第655回例会レポート“Happiness” #655 TMOD Meeting Report


第655回例会レポート”Happiness” #655 TMOD Meeting Report


テーマ:今回の例会のテーマは “Happiness (幸せ)” でした。「日常の中で幸せを感じる時は?」という質問に対して、あらかじめリサーチしていたメンバーの答えを紹介しながら会を進めていきました。「新しいことを発見する幸せ」「家族と過ごす幸せ」「飲むこと・眠ること・笑うこと」…などそれぞれのHappinessを共有しているうちに、最後にはとても温かい気持ちになった2時間でした。

今日のワード:秋といえばフルーツ!今日のワードは “apple” でした。実際にリンゴを用いて楽しく紹介されたappleを使ったイディオム、簡単な言葉でも知らない表現がたくさんあると改めて感じました。





Our regular meeting #655 was held at Sakuragi-cho Pio City. It was a little rainy on that day, but 32 people joined the meeting including 7 guests, which was a big crowd!! We were very glad to have so many guests at our meeting.

Theme: The theme for this meeting was “happiness.” The TMOD (Toastmaster of the Day) had asked each member about their happiness in advance and shared their stories through the meeting. “I feel happy when I find something new.” “I feel happy when I am with my family.” “I am happy when I drink, sleep and laugh with my friends…” There was a variety of stories, and these stories brought a happy and warm atmosphere into the meeting.

Word of the Day: Today’s Word was “apple.” The Word Master introduced some unique idioms using “apple,” such as “apples and oranges” or “the apples of somebody’s eye.” Since it was my first time to know those idioms, it was very interesting to try using them.

Table Topic: This is the practice session for impromptu speeches. The theme for today’s session was “ASEAN member states.” The Table Topic Master asked many questions about ASEAN countries, their food, immigration, etc., which made us feel as though we were traveling those countries. The winner TM N.S made the speech about Eiheiji temple in Fukui as the best sightseeing place in Japan.

Prepared Speech: We had four experienced speakers on this day. They all were working on Advanced Manual, which was for us the rare occasion. All the speakers gave great and hi-level speeches. Thanks to them, we learned a lot about speech delivery or speech itself. This Speech Session was very educational. We are heading into the Spring Contest next year, so this must have motivated members to be a contestant on it.

Evaluation: The best evaluator was TM T, who tried it for the first time. It is very important to challenge something new!! Let’s support each other and enjoy the next meeting, too!



カテゴリー Regular Meeting タグ .