time:3.38 min.

The topic was very interesting.
Good opening with asking questions.
Speech structure was simple, opening, body with two rules and conclusion.
Strong statement. Easy to get her message.

How to use the presentation materials.
Maybe it was not necessary to use the visual aid because she has good skill to deliver without it.

《How to improve》
Conversation in a speech could be made as a role playing instead of using the visual aid.


【3】Evaluation for 3rd speech
Evaluator TM Y.A Time:3.11 min.

Conclusion with future oriented

The opeing with explaing his project was not necessary since the audience already knew.
There was no why and how from 5Ws1H which is crucial and essential to a speech. The speech cannot be convincing without them.
Time over for prepard speech cannot be tolerated.


【4】Evaluation for 4th speech
Evaluator TM T.N Time: 3.18min.

Speech structure was simple.

It’s better to talk more about leadership style.



Each evaluator did a good job and the GE (TM N.S.) gave an overall evaluation without a hesitation to suggeat critical points where necessary. They all were constructive to encourage members continue to attend and enjoy a club meeting.


■General Evaluation / 総合論評

TMOD prepared well.

2.今日のTable Topicのテーマがよかった。答えやすくいい質問だった。
The theme of today’s table topic was good. Easy to answer. Good questions.

Today’s speeches were based on speaker’s experiences so that they became pursuasive.

TM.A.Y pointed out all improvement points. She needed to pick a good point in order to encourage him.


■Grammarian’s report / 文法係のレポート

1.“Pros and Cons” はラテン語からきている言葉。使うと勉強しているなと思わせることができる。“Pros and Cons” は’Advantage and Disadvantage’.と言い換えることができる。
“Pros and Cons” is from Latin language. If you can use it, people think you’re educated. ‘Pros and Cons’ can be said ‘Advantage and Disadvantage’.

2.’I envy him’は’I’m jealous’ が一般的。
‘I envy him’ can be ‘I’m jealous’ which is more common to use.

※envyとjealousの違い by minutes writer.
Envy occurs when we lack a desired attribute enjoyed by another.
Jealousy occurs when something we already possess (usually a special relationship) is threatened by a third person.

3.’a peaceful mind’は’a peaceful state of mind’とも言える。
‘a peaceful mind’ can be ‘a peaceful state of mind’.


■Award / 表彰

【Best Table Topic Speaker】TM N.S

【Best Evaluator】TM H.O

【Best Speaker】TM S.H, TM T.M


Agin I apprecaite so much to those who attended the meeting despite of a rainy day.



祝700回!「伝統」と「挑戦」2つの価値観でYTMCはこれからも進化し続けます! / 横浜トーストマスターズクラブ第700回記念例会レポート



Finally, we reached 700th meeting on Oct.5th,2019!! I was very honored to be Toastmaster of The Day at the memorable meeting. A venue was Sakuragi-cho Pio City. Many member and guests came to our special meeting. The number of participants was more than 40! We could feel special atmosphere to the meeting. However, our agenda remained VERY standard.


■Today’s Guest / 本日のゲスト


The number of guests of this meeting was 17.
(6 non-toastemasters guests and 11 other toastmasters members)



■Word of the day / 今日の言葉

Presented by TM.S.T.


1《口語》 すばらしい,すてきな
a marvelous dinner [suggestion] すばらしいディナー[提案].
marvelous power 不思議な才能

extremely good, enjoyable, impressive etc
類義語 wonderful
e.g.‘How was your holiday?’ ‘Marvellous!’



Presented by TM.M.F.

He brought a Toastmaster magazine and introduced an episode of “influence to others” with using a broccoli. He is one of speakers in YTMC who has humor in his speech and action.



Presented by TM.T.T.

She introduced two jokes. These jokes were so cute and characteristic of her.



■Table Topic / テーブルトピックスピーチ(即興スピーチ)

Today’s table topic was presented by TM.H.O. with no special theme but primary related to Toastmasters.

【Q1】How do you explain Toastmaster to your friend or family who doesn’t know about Toastmasters at all?
Speaker TM. S.G Time:1.20 min.

