今期最後のYokohama Toastmasters Club第693回例会レポートです。今年も楽しい仲間と楽しい一年でした。


第693回例会レポート #693 TMOD Meeting Report

Today the meeting became a memorial one. Because it was the last meeting of this financial year.
There were three speakers and six evaluators, I mean, all three evaluators for the speech was evaluated. Titles of speeches are bellow.

“Hong Konger Loves Japan”
“Workplace Dress Codes”
“Quitters Never Win.”

Each speech and evaluation was well prepared and organized, and all evaluation for evaluation speech made us think about to make better speeches.






At the end of the meeting, a farewell ceremony for active officers, and an installation ceremony for new ones were held. All members, and officers proud of those activities for the past one
year, and welcomed the new one year.



Enjoy the last meeting photos of this financial year.

Thank you, President F. You red our club to a great.

This meeting’s winners.

YTMC Annual Awards. Many members got unique awards.

New Officers.

YTMC kickoff party.




第688回例会レポート #688 TMOD Meeting Report

4月6日に横浜開港記念会館 2階 ルーム7にて新年度最初となる、#688レギュラーミーティングを開催しました。今回のテーマは「Self-confident」です。

We held # 688 regular meeting, which was the first meeting in the new fiscal year, on April 6 at Yokohama-shi Kaikou Kinen Kaikan 2F #7. The theme this time is “Self-confident”.


I was nervous because it was my first TMOD. Especially there was a change in some role taker assignments in the last minute so, I needed a little effort. But I was able to successfully complete the preparation in advance. Thank you for your cooperation.

今日は、ビジネスセッションで、ALB、ACB及びPathways Level1修了の表彰がありました。受賞された方、おめでとうございます。

We had an award presentation of ALB, ACB, and Pathways Level 1 graduates in business sessions. Congratulations to the winners.


The word of the day is “decent.” It is far from me and I had a bitter smile (-_-;)


Today’s table topic session theme is related to the new era name “Reiwa”. Seven people made wonderful speeches for each various questions related to the theme.

今日は準備スピーチが5名と盛りだくさんでした。ルーキー3名によるIce Breakerは、それぞれ個性的な内容で、あだ名の遍歴を紹介したM Oさん、まさに冒険というにふさわしい経歴を紹介したK Oさん、そして、自分の好きな国を紹介したS Kさん。それぞれの人柄が伝わる内容でした。

Today, we had five prepared speakers. Ice Breaker speeches by three rookies were especially very unique. TM M O introduced her nickname’s history, TM K O talked his adventurous career, and TM S K spoke about his favorite country. Each story represented their personality.

論評スピーチは、私と同じく今回初となるK Nさんが担当。丁寧で、思いやりあふれる進行は自己評価50点だそうですが、とても素晴らしかったです。それぞれの論評者の方々も、時間内に的確なコメントをしていました。

The general evaluator was Mr. K N, it is the first time for her to take the role. I think her polite and considerate progress was great however her self-assessment was 50 out of 100. Each evaluator also commented on time and was excellent feedback to the speaker.

本日の最優秀準備スピーカーは、新人のM Oさんでした。おめでとうございます!

Today’s best-prepared speaker was newcomer TM M O. Congratulations!


I was a clumsy TMOD, but I’ve done. I really appreciated everyone.







The Toastmasters Club Area 52 International Speech Contest was held on March 2, 2019, at Noge-chiku Center near JR Sakuragi-cho station. This contest precedes the Toastmasters International Speech Contest which is held annually in summer. The winners of each club compete at respective Area Contest, then the winners there again proceed to Division Contests. The Division Contest winners will compete at the District (All Japan) Contest in May, and then the winner of the District Contest will go to the World Championship in summer.

Each club that belongs to an Area is required to host an Area Contest in turn annually, and our Yokohama Toastmasters Club co-hosted the Area 52 Contest this year with a Japanese club, Kannai Toastmasters Club.

そしてもう一つの特徴は、ピアノ伴奏があったことです。会場に偶然ピアノが置いてあり、幸いにも使用無料で、これまた偶然ピアニストがメンバー内にいたので、開会宣言時や表彰時にじゃじゃーん! とジングルを入れてもらったのです。通常コンテストではピンと張りつめた緊張感が漂うのですが、ピアノの効果は抜群で、今までになく楽しい雰囲気のコンテストとなりました。即興でピアノを弾いてくださったTM K.K.に感謝です!

In this contest, we had special features that we’d never had before. One is that we were required to take off shoes and wear slippers inside a venue. I’d never seen contestants making speeches in slippers and it was a novel sight to behold. I assume they might have had difficulty moving on the floor.
The other thing was that a piano performance accompanied the contest. There happened to be a piano in the venue and it was free to use it. Luckily and coincidentally, we had a pianist within our members who happened to be there! So, I asked him to play it at an opening and award presentation. He stroked the piano keys tenderly and “Baaang!” them when needed. His piano improvisation gave a cheerful boost to the contest, which is usually filled with tension and nervousness. Thank you, TM K.K. for playing it on the spot!

