第661回例会レポート“Spring In-house Contest” #661 Contest Chair Report



コンテストに参加するスピーカーはコンテスタントと呼ばれ、観客の中にいる複数の覆面審査員によってその勝敗が決まります。 勝者として選ばれたコンテスタントは1ランク上のコンテストに勝ち進むことができます。インハウス(クラブ内)コンテストを皮切りに、エリア・コンテスト→ディビジョン・コンテスト→ディストリクト76・コンファレンス(全国大会)→そして最終的には世界大会へと、仲間のコンテスタントが順調にコマを進めてゆける様にと、毎年コンテストの時期は多くの会員にとって特別で非常にドキドキ感のある季節となっています。先週はYTMCのインハウス・スピーチコンテストでした。

インハウスコンテストでは英語部門に5人、日本語部門に3人のコンテスタントが出場しました。ところでディストリクト76春季全国大会の今年のテーマはスパークです。スパークとは放電などの時に火花が飛ぶことや、その火花の反応から新しく何かが生まれることを意味します。 先日のコンテスタント達の卓越したスピーチの中には沢山の輝きや煌めきが数多く観察され、そのお陰で聴衆も大いに盛り上がり非常に充実したコンテストとなりました。






コンテスト委員長: TM T.N.

The annual Toastmasters conferences are held in every spring and autumn, and these are good opportunities for all members of Toastmasters Club of showing the fruit of their efforts.

Speakers who participate in the conference are called contestants, and anonymous judges among the audience hold the key to the outcome. The winners will be able to advance to a next stage, higher level contests. They start with the In-house contest, Area, Division, and then finally reach the International contest. For all members of Toastmasters Club, the contest seasons are a very exciting time of the year as they are anxious to know whether their representatives can win and move up to the next level. At YTMC, we enjoyed our annual in-house contest on the last weekend.

Five contestants made their speeches in English, and three contestants in Japanese. The word, SPARK!!!, by the way, is the theme of this Spring Conference of the Toastmasters District 76 (Japan). Spark means a very small piece of fire that flies out of something burning and creates something new and valuable. There were so many sparks in the elaborate speeches made by the contestants, which attracted the audience throughout the show, and we had quite a fruitful in-house-contest on that day.

Amazingly, two experienced members, TM T and TM H, presented themselves on the stage in both languages. Their sprits surely stimulated all members of YTMC. TM N humorously spoke about her accident at the shopping mall. TM I talked about the eternal affection he feels for his beloved wife. Last year’s champ TM F presented himself once again on the stage with an inimitable hilarious speech. TM K’s speech was suggestive and we were all inspired. Thanks to all the contestants’ elaborate speeches especially prepared for the contest, time really flied like an arrow. What a lively contest it was!

Every speech was excellent and it was hard to say which one was the best of all, but that’s what a contest is for. After careful consideration, TM F and TM T (for English contest) and TM H and TM N (for Japanese contest) won the contest respectively. They are moving on to the next stage as our representatives. Congratulations!!

The area context will be held on March 18th (Sun) at Yaesu-Gakuen University in Takashima-cho. I’m sure you will be watching more and more sparks shine again on a stage. It would be a pity for us to miss this opportunity, so why not going there next Sunday and cheer on our sparking representatives!

Lastly, I’d like to sincerely thank everyone, especially the Chief Judge TM A, VPE of YTMC who had patiently guided me through to bring this contest a success. I could not have had such a wonderful experience without your great support.

I fully enjoyed the perks of the contest chair on that day. Viewing lively contestants on the stage from the side angle enabled me to feel them so close and fresh. I was really happy.

Contest Chair: TM T.N.


第660回例会レポート“Setsubun” #660 TMOD Meeting Report


横浜トーストマスターズクラブ第660回目の例会は、2018年2月3日節分の日に開催されました。当日は立春前日とは思えぬ寒さでしたが、寒気を物ともせず24名のメンバーと4名のゲストを含む合計28名が、 明治時代に建てられた横浜市開港記念会館に集いました。

節分の日に合わせて、例会のテーマも「節分」。事前に「一番心に残る節分の思い出は?」という質問をメンバーに投げかけたものの、TMODである私自身、節分の思い出など殆どなかったため、この日を自分も含めたメンバー全員の「心に残る節分」にしようと、100円ショップで鬼のお面を買い、自宅に転がっていたStar Warsのライトセイバーを鬼の金棒代わりに持ち込みました。鬼の華麗な剣舞でも舞うつもりでいたのですが、数日前にぎっくり腰になり自由に動けなかったので、代わりに即興で長身のTM Tを壇上に招き、横浜TMCのクールな鬼になってもらいました。かっこいいでしょう? 私の下手な剣舞よりよっぽどいいですね!