【Q2】What was your best speech that you ever made? Why you feel so?
Speaker TM H.M Time:2.25 min.

【Q3】What is the moment you feel most, “a table topic session is beneficial”.
Speaker TM.Y.O Time:1.48 min.

【Q4】If you could go back in your time tell younger yourself, what advise do you give him/her?
Speaker TM Y.S (Guest) Time:1.17 min.

【Q5】If you travelled with naked to 200 years ago, how do you prove that you come from future?
Speaker TM.S.A Time:1.41 min.

【Q6】If you want to switch a lives with someone for a day, who it would be?
Speaker TM.H.T Time:1.49 min.



We had Tips, Joke and Table Topics session before a prepared session. That progress is a traditional style that YTMC has been continuing for more than 30 years. After that, 4 speakers and evaluators gave their speech and evaluation with their own character. I’m sure that all participants enjoyed our standard session.



■Prepared Speech / 準備スピーチ

【1】Speech title: “Picture your audience naked?”
Pathways “Presentation Mastery” 5-7 min.
Level-1 Project 2
Speaker TM Y.A Time:7.04 min.

She talked about five terrible speaking tips to ignore.




【2】Speech title: “Did you meet Yokota?”
Pathways “Innovative Planning”
Level-1 Project 2
Speaker TM A.I Time:6.46 min.

His speech was about an incident occurred due to pronunciation in two different languages with his humor.




【3】Speech title: “Let’s grab a coffee!”
Pathways “Dynamic Leadership”
Level-2 Project 3
Speaker TM R.K Time:7.26 min.

He gave a speech about a communication method between mentor and mentee which is very helpful to Toastmasters club.



【4】Speech title: “700”
Pathways “Dynamic Leadership”
Level-1 Project 2

Speaker TM T.S Time:8.21 min. (over time)
She showed science how to fall in love and analyse the steps of love.

He introduced that the pathway to the 700th regular meeting of YTMC with photo and history.



We celebrated the anniversary with TM.H.M handmade cake cut by the current president TM. K.O, TM.S.I who contributed to YTMC long time and TM.H.M who made the cake and TM.S.O as representitive of guests.



■Evaluation / 論評

【1】Evaluation for 1st speech
 Evaluator TM K.T Time:3.36min.

Happy anniversaryと初めの挨拶で聴衆の注意を引いた。
Good opening with a greeting “happy anniversary!” and drawing attention of the audience.
Contents with triggered by the actual incident happening in the regular meeting and quoting the expression that the native English speaker actually use.

Not only intorducing five terrilble speaking tips but also talk about her experience may makes her speech better and persuasive.
Send the evaluation sheet in advance.


【2】Evaluation for 2nd speech
Evaluator TM W.Y Time:3.37 min.

How he talked made the audience picture the situation easily without any visual aid.
Keywords “Yokota” gave the audience imagination how’s the story going on.
Smooth delivery with his style.

Make a pause during the speech, the audience has difficulties to follow due to smoothness of his speech.


【3】Evaluation for 3rd speech
Evaluator TM M.N Time:3.07 min.

Opening with confidence and drawing the audience attention.
Comfortable way of his talking.
The speech contents had a perfect match to his project.

Time management. There was not enough time for a conclusion.


【4】Evaluation for 4th speech
Evaluator TM N.S Time: 3.08min.

The speech content are matched with the 700th anniversary with a visual aid of the very first regular meeting of YTMC and also story of the pot.

Tendency of fading out his voice at the end of sentence.



■General Evaluation / 総合論評

1.TM M.FのTipsは生のブロッコリーを掲げて、聴衆の注意を引いた。大勢の前でジョークを披露したTM T.Tの勇敢さに感謝。
Tips presented by TM M.F with row brrocoli was good to draw the audience attention.
TM T.T were brave to take joke roke

Good conduction of the table topic.

3.TM K.Tの “good!” というときのジェスチャーに説得力がある。
TM W.Yの行儀のよい整理された論評。4つの良い点を挙げるのはなかなかできないこと。
TM K.T, her gesture when she said “good!” is persuasive.
TM W.Y, well-organized and well-mannered and picked four good points which is usually hard to do.