さて本題のコンテスト。まず英語コンテストが13:15に開会しました。コンテスト委員長・司会は私、TM. T.S.が務め、エリア52所属クラブ (横浜・関内・みなとみらい・オーシャンTMC) から集まった総勢65名の観客が見守る中、6名のコンテスタントの熱き戦いが始まりました。

Following the cheerful “Baaang” of piano came the contest opening. First, the English Contest began at 13:15, and I, TM T.S., facilitated it as Contest Chair and MC. The venue was packed with almost 70 Toastmasters from all clubs that belong to Area 52 (Yokohama, Kannai, Minatomirai and Yokohama Ocean TMC), and six contestants started to compete with each other.

トップバッターは横浜TMCのプレジデント、TM F.のスピーチです。コンテストでトップバッターを務めるのは非常に緊張するものですが、そんな様子はみじんもなく、堂々としたスピーチを披露されました。2番目のスピーカーはオーシャンクラブ代表のベテランスピーカー、TM H.です。さすが全国大会出場経験者、声音やジェスチャーなど、卓越したスキルを披露してくださいました。3番目はみなとみらいクラブのプレジデント、TM A。彼はTM歴は浅いものの、何度もコンテストに出場している強豪です。非常に瀟洒な語り口の、スマートなスピーチを聞かせて下さいました。4番目はオーシャンクラブ代表のTM K、長身を活かしたジェスチャーで、面白いアイデアのスピーチを披露してくださいました。5番目は我が横浜クラブ代表のTM O。彼特有の会場を一気に明るくする笑顔で、楽しいスピーチを聞かせて下さいました。6番目に登場した最後のスピーカーは、みなとみらいクラブ代表のTM O。ベテランならではの卓越したデリバリースキルと流暢な英語で、見事にフィナーレを飾って下さいました。

The first speaker was our Yokohama TMC’s president, TM F. Although it must have been nerve-wrecking to speak first at the contest, he delivered his speech marvelously with confidence. The second speaker was TM H., who was an experienced speaker representing Yokohama Ocean TMC. She had been a finalist at the District Contest before and she delivered her speech with excellent vocal variety, gestures and refined skills. The third speaker was TM A. from Minatomirai TMC. Although his experience as a Toastmaster is short, he is a great speaker who has participated in contests many times before. As though to prove it, he rendered his speech with sophistication and smartness. The forth speaker was TM K. who was representing Yokohama Ocean TMC. Taking advantage of his height, he spread his long arms like an eagle and towered over us, and delivered a unique story. The fifth speaker was TM O. who represented Yokohama TMC. He has an innate talent to bring smiles to anyone who sees him. He used his magic onto the audience and delivered a cheerful speech that left us all smiling and happy. The sixth and final speaker was TM O. from Minatomirai TMC. He has a long-term experience as a Toastmaster and delivered his speech in fluent English with prominent speaking skills.

審査結果を集計するあいだ、座を和ませてくれたのは、みなとみらいクラブ所属のインタビュアー、TM S.によるコンテスタントへのインタビューセッションです。さすが手慣れたもので、コンテスタントへ次々と即興質問を繰り出し、観客を大いに楽しませて下さいました。

While tally counters were tabulating judges’ results, TM S. from Minatomirai TMC interviewed the contestants with his humorous talk and entertained the audience. An experienced Toastmaster as he is, he improvised the question after question and sometimes brought contestants to their wits’ end.

3位入賞者は、トップバッターとしてスピーチを披露した横浜TMC代表のTM F、2位はオーシャンTMCのTM H、そして栄えある1位の座を獲得したのは、洗練されたスピーチを披露したみなとみらいクラブ代表のTM Aでした。みなさんおめでとうございました!

I received the judges’ result from Chief Judge and finally commenced on the award presentation. Unfortunately, one contestant out of six went overtime and became disqualified. Therefore, winners were selected from remaining five contestants.
The third place winner was TM F., who was representing our Yokohama TMC and courageously made the first speech. The second place winner was TM H. from Yokohama Ocean TMC, and the glorious first place winner was revealed to be TM A. from Minatomirai TMC who delivered a highly sophisticated speech. Congratulations all winners!

休憩をはさみ、第2部、日本語コンテストの始まりです。日本語コンテストは関内クラブが担当し、初コンテスト委員長に抜擢された新人のTM T.が司会を務めました。スーツ姿で決めたTM T、しっかりと司会をこなされました!

After the intermission, the latter half of the contest, which was the Japanese Speech Contest, began. It was hosted by Kannai TMC and facilitated by the first-time Contest Chair, TM T. Neatly adorned in business suits, he played the role of MC smoothly and solemnly.

