夢の競演。いつもと違ったメンバーで緊張気味なスタート? ビジョナリートーストマスターズクラブと横浜トーストマスターズクラブの合同例会レポート(3月30日)


3月30日合同例会レポート TMOD Meeting Report


Joint Meeting of Visionaries Toast Masters Club (Musashi Kosugi) and Yokohama Toast Masters Club was held at Hiranuma memorial rest house 2F in Yokohama on March 30th. It has been started with a little bit nervous mood (?)


The first session was a special session controlled by Toastmaster O who is Club Growth Director of District 76. It was “Lie spotting game.” Participants were separated by 4 to 5 people and made 1 untrue and 4 true short self-introductions. Other members need to make wiser questions to spot a lie in limited time. The nervous atmosphere was totally disappeared by this ice-breaking session.


 Table Topic: The second session was a Table Topic session. This session is normally going through one topic, but since this meeting was a joint meeting, there were two topics that were made by each club. The topic from Yokohama TM Club was “Explain how to cook it” made by TM A. The other topic from Visionaries Toast Masters was “How to survive in IT society” made by TM K. Table topic session is difficult for everybody but experienced TM S made a great speech in such a short time and was chosen as best table topic speaker.

準備スピーチ:3つめのセッションは準備スピーチ。こちらのセッションもそれぞれクラブから2名ずつスピーチを行いました。それぞれのスピーチタイトルはビジョナリートーストマスターズUさん: ”Are we ready for Multicultural Society?” 横浜トーストマスターズSさん: “Live like water” ビジョナリートーストマスターズTさん: “Be a leader of your life” そして横浜トーストマスターズOさん: “International Marketing” 皆さん、やはり合同例会と言う事もあり、気合の入ったスピーチでした。ベストスピーカーはビジョナリートーストマスターズTさんのスピーチでした。日々の決断の重要性。大事にしていかねばと思わされる内容でした。

Prepared Speech: The third session was prepared speech. Each club members prepared two speeches. Speech titles were: “Are we ready for Multicultural Society?” TM U from Visionaries TM, “Live like water,” TM S from Yokohama TM, Be a leader of your life” TM T from Visionaries TM and “International Marketing” TM O from Yokohama TM. Since this meeting was a joint meeting, all speeches were well-prepared and great speeches. TM T from Visionaries TM was chosen as the best prepared speaker. It reminded us the importance of decision making in daily life.


Evaluation session: The fourth session was Evaluation session. Each club members evaluated other club members’ speech. TM O from Visionaries TM was chosen as the Best Evaluator. Of course, evaluation itself was great, but his powerful voice and gestures from his big body were amazing!


This meeting was the last meeting for me, but I really appreciate for giving me a chance to be a Toast Master of the day or moderator of the joint meeting.



会場係謹製の卒業ソングセレクションで会場は一気に卒業ムード。和やかに華やかに英語スピーチを楽しみました 第686回例会レポート


第686回例会レポート #686 TMOD Meeting Report

#686レギュラーミーティングを平沼メモリアル ゲスト ハウス 2階にて3月16日に開催しました。例会前の会場では、”卒業写真”が流れていました。ユーミンの曲です。日本では、3月は別れの季節です。学生の卒業、FYの終了等。本日のテーマは「別れ」です。

Our #686 regular meeting was held at Hiranuma memorial rest house 2F on March 16th.
As I arrived at the room, I heard “Sotsugyou shashin”. It is a famous song by Yumin.
Yes. In Japan, March is a good-bye season. Students graduate schools or financial year ends, etc. Today’s theme is “goodbye”.


However Oppositely, 3 newcomers joined YTMC through induction ceremony. Welcome to our club! Hope you improve your skill.

TM N(アー カウンター)は、奥様が「古着は捨てて」と言いますが、思い出が沢山詰まっているので捨てられないとのことです。彼の持論では、女性は男性より物を容易く捨てる傾向にあるとのことです。そう思いますか?

TM N(whose role is Au-counter) told that his wife often says “throw away old clothes”, but he doesn’t throw them away, because having a lot of memories. He says women tend to throw away stuff easily than men. Do you agree with his opinion?

