ゲスト5名を迎えてYokohama Toastmasters Club例会(第691回)を開催しました。次期役員も決まり英語スピーチ力アップに取り組みます!


第691回例会レポート #691 TMOD Meeting Report

Scene 1 Opening


On the beginning of the meeting, next term officers of YTMC were chosen by the election, they are cheerful, good English users, responsible and reliable person.

Scene2 テーブルトピックスピーチ


The Table Topic Master provided highlighted issues in these days such as; matters of elders’ car driver licenses and its expiry, matters of consumer tax rising up to 10% from 8% on this autumn.
TM I explained his opinion that 10 % Consumer Tax is welcome because Tax calculation would be quite easy・・・. He continued good response as table speech included the easy calculation, then chosen as the Best Table Topic Speaker.

Scene3 定例スピーチ

本日の三名のスヒーカーの方々は、課題に沿ってよく準備され、原稿をほとんど見ることもなく、聴衆の興味を引き付けるスピーチをされました。 かわいいシロクマのぬいぐるみを使いながら、生後半年のお子様を育てる楽しみと苦労をユーモラスに紹介されたAさんがベストスピーカーに選ばれました。

Three prepared speakers well organized their speeches, which attracted the audiences with their confidential attitudes and the interesting contents in accordance with assigned speech objectives. TM A introduced her “Unexpected days” as the title concerned spending time with her 6 months old lovely baby. In her speech, the pretty big bear toy was used humorously instead of her baby. Yes, of course, she got the win as Best Prepared Speaker.

Scene4 評価セッション


For three prepared speakers, 3 evaluators estimated the prepared speeches and other evaluators evaluated two evaluators. TM Y was chosen as Best Evaluator due to her mentioned difference of story review and the evaluation. On top of that evaluators are required to find out good points of the speech for encouragement in accordance with the speech objectives and the purpose of evaluations should be used for improving the prepared speech.

最後に評価セッションの司会者、TM Tさんから会合全体の振り返りがありました。彼女は、本日の集会の良い点を拾い上げるとともに、会の準備のため、見えないところで労した一人ひとりの名前を挙げてねぎらい、すばらしい気配りと良い雰囲気のうちに総合評価セッションを締めくくりました。さすがです~。

End of the evaluate session, TM T reviewed total meeting and picked up the valuable points including invisible personal contribution for the meeting preparation, thus the meeting was wrapped up within satisfied and comfortable mind of all. Thanks a lot!



カテゴリー Regular Meeting タグ .