4.TM M.Nが行った二つの利点というフレーズは、通常良い点というのに比べてスマート。
TM N.Sはリラックスしており、ネガティブなコメントもシリアスにはならず、スピーカーの気分を害さないコミカルな話し方がよい。
TM M.N, he said two advantages, not good points which sounds smarter.
TM N.S, he looked relaxed, he gave a negative comment but sounds not too serious and very comical which did not make a speaker offended.


■Grammarian’s report / 文法係のレポート

The sequence of tenses.

Pronounciation. Unclear pronounciation may cause a massage undelivered.


■Award / 表彰

【Best Table Topic Speaker】TM H.T (Guest)

【Best Evaluator】TM N.S

【Best Speaker】TM S.I



YTMC is one of traditional clubs in Japan. There are tons of valuable things which former members had created. Our club still keeps some of them like the standard agenda. On the other hand, we try to do something new and welcome new members actively. What our attractive thing is that members join meetings with accepting both sense of values.Now, YTMC will take one step from the next meeting again!




上手く答えられる?「モチベーション」に関する即興英語スピーチ! / 横浜トーストマスターズクラブ第699回例会レポート



The 699 regular meeting took place at Hiranuma Memorial Rest House on September 21. Half way of 2019 FY! Many members and guests attended the meeting and we had a joiful meeting. Today’s theme is motivation. We shared lots of idea about motivation.


■Today’s Guest / 本日のゲスト

Mr.T.H, Mr.S.O (first vist)
TM.R.A, TM.C.K (from Minatomirai Toastmasters Club.)


■Word of the day / 今日の言葉

“Joyful” proposed by TM.K.T
very happy, or likely to make people very happy



■Table Topic / テーブルトピックスピーチ(即興スピーチ)

【Q1】What is your favorite item which motivate yourself?
Speaker TM. H.N Time:1.40 min.

【Q2】Please introduce your reccomended person of high motivation.
Speaker TM.R.K Time:2.09 min.

【Q3】What is your tips to motivate others?
Speaker TM.R.K Time:2.11 min.

【Q4】”You’re a leader for creating new tapioca drink preject team. And your team got the best yummy award”
As the leader, please admire your team members.
Speaker TM.M.N Time:1.43 min.

【Q5】”Your son neglects study and said ‘I hate studying'” How do you motivate him?
Speaker TM.C.K Time:1.23 min.

【Q6】”You failed a college entrance exam. You feel down so much.”
How do you recover your motivaton?
Speaker TM.H Time:2.28 min.

【Q7】What is a resource of motivaton?
Speaker TM.A.I Time:1.58 min.


Today’sTable Topic Master gave the questions about “motivation”. The quastions were creative and some of them were sharp. The speakers showed their personality well. Good Job!


■Prepared Speech / 準備スピーチ

【1】Title/タイトル:”Golden Time”
Speaker TM W.Y Time:5.15 min.
Her speech was about her new-born baby. She’s having “the cutest time of baby”.

【2】Title/タイトル:”Who I am”
Speaker TM G.S Time:4.59 min.
He intorduced himself for the icebreak speech. Where he’s from, what brought him to Japan.

【3】Title/タイトル:”The dream machine, Yamaha GX-1″
Speaker TM M.N Time:5.35 min.
He demonstrate Yamaha GX-1 which is synthesizer made in Japan.

【4】Title/タイトル:”Crazy in Love”
Speaker TM T.S Time:8.21 min. (over time)
She showed science how to fall in love and analyse the steps of love.

Each prepared speech was very interesting. Not only their contents of the speach but their speakings were wonderful and attractive!


■Evaluation / 論評

【1】Evaluation for 1st speech
 Evaluator TM T.S Time:3.19min.

The opening was dramatic. Good structure of speech. Her feeling about her baby was delivered to the audience.
The conclusion should be more highlighted.


【2】Evaluation for 2nd speech
Evaluator TM Y.O Time:3.18 min.