メンバーの節分にまつわる回答の中で特に印象に残ったのはTM Nのお父さんとの思い出で、かつてご近所に鳴り響くお父さんの「鬼は外、福は内」と叫ぶ声が、子供心に恥ずかしかったが、お父さんが亡くなった今は、その声が懐かしく思い出され、もう一度聞きたいと思う、というTM Nの亡きお父さんへの愛情が心に響きました。

この日は、C. C. マニュアルを完了したTM Nが、Competent Communicator Award を受賞し、数分の受賞スピーチを行いました。TM Nはいつもながらしっかりスピーチ原稿を準備し、完璧な内容のスピーチを披露してくれました。スピーチの準備を完璧に行うのは時間的にも大変なのですが、労力を惜しまず準備を怠らないTM Nの姿勢は、横浜トーストマスターズクラブの良き模範となっていると思います。今後のTM Nの更なる活躍を期待しています。

この日のWord of the Dayは “Believe”。誰もが知っている簡単な動詞ですが、この言葉を準備したTM Aによると、日本人は “I think”を連発しがちだ。しかし英語には ”think” を意味する言葉が沢山あり、その一つが “believe”だ、とのこと。確かに日本人は “I think”ばかり連発しますよね。でも “think”は、”I believe / I guess / I suppose / I presume / I assume / I’m sure / I reckon / I’m afraid” などなど、その場に応じていろいろ言い換えることができます、と気付いたのは私だけではなかったようで、当日は沢山のメンバーが “I believe”を例会中に使用しました。TM Aのword of the day、素晴らしいチョイスでした。

さて、最初のセッションはTable Topic Master初挑戦のTM TによるTable Topic Session。テーマは「冬」で、初挑戦とは思えないTM Tのスムースな進行のもと、5名のスピーカーが各質問に答え、氷点下30度の北海道での体験を披露したTM Mが見事ベストテーブルトピックスピーカーに選ばれました。

準備スピーチセッションでは、ベテラン2名と新人2名がバラエティに富んだスピーチを披露し、中でもTM NとTM Oによる新人とは思えない見事なアイスブレーキングスピーチが印象的でした。

最近入会してくる新人メンバーはいずれもレベルが高く、ベテランメンバーもうかうかしていられません。ベテラン2名のうち、ベトナム出身のTM Hはベトナム人の愛国心について語ってくれ、ベトナム人についてあまり知らない日本人メンバーには新鮮で興味深い内容でした。また本日一番のベテランでアドバンスト・マニュアルに挑んだTM Tは、ご主人の入院話を面白おかしく披露し、会場を沸かせました。ベストスピーカーには初スピーチに挑戦した新人のTM Oが選ばれました。

論評セッションは、これもGeneral Evaluator初挑戦のTM Nが司会を担当しました。最後の総合論評で少し緊張が見られましたが、持ち前の堂々たる風貌で役目をこなされました。時間が足りず、各論評者に対する論評が出来なかったのが少し残念でした。ベストイバリュエーターには、新人スピーカーの論評を行ったプレジデントのTM Tが選ばれました。さすがですね!




The 660th regular meeting of Yokohama Toastmasters Club was held on the day of “Setsubun”, on Feb. 3rd, 2018. It was too cold to feel like a day before “the beginning of spring”, but despite the cold weather the total of 28 people (24 members & 4 guests) got together at the historical Yokohama Port Opening Memorial Hall, which had been built in the Meiji Period.

The meeting theme was decided to be “Setsubun” to celebrate the day before the beginning of spring. Prior to the meeting I, a TMOD, asked the members the question; “What is the most unforgettable Setsubun experience you had in your life?” However, I myself didn’t have any unforgettable Setsubun experience. Thus, I made up my mind to make this meeting something memorable for all of us. First, I bought masks of Oni (monster) at a 100-yen shop. Second, I fetched a Lightsaber of Star Wars rolling on the floor of my place to make it a monster’s sword. With these props, I was planning to dance an elegant sword dance of Setsubun monster. However, unexpectedly I sprained my lower back a few days before the meeting. Immobile and despaired, I asked a tall and cool TM T to come to the stand and become a Setsubun monster instead of me. And take a look! He looked cooler than I’d expected him to be. Better than my poor dance!