トップバッターはオーシャンクラブ代表のTM K、爽やかで新鮮なスピーチをして下さいました。2番目は横浜TMCのTM F、英語コンテスト3位獲得直後の彼のスピーチは、更に自信に満ち溢れた堂々たるものでした。3番目のスピーカーはオーシャンクラブのTM A。彼のトレードマークであるマイク要らずの大きな声と、研ぎ澄まされたジェスチャーで、素晴らしいスピーチを披露して下さいました。4番目はみなとみらいクラブ代表のTM T。帰国子男の彼の日本語スピーチを聞くのは初めてでしたが、日本語も非常に堪能で、ユーモアにあふれた面白いスピーチでした。5番目、ラストスピーカーは横浜クラブ代表のTM A、少女時代の辛い体験を真摯に、赤裸々に語って下さいました。

日本語のインタビューは、エリア54ディレクターでもあるオーシャンクラブのTM I.が担当して下さいました。スピーチが終わって緊張の解けたコンテスタント達がにこやかに応答するのが印象的な、楽しいインタビューセッションでした。

Japanese Contest proceeded just as the English Contest did. It started with opening remarks, then the rule explanation was given, and the speech competition began. The first speaker was TM K. from Yokohama Ocean TMC. She was given a ticket to this contest a week prior to it, and gave a refreshing speech with a shy smile. The second speaker was TM F. from Yokohama TMC, who had won the third place award in the English Contest. Isn’t it amazing that he participated in the two contests at the same time? With renewed confidence attained by his third place prize, he delivered his speech marvelously. The third speaker was TM A from Yokohama Ocean TMC. With his signature big voice that doesn’t require microphone’s help, he rendered his speech with refined gestures and movements. The fourth speaker was TM T. representing Minatomirai TMC. He grew up in the U.S. and speaks English like a native speaker, and I’d never heard him making speeches in Japanese. But I found out for the first time that he could speak Japanese fluently as well! In his native tongue, he delivered his speech humorously. The fifth and final speaker was one of our representatives, TM A. from Yokohama TMC, who talked candidly and sincerely about her poignant experience in her youth.

The Japanese Interview Session was conducted by TM I. from Yokohama Ocean TMC, who is also an Area 54 Director. It was a cheerful session in which relaxed contestants answered questions with big smiles.

さて、日本語コンテストの結果は…なんと! 1位が我らがプレジデント、横浜TMCのTM F、2位も横浜TMCのTM A、そして3位がオーシャンTMCのTM Aでした。我が横浜クラブ、ダブル受賞で、TM F.は英語コンテストでも3位入賞でしたから、なんとトリプル受賞ですね! おめでとうございます!

Following the fun Interview Session, the winners of the Japanese Speech Contest were announced. And guess what? Our president, TM F. of Yokohama TMC, won the first place! And the second place went to TM. A from our club as well! The third place award was given to TM A from Yokohama Ocean TMC. Since our president TM F. received two prizes and TM A. received one, our Yokohama TMC won the three prizes in the contest it hosted. What a great achievement! Congratulations winners!

1位を受賞されたTM AとTM F、エリア52代表として、来月のディビジョンEコンテストでの雄姿を期待しております。頑張ってください!

One thing I learned in this contest was the power of Toastmasters’ teamwork. Those who had roles to play worked on their own accord without specific instructions. Many volunteers helped setting up the venue without coercion. I can proudly say that everybody, including committee members, contestants and audience, enjoyed the contest thoroughly and it was a great success. Thanks everyone for your cooperation!
The two first-place winners, TM A. and TM F., I wish you a big success in the upcoming Division E Contest next month. I’ll be looking forward to hearing your speeches again there!

コンテスト委員長: TM T.S.
Contest Chair: TM T.S.


横浜桜木町ぴおシティでの例会は終始リラックスムード、気楽に英語スピーチを楽しめました 第685回例会レポート


第685回例会レポート #684 TMOD Meeting Report


Our 685th regular meeting was held at Sakuragi-cho Pic City on Feb.16th. On that day, we had a rich content meeting, such as Joke session, Workshop, Table topic session, and Prepared speech etc. We really enjoyed them.


The meeting theme of this meeting was ‘sweets’. We had Valentin’s Day this week, so I collected the answers to the role takers’ favorite sweets and shared them. Sweets make us relaxed when we have a busy time or stressful time. In this meeting, we found the new aspect of members favorite. Yokohama Toastmasters members have a very sweet tooth.

初めに、ジョークマスターの Hさんが2つのジョークを披露して下さいました。話の流がとても楽しく、ジョークマスターHさんの人柄が出る楽しいセッションとなりました。

The first is a Joke session. Joke Master H delivered two Jokes. The flow of words made us amused and it was a very funny session with
Joke Master H ’s character.


Next is the Workshop which was given by immediate past President T about YTMC officers and election. We could learn about each officers’ role and how YTMC is being run. It was very understandable to new members.


Next is the Table Topic session. Table Topic session was very interesting thanks to Table Topic Master I’ s novel idea. By all members who answered to Table Topic Master I’s question, Masterpiece story was made.


Next is the Prepared Speech session, all members were waiting for. Each speech was very interesting. Each of them was well researched and easy to understand. The audience was attracted by the speakers. Good job and thank you, Prepared Speakers!


The last is the Evaluation session. This time is not only the evaluation for prepared speech but also the evaluation for the evaluation of the prepared speech. Each evaluator gave shrewd advice and we could find some improvements which we didn’t know by ourselves. At last, the experienced today’s GE gave us advice throughout the whole meeting that will be of some help a lot.