ジョークセッションでは、TM Oは、親指の話で大いに笑わせてくれました。何人かのメンバーはストレスとさよなら(別れ)をしたいと言っていました。笑いは人を幸せにします。ジョークは、彼らのストレス解放を助けたと思います。

Joke session, TM O made us laugh a lot by thumb story, some members told they want to say goodbye to their stress. Laugh make people happy. I believe TM O helped them through his story.


At the table topic session, each speaker gave a positive or negative speech about a subject which was written on the card.

準備スピーチでは、4名がオリジナル ストーリーを披露しました。どれも興味深い話でした。しかし、残念ながら、3/4が規定時間を超えました。時は金なり。時間は守りましょう。

At the prepared speech session, 4 people spoke their original stories. Each of them was very attractive. However, Unfortunately, 3/4 prepared speakers were time over. Time is money. Why don’t you keep the time? The only 1 speech that kept the time was about generation X. I confirmed around 1/3 is generation X.


At the evaluation session, all of them were veterans TM members. I felt their confidence to make prepared speakers more wonderful.

YTMC はいつもモチベーションを持った人を歓迎します。

All of YTMC members are very motivated. April 6th, after the meeting, some members listen
RAKUGO to improve their speaking skill.
YTMC always welcomes motivated newcomers!

Thank you.



英語でハロウィンを楽しもう例会! 第677回例会レポート #677 TMOD Meeting Report


第677回例会レポート #677 TMOD Meeting Report


テーマはTrick or Treat. オープニングでは私の北米での始めてのハロウィン体験談をさせていただきました。Trick or Treat.も安全面から治安のよいところでないとなかなか行われないとのこと、世の中いい人ばかりではないのはどの国も同じですね。Trick or Treatで子供たちに振舞われるお菓子はもともとリンゴ飴だったのはご存知ですか?リンゴに針などを仕込む人が出てきたりもして、もはや見知らぬ人の手作りのものは食べられない時代になってしまったのはちょっと悲しいですね。

本日のWord of the dayは、T.Sさん。ハロウィンらしくHorrifiedを挙げてくれました。Horror、Horrifyなどなど恐怖や怖がるなどという意味ですが、びっくりするという意味でも使われる単語です。








Regular meeting #677 was close to Halloween. According to the president’s request, all members wore a costume. I dressed up as a devil.
The meeting venue was different from the regular one, and right next to the pub where we also have regular off-site meetings.

The meeting theme was “Trick or Treat”. I talked my first experience of Halloween in North America for the opening. “Trick or Treat” is the only for safe residence area. There always are some bad people as every country does. The sweets giving away to children used to be a candy apple. Those bad people hid a needle in a candy apple so that nowadays, we cannot eat a sweet provided by strangers anymore. That’s sad though.
More and more Halloween custom has been becoming widespread in Japan. But it is mostly like a costume parade event just to have fun. You can see the products related to Halloween in the season on a front shelf everywhere. The Halloween is becoming more commercial as well as North America.

Anyway, the meeting starting with a costume. Toastmaster T.S raised horrified” for the word of the day which fit Halloween-like. “Horror” and “Horrify” are another word class for “Horrified” meaning scary but it can be used for surprised in some context.

Joke master was Toastmaster O who has a high hope in our club. Telling joke is quite difficult for Japanese, but he did a really good job with three jokes.

Table topic master was Toastmaster N who also is a promising new member. The theme was ” How do you answer the question regarding Japan when you’re asked by Americans”. It was a good theme since lots of Japanese have an experience being asked regarding Japanese culture, custom and history by non-Japanese. Japanese needs to prepare to answer those type of questions because the world is becoming more and more globalized recently. The questions were simple but difficult to answer. The table topic session was very interesting.

We have four prepared speakers including two experienced speakers, Toastmaster N who is currently ongoing manual “Storytelling” and Toastmaster K who talks about music. They were all good especially the one with “Parkinson’s disease” title. We had Q & A time in his speech
and learned lots of thing about Parkinson’s disease.

Today’s general evaluator is Toastmaster M with four evaluators for each speech. Evaluators gave good points and some advice to speakers.

The best table topic speaker was Toastmaster T who answered the question regarding the population in Japan. The best evaluator was Toastmaster H.I who always gets the point with a keen observation and cute voice. The best speaker was Toastmaster I who gave a speech
regarding Parkinson’s disease.

We had a photo time wearing a costume at the end of the meeting. I was thinking the president dressed up as a cow but actually, he was a dog of “One Hundred and One Dalmatians”. Sorry!!