One of the most impressive answers to my Setsubun question was TM N’s memory of her late father. She used to feel ashamed of his loud voice, “Go away evil spirits! Come in good lucks!”, which echoed loudly in the neighborhood on the Setsubun day in her childhood. However, now that he is gone, she misses his loud voice so much. Her love for her late father melted my heart.

In the Business Session, TM N received the Competent Communicator Award for her successful completion of the C. C. Manual, and she made a few-minute speech to commemorate her achievement. She had prepared a perfect script for her speech as usual and delivered it smoothly. Making a perfect preparation for each speech is time-consuming and tough. However, she always makes a perfect preparation. Her sincere attitude towards making a speech is a good model that all members should follow and learn from. I’ll be looking forward to her further achievements in this club.

This meeting’s Word of the Day was “believe”. Although this is the verb anybody knows, according to TM A, who chose this word, Japanese people tend to say “I think…” too much when “think” can be rephrased by other words that also mean “I think”. One of these words is “believe”. She is right. I too realize we say “I think” too much when it can be rephrased by “I believe / I guess / I suppose / I presume / I assume / I’m sure / I reckon / I’m afraid” and more. It seems that I wasn’t the only one who realized that fact, and many members said, “I believe” instead of saying “I think” in this meeting. TM A’s choice of word was proven to be perfect!

The first session, which was the Table Topic Session, was conducted by the first-timer TM T. He facilitated the session as smoothly as though he had done this many times before. The theme of the session was “winter”, and the five speakers answered his questions respectively. TM M, who talked about his experience in Hokkaido when the temperature was 30 degrees below zero, won the Best Table Topic Speaker Award.

In the succeeding Prepared Speech Session, two experienced speakers, as well as two rookies, made a variety of speeches. Especially, two rookies’ ice-breaking speeches were too good to be the ones made by first-timers. I find that recent rookies who have just joined our club are already accomplished English speakers. Experienced Toastmasters (including me!) should roll up sleeves once again and try harder to improve ourselves. Out of two experienced Toastmasters, TM H, who is from Vietnam, talked about the patriotism of Vietnamese. Since we Japanese don’t know much about Vietnamese beliefs, her speech was novel and interesting. TM T, who was the most experienced Toastmaster in the crowd on that day, made a speech about her husband who had been hospitalized for his injured leg. Her humorous way of talking about her husband was so funny and entertaining. The Best Prepared Speaker Award went to TM O, who made the very first speech in this club.

The Evaluation Session was facilitated by TM N, who took the role of the General Evaluator for the first time. Although he seemed a little nervous when he made a general evaluation, he facilitated the whole session with his signature confidence. The one thing I regret was he didn’t have enough time left to make an evaluation for each evaluator. The Best Evaluator Award was given to TM T, our president who made an evaluation of the first speech made by one of the rookies.

Last but not least, this meeting started a minute late and closed 7 minutes behind the schedule. Even though a few minutes delay seems nothing, the delay could’ve been avoided if not only TMOD but also the president as well as other session masters paid more attention to time. However, once the session starts the session master can easily forget about time. It may be a good idea to ask Timer remind them of the time during each session.

Anyway, the Setsubun meeting went well and we’ll be having the In-house Contest for the Toastmasters International Spring Conference two weeks from now. Let’s enjoy the fabulous speeches of the talented contestants together. I’m looking forward to it!



第659回例会レポート“Books” #659 TMOD Meeting Report


“Books” #659 TMOD Report

横浜トーストマスターズクラブ2018年第2回目の例会は、桜木町ぴおシティの6階で行われました。今回の例会は、メンバーの一人TM Yが無事女の子を出産したという嬉しいニュースに始まり、素晴らしいセッションと面白いお話の数々に彩られながら盛大に催されました。

テーブルトピックセッションでは、TM Nがユニークな文字入りサイコロを使って観衆を楽しませ、会場を沸かせました。各スピーカーが自分が振ったサイコロの文字をキーワードに使用し、ショートストーリーを組み立てるという手の込んだ内容でした。