新年最初の英語スピーチ例会。2019年も横浜から楽しい英語スピーチを発信します! 第682回例会レポート


第682回例会レポート #682 TMOD Meeting Report

2019年第1回目のミーティングは1月5日に波止場会館にて行われました。ミーテイング・テーマは “今年の抱負”と 毎年初にはいつも選ばれそうな凡庸なテーマでしたが、皆様からの回答は面白いのは当然ですが まじめで 身につまされる解答も多くありました。
急な病気のため 1つのスピーチがキャンセルとなりましたが 役の無くなった論評者がAgenda Timer を喜んで引き受けて頂くなど スムーズに進行致しました。


テーブルトピック・モデレーターは 範囲の広い話題で わかり易い楽しい質問でした。

3つのスピーチはいずれもPathways baseで それぞれ異なるジャンルのスピーチで それぞれ印象的でした。各スピーチはそれぞれの論評者によってポイントをついた評価がなされ、エバリュエーションセッションは大変良くまとめられていました。ミーティング全体として 皆様の協力もあって スムーズに行われたと思います。


The first meeting in 2019 was held on Jan.05 at Hatoba Kaikan. The meeting theme was “New Year’s Resolution” which was a mediocre theme in this season, but I was impressed with the answers, as the most of the theme related answers from role takers were serious, meaningful, and interesting ones.
Unfortunately, one speech was canceled due to the speaker’s sudden illness, but his evaluator kindly accepted the Agenda Timer’s role. Joke speech was interesting and funny. Table Topic moderator asked well-selected questions covering broad areas. 3 prepared speeches were based on Pathways, and they were very well done.

They were relatively serious and impressive ones. Each evaluator gave serious evaluations of the corresponding speech. Each speech was evaluated very well, and Evaluation session was done smoothly and successfully. Overall, the meeting was done smoothly.

However, I had some difficulties with the preparation for the meeting as a TMOD. First, I need to apologize that all member address I used was not effective today at all, and it caused the whole process delayed. Also, it caused many inconveniences in the year-end season. Also, I confess it is difficult to get all confirmations, all answers to theme related questions, speech information in this vacation season.



秋はまだまだ、英語スピーチを楽しもう! 第679回例会レポート


第679回例会レポート #679 TMOD Meeting Report



例会の冒頭、著名なクラブ表彰のセレモニーがあり、我々横浜トーストマスターズはPresident Distinguished Clubという上位10%程度しか与えられない貴重な表彰をいただきました。

続いては、ミーティングテーマ。今日のテーマは「Autumn Leave」(紅葉)。おすすめの紅葉スポットはどこですか?偶然にも今日の言葉と一致しました。皆さんからいただいた紅葉スポットをいくつかご紹介しました。最後にNさんから焼き芋を推薦されました。美味しそうですね。


「Table Topic session」ではSさんが進行。カゴから選んだ著名人を説明するというユニークな進め方でした。ユニークな進め方で皆さんは大変楽しんでいました。本日ゲストで来られた方も回答され会場は盛り上がりました。

今日の「Speech Session」は4名。

休憩の後、総合評論者のOさんの進行による「Evaluate Session」。

今回は初めてのTMOD。例会をコントロールできるのか不安がありましたが、Agenda TimerのTさんの正確なタイマーでスケジュール通りに運営できました。有難うございました。


The 679th Meeting was held on November 17 at the Hiranuma Memorial Rest House the same place as the last meeting. A Speech evaluator was absent in the morning. We need a substitute, but we were able to get it with teamwork. I felt that communication from every day will be useful in case of emergency.
Before the regular meeting, “Business English consultation meeting” was held. We were able to share valuable information that can’t get from a book from experience of an overseas resident.
At the beginning of the meeting, We had a club awards ceremony, We Yokohama Toastmasters Club were awarded a valuable award “President Distinguished Club”. It was given only to the top 10%.

Last president TM.T was presented with a commendation ribbon, and a new history has been added to our club, which celebrated its 30th-anniversary last year.
In the meeting, TM.I introduced “Today’s word”. Today’s word is “Leave”. “Leave” has many meanings and uses. Please use it a lot.
Next, the meeting theme. Today’s theme is “Autumn Leave” (KO-YO), where is the recommended place for seeing Autumn leaves? It’s same as the word of today!
I introduced recommended some spots from everyone. In the end, TM.N was recommended sweet potato. It is delicious.
After explaining each role, “Joke Session”. TM. N gave a joke speech fluency.
It is very difficult to take a laugh in English, but surely, she took a laugh.
In “Table Topic session”, TM.S conducted. This session was unique to explain celebrities chosen from the basket.
Everyone enjoyed it in a unique way. Two guests also enjoyed very well. The venue was very excited.

Today’s “Speech Session” is 4 people.
TM. S gave a speech that significance to protect coral reefs. The speech was a long speech with Q&A and response and 15-minutes long speech completed.
The next Speaker is TM.K. Today was his birthday, so it was a memorial speech.
TM. K isn’t good at preparing in advance. Today he didn’t prepare anything to dare, and he did his best speech as he can.
Next is TM.A. In association with the scent of “KINMOKUSEI”, she gave a speech about bitter memories in her school days. Everyone was impressed by her powerful speech.
Finally TM. O He is going to participate in the Kanagawa -ken rookie competition held in this December. His speech was a preparation for the competition.
So, He gave a serious speech just like a real contest.
After the break, “Evaluate Session” conducted by general evaluator TM.O.
Each evaluator was an experienced person and gave an accurate evaluation of each speech. Especially it was very impressive that TM. A gave a hard evaluation in order to get a successful speech in competition.

