第812回例会レポート/The 812th Regular Meeting Report



冒頭では、2021年度のDCPポイント満点である10点を表彰するリボンが届いたことが知らされ、紹介されました。満点は日本の中でもなかなか取ることができない基準です。当時の会長TM Sはじめ、メンバーの貢献は素晴らしく、クラブの充実を感じられてとても嬉しいスタートでした。

The 812th meeting was the last anniversary meeting of the Toastmasters’ year. The rainy season did not arrive and it was a very hot and sunny day. Although the meeting style was hybrid, all 20 participants were able to visit the venue and see each other’s faces. It made the last meeting wonderful!

At the beginning of the meeting, it was informed and introduced that ribbons had been received to award 10 DCP points, a perfect score for the year 2021. A perfect score is a standard that is hard to obtain in Japan. The contributions of the President TM S (at that time) and other members were excellent, and it was a very happy start to feel the club’s fulfillment.


そして、この日の総合司会はTM Oさん。英語力抜群で、落ち着いた進行をしていただきました。テーマは「小さな挑戦」。小さな挑戦を続けることで、きっと大きな力になりますね。自宅のマットレスを売ろうとしている、ベランダで野菜を育てている、今日の初めての役割を頑張るぞ~、など皆さん様々な挑戦を紹介してくれました。

Today’s guest joined for the third time. We are excited to hear that he also expressed his intention to join the club.

And the Toastmaster of the Day was TM O. He has excellent English skills and conducted the meeting in a calm and relaxed manner. The theme was “Small Challenges.” I am sure that continuing to take on small challenges will give us great power. Everyone introduced various challenges such as trying to sell a mattress at home, growing vegetables on the balcony, and doing her best in my first role today!

最初のセッション、テーブルトピックはTM Mさんが担当。テーマに選んだのは「学校」にまつわること。経験したこことのあるテーマについての質問は、みなさん答えやすいですね。スピーカーのみなさんの学生時代にお話が聞けて楽しかったです。みなさん、学ぶことが好きだったからここにあるのかもしれないなとも思いました。質問は以下のような内容でした。

The first session “table topic” was handled by TM M. The theme chosen was related to “school.” It was easy for everyone to answer questions about a topic they had experienced before. It was fun to hear the speakers talk about their school days. I also felt that maybe everyone was here because they loved learning. The questions were as follows.

1. Tell me about your memorable teacher.

2. When you were a student, did you study by yourself or with your friends?

3. What is the merit of boys’ school or girls’ school compare to co-education school?

4. Which do you prefer, “school with uniforms” or “school with casual clothes”?

続いて準備スピーチです。1人目のスピーカーTM Nさんは、YTMCを始めた経緯を話してくれました。そして最近3つのクラブの見学に行かれたことを紹介していて興味深かったです。他のクラブの話を聞くことは刺激になりますね。

2人目のスピーカーTM Oさんは、未来の自分へあてた手紙が過去から届いた話をユーモアたっぷりに話して、100年後の世界に伝えたいことを考えたらそれも難しい、わかることしか書けないんだよねと話してくれました。しみじみと考えさせられました。

3人目のスピーカーはTM Oさん。熊対人間という題目で、3人のパネリストを交えて話し合いました。熊と人間から生まれた合いの子を準備したことが、笑いを誘って、あっという間の時間になりました。

Then came the preparation speeches: the first speaker, TM N, told us how he started YTMC. He also introduced his recent visit to three clubs, which was interesting. It is inspiring to hear about other clubs.

The second speaker, TM O, told a humorous story about a letter he received from the past that was addressed to his future self, and said that when he thought about what he wanted to tell the world 100 years from now, it would be difficult too, and he could only write what he could understand. It made me think deeply.

The third speaker was TM O. She discussed the subject of “bears versus humans” with the three panelists. The preparation of a ligature born of a bear and a human made us laugh and the time passed quickly.

そして、総合論評はベテラン会員のTM Sさん。経験値の高いスムーズな進行で進みました。そして論評するメンバーも的確な内容でさすが!TM Sさんは今日の例会だけでなく、今年度の役員の功績をたたえて語り、心温まる例会となりました。

And the general evaluation was by one of the experienced members, TM S. The session proceeded smoothly, and the members who commented were also very accurate. TM S spoke not only of today’s meeting but also praised the achievements of this year’s officers, making the meeting a heartwarming one.


At the end of the meeting, the president and the VPE presented awards to four members as a summary of the year’s activities. The names of the awards were: the Language Leadership Award, the Master of Ceremony Award, the Behind the Scene Award, and the MVP. Thanks to the efforts of the four members as well as all the officers, we were able to have a fulfilling year. I would also like to thank everyone who helped and supported the club in various situations. Then there was a Installation Ceremony, and finally the next meeting will start with a new organization. As mentioned in the new president’s speech, let’s all make this club, which has been in existence for more than 35 years, a wonderful place to everyone!


