第631回”紅葉”例会 YTMC “Autumn Leave” Meeting


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2016-11-05 #631 YTMC “Autumn Leave” Meeting

s45>Almost all the seats of the Hatoba Kaikan meeting room were filled with club members and nine guests, and two of them, one woman and one man, were inducted as new members. This meeting’s theme was “Autumn Leaves”. Places to enjoy beautiful leaves were introduced by role takers. 16 important role takers are allocated, and when any role position become vacant, a few club members swiftly and kindly raised their hands to fill the vacant position for the successful meeting.

Joke session introduced a joke regarding to Japanese homonym. Table Topic session was held with well thought Table Topic themes, 4 prepared speeches were also excellent. A speech of dishes with Vietnam pho, rice noodles, A speech talked about the influences given to audience, which will throw back to the speaker like boomerang, An advanced speech to get win-win result in the negotiation, with role play between dog lover wife and cat lover husband, And a speech explaining importance of body movements using hands, body, feet, and face.

4 prepared speech were evaluated respectively with fine evaluations. Lastly, the best table topic speaker, the best evaluator, and the best prepared speaker were announced. This meeting was covered with laughter, and was a joyful meeting, Though the time management was not well done, as planning be TMOD, myself, was not well done.


67811月5日 第631回 横浜トーストマスターズクラブ “紅葉” ミーティング

11月5日のミーティングも9人の見学者を迎え 大盛況で席はほとんど埋まってしまいました。この9名の内 男女2名の新会員の就任式も行われました。ミーティングのテーマは 秋にちなんで “紅葉” でした。各役目の皆さんから紅葉の観光地、穴場が紹介されました。ミーティングごとに16のRole が割り当てられますが 都合の悪い人がでれば何人もの方々がすぐに手を挙げて役の穴をうめて助け合います。

日本語の同音異義語をテーマにしたJoke、面白かったテーブルトピック、4人のPrepared speechも大変面白いものでした。ヴェトナムの麺 フォーの話、スピーチの力で聴衆からの反響をブーメランのように受けましょうという話、どうやって 交渉で相手と自分がWin Win の結果を得ることができるかについて 犬好きの妻と 猫好きの夫のRole Play。 Body Language がいかに大切かを手、足、胴体、顔を使って説いたspeech。

そしてそれぞれの4つのspeechにそれぞれの4つの素晴らしいEvaluation Speech がなされました、最後に投票結果で選ばれるBest Table Topic Speaker, Best Prepared Speaker, Best Evaluator が表彰されました。この日のミーティングも盛り上がり 楽しいミーティングとなりました。



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