Relaxed and dignified. It was easy for audience to understand his character. The phrase that he said, “Who I am? I’m still asking to my self” was touching. Opening up his philosophy is a good way of introducing himself.
His speaking pace allocation. The opening was slow, but later of his speech became faster.


【3】Evaluation for 3rd speech
Evaluator TM T.T Time:3.28 min.

Demonstration of music.
It’s better not to see the script and have more eye-contacts with the audience. Relevance between opening and closing.
《How to improve》
If he dropped a hint of closing at the opening, his speech interested the audience more.


【4】Evaluation for 4th speech
Evaluator TM T.N Time: 3.34min.

Sharing information with the audience. The presentation slides were minimum. Asking a question to the audience gave them the afterglow of her speech.
Keep to the time limit.

Each evaluator pointed out with nice perspective. The speakers and the audience were into their evaluation.



■General Evaluation / 総合論評

Everybody cheered TM.G.S up who was going to give his first speech. It was happy to see TM.W.Y coming back after maternity leave and TM.G.S encouraged each other.

TMOD, TM.H.M prepared well. She was confident at the beginning but speak up. TM.T.S spoke loudly which was good.

The table topic master, TM. A.T prepared questions with multiple angles.

TM.T.T made a good pacing of her talk. TM. M.N speech made a good balance.


■Grammarian’s report / 文法係のレポート

Tapioka Drink is called a bubble tea in North America.
“Ninchi-syo” is dementia.
“pace” is more appropriate than “tempo” in his context.
“high-tention” is Japanese English. “excited” is more appropriate.

There is another word “motive” for the same meaning of “motivation”. “motive” is used for negative, “motivation” is used for positive things.
e.g.) He killed his own mother, what was his motive? Never say “motivation”.

【3】“I hate to study!”は“I hate studying!”が正しい。toかingか混乱しやすいので注意。
“I hate to study!” must be “I hate studying!”. It is sometimes confusing.
I hate to study.–>incorrect
I hate studying.–>correct

I like to study.–>correct
I like studying–>correct
*Both are the same meaning.

I forget to study.–>correct
I forget studying.–>correct
*Meanings are different.


■Word of the day report / 「今日の言葉」のレポート

Many used “joyful”.


■Award / 表彰

【Best Table Topic Speaker】TM A.I

【Best Evaluator】TM Y.O

【Best Speaker】TM W.Y



Today, we welcomed a former member TM.H as a guest.
She finally received her Ph.D. and she had to leave Japan. She was a
shy girl but contributed to YTMC a lot .
Let’s keep fingers crossed for her future in her country.
Please come back to Japan anytime.



Thank you for joyful meeting today!
Let’s keep working in toastmaters together!




英語スピーチは論評やフィードバックがもらえて練習するたびにレベルアップ!/ 横浜トーストマスターズクラブ第698回例会レポート


本日、Mr. Nが新たにメンバーに仲間入りしました。これから一緒に楽しみながらスピーチの練習をし、リーダーシップのスキルを伸ばして行きましょう!

The 698 regular meeting took place at Hatoba Kaikan on September 7. The meeting room was a little small for the participants, but that made an intimate atmosphere. The meeting theme was “Music”. Some Vietnamese music people played on the street outside the meeting room backed up our meeting theme. Mr. N became a member of YTMC today. Let us learn how to make good speeches and improve our leadership skills together. “


■Today’s Guest / 本日のゲスト


We had 3 guests today. One of them is from a TMC in Tokyo and another one made up her mind to join YTMC.
Today’s Guest: Ms.M.S, Mr.H.K, Mr.K.S


■Word of the day / 今日の言葉

“Epic” presented by TM.A.T
noun [countable]
1. a long narrative poem telling of a hero’s deeds

1. very imposing or impressive
surpassing the ordinary (especially in size or scale)
2. constituting or having to do with or suggestive of a literary epic

名詞 可算名詞
1叙事詩,史詩 《英雄の業績や民族の歴史などを歌った長詩; cf. lyric 1》.


TM Tが選んだWord of the Dayはepic (adj.)で、すごーい、超~という意味のスラング。友人などに使ってみましょう。


■Table Topic / テーブルトピックスピーチ(即興スピーチ)

【Q1】What is your first CD you have bought in your life?
/ 人生で初めて買ったCDはなんですか?
Speaker TM.N.S Time:1.45 min.