英語好き集まれ!英語を話す機会を増やそう! 第676回例会レポート #676 TMOD Meeting Report


第676回例会レポート #676 TMOD Meeting Report


例会の冒頭でTM Sが”今日の言葉”として「bustle(せわしく働く、急ぐ、にぎわう), bustling(せわしい、騒がしい、ざわめいた)」を紹介しました。例会の度に新しい単語やボキャブラリーが増えるのもトーストマスターズの楽しみの一つです。

最初のセッションはTM Kの司会で即興英語スピーチセッションです。TM Kから指名されたメンバーは即座に質問に回答しなければなりません。経験豊富なメンバーでも緊張するセッションです。TM Kの最後の質問は「How do you learn English?」。英語好きが集まる会場は誰が回答するか興味深々でしたが、ベテラン英語講師のTM Nが「反復練習が重要」と全員納得の回答でセッションを締めくくりました。

続いて準備スピーチセッションに移ります。4名のメンバーが趣向を凝らしたスピーチを披露しました。TM Nは”Guilty Pleasure(後ろめたい喜び)”に対する自身の造語”Official Pleasure”を紹介。とても日本的な発想に会場の笑いを誘いました。TM Fのスピーチは、タイトルこそ”何も期待するな!”と厳しいものでしたが、幸せな日常を送るヒントを伝えるスピーチでした。TM Sはトーストマスターズ入会前のエピソードをユーモラスに話ました。TM Sは入会前にトーストマスターズがカルト集団ではないか心配したとのこと。会場は大きな笑いに包まれました。TM Tはパワーポイントで統計や図を効果的に使い「便利さは人を成長させるのか?」という素晴らしいビジネスプレゼンを披露しました。


メンバーの投票の結果、ベスト即興スピーカーにはTM T、ベスト準備スピーカーにはTM S、ベスト論評者にはTM Nが選ばれました。最近入会したTM Nは初めての論評でしたがベスト論評者を受賞しました。TM Nの並々ならぬ実力を感じさせ、今後の活躍が楽しみです。


私は横浜トーストマスターズに入って2回目の司会者“TMOD: Toastmaster Of the Day”でしたが、メンバーの温かい協力で大変楽しくこなすことができました。メンバーの皆さん、有り難うございました。


Twenty members of Yokohama Toastmasters Club attended the 676th regular meeting on autumn weekend that warmed up after a long time. The theme of the meeting was “Autumn”.
The meeting was started introducing each member’s speaking of autumn.

TM S introduced “bustle” and “bustling” as a word of the day at the beginning of the meeting. It is one of our pleasures to get new words and vocabulary each meeting.

First session was impromptu speech session that we call “Table topics”. TM K hosted this session.
The members asked by TM K must immediately answer his questions. Even experienced members will be nervous in this session. The last question of TM K was “How do you learn English?”
The members were curious about who answered and how answered this question. The veteran English teacher TM N closed off this session with “Repetition of practice is the most important” as an answer.

The meeting moved on to the second session, preparatory speech session. Four members presented speeches with interesting tastes. TM N introduced her own coined word “Official Pleasure” against “Guilty Pleasure”. Her very Japanese idea invited the laughter of the members. TM F’s speech title “Do not expect anything!” was hard, but it was a speech that conveyed tips to send happy daily life. TM S humorously talked about the episode of Toastmasters before joining. TM S worried that Toastmasters was a cult group before joining. The venue was surrounded by big laugh. TM T demonstrated a wonderful business presentation which title was “Does convenience grow people?”. He used statistics, figures and graphs effectively in his slides.

The third session was the evaluation session. Four evaluators commented on the speeches on 4 speakers. Evaluators require an ability to make motivative and useful suggestion to speakers to improve their next speeches in a short time. By being evaluators, communication skills which used in business are trained. All the speakers who received advice from each evaluators seemed satisfied. So, this session was a great success.

As a result of the member’s vote, Best Table Topic Speaker was TM T, Best Prepared Speaker was TM S, Best Evaluator was TM N. Newcomer TM N was the first time as a evaluator, but he received the best evaluator award. I felt TM N’s extraordinary skill and I was looking forward to his future success as a Toastmaster.

At the end of the meeting, Mr. T’s induction ceremony was held.
TM T, Welcome to Yokohama Toastmasters. All members are welcome.