Following the report from each role, the meeting progressed the final stage. We had the award session.
The best table topic speaker was TM.O. The best evaluator were two persons TM. A and TM.M and the same point. The best speaker was TM.O. Congratulations!
This was the first TMOD. I was worried that I could control the meeting, but I managed to conduct it on schedule through the strict control of Agenda Timer by TM.T. Thank you.



横浜の秋の深まりと英語スピーチを楽しむスピーチマラソン開催! 第678回例会レポート


第678回例会レポート #678 TMOD Meeting Report




本日のWord-of-the-dayは、Kさんです。”Note” ということで動詞や名詞として比較的使いやすい言葉が登場しました。

いつも通り各役割担当者自身による役割の説明に続き、テーブルトピックセッションではTさん司会による”Mentor or Mentee”を主題にした即興スピーチセッションが行われました。「何をMenteeにアドバイスをするか」「Mentorから何のアドバイスを授かったか」など、もしかしたら普段あまり意識をしていないものの、トーストマスターズにおいては重要な機能について思い起こす良い機会となりました。

Hさんは ”Will AI replace teachers?” というタイムリーなお題目でした。中学校の現職英語教師であらせられる人による真摯なスピーチであり、感銘を受けた聴衆者が多く見受けられました。内容の濃いフィードバックが多く寄せられたのではないかと推察します。
Nさん は “Early Bird” というお題目で、「早起きは3文の徳」を実践なさっているお話でした。見習うと良いことがあるかもしれません。
Oさん は数ヶ月前に入会され、今回は2回目のスピーチであるものの堂々となさっていました。お題目は “Marketing in Japan” ということでご自身の仕事内容を土台としながら、国際商取引きの内容を普遍的に図解してくださいました。
Tさん は入会後、最初のスピーチでお題目は “Initiation to the fishery Industry” というものでご自身の漁業と共に歩んできた半生記と自己紹介を兼ねたものでした。何となく壮大な絵巻でも見ているような感覚に陥りました。
Mさんは”Runtastic-Night Excursion”というお題目で、ご自身のランニングで使用している便利なアプリの説明と夜の横浜ランニングコースを写真付きで紹介していただきました。妖しい夜のお店も登場しそうになりアダルトの世界に誘っていただきました。
Hさんは”My Communication Style”というお題目で、いつもの手慣れたスピーチの秘密が少し垣間見れた感じがしました。




678th regular meeting was held at Hiranuma Kinen Rest House which is located nearby to Yokohama Bunka Taiiku-kan and having a meeting at this venue seems to be for tor the first time. Both facilities, which are not so new at all, make us feel something as if we were back to Showa era.
At the beginning of a meeting preparation, I had to seek one speech evaluator out of six speech evaluators and thankfully a voluntary candidate was offered immediately by some members.
This admirable assistance made me feel confident and ease of keeping on my duties.
The short of role takers also required an assist from other club members and we asked one person for a timekeeper accordingly.

Before the regular meeting, a one-hour ad-hoc meeting was offered and conducted by Toastmaster A for a free-discussion relating to English learning tips. Many discretional participants seem to have been enjoying the meeting. I bet many members look forward to joining the 2nd round of the meeting before the next-next regular meeting.

It was Culture Day so to facilitate choosing a meeting theme, “Culture Shock” In the opening, I talked about my experience what I was amazed in Osaka. Despite it was one of my original favorite fake stories (I have ever talked it to Toastmaster N personally before) and I had been assured to make the audience feel extremely funny (surely telling them it was a fake story), it was not so successful in fact. In my view, I found I had some issues on it: the content made fun of Osaka people slightly; some expressions might be substituted with other effective ones to make the story more attractive; failed to speak smoothly in the most important part to make my audience laugh.

Word-of-the-day by Toastmaster K was, “Note” He gave us a word we could use relatively easily in verb or noun when we delivered a speech or spoke something in the meeting. After having a role explanation by respective role takers, as usual, Toastmaster T as a Table Topic Master conducted a table topic session. Every topic she put forward were based on or referred to mentee or mentor in Toastmasters e.g. “What will you advise to your mentee?” or “What kind of advice have you ever received from your mentor?” She gave us an opportunity to remind ourselves an important function in Toastmasters we tend to forget occasionally.

We had 6 speakers in the prepared speech session. “Will AI replace teachers” by Toastmaster H, who is a junior high school English teacher, was a timely topic and her honest thoughts gave us something to consider a lot. I suppose she received many valuable feedbacks from the audience.
“Early Bird” by Toastmaster N is a story about herself who enjoys getting up early in the morning. We may have something lucky if we do the same. “Marketing in Japan” by Toastmaster O, who joined the club just a few months ago, illustrated a world trading business with overhead projector briefly based on his current business. His speech looked confident enough despite it was only his 2nd-time speech. “Initiation to the fishery Industry” by Toastmaster T, who joined the club recently and it was his 1st-time speech, was his self-introduction along with his long journey with the fishery industry. Because of his extensive experience including his expatriate life several times, I felt as if I was watching a spectacular pageant.
”Runtastic-Night Excursion” by Toastmaster M was about a useful app on running along with his Yokohama night excursion on running one day by demonstrating with an overhead projector. I bet nightclub enthusiasts also enjoyed his speech.
”My Communication Style” by Toastmaster H revealed something about the well-determined speeches he delivered consistently.