「全くの奇遇から (by accident)」自分が務める大学に友人を招き、素晴らしい講義をしてもらえることになった話を披露したVPEのTM Sが、見事ベストテーブルトピックスピーカーに選ばれました。

準備スピーチセッションでは、4名のスピーカーがそれぞれ基本マニュアルと上級マニュアルのプロジェクトに挑み、素晴らしいスピーチを披露してくれました。TM Hはイギリス滞在時に学んだ数々の教訓を紹介しながら、周囲の人々が如何に彼の考え方や物の見方を変えたかを論じてくれました。TM Kは「ノモフォビア (携帯電話依存症)」について面白おかしく語り、観衆を沸かせました。

初めてスピーチに挑戦したTM Tsは、メモも使わず堂々とした語り口で立派に初スピーチを終えました。スピーチの中で掘削機モデルを紹介し、掘削機が社会の中でどれほど重要な役割を担っているかを熱く語ったTM Tが、見事ベストスピーカーに選ばれました。

論評セッションでは、TM Tのスピーチを論評したTM Aがベスト論評者賞を獲得しました。ジェネラル・イバリュエーターに初めて挑んだTM Mは、初挑戦とは思えないスムーズな進行役を務めました。




“Books” #659 TMOD Report

The second meeting in 2018 of Yokohama Toastmasters club was held on the 6th floor of Pio Sakuragi-cho building. Starting with a good news about TM Y ‘s new-born daughter, S- chan, the meeting proceeded successfully with amazing sessions and interesting stories.

TM N brought an atmosphere of excitement to the audience when she introduced a word dice in the Table Topic Session. She asked all chosen speakers to create a short story including the keyword they got from the dice. Our VPE TM S won the Best Table Topic Speaker Award by his story about how “by accident” he could invite a friend to deliver wonderful lectures at his university.

In the Prepared Speech Session, we had four wonderful speeches from both Competent Communication Manual and Advanced Manual. TM H shared the lessons he learned in England and how people around him changed his point of view. TM K cheered up the room by his humorous “nomophobia” story.TM Ts successfully accomplished her first speech with confidence without using any note. TM T introduced an excavator model and explained its important role in our society. Finally, the Best Prepared Speaker Award was given to TM T.

In the Evaluation Session, TM A got the Best Evaluator Award when she evaluated TM T‘s speech. TM M controlled this session very smoothly even though this was the first time he took the role of General Evaluator.

In this meeting, many members tried their roles for the first time. However, they all completed their tasks successfully. Let us challenge ourselves with new roles and enjoy every YTMC meeting in the future.




第658回例会レポート“New Year’s Resolution” #658 TMOD Meeting Report




TM Mは初めてのTMOD役に挑戦し、スムースに例会を進行しました。彼が選んだ例会のテーマは、新年初の例会にふさわしい「新年の誓い」でした。

テーブルトピックマスターのTM Kも、時季に応じたトピックを準備し (冬休みなど)、中にはあまりの質問の難しさに難儀するスピーカーもいました (私です!)。



初の総合論評者を担当したTM Aは、経験豊富なTMの如く、スムースにセッションを進行しました。それもそのはず、横浜トーストマスターズクラブで担当するのが初めてだっただけで、実はベテランTMなのです。
各ベスト賞は、さきほども紹介した入会したばかりのTM O、見事な論評を披露したTM A、そしてチャーミングなダンスと明るい笑顔で観客を魅了したTM Iに贈られました。


VPPR T. S. (TMOD TM M. の代筆)


On January 6th, 2018, we had the first meeting of the year at the Yokohama Port Memorial Hall, which is the venue we use on special occasions. The total of 28 people, which included six guests, got together in one of the most historical buildings in Yokohama to celebrate the beginning of the New Year.

In the business session, a new member was inducted as though heralding the brilliant future of our club in the new year of 2018. Although he was a new member, he surprised us by getting the Best Table Topic Speaker Award. Congratulations!

TM M took the role of TMOD for the first time and did a great job. The theme he chose for the meeting was “New Year’s Resolution”, which was quite appropriate for the first meeting of the year.

In the Table Topic Session, a Table Topic Master TM K asked seasonal questions (about winter holidays, etc.) to the speakers. Some questions were tricky, and it was interesting to see how some speakers struggled to answer these questions (I was one of them who struggled!).

