Yokohama Toastmasters Club is an English club which belongs to Toastmasters International. Toastomasters club is an US-born nonprofit educational organization that operates clubs world wide for the purpouse of helping members improve their communication, public speaking and leadership skills. Our club is an English club thererfore, only English is used at the meeting.
Then, what is the difference from English schools on the street? First of all, Toastmasters Club has no specific instructor. Before the meeting, speakers, evaluators for the speach, etc. are assigned. At the meeting, we have rule that every participant have to express his or her opinions in public sometimes without preparation!
Some of our club members are from overseas and consists of a viriety of generation form students to retired person. They have a vriety of business background. If you are interested in our club, please do not hesitate to jump in our club. We are all waiting for your visit!
Yokohama Toastmasters Club
President Takeshi Matsuzaki
会長 松崎 健