第678回例会レポート #678 TMOD Meeting Report



本日のWord-of-the-dayは、Kさんです。”Note” ということで動詞や名詞として比較的使いやすい言葉が登場しました。
いつも通り各役割担当者自身による役割の説明に続き、テーブルトピックセッションではTさん司会による”Mentor or Mentee”を主題にした即興スピーチセッションが行われました。「何をMenteeにアドバイスをするか」「Mentorから何のアドバイスを授かったか」など、もしかしたら普段あまり意識をしていないものの、トーストマスターズにおいては重要な機能について思い起こす良い機会となりました。

Hさんは ”Will AI replace teachers?” というタイムリーなお題目でした。中学校の現職英語教師であらせられる人による真摯なスピーチであり、感銘を受けた聴衆者が多く見受けられました。内容の濃いフィードバックが多く寄せられたのではないかと推察します。
Nさん は “Early Bird” というお題目で、「早起きは3文の徳」を実践なさっているお話でした。見習うと良いことがあるかもしれません。
Oさん は数ヶ月前に入会され、今回は2回目のスピーチであるものの堂々となさっていました。お題目は “Marketing in Japan” ということでご自身の仕事内容を土台としながら、国際商取引きの内容を普遍的に図解してくださいました。
Tさん は入会後、最初のスピーチでお題目は “Initiation to the fishery Industry” というものでご自身の漁業と共に歩んできた半生記と自己紹介を兼ねたものでした。何となく壮大な絵巻でも見ているような感覚に陥りました。
Mさんは”Runtastic-Night Excursion”というお題目で、ご自身のランニングで使用している便利なアプリの説明と夜の横浜ランニングコースを写真付きで紹介していただきました。妖しい夜のお店も登場しそうになりアダルトの世界に誘っていただきました。
Hさんは”My Communication Style”というお題目で、いつもの手慣れたスピーチの秘密が少し垣間見れた感じがしました。



678th regular meeting was held at Hiranuma Kinen Rest House which is located nearby to Yokohama Bunka Taiiku-kan and having a meeting at this venue seems to be for tor the first time. Both facilities, which are not so new at all, make us feel something as if we were back to Showa era.
At the beginning of a meeting preparation, I had to seek one speech evaluator out of six speech evaluators and thankfully a voluntary candidate was offered immediately by some members.
This admirable assistance made me feel confident and ease of keeping on my duties.
The short of role takers also required an assist from other club members and we asked one person for a timekeeper accordingly.
Before the regular meeting, a one-hour ad-hoc meeting was offered and conducted by Toastmaster A for a free-discussion relating to English learning tips. Many discretional participants seem to have been enjoying the meeting. I bet many members look forward to joining the 2nd round of the meeting before the next-next regular meeting.

It was Culture Day so to facilitate choosing a meeting theme, “Culture Shock” In the opening, I talked about my experience what I was amazed in Osaka. Despite it was one of my original favorite fake stories (I have ever talked it to Toastmaster N personally before) and I had been assured to make the audience feel extremely funny (surely telling them it was a fake story), it was not so successful in fact. In my view, I found I had some issues on it: the content made fun of Osaka people slightly; some expressions might be substituted with other effective ones to make the story more attractive; failed to speak smoothly in the most important part to make my audience laugh.

Word-of-the-day by Toastmaster K was, “Note” He gave us a word we could use relatively easily in verb or noun when we delivered a speech or spoke something in the meeting. After having a role explanation by respective role takers, as usual, Toastmaster T as a Table Topic Master conducted a table topic session. Every topic she put forward were based on or referred to mentee or mentor in Toastmasters e.g. “What will you advise to your mentee?” or “What kind of advice have you ever received from your mentor?” She gave us an opportunity to remind ourselves an important function in Toastmasters we tend to forget occasionally.
We had 6 speakers in the prepared speech session. “Will AI replace teachers” by Toastmaster H, who is a junior high school English teacher, was a timely topic and her honest thoughts gave us something to consider a lot. I suppose she received many valuable feedbacks from the audience.
“Early Bird” by Toastmaster N is a story about herself who enjoys getting up early in the morning. We may have something lucky if we do the same. “Marketing in Japan” by Toastmaster O, who joined the club just a few months ago, illustrated a world trading business with overhead projector briefly based on his current business. His speech looked confident enough despite it was only his 2nd-time speech. “Initiation to the fishery Industry” by Toastmaster T, who joined the club recently and it was his 1st-time speech, was his self-introduction along with his long journey with the fishery industry. Because of his extensive experience including his expatriate life several times, I felt as if I was watching a spectacular pageant.
”Runtastic-Night Excursion” by Toastmaster M was about a useful app on running along with his Yokohama night excursion on running one day by demonstrating with an overhead projector. I bet nightclub enthusiasts also enjoyed his speech.
”My Communication Style” by Toastmaster H revealed something about the well-determined speeches he delivered consistently.

The evaluation session was conducted by a general evaluator, Toastmaster A. We had 6 individual evaluators for each speech. All the evaluators today were an experienced member or a member who are just back from the USA after an expatriate so that we had a good opportunity to learn fruitful evaluations.

The best table topic speaker was awarded to Toastmaster As (a guest from Zama Toastmaster club?), the best evaluator was awarded to Toastmaster SN, and the best-prepared speaker was awarded to Toastmaster M.