The Prepared Speech Session this time was quite unique and something to behold, because it was full of variety in terms of contents, difficulties, and visual effects. Three out of four speakers tried on each different advanced manual, and the one speaker worked on the last project of the C. C. basic manual.

The first speaker used color samples as props, which left a strong impression on the audience. The second speaker talked about her beliefs in learning English and sent out a strong message to the audience. The third speaker challenged on reciting poetry in public for the first time in his life and the fourth speaker DANCED in front of the audience. How brave and what a variety of speeches we witnessed at the beginning of the year!

The Evaluation Session was conducted by a first-timer TM A, who facilitated it with the dexterity of an experienced Toastmaster (she was the first-timer in this club only).
The Best Awards were given to above-mentioned TM O, who was just inducted, to TM A, who made a great evaluation, and to TM I, who showed us her charming dance with brilliant smiles.

Overall, our first meeting in 2018 was a great success and I hope we’ll have a series of meetings like this in the coming year.

VPPR T. S. (on behalf of TMOD TM M.)


第657回例会レポート“The Most Memorable Christmas in Your Life” #657 TMOD Meeting Report


第657回例会レポート“The Most Memorable Christmas in your life” ♯657TMOD Meeting Report


今回のWord of the dayである“Speechless“が示す通り、まさに言葉にならないほどに洗練された即興スピーチ、準備スピーチ、そしてユーモア溢れるジョークセッションもあり、一年を締めくくるに相応しい充実した例会となりました。

中でも、アイスブレーク スピーチに挑戦したTM M.Kは、素晴らしい自己紹介スピーチを披露し、初めての準備スピーチにも関わらず、なんといきなりベストスピーチ賞を獲得するという偉業を達成しました。

初のテーブルトピックマスターに挑んだTM H.Mも季節に合ったトピックでスリリングにオーディエンスを盛り上げてくれました。

同じく初めて総合論評という大役を務めたTM T.Tも、未経験とは思えない堂々とした立ち居振る舞いで、論評パートのスムーズな司会進行と、例会全体への的確なフィードバックを行なってくれました。今回は比較的入会してから日の浅いメンバーが、各々初めて大役を果たしたのが印象的な例会でした。



The final meeting of Yokohama Toastmasters Club in 2017 was held on December 16th.
The meeting proceeded in the enjoyable Christmas atmosphere talking about the most memorable Christmas in our lives.

As the word of the day indicates, we enjoyed many “speechless”, splendid and sophisticated speeches (prepared and table topic/impromptu speeches) along with humorous joke session. The successful meeting was quite suitable for a finale of the year.

Especially, TM M.K has accomplished an incredible feat of winning the best speech award despite the fact that it was her very first prepared speech.

TM H.M also tried the role of table topic master for the first time. She brought a lot of excitements into the session with a variety of seasonal questions.

Adding to the above-mentioned members, TM T.T performed an important role of a general evaluator admirably. He did a great job as a chairperson in the evaluation session and delivered appropriate feedback for the whole meeting with confidence.

We were impressed with the relatively inexperienced members who tried the difficult roles for the first time and accomplished their tasks successfully.

In the business session, the induction ceremony for a new member was conducted.
We induct new members at almost every meeting. We can say it proves that our club has been supported by many people in our long history and we are proud of what we have achieved.

Thank you for your cooperation and positive support.



第656回例会レポート“The Most Memorable Event in 2017” #656 TMOD Meeting Report


第656回例会レポート“The Most Memorable Event in 2017”




入念に準備して臨んだ全てのスピーカー達が素晴らしいスピーチを披露し、CCマニュアルの最終プロジェクト10に挑んだTM F.がベストスピーカーに選ばれました。おめでとうございます!

TM F.はプロジェクト6を終了した頃から突然殻を破り、めきめきと上達したように思います。各メンバーの上達スピードはそれぞれ違いますが、全員が着実に伸びていると思います。意欲的な取り組みとご協力、どうも有難うございました。


YTMC #656 Speech Marathon Meeting TMOD report

#656 meeting was successfully finished gathering 25 members and seven pure guests even though it was held in the busiest month of the year “Shiwasu (year-end month)”. Although we used a bigger room than usual, I felt it small due to the large number of attendees that packed the room.