The evaluation session was conducted by a general evaluator, Toastmaster A. We had 6 individual evaluators for each speech. All the evaluators today were an experienced member or a member who are just back from the USA after an expatriate so that we had a good opportunity to learn fruitful evaluations.

The best table topic speaker was awarded to Toastmaster As (a guest from Zama Toastmaster club?), the best evaluator was awarded to Toastmaster SN, and the best-prepared speaker was awarded to Toastmaster M.



食欲の秋、スポーツの秋、いやいや英語スピーチの秋でしょう! 第675回例会レポート #675 TMOD Meeting Report


第675回例会レポート #675 TMOD Meeting Report


さてこの日、TM Fによって紹介された今日の言葉はOkeydokey でした。今日の言葉を例会中に使うと罰金が減る決まりになっているので、メンバーは例会中に機会を捉え、よく今日の言葉を自分のスピーチに取り入れます。当日も、TM Fが使いやすい言葉を選んでくれたお蔭で、Okeydokeyはしっかりとメンバーの頭に記憶された事でしょう。

皮きりに、TM Mがジョーク・セッションで場の雰囲気を一気に和ませました。万人受けするジョークを思いつくのは簡単ではありませんが、生来のエンターティナーTM Mは持ち前の明るく良く通る声、表情豊かな表情、ひょうきんなジェスチャーをもって観客を大いに沸かせました。

テーブルトピックは横浜トーストマスターの皆のお母さん的存在のTM Tの進行の下、和やかに進みました。
指名されたメンバーは、トランプのババ抜きの様にTM Tからカードを引き、そのカードの裏に書かれた問題を答えます。楽しいアイデアでした。
当日は、厚木座間トーストマスターからTM W をゲストに迎えました。突然の予期せぬ質問にも動ぜず、臨機応変にユーモアで応える鍛え抜かれたスピーチに全員が聴きほれました。観衆を喜ばせる程の優れたスピーチがなされる場に直に遭遇することは、特に新しいメンバーにとって、素晴らしい刺激となりました。TM W、またのお越しをお待ちしております。

通常例会は4本の準備スピーチがあります。TM K がトーストマスターで培われた友情について語り、TM H はSMS の有益性と有害性について客観的な事実をもとに論理的にスピーチを展開し、TM S は準備体操の有益性を体全体で説明し、大変ユーモラスに観客を沸かせました。そして最後のスピーカーTM K は彼らしい意欲的な切り口で、今までの仕事の数々の経験で勝ち得た素晴らしい成果を熱く語りました。

特にTM N.Sには、他の論評者が数分前に行った論評について、同じ3分という時間制限で論評しなければならないというベテランならではの試練が与えられました。
論評に安定した自分の型をもっているTM Tがベストに選ばれました。安定した論評者の論評は聴いていて安心感があります。理路整然としているからでしょうか?論評は早く自分のスタイルを確立することがコツなのかな、と彼の論評を聴き感じました。
今回私は2回目となるTMOD(Toast Master Of the Day)の役を務めさせて頂きました。前回とくらべ、細かい台本を用意していったつもりでしたが、実際に動いてみるとまだ穴があり、分かっているのにするべきことを忘れてしまったり、順番を間違えたりと結構失敗をしてしまいました。

こんなふうに考えられるようになったのは横浜トーストマスターを構成する一人一人のメンバーのお蔭です。こんな英語クラブは、なかなかないですよね? 大変有難いことです。
是非、皆さんもそんな雰囲気を体験しに来ませんか? お節介好きなメンバー一同、熱い気持ちで皆様のお越しを心よりお待ちしております。


Twenty avid members of Yokohama Toastmasters Club got together for a regular meeting on Saturday afternoon of Sep.

15th, the first day of three-day weekend, though it was drizzling all day. Three days before and after Sep. 1st are designated as the National Disaster Prevention Week in Japan, so the question; Are you prepared for unpredictable-sized natural disasters? , was asked to all role takers before coming to the meeting.
Japan is composed of beautiful islands where distinctive nature of four seasons can be enjoyed throughout the country, but at the same time, this means unpredictable natural disasters can hit us anytime, anywhere. Natural disasters are something unavoidable for the people of Japan. It’s best to prepare for the worst regularly.
In order to enhance the disaster prevention awareness of the club members, I asked the question above to each role taker during the meeting, however, the numbers of people  who answered ‘No’ was more than I expected, which was rather shocking to me!
Natural disasters can happen to any of us. It is also said that once it hits us, the restoration of basic infrastructure will take for a few days, or worse, for a few weeks.
So, if your answer was ‘No’, I strongly recommend that you make sure of your emergency supplies at home as soon as possible.