【Q2】Who is the best vocalist you think in the world?
/ あなたが考える世界で一番のボーカリストは誰ですか?
Speaker TM H.A Time:2.14 min.

【Q3】Who is your favorite musician? And tell us your recommend of the musician.
/ あなたのお気に入りのミュージシャンは?おすすめポイントも教えて下さい。
Speaker TM H.N Time:2.14 min.

【Q4】If you could play any musical instrument, what would you like play?
/ もしどんな楽器でも演奏できるとしたら何を演奏したいですか?
Speaker TM Y.O Time:1.48 min.

【Q5】Speaking of summer, what song or sound do you imagine?
/ 夏といえばどんな音楽や音を想像しますか?
Speaker TM S.K Time:1.49 min.

【Q6】If you could be one famous musician, who would you like to be?
/ もしあなたが有名なミュージシャンになれるとしたら誰になりたいですか?
Speaker TM S.T Time:1.58 min.

【Q7】If one favorite singer came to your birthday party and sang “Happy birthday” for you, what singer would you like to come your party?
 / あなたの誕生日パーティに有名な歌手が来て「Happy Birthday」を歌ってくれるとしたら、誰に来てほしいですか?
Speaker TM T.S Time:1.40 min.

皆さん、それぞれに好みの音楽が違っていて、でもお好きな分野に精通していて、答えが面白かったです。TM Sが初めて買ったレコードがSylvie Vartanというエピソードにメンバー大爆笑。クラシックからロック、歌謡曲までメンバーの好みは幅広いようです。

Each speaker has different taste of music and displayed a considerable knowledge of their favorite genre, from classical music to rock, pops. All of these comments were fun and informative.


■Prepared Speech / 準備スピーチ

【1】Title/タイトル:”My Leadership Challenge”
Speaker TM H.M Time:6.56 min.
She provided a speech about her leadership style. She looked confident.


【2】Title/タイトル:”Cutural Difference”
Speaker TM H.I Time:5.40 min.
ベテランのトーストマスターですが、Pathwayに移行して、Ice Breaker Speechを披露。
She made an Ice Breaker speech. Her first speech after transferred to Pathway, even though she is an experienced member.


Speaker TM K.T Time:7.31 min.
She gave us a speech about special watermelon that she loves. Many members got interested in the fruit.


【4】Title/タイトル:”Where do you cut your hair?”
Speaker TM S.K Time:6.52 min.
His last speech was about his hair cut and his father. His episode with his father was touching but had a good sense of humor at the same time.

4 speakers made speeches. All four titles fired up my interest in their speeches.



■Evaluation / 論評

【1】Evaluation for 1st speech
 Evaluator TM S.H Time:3.14min.
 Her passion for work was delivered.
 The contents should be more detailed.
《How to improve》
The process to be independentを語る。I worked very late every dayなど。
Talk about “The process to be independent”, such as I worked very late every day.”


【2】Evaluation for 2nd speech
Evaluator TM Y.A  Time:3.41 min.(overtime) 
Her facial expression is great. The speech structure and time allocation for each, opening, body and closing were balanced. Transition was smooth.
Take a moment after asking what does chart show, and give the audience some time to think. The speech title was too regular, should make the audience want to hear.
《How to improve》
Decide a speech title as if to decide a movie title.


【3】Evaluation for 3rd speech
Evaluator TM T.S  Time:3.30 min.
Passion for a watermelon, seasonal topic, well searched data.
《How to improve》
Add a visual aid compared a regular watermelon and a special watermelon that she introduced.


【4】Evaluation for 4th speech
Evaluator TM S.I  Time:3.00 min.
The humorous speech, such as his memory with his father.
Take more time to show a chart.


■General Evaluation / 総合論評
General Evaluator TM A.I

1.Table Topicでよく使う、Impromptuは間違えやすいので気をつける。
Lots of members mistake on using “Impromptu” .

2.Table Topicの質問がわかりやすくよかった。
The questions at the table topic were simple and easy to understand.