This meeting was my second times as a TMOD(Toastmaster of the Day). But thanks to the cooperation of the members, I was able to do well with a lot of fun. Thank you.

After finishing this big role, I drank delicious beer with wonderful members.



暑さを吹き飛ばす即興英語スピーチマラソン!英語脳を猛特訓 第673回例会レポート


第673回例会レポート #673 TMOD Meeting Report

第673回の例会は8月18日(土)、はとば会館で開催されました。連日の猛暑にもかかわらず20数名のメンバーが参加しました。今回は新しい試みとしてインターミッションを延長して15分とし、メンバー間の交流を促しました。また、メンバーの即興スピーチ能力向上を図ることを目的としてテーブルトピックセッションを35分としました。TM Oから本日のWord of the Dayは「Absolutely, Positively」であることが発表されました。本日のテーマは「Hot summer days」、テーマに関連した質問は「What is your favorite or secret food to survive in such a hot summer day like this year?」でした。

各Role Takerから役割の説明があった後、いつもより2倍程度長めの時間をとったテーブルトピックセッションが始まりました。TM Kから、今年も半分以上が終わったことを踏まえ、四半期ごとの出来事に関連した面白い質問が11個出されました。いつもの例会より指名される可能性が高いためか、会場内の緊張が高まりました。

 スピーチセッションではPathwaysに基づくスピーチが3名、Advanced Manualに基づくスピーチが1名、合計4名がスピーチを行いました。TM Oによる「息子の変化とその理由」、TM Nによる「ヨットに賭ける情熱」、TM Hによる「平成最後の何々」、TM Iによる「人生のマイルストーン」のスピーチがありました。各スピーチともに自らの経験や出来事に基づいた内容で、楽しく聞くことができ、また勉強になりました。

Evaluationセッションでは、TM TがGeneral Evaluatorを務めました。Evaluator4名はそれぞれの視点から、各スピーチに対する的確な評価を行いました。特にTM Kは、Pathways Project #2のSecond Speechの評価という難しい役割で、 なおかつ初めてのEvaluator役であったにもかかわらず的確な評価を行いました。また、General Evaluator役のTM Tは例会の準備段階から例会修了にいたるまでの各プロセスを取り上げて、General Evaluationのモデルとなるような的確な評価を行いました。ビジネスセッションではPresidentのTM Fから12月22日(土)にArea 52の合同クリスマス例会(パーティー付き)が開催される旨の発表がありました。



The 673th regular meeting was held at Hatoba-Kaikan on August 18th (Saturday). Twenty plus members attended the meeting in spite of recent hot summer days. As a new trial, the intermission was extended to be 15 minutes so that the members can communicate and talk more closely each other. Also, Table Topic Session was extended to be 35 minutes to enhance the impromptu speech capability of members. TM O announced that today’s Word of the Day is “Absolutely, positively”. The theme of the meeting was “Hot summer days” and the related question was “What is your favorite or secret food to survive in such a hot summer day like this year?” After each role taker explained his/her respective role, Table Topic Session started which was two times longer than the usual one. TM K asked 11 interesting questions which were related to the quarterly events or news that happened in this year. Since it was more probable for each member to be appointed the question, many members were a little bit more nervous than the usual meeting.

In the prepared speech session, there were three speeches based on Pathways and one speech based on Advanced Manual. Total 4 members made their speeches. TM O’s speech was “What did change my son?”, TM N’s speech was “My passion for the sailing”, TM H’s speech was “The last something of Heisei era” and TM I’s speech was “The Milestone in My Life, respectively. All the speeches were based on speakers’ own experiences and personal events. They were very educational and interesting to listen. At the Evaluation Session, TM T was the General Evaluator and four members made the precise evaluations from their own perspectives. Especially, TM K made a good evaluation in spite of that this was his first evaluation role and that the target speech was second speech of Pathways project #2. TM T made a model General Evaluation, covering every steps of the regular meeting, stating from the meeting preparation through the end of the meeting. In the business session, President F announced that the Joint Christmas Meeting and Party of Area 52 will be held on December 22nd (Saturday).

It has been a while for me to conduct TMOD role, but, thanks to all the members’ help and support, I enjoyed conducting the meeting. Thank you all. I am a little concerned that the number of guest is declining these days. Let’s try to talk to our friends and colleagues to come and join our club.