The word-of-the-day at the meeting was “Okeydokey”. By our club’s rule, if you use the word-of-the-day, the amounts of your silence-filler-fine will go down in accordance with the times you use that word, which makes members try to use the word more often. Thanks to the TM F’s nice choice of word, I am sure the word ‘Okeydokey’ was also strongly stored in attendants’ minds.

Firstly, TM M brightened up the atmosphere with the Joke session. Although it is not easy to think of funny jokes that can be well received by people of all ages, he proved himself to be a born entertainer with his unique style of presenting speeches. His clear voice, expressive face, and comical gesture were good enough to win the applause from the audience.

The Table Topic session went smoothly in a warm atmosphere by the effort of TM T, whose presence is always like a big mom of our club.
Just like a baba-picking of a Japanese card game, an assigned member picks a card from TM T, then answers the question written on a card. It was a fresh idea!
We had an honorable guest, TM W, from Atsugi-Zama Toastmasters Club on that day. We were all enthralled by his witty answers that entertained the whole floor. It was a great opportunity especially for novices in our club to observe an experienced Toastmaster handling a table topic question flexibly with ease. Please come and see us again, TM W, to show us the path to follow.

We had four prepared speeches that day. TM K talked about the friendship he had made at Toastmasters Clubs. TM H maintained her opinion about the benefits and risks of using SNS with some concrete evidences, TM S made us laugh to roll on the floor with his comical radio exercise during his speech!! The Final speaker TM K impressed us passionately on what he has won through his multiple job experiences.

The latter part of the meeting was started with the evaluation session, led by an experienced TM H.I. It is not an easy job to evaluate a speech that was made just a while ago within three minutes, what is more, in English!
Evaluators are required to concentrate on the context of the speech, being very busy deciding on what to omit and what to comment in the three-minute evaluation.
Excellent evaluators are not made in a day. They are self-trained to be the one through hundreds of practices.
Especially TM N.S, an advanced Toastmaster, had a suitable tough task to make another evaluation on one of the evaluator’s speeches.
TM T won the best award for the evaluator, for he has a concrete frame-work to be used at the evaluation, which adds more persuasiveness to his evaluation speech. It might be helpful to build our own evaluation style to give a good presentation like TM T.
It was my second time doing TOMD role. I had prepared the detailed script for the meeting but actually, it didn’t turn out good enough; I forgot something to do or did something in a wrong way…
Nevertheless, this didn’t spoil the whole meeting, for there was always warm atmosphere during the meeting, and I was really relieved that I could return the control of a meeting to our president, TM F, without an unacceptable delay.
The warm ambience of Yokohama Toastmasters Club never lets you down or makes you feel ashamed when you make some mistakes at a meeting,
I feel that you can learn something only where you can be yourself, rather than in a place where you become nervous. It is not a shame to make mistakes. Let’s think positive. Making a mistake is a great thing because you can learn from it. My three- year experience in Yokohama Toastmasters club has made me a different person to think that way.
I owe my progress in command of English to every member of the Yokohama Toastmasters Club. You can hardly find such a wonderful English club, can’t you? I am very thankful about it.
If you are interested, please come to our club and feel the friendly atmosphere yourself. We’ll be looking forward to seeing you at our meetings!



第668回 30周年記念例会レポート #668 TMOD 30th Anniversary Meeting Report




第668回記念例会は、大勢のゲストが見守る中、緊張したムードで始まりました。しかし、Queenの「We Will Rock You」が流れる中、派手な仮装で登場した二人のテーブルトピックマスターの予想外のダンスと歌で、緊張ムードは一瞬にして吹き飛びました。


1番目のスピーカーは入会間もないTM M。この日が記念例会だとは知らずにスピーチを希望した自分の運命を呪いながらも?!果敢にPathwaysのIce Breakerに挑戦し、緊張の中見事にスピーチをやり遂げました。

2番目のスピーカーは九州のトーストマスターズクラブに所属していたTM Oで、彼もPathwaysのIce Breakerに挑戦しました。ご自分の経歴を語る中で、Toastmasters Club Evaluation Contest全国大会への出場経験が自信を与えてくれたというエピソードが印象に残りました。

3番目のスピーカーは九州、北陸のクラブに所属していたTM Sで、年の離れた旦那様との結婚生活をジェスチャー混じりに面白おかしく語り、見事ベストスピーカーに選ばれました。TM Sはこのスピーチでアドバンスト・マニュアル2冊目を終了し、ACB (Advanced Communicator Bronze)を受賞されます。おめでとうございます!

記念例会最後のスピーカーはTM N。このスピーチでCCマニュアルを完了したTM Nは、2.5年かけてやり遂げたコメントシートびっしりのマニュアルを持参して聴衆に披露し、2.5年間で彼女が学んだスキルに「DIE メッセージ (Demand / Interest / Easy)」と名付け、その内容を丁寧に語ってくれました。CCマニュアルを完了した彼女は、Competent Communicatorの認定証を授与されます。おめでとうございます!