TMOD prepared well.

今日のGeneral Evaluator、TM A.Iの落ち着いた進行はさすがベテランメンバーです。本日のevaluatorは優しい人が多かったのか、それほど鋭いツッコミはなかったような気がします。
Today’s general evaluator was TM I. He’s an experience member and conducted the session really smoothly with poise and confidence. Four evaluators were sweet. I did not find their comments so harsh today.


■Grammarian’s report / 文法係のレポート
Do not repeat the same word and phrase without meaning.


■Word of the day report / 「今日の言葉」のレポート
Many members used the word in the meeting.


■Award / 表彰

【Best Table Topic Speaker】TM T.S

【Best Evaluator】TM T.S

【Best Speaker】TM S.K


本日のポットウィナーはTM. S.Kでした。
Pot winner was TM S.K.




お盆も英語スピーチ♪本日のベストスピーチ「自信をつけるためには○○が効果的!」/ 横浜トーストマスターズクラブ第697回例会レポート


697回の例会は8月17日(土)に横浜市開港記念会館で行われました。 お盆の週末に夏本番ともいえる暑さで参加人数は少ないかもと思っていましたがゲストも含めて20名にご参加いただきました。

Meeting No 697 was held on July 20th at Yokohama-shi Kaiko Kinen Kaikan. It was hot and humid day which we felt the beginning of summer. It was fantastic that there were 20 participants even though extreme hot weather and the end of Obon week.


今回は新体制になって初めて入会式を行いました。今期のオフィサーは学生や日本人以外にも積極的に参加していただく施策を とっており、今回インドの方をお迎えすることができました。YTMCではさらに多様性をもつクラブになればよいなと思います。

We had an induction ceremony for the first time of the new cabinet. An Indian friend joined this club since our cabinet promotes to students and international friends. I really hope we can create diversified and friendly atmosphere at YTMC.


本日のワード:skyrocket  prsented by TM.M.N

Word of the day: skyrocket  prsented by TM.M.N
1. shoot up abruptly, like a rocket
1. sends a firework display high into the sky
2. propels bright light high in the sky, or used to propel a lifesaving line or harpoon


本日のお題/Today’s Topic

本日のテーブルトピックはテーマである”Home Town”に関連して、日本の主要な都市についての面白い質問をTM K.Nが用意してくれました。縁がない都市の話題にあたった方々は答えるのに四苦八苦していましたが予想外の質問に答えるのも即興スピーチの醍醐味だと思いました。

TM K. N ran table topic session, she prepared a number of questions about big cities in Japan related to today’s theme “Home Town”. Some members had to make answers about cities they do not know well but it was great that they squeezed their knowledge and tried to make answer. Table topic is the training of impromptu speech in order for us to respond unexpected questions.

Q1 Tokyo has too many people. What are the negative effects of the centralization of population in Tokyo? – Speaker TM.S.G  Time:1:07

Q2. When you go to hot springs in Kyushu, where should you pick and why? – Speaker TM.T.M Time: 1:10

Q3. The population of Yokohama is one million larger than the one of Osaka, but many people consider Osaka is the second big city after Tokyo. Do you know why?– Speaker TM.S.I Time: 2:16

Q4. Kyoto is one of the most popular tourist destinations in Japan, and the city is struggling with overtourism. Too many tourists for the size of the city. What can the city do to ease the problem? – Speaker TM.MN Time:1:17

Q5 When you go to Sendai, what are you going to eat? – Speaker TM.T.T Time: 1:38

Q6 Hiroshima is another one of the most popular tourist destinations in Japan. The Peace Memorial Museum and the Atomic Bomb Dome attract so many people. Why do so many tourists go to these places? – Speaker TM.A. I Time: 2:27


本日の事前準備スピーチ/Today’s Prepared Speech

準備スピーチは3名のスピーカーが挑戦しました。 ベテランTM N.Sによるアイスブレイカー、TM H.Oは一度やったスピーチについて受けたアドバイスをもとにもう一度スピーチをおこない、TM A. Tは自分自身のリーダーシップスタイルの説明を行うというPathwaysの新しい取り組みについて体感できるセッションとなりました。

Prepared speech had 3 speakers, TM N.S did the ice breaker, TM H.O accomplished the 2nd speech what he has done and took feedback before and TM A.T explained his leadership style. All of us can enjoy new features of Pathways.