第671回例会レポート #671 TMOD Meeting Report


第671回例会レポート #671 TMOD Meeting Report


例会の冒頭で新会長のFさんより、改めて今期の「スローガン」である「Challenge Together, Support Together, and Smile Together」に基づいて、熱意が語られました。

その後、今日のToastmaster of the Day(TMOD)のT(私)にバトンが渡り、例会は続きました。
今日の最初のセッションは、「Joke Sessionジョークセッション」でした。約1年ぶりに復活したセッションです。









July 21st, the #671 YTMC regular meeting was held at Hatoba-Kaikan. It was a second meeting since new officer’s term have started. And it was extremely hot day, but the meeting started on time with many existing members and 3 guests.
At the very begging of the meeting, our new President TM F provided his passion for new term with his new slogan, which is ‘Challenge Together, Support Together, and Smile Together’.
And then, one of today’s guest, TM S who is new Area54 Director conducted a special award presentation. TM F and TM N were presented with Competent Communication (CC) Award and TM S was presented with Advanced Communicator Bronze (ACB) Award. Congratulation, TM F, TM N and TM S!!!

After that, TM M introduced Today’s Word of the Day, which was ‘beneficial’. He gave us a great example and it was ‘Yokohama TM Club is a very beneficial place’. It was a familiar word for us, so many members used this word during the meeting.
Then, meeting baton was passed to me, Toastmaster of the Day (TMOD) and continued the meeting.
Today’s first session was ‘Joke Session’. TM K who has more than 10 years Toastmaster’s experience took this role. He provided us 3 humorous joke stories. Thank you, TM K!

Next, today’s Table Topic Master was TM N and he run this session very smoothly and provided 7 questions. All questions were not easy to answer, but it means his session was great training for all members to improve our prompt speech skills.

During Prepared Speech Session, 4 prepared speakers gave us speeches based on different manuals and projects and every speech entertained us.
TM K made a speech about one of his hobbies, ‘Horse Racing’. His speech was included his personal story and it was very informative about horse racing. TM N who is fluent in speaking English gave us a wonderful ‘Story Telling’ speech about her memory of early childhood. Although her project’s speech time was 6-8min, which was longer then usual, she did a great job without a speech script. TM F who is our new president also gave a speech about one of his hobbies, which was activities of Yokohama Toastmasters Club!! He explained us why he likes YTMC and why YTMC is beneficial place for him. He also sang a song at the begging of his speech and during his speech and it made us so fun! Last speaker was TM S who is very experienced member. He also provided us a very informative and educated speech, which was about career development and support program for post doctors. He explained us using some Power Point slides and those slides and those materials were very effective and easy to understand for us. Even his speech time was 10-12min, he finished his speech 12min 30 seconds sharp!! What a great job!! All speakers did wonderful performances!!

After the short break, TM S conducted an Evaluation session. Although, it was his first challenge as General Evaluator, he did well-prepared for this session. 4 Evaluators (TM O, TM M, TM A and TM T) performed wonderful speeches although all prepared speaker’s speeches were high-quality, and it was not easy to find some advices for those speakers. They gave both good advices and some room for improvements.
TM S, General Evaluator provided us very positive and educated evaluations for all role takers including me. Thank you!

Finally, today’s award receivers were below. Congratulations!!A
Best Speaker Award: TM F (New President)
Best Evaluator Award:TM O
Best Table Topic Speaker Award:TM A

Right before the end of the meeting, new role ’Agenda Timer’’, TM T gave us a Timer’s Report.
He reported the detail time report for each supporter’s and role takers sessions. This new role is
a new attempt from this meeting for time management. I believe that this new attempt will give
some changes and awareness of time management for all members and our every meeting.

Thanks to all role takers prompt support, I was able to make my preparation for the meeting smoothly. Also, during the meeting, all role takers did well-prepared for their roles, the meeting run very smoothly without any trouble and issues. Overall, the meeting was very educated, fun and enjoyable!! I really appreciate all members kind and big support!! Thank you very much!

Next meeting will take place on August 4th at Hatoba Kaikan.