ベテランメンバーTM Iの司会で、引き続き論評セッションが執り行われました。過去メンバーによる素晴らしいスピーカーの論評もあり、668回論評を繰り返しているからこそ、横浜TMCは30年間生き抜き、そして今後も存続していけるのだというTM Iの言葉が印象的でした。




YTMC’s 30th-anniversary meeting was celebrated with over sixty attendees including the honorable guests and the former members at a spacious hall with a commanding view of the Port of Yokohama.
The ceremony was taken place under the affectionate eyes of over sixty people which included founders of the club, past presidents and the guests from other clubs.

We gathered earlier than usual for a lunch party and together, we sang birthday songs and watched video messages collected from various members of Toastmasters around Japan in a festive mood. It wouldn’t be an overstatement to say that the history of Yokohama TMC is the history of District 76. Our charter members were called on the stage and shared their memories from 30 years ago.

Our regular meeting #668 was observed by all the guests, which made us a bit nervous in the beginning.

However, our nervousness was soon blown away by the deafening sound of Queen’s “We Will Rock You” performed by the two Table Topic Masters, who sang and danced to the music in flashy costumes. They rephrased the lyrics to “We Will Name You / We Will Respond”, and made us answer the questions. While we saw the former members trying to hide themselves, when they were called on, of course, they answered with great confidence.

YTMC’s four current members presented their prepared speeches in the Prepared Speech Session.
The first speaker was TM M, who is one of the newest members of our club.
She volunteered to make a speech on this day without knowing it would be an anniversary meeting. While lamenting her fate, she courageously took a shot at an ice-breaking speech of the Pathways and finished it fabulously under pressure.

The second speaker was TM O, who used to be a member of a Toastmasters Club in Kyushu region. He also tried his first speech on Pathways on this occasion. He shared his life events with us, and one of the episodes in which he talked about his experience in participating the District Evaluation Contest that had given him confidence in life impressed me the most.

The third speech was presented by TM S, who had belonged to the clubs in Kyushu and Hokuriku regions before joining our club. She shared with us hilarious and humorous episodes with her old husband with expressive gestures and won the Best Prepared Speaker Award. She has completed the two advanced manuals with this speech and will be given the ACB (Advanced Communicator Bronze). Congratulations!

TM N presented her speech as a finale of the session. Since it was her finishing speech of CC Manual, she showed us the manual covered with so many comments slips and surprised us. She named what she had learned in the two and half years of Toastmastering “DIE (Demand / Interest / Easy) message”, and explained the components one by one. She has completed the CC manual with this speech and will be given the Competent Communicator certificate. Congratulations!

The exciting speech session was followed by the evaluation session conducted smoothly by an experienced Toastmaster I. Some of the speeches were evaluated by former members, and the General Evaluator TM I commented on the good points and improvement points from our entire meeting. She emphasized that 30 years of our constant evaluation keeps improving us for the future.

It was such an honor for me to take this role on this occasion. I really believe that there is Goddess residing at YTMC. She has watched us making mistakes, trying something new, and working harder again. She will continue to assist us as long as YTMC continues.


Congratulations on the 30th Anniversary, YTMC!!


第667回例会レポート #667 TMOD Meeting Report


5月19日、第667回YTMC例会が私たちのホームグラウンドである波止場会館で開催されました。この日はクラブ活動の中で最も重要なイベントがありました。それは役員選挙です。 会長のTさんがスムーズに選挙を進行し、全ての候補者が当選しました!おめでとうございます!新しい会長のFさんが新役員を代表し、スピーチを披露しました。新しい任期はこの7月から始まります。








The 667th regular meeting of YTMC was held at our home ground, Hatoba-kaikan, on May 19th. We had one of the most important events of YTMC activities, which was officers’ election!! President T conducted it smoothly, and all candidates got elected! Congratulations!! New President F gave his speech representing new cabinet. The new term will start from this July!

There was another special event during this meeting. That was the induction ceremony for TM O. And guess what? His mentor is me! I’m really glad to be his mentor. I’d like to enjoy YTMC activities with him.

On this day, The Table Topics Session was very thrilling. The Table Topic master was our TM S., and she set a unique rule in the session. She made word cards, and an assigned member chose one of them. He or she explained the chosen word in about 2 min. without using the word itself. After his or her speech, audience guessed the answer! Six speakers struggled to explain the words because many words were difficult. But TM I explained his chosen word perfectly, and he got the Best Table Topics Speaker Award!!! FYI, the word he chose was “FBI”!!

There were three speakers in the Prepared Speech Session. They gave their own speech with performances reflecting their characters. As a result, TM T got the Best Prepared Speaker Award! She sang in her very beautiful voice during her speech as well as told us how to make a beautiful voice. What a beautiful voice it was, wasn’t it! She could involve the audience in her speech with her beautiful voice!

We also had three respective evaluators, and TM A got the Best Evaluator Award!
She told us how to show the 1st slide of powerpoint effectively. It was very useful and accurate!

The time schedule for this meeting was tight. However All role takers managed time well and as a result, we could finish the meeting almost as planned.
Thanks all of you for your effort and cooperation!
The next meeting will be the YTMC 30th Anniversary Special Meeting! This is a very important event just like the officers’ election. Don’t miss it!

