秋はまだまだ、英語スピーチを楽しもう! 第679回例会レポート


第679回例会レポート #679 TMOD Meeting Report



例会の冒頭、著名なクラブ表彰のセレモニーがあり、我々横浜トーストマスターズはPresident Distinguished Clubという上位10%程度しか与えられない貴重な表彰をいただきました。

続いては、ミーティングテーマ。今日のテーマは「Autumn Leave」(紅葉)。おすすめの紅葉スポットはどこですか?偶然にも今日の言葉と一致しました。皆さんからいただいた紅葉スポットをいくつかご紹介しました。最後にNさんから焼き芋を推薦されました。美味しそうですね。


「Table Topic session」ではSさんが進行。カゴから選んだ著名人を説明するというユニークな進め方でした。ユニークな進め方で皆さんは大変楽しんでいました。本日ゲストで来られた方も回答され会場は盛り上がりました。

今日の「Speech Session」は4名。

休憩の後、総合評論者のOさんの進行による「Evaluate Session」。

今回は初めてのTMOD。例会をコントロールできるのか不安がありましたが、Agenda TimerのTさんの正確なタイマーでスケジュール通りに運営できました。有難うございました。


The 679th Meeting was held on November 17 at the Hiranuma Memorial Rest House the same place as the last meeting. A Speech evaluator was absent in the morning. We need a substitute, but we were able to get it with teamwork. I felt that communication from every day will be useful in case of emergency.
Before the regular meeting, “Business English consultation meeting” was held. We were able to share valuable information that can’t get from a book from experience of an overseas resident.
At the beginning of the meeting, We had a club awards ceremony, We Yokohama Toastmasters Club were awarded a valuable award “President Distinguished Club”. It was given only to the top 10%.

Last president TM.T was presented with a commendation ribbon, and a new history has been added to our club, which celebrated its 30th-anniversary last year.
In the meeting, TM.I introduced “Today’s word”. Today’s word is “Leave”. “Leave” has many meanings and uses. Please use it a lot.
Next, the meeting theme. Today’s theme is “Autumn Leave” (KO-YO), where is the recommended place for seeing Autumn leaves? It’s same as the word of today!
I introduced recommended some spots from everyone. In the end, TM.N was recommended sweet potato. It is delicious.
After explaining each role, “Joke Session”. TM. N gave a joke speech fluency.
It is very difficult to take a laugh in English, but surely, she took a laugh.
In “Table Topic session”, TM.S conducted. This session was unique to explain celebrities chosen from the basket.
Everyone enjoyed it in a unique way. Two guests also enjoyed very well. The venue was very excited.

Today’s “Speech Session” is 4 people.
TM. S gave a speech that significance to protect coral reefs. The speech was a long speech with Q&A and response and 15-minutes long speech completed.
The next Speaker is TM.K. Today was his birthday, so it was a memorial speech.
TM. K isn’t good at preparing in advance. Today he didn’t prepare anything to dare, and he did his best speech as he can.
Next is TM.A. In association with the scent of “KINMOKUSEI”, she gave a speech about bitter memories in her school days. Everyone was impressed by her powerful speech.
Finally TM. O He is going to participate in the Kanagawa -ken rookie competition held in this December. His speech was a preparation for the competition.
So, He gave a serious speech just like a real contest.
After the break, “Evaluate Session” conducted by general evaluator TM.O.
Each evaluator was an experienced person and gave an accurate evaluation of each speech. Especially it was very impressive that TM. A gave a hard evaluation in order to get a successful speech in competition.

Following the report from each role, the meeting progressed the final stage. We had the award session.
The best table topic speaker was TM.O. The best evaluator were two persons TM. A and TM.M and the same point. The best speaker was TM.O. Congratulations!
This was the first TMOD. I was worried that I could control the meeting, but I managed to conduct it on schedule through the strict control of Agenda Timer by TM.T. Thank you.



カテゴリー Regular Meeting タグ .