第670回例会レポート #670 TMOD Meeting Report


第670回例会レポート #670 TMOD Meeting Report


ミーティングの冒頭、新プレジデントのFさんによる挨拶及び3つのスローガン(Challenge Together, Support Together, Smile Together)の発表がありました。Fさんのファースト・ネームのフィリピン語での意味の通りhappyな雰囲気で、新しい1年のスタートを切りました。


この日のTable TopicマスターはHさん。七夕当日のミーティングだったため、質問は七夕及びミーティングのテーマ「Star」に関するものでした。タイ出身のHさんが織姫、彦星、短冊といった日本の七夕伝説(実は中国が発祥?)に関する言葉を調べてくれていたことがとても嬉しかったです。

Tさんは大人になってからはあまり七夕を意識していなかったけれど、お嬢さんと七夕を楽しむために、飾りの作り方をネットで調べていたら飾りそれぞれに意味があることを知ったとのこと。この話にメンバーの多くが「へぇ、そうなんだ」という感じでうなずいていました。TさんはBest Table Speakerに選ばれました。

Prepared Speech Sessionは4名のスピーカーが大変印象深いスピーチをしてくれました。
OさんはYTMC入会後初めてのスピーチでしたが、落ち着いた口調で、時折聴衆の笑いも取りながらBigger Worldに出て来た理由を話してくれました。Tさんのスピーチはカラフルな声色とジェスチャーを織り交ぜた、躍動感のあるものでした。ご自身のスターはJohn F. KenneyだというOさんは、great speechに必要な要素について話してくれました。とても興味深くて多くのメンバーがうなずきながら聴き入っていました。4番目に登場したのはIさんです。難しい話でしたが、スライドを使って、内容をかみ砕いて解りやすく説明してくれました。Best Prepared Speakerはgreat speechの話をしてくれたOさんでした。

Evaluatorは皆さん、speechの良かった点、課題点をキチンと指摘していました。これはevaluateしてもらった人だけでなく、全メンバーの今後のスピーチに生かせると思います。Best EvaluatorはAさんでした。



YMTC’s #670 regular meeting took place on July 7 at Hatoba Kaikan. It was the first meeting supported by new officers. President F gave us President’s Address & Briefing at the beginning of the meeting, and showed us our club’s slogan, “Challenge Together, Support Together, and Smile Together”. We got off to a good start in a happy mood.

We agreed in a unanimous the suggestion, from TM O, that YTMC is to purchase a new NIKON camera with high pixels. It belongs to YTMC.

TM H lead table topic session. She prepared questions related to Star Festival, a.k.a. Tanabata in Japanese, and stars (famous people). I’m touched with the attitude of TM H, a native Thai, who googled traditional Star Festival terms such as Orihime, Hikoboshi, Tanzaku.

TM T rarely paid attention to Star Festival after grown up but she learned the meanings of ornaments for the Festival while she googled how to make Star Festival ornaments for her daughter. A lot of members appeared to nod in agreement at her story. She won the Best Table Topic Speaker.

The prepared speeches from four speakers were really impressive.
TM O gave us his very first Ice Breaker speech in a poised tone of voice. He shared his life story with us including a reason he came out to the “Bigger World”. TM T’s speech had an uplifting feeling with vocal variety. TM O, whose star is John F. Kennedy, told us three essential elements for a great speech. A lot of members was listening to his speech with curiosity. The fourth speaker was TM I. The contents of his speech were not so easy to understand but he explained in easy words for us to understand. Slides was a good help for the audience. The Best Prepared Speaker was TM O who talked about great speeches.

Evaluators gave speakers compliments and also pointed out areas that speakers can improve more. Not only speakers in today’s prepared speech session but all of the club members can learn from the feedbacks. The Best Evaluator went to TM A.

I was able to send out the meeting agenda on Thursday night thanks to all role takers’ prompt actions. I appreciate your quick email replies despite your busy schedule. I made some mistakes as TMOD but made it through the meeting with huge support from YTMC members. I will use the feedback, which I received from fellow members, to improve my work for next opportunities.

Next meeting will take place on July 21 at Hatoba Kaikan.



