第633回通常例会 YTMC #633 Regular Meeting “Colorful and Brilliant”


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プレジデントTM Iは参加者に「rectify」と言うように奨め、全員1ポイントを得ました。
さらにTMOD TM Tは教育セションに入る前、準備スピーチの順序を「rectify」しました。




4renMeeting No.633 was held at Hatoba-kaikan as regular one.
We had one guest.

This meeting theme was “Colorful and Brilliant”.
“Rectify” was Word of the Day.
Our President TM I asked us to say the word, “rectify” after
just informing the Word of the Day. So we all got one point.
TMOD by TM T needed to rectify the speech order at the Prepared
speech session before starting the educational session.

Each role taker was introduced with his/her appealing point.
For instance,“ Possitive outgoing attitude topped off with plenty of smiles!”,
“I have variety of friends, I touch them equally and they are my treasure.”
“Enjoying exquisite taste at super markets and cooking.”
So colorful and brilliant appealing points came out.

*Joke by TM I who is graceful in manner and keeps a cool head made a good laugh naturally.
Special Workshop was, “Parliamentary Procedure Basics” which is used for doing
an induction or a motion.

*Table Topic by TM N who is good at making friends with dogs and children.
Topic’s theme was “Withering Witch/Wizard”
Q1: Are you a personn who believes in supernatural things or are you a logical nad theoretical person
who never believes in any of these things ?
Q2: If you were given a magical power whatever you want by a wizard, what power would you like to have?
There were 4 questions.
All queations were fantastic and also each speaker’s answer was fantastic and amusing.

*4 Prepared Seeches were excellent and made us laugh out a lot.
A speech through a real experienced trip on business. An advanced speech talked about how to get to home
after missing the last train with dead drunk. Another advanced speech introdeced the speaker who transferred to our club and made the first speech humorously. A pseech showing the hard situation having no idea what to say.
What colorful and brilliant speeches we had ! and all speeches were powerful, energetic and marvelous !

*At the evaluation, TM H as GE entertained us by actively using the word of coloful and brilliant.
4 evaluators had done their work getting the point of objectives.
This meeting was a colorful and brilliant meeting with a lot of laugh.




Regular Meetingカテゴリーの記事