今回も多数の見学者が参加して英語スピーチを楽しみました。いつも楽しいYokohama Toastmasters Club第692回例会レポートです。


第692回例会レポート #692 TMOD Meeting Report

The 692nd regular meeting was held on June 1st, 2019, 31st birthday of YTMC. The room was more crowded compared with usual since we had 10 guests (5 came from another club and 5 pure).


Table topic questions were inspired by the Japan visit of Donald Trump, president of the United States of America. Some respondents were struggled with how to explain Japanese exotic things to foreigners and current issues.


4 speakers challenged prepared speech for this week, 3 speakers did the 2nd speech of Level 1, project 2. I noticed each speech was significantly improved by reflecting on the feedback of evaluator at the 1st speech. The new feature of pathways works well. One of the advantages of being toastmaster is we are able to access different ideas and lifestyle from those who may not meet at the workplace, community or school. I have learned a concept of continuous improvement method used in business and how to overcome bitter experiences from their speeches.


I am glad to see all evaluators gave constructive feedback with critical thinking to speakers. Evaluation speech of evaluator, one of the new features of pathways, become conventional in the regular meeting. 2 experienced evaluators of evaluator stood up and successfully done, it was fruitful for evaluators who were given their feedback.


Finally, general evaluator summarized the meeting, he tried to encourage all of us to improve further even the meeting went through successfully. Thanks to all participants of that meeting for your support given to us.

最後に評価セッションの司会が会のまとめをしてくれました。ミーティングが成功したことに満足せず、さらに向上するように参加者に促していたことが印象的でした。 この例会に参加し、ご協力いただいた皆さんに感謝します。



カテゴリー Regular Meeting タグ .