第669回例会レポート #669 TMOD Meeting Report


第669回例会レポート #669TMOD Meeting Report









新プレジデントF氏が就任にあたり”Challenge”, “Support”, “Enjoy”を重要キーワードとして、来期のYTMCを運営していきたいと意気込みを示されました。




The #669 YTMC regular meeting was held at our regular meeting site, Hatoba-kaikan.
The theme was “senses”. The word of the day was “intuitive” corresponding to the meeting theme. The Table Topics theme was also related to “sense”. Today’s Talbe Topocs master was Toastmaster K who took the role for the first time. He seemed nervous in the beginning. The last question, “If you could have a sixth sense, what kind of sixth sense would you want to have? “, was interesting. The audience must have been wondering which sense they’d want to have if they were to answer the question while listening to Toastmaster F’s speech.

Today, we had four speakers who had unique assignments. The first speaker, Toastmaster N, talked about how she dealt with commuting time, the second speaker K dealt with “research and present an unfamiliar topic”, the third speaker K.T had a “Special Occasion Speech” task which was to give a speech as an award winner, the last speaker A.T gave a speech for the first time in one and half years.

Today’s General Evaluator was Toastmaster N who took the role for the first time and each evaluator gave various advice to speakers.

Toastmaster S.T won the Best Table Topics speech, Toastmaster O who evaluated the speech for the first time won the Best Evaluator, and the Best Speaker was A.T despite his one-and-half-year blank. Congratulations!

This regular meeting was special because it was held at the end of the term when current officers would pass their chairs to new officers under the new slogan and the new club would begin. The Installation Ceremony was held after the meeting and the new officers promised to make YTMC better.
The new president F mentioned the important three words “Challenge”, “Support” and “Enjoy” to make YTMC better in the next term in his speech.

The current president and the vice president gave awards to praise the achievements to members who had contributed in this term. There was a surprise gift from the new president to the current officers. I want to say good job to current officers.

The new term is starting from the next regular meeting under the new officers. Please do not miss it!



第668回 30周年記念例会レポート #668 TMOD 30th Anniversary Meeting Report




第668回記念例会は、大勢のゲストが見守る中、緊張したムードで始まりました。しかし、Queenの「We Will Rock You」が流れる中、派手な仮装で登場した二人のテーブルトピックマスターの予想外のダンスと歌で、緊張ムードは一瞬にして吹き飛びました。


1番目のスピーカーは入会間もないTM M。この日が記念例会だとは知らずにスピーチを希望した自分の運命を呪いながらも?!果敢にPathwaysのIce Breakerに挑戦し、緊張の中見事にスピーチをやり遂げました。

2番目のスピーカーは九州のトーストマスターズクラブに所属していたTM Oで、彼もPathwaysのIce Breakerに挑戦しました。ご自分の経歴を語る中で、Toastmasters Club Evaluation Contest全国大会への出場経験が自信を与えてくれたというエピソードが印象に残りました。

3番目のスピーカーは九州、北陸のクラブに所属していたTM Sで、年の離れた旦那様との結婚生活をジェスチャー混じりに面白おかしく語り、見事ベストスピーカーに選ばれました。TM Sはこのスピーチでアドバンスト・マニュアル2冊目を終了し、ACB (Advanced Communicator Bronze)を受賞されます。おめでとうございます!

記念例会最後のスピーカーはTM N。このスピーチでCCマニュアルを完了したTM Nは、2.5年かけてやり遂げたコメントシートびっしりのマニュアルを持参して聴衆に披露し、2.5年間で彼女が学んだスキルに「DIE メッセージ (Demand / Interest / Easy)」と名付け、その内容を丁寧に語ってくれました。CCマニュアルを完了した彼女は、Competent Communicatorの認定証を授与されます。おめでとうございます!

ベテランメンバーTM Iの司会で、引き続き論評セッションが執り行われました。過去メンバーによる素晴らしいスピーカーの論評もあり、668回論評を繰り返しているからこそ、横浜TMCは30年間生き抜き、そして今後も存続していけるのだというTM Iの言葉が印象的でした。




YTMC’s 30th-anniversary meeting was celebrated with over sixty attendees including the honorable guests and the former members at a spacious hall with a commanding view of the Port of Yokohama.
The ceremony was taken place under the affectionate eyes of over sixty people which included founders of the club, past presidents and the guests from other clubs.

We gathered earlier than usual for a lunch party and together, we sang birthday songs and watched video messages collected from various members of Toastmasters around Japan in a festive mood. It wouldn’t be an overstatement to say that the history of Yokohama TMC is the history of District 76. Our charter members were called on the stage and shared their memories from 30 years ago.

Our regular meeting #668 was observed by all the guests, which made us a bit nervous in the beginning.