In the first business session, a female Taiwanese’s induction ceremony was held. In the speech marathon, we had three CC manual speakers and three varieties of advanced manual speakers. All speakers had prepared their projects well and performed nicely. Especially TM F. completed CC #10 and won the best speaker. Congratulations!

He seems to have broken his shell and improved a lot suddenly after finishing project #6. Although each member achieves his/her goals at one’s own pace, all members are steadily progressing.

Thank you for your cooperation and positive support.



第655回例会レポート“Happiness” #655 TMOD Meeting Report


第655回例会レポート”Happiness” #655 TMOD Meeting Report


テーマ:今回の例会のテーマは “Happiness (幸せ)” でした。「日常の中で幸せを感じる時は?」という質問に対して、あらかじめリサーチしていたメンバーの答えを紹介しながら会を進めていきました。「新しいことを発見する幸せ」「家族と過ごす幸せ」「飲むこと・眠ること・笑うこと」…などそれぞれのHappinessを共有しているうちに、最後にはとても温かい気持ちになった2時間でした。

今日のワード:秋といえばフルーツ!今日のワードは “apple” でした。実際にリンゴを用いて楽しく紹介されたappleを使ったイディオム、簡単な言葉でも知らない表現がたくさんあると改めて感じました。





Our regular meeting #655 was held at Sakuragi-cho Pio City. It was a little rainy on that day, but 32 people joined the meeting including 7 guests, which was a big crowd!! We were very glad to have so many guests at our meeting.

Theme: The theme for this meeting was “happiness.” The TMOD (Toastmaster of the Day) had asked each member about their happiness in advance and shared their stories through the meeting. “I feel happy when I find something new.” “I feel happy when I am with my family.” “I am happy when I drink, sleep and laugh with my friends…” There was a variety of stories, and these stories brought a happy and warm atmosphere into the meeting.

Word of the Day: Today’s Word was “apple.” The Word Master introduced some unique idioms using “apple,” such as “apples and oranges” or “the apples of somebody’s eye.” Since it was my first time to know those idioms, it was very interesting to try using them.

Table Topic: This is the practice session for impromptu speeches. The theme for today’s session was “ASEAN member states.” The Table Topic Master asked many questions about ASEAN countries, their food, immigration, etc., which made us feel as though we were traveling those countries. The winner TM N.S made the speech about Eiheiji temple in Fukui as the best sightseeing place in Japan.

Prepared Speech: We had four experienced speakers on this day. They all were working on Advanced Manual, which was for us the rare occasion. All the speakers gave great and hi-level speeches. Thanks to them, we learned a lot about speech delivery or speech itself. This Speech Session was very educational. We are heading into the Spring Contest next year, so this must have motivated members to be a contestant on it.

Evaluation: The best evaluator was TM T, who tried it for the first time. It is very important to challenge something new!! Let’s support each other and enjoy the next meeting, too!



第654回例会レポート“Autumn Food” #654 TMOD Meeting Report


第654回例会レポート“Autumn food” #654 TMOD Meeting Report



テーマ:今回の例会のテーマは“autumn food(秋の味覚)”。「秋の始まりを感じる食べ物は?」と言う質問に対して人気上位は1位: サンマ、2位: 栗、それから、焼き芋、銀杏、牡蠣、モンブランなんて面白い回答もありました。

ジョークセッション: ほら話コンテストの地区大会で見事入賞されたFさんによるジョークセッション。英語のジョークは聞くのも話すのも難しいものですが、英語でジョークを理解できた時は嬉しいものです。





The regular meeting of YTMC is normally held on the 1st and 3rd Saturday. However, due to the national conference held on Saturday, the meeting this time was held on Sunday, November 5th instead. Although it was the final day of three consecutive holidays and wasn’t held on Saturday, 25 participants including 2 guests attended the meeting.

Theme: The theme of this meeting was “autumn food.” The answers to a question of “What kind of food comes to your mind when you think of autumn?” were #1. ‘Pacific saury,’ #2. ‘Chestnuts,’ and others were ‘Roasted sweet potato,’ ‘Ginkgo nuts,’ ‘Oyster,’ and so forth including the interesting one; ‘Mont Blanc.’

Joke Session: Joke session was hosted by TM. F who had won the 3rd prize at the Tall Tales Contest of Division E. English jokes are not only difficult to tell but also difficult to understand for non-English speakers, but it will make you happy when/if you can understand what’s funny.

