第661回例会レポート“Spring In-house Contest” #661 Contest Chair Report



コンテストに参加するスピーカーはコンテスタントと呼ばれ、観客の中にいる複数の覆面審査員によってその勝敗が決まります。 勝者として選ばれたコンテスタントは1ランク上のコンテストに勝ち進むことができます。インハウス(クラブ内)コンテストを皮切りに、エリア・コンテスト→ディビジョン・コンテスト→ディストリクト76・コンファレンス(全国大会)→そして最終的には世界大会へと、仲間のコンテスタントが順調にコマを進めてゆける様にと、毎年コンテストの時期は多くの会員にとって特別で非常にドキドキ感のある季節となっています。先週はYTMCのインハウス・スピーチコンテストでした。

インハウスコンテストでは英語部門に5人、日本語部門に3人のコンテスタントが出場しました。ところでディストリクト76春季全国大会の今年のテーマはスパークです。スパークとは放電などの時に火花が飛ぶことや、その火花の反応から新しく何かが生まれることを意味します。 先日のコンテスタント達の卓越したスピーチの中には沢山の輝きや煌めきが数多く観察され、そのお陰で聴衆も大いに盛り上がり非常に充実したコンテストとなりました。






コンテスト委員長: TM T.N.

The annual Toastmasters conferences are held in every spring and autumn, and these are good opportunities for all members of Toastmasters Club of showing the fruit of their efforts.

Speakers who participate in the conference are called contestants, and anonymous judges among the audience hold the key to the outcome. The winners will be able to advance to a next stage, higher level contests. They start with the In-house contest, Area, Division, and then finally reach the International contest. For all members of Toastmasters Club, the contest seasons are a very exciting time of the year as they are anxious to know whether their representatives can win and move up to the next level. At YTMC, we enjoyed our annual in-house contest on the last weekend.

Five contestants made their speeches in English, and three contestants in Japanese. The word, SPARK!!!, by the way, is the theme of this Spring Conference of the Toastmasters District 76 (Japan). Spark means a very small piece of fire that flies out of something burning and creates something new and valuable. There were so many sparks in the elaborate speeches made by the contestants, which attracted the audience throughout the show, and we had quite a fruitful in-house-contest on that day.

Amazingly, two experienced members, TM T and TM H, presented themselves on the stage in both languages. Their sprits surely stimulated all members of YTMC. TM N humorously spoke about her accident at the shopping mall. TM I talked about the eternal affection he feels for his beloved wife. Last year’s champ TM F presented himself once again on the stage with an inimitable hilarious speech. TM K’s speech was suggestive and we were all inspired. Thanks to all the contestants’ elaborate speeches especially prepared for the contest, time really flied like an arrow. What a lively contest it was!

Every speech was excellent and it was hard to say which one was the best of all, but that’s what a contest is for. After careful consideration, TM F and TM T (for English contest) and TM H and TM N (for Japanese contest) won the contest respectively. They are moving on to the next stage as our representatives. Congratulations!!

The area context will be held on March 18th (Sun) at Yaesu-Gakuen University in Takashima-cho. I’m sure you will be watching more and more sparks shine again on a stage. It would be a pity for us to miss this opportunity, so why not going there next Sunday and cheer on our sparking representatives!

Lastly, I’d like to sincerely thank everyone, especially the Chief Judge TM A, VPE of YTMC who had patiently guided me through to bring this contest a success. I could not have had such a wonderful experience without your great support.

I fully enjoyed the perks of the contest chair on that day. Viewing lively contestants on the stage from the side angle enabled me to feel them so close and fresh. I was really happy.

Contest Chair: TM T.N.


カテゴリー Special Event タグ .