1. TM.N. S Time: 6:39
The island he was born and raised on. The pictures of now and then – car, telephone, computer 

2. TM.H.O Time: 6:13
Important to practice a speech or any other things a lot to earn confidence.

3. TM.A.T Time: 7:23
Failed and successful experiences in his college orchestra activities and learned his leadership style



本日の論評/Today”s Evaluation

批評セッションでは、TM H. MがGeneral Evaluatorを務めました。TM N.Sのスピーチの批評を妻であるTM T.Sが行ったことが今回のハイライトでした。家族など近い人にでもはっきりと建設的にフィードバックをすることはリーダーシップスキルの醸成につながります。TM K.OとTM K.Tもそれぞれのスピーカーに対してよかった点、改善を要する点を効果的にフィードバックしていたのが印象的でした。

TM H.M led the evaluation secession as general evaluator.  The most interesting thing was TM T.S evaluated the speech of her husband TM. N.S. Giving constructive feedback to others especially relatives is very important for nurturing leadership skills. Also, TM K.O and TM K.T delivered feedback both good points and improvement needed to each speaker.

1.T. S Time: 3:45 <overtime>
Good: One of the best speeches Nori-san has ever made. Contents and preparation were great. Old pictures and cute illustration
Bad: He was too relaxed. He should be a little more serious to show his confidence.

2. HO Time: 3:16
Good: O-san was confident and gave us good information for making speeches.
Bad: The opening of O-san’s speech was not clear. We didn’t know when his speech began.

3. KT Time: 3:15
Good: TM T conveyed a strong message “Raise your hand”
Bad: He didn’t mention the results of the issues he had in the college orchestra activities. He didn’t tell us either what he learned or what he achieved in the activities.



総論評 by TM.H.M

1. 自分が論評者ではなくてもメモを取るようにする。そうすることで他メンバーのスピーチから多くを学ぶことができる。また、自分のスピーチにも役立つ。
2. 本日の事前準備スピーチは今期のスローガン:”Discover Yourself and Enrich Your Life”に沿っていた。
3. Ahなどの不要な言葉を使う癖を直そう。

General Evaluator – Comments from TM.H.M

1. Let’s take notes even though you are not an evaluator. You can learn many things from the speeches that other toastmasters make. These are useful for your next speech.
2. The prepared speeches today were in keeping with the slogan ‘Discover Yourself and Enrich Your Life’ of  YTMC.
3. Let’s get rid of a habit of using “ah” so many times. I will do the same with you.


文法・言葉遣いレポート by TM.A.I

Grammarian’s report
3.Plural – Not “content” but “contents”/単数形、複数形の使い分け



Word of the day: Only TM.W.Y used. TM Nakamori-san said “I regretted I didn’t use skyrocket when talking about Kyoto’s overtourism during the TT session.



Ah Counter’s:
So many people used unnecessary filler words


最後にアワードの発表を行いました。テーブルトピックは横浜がなぜ2番目の都市だと認識されていないのかを明快に説明されていたTM S.I、批評スピーチはTM K.T、準備スピーチは自分自身に自信をつけるためにカラオケが効果的であるというスピーチをしたTM H.Oが受賞されました。

Finally, Award presentation has done, TM S.I who explained why Yokohama is not recognized as second largest city won the best Table Topic Speaker, TM K.T who gave effective advices to the prepared speaker won the best evaluator and TM H.O who made a speech Karaoke is the best way to improve self-confidence won the best prepared speaker. Well done all award winners!



We, Yokohama Toast Masters Club, are working on acquiring important skills not only public speaking but also leadership and others needed to enrich life and business through speech in English from millennials through baby boomers. The meeting was successful since everybody feels such attitude even though the number of participants was bit smaller than usual due to Obon holiday week. I would like to express my gratitude to those who gave supports.