Table topic session: You need to make an impromptu short (1 to 2 min) speech if you are nominated for this session. 6 people were nominated and made impromptu speeches on autumn food, readings or sports, etc.

Speech session: This is the main session, and four prepared speeches were given at this meeting. Mrs. N, who gave a speech about “Fair Trade”, won the Best Speaker prize. Although other speeches were well prepared, her powerful speech was most impressive and stood out. It was an eye-opening meeting where we learned anew the beauty and fun of public speaking.



第653回例会レポート“My Motto in Life” #653 TMOD Meeting Report













Although it was rainy all day, that didn’t prevent us to hold a regular meeting on October 21st, Saturday, which was really a great success with many regular members and three guests.

Preceding the meeting, we had a commemoration for completion of the Toastmaster manuals for three members. Toastmasters are to follow the manuals for guidance to learn to be a competent public speaker and to learn leadership skills at his/her own pace. This could never be completed without their strong will power and patience through the years. The big smiles of the three award winners were really impressive.

Then, the award for TM. F, who had won the 3rd prize at the Division E Tall Tales Contest, was presented. His original speech had been refined and elaborated thanks to the cooperation of many YTMC members through the stages of each contest. You can see his hilarious tall tale speech on the top page of our Homepage. Please check it out and enjoy yourself! The impact of his speech at the contest really excited us all and activated our spirit of Toastmasters for sure!!

The theme of the meeting was “My Motto in Life”, for the 5th General election of lower house candidates was to be taken place on the next day. It was a good opportunity for us to know some members’ mottos for our better communication.

Interesting prepared speeches they gave were about coffee, superstition, and speech itself. Lastly, TM. A gave an advanced role-playing presentation speech, “YTMC press conference”. She responded to several impromptu questions from audience with calmness and confidence during her presentation. That was an excellent job to set an example for many of us.

We closed the meeting with farewell to TM G, who was leaving Japan to France for his business next day. We thanked him for all the effort he had made to our club and we wholeheartedly listened to his farewell speech. He joined YTMC almost two years ago and since then has kept contributing to YTMC with almost no absence!! That was really amazing!

His motto, by the way, is “It is easier to do something than worrying about it.” I am sure that he will be welcomed anywhere, and it is rather easy for him to get along with anybody, for he is such a man of good character.

We sincerely hope his success in the future and hopefully we will be able to listen to his speech again about his wonderful experience in France. Take care and Von Voyage!



第652回例会レポート“Book” #652 TMOD Meeting Report








TMOD: K.Ohno

Under the warm sunshine on the first day of three consecutive holidays, about 23 people including 2 guests attended our regular meeting. Although we had fewer attendees than we usually have, members’ speeches created an exciting atmosphere that enveloped the whole venue.

We were happy to have a new member on this day. She is a young Japanese lady from Hong Kong who has studied in the U.S. Her fluent and powerful way of speaking English attracts audience. I am looking forward to her speeches in the future. Currently, the percentage of female members in Yokohama Toastmasters Club is about 40%. Her induction was a nice addition to bring more vibrancy to our club.

The theme of this meeting was simply, “Book”, as autumn was the best season for reading. I introduced the books recommended by role-takers. I will introduce them at the end of this report.

We held a speech marathon in this meeting. It was a special as well as gorgeous program. We had six speeches in total, five prepared speeches and a rehearsal speech for the coming Division Contest.

Every speech was very interesting… a humorous one introducing the method of how to relieve stress caused by a power-harassing boss, a little bit sentimental one featuring grandmother’s memories, a “Scream”, etc. Time flew away like an arrow.

Let’s join the next Toastmasters’ meeting, too. That’s the right way to enjoy autumn weekends!
P.S. After-meeting party “NOMIKAI” is the most important, in my opinion.

Recommended books
(1) “Holes” by Louis Sacher.
(2) “Kagami no Hana” by Shusuke Michio
(3) “The class of letter” by Yukio Mishima
(4) “The Moon and Sixpence” by W. Somerset Maugham
(5) “Gyakusetsu no Nihonshi” vol. 6/ Kamakura bukkyo to Genko no nazo
(6) “Doromizu nominomi uki shizumi/Shintaro Katsu taidanshu
(7) “A brief history of time” by Steve Hawking
(8) “Higgs” by Sean Carrol
(9) “Tadou ryoku” by Takafumi Horie

TMOD: K.Ohno