However, our nervousness was soon blown away by the deafening sound of Queen’s “We Will Rock You” performed by the two Table Topic Masters, who sang and danced to the music in flashy costumes. They rephrased the lyrics to “We Will Name You / We Will Respond”, and made us answer the questions. While we saw the former members trying to hide themselves, when they were called on, of course, they answered with great confidence.

YTMC’s four current members presented their prepared speeches in the Prepared Speech Session.
The first speaker was TM M, who is one of the newest members of our club.
She volunteered to make a speech on this day without knowing it would be an anniversary meeting. While lamenting her fate, she courageously took a shot at an ice-breaking speech of the Pathways and finished it fabulously under pressure.

The second speaker was TM O, who used to be a member of a Toastmasters Club in Kyushu region. He also tried his first speech on Pathways on this occasion. He shared his life events with us, and one of the episodes in which he talked about his experience in participating the District Evaluation Contest that had given him confidence in life impressed me the most.

The third speech was presented by TM S, who had belonged to the clubs in Kyushu and Hokuriku regions before joining our club. She shared with us hilarious and humorous episodes with her old husband with expressive gestures and won the Best Prepared Speaker Award. She has completed the two advanced manuals with this speech and will be given the ACB (Advanced Communicator Bronze). Congratulations!

TM N presented her speech as a finale of the session. Since it was her finishing speech of CC Manual, she showed us the manual covered with so many comments slips and surprised us. She named what she had learned in the two and half years of Toastmastering “DIE (Demand / Interest / Easy) message”, and explained the components one by one. She has completed the CC manual with this speech and will be given the Competent Communicator certificate. Congratulations!

The exciting speech session was followed by the evaluation session conducted smoothly by an experienced Toastmaster I. Some of the speeches were evaluated by former members, and the General Evaluator TM I commented on the good points and improvement points from our entire meeting. She emphasized that 30 years of our constant evaluation keeps improving us for the future.

It was such an honor for me to take this role on this occasion. I really believe that there is Goddess residing at YTMC. She has watched us making mistakes, trying something new, and working harder again. She will continue to assist us as long as YTMC continues.


Congratulations on the 30th Anniversary, YTMC!!


第667回例会レポート #667 TMOD Meeting Report


5月19日、第667回YTMC例会が私たちのホームグラウンドである波止場会館で開催されました。この日はクラブ活動の中で最も重要なイベントがありました。それは役員選挙です。 会長のTさんがスムーズに選挙を進行し、全ての候補者が当選しました!おめでとうございます!新しい会長のFさんが新役員を代表し、スピーチを披露しました。新しい任期はこの7月から始まります。








The 667th regular meeting of YTMC was held at our home ground, Hatoba-kaikan, on May 19th. We had one of the most important events of YTMC activities, which was officers’ election!! President T conducted it smoothly, and all candidates got elected! Congratulations!! New President F gave his speech representing new cabinet. The new term will start from this July!

There was another special event during this meeting. That was the induction ceremony for TM O. And guess what? His mentor is me! I’m really glad to be his mentor. I’d like to enjoy YTMC activities with him.

On this day, The Table Topics Session was very thrilling. The Table Topic master was our TM S., and she set a unique rule in the session. She made word cards, and an assigned member chose one of them. He or she explained the chosen word in about 2 min. without using the word itself. After his or her speech, audience guessed the answer! Six speakers struggled to explain the words because many words were difficult. But TM I explained his chosen word perfectly, and he got the Best Table Topics Speaker Award!!! FYI, the word he chose was “FBI”!!

There were three speakers in the Prepared Speech Session. They gave their own speech with performances reflecting their characters. As a result, TM T got the Best Prepared Speaker Award! She sang in her very beautiful voice during her speech as well as told us how to make a beautiful voice. What a beautiful voice it was, wasn’t it! She could involve the audience in her speech with her beautiful voice!

We also had three respective evaluators, and TM A got the Best Evaluator Award!
She told us how to show the 1st slide of powerpoint effectively. It was very useful and accurate!

The time schedule for this meeting was tight. However All role takers managed time well and as a result, we could finish the meeting almost as planned.
Thanks all of you for your effort and cooperation!
The next meeting will be the YTMC 30th Anniversary Special Meeting! This is a very important event just like the officers’ election. Don’t miss it!

