バラエティ豊かな英語スピーチ、そしてテーブルトピックでは衝撃的な質問が・・・ / 横浜トーストマスターズクラブ第695回例会レポート



695回の例会は7月20日(土)、横浜大桟橋の前にある波止場会館で行われました。 湿度が高くムシムシした日で、夏の始まりを感じさせるような日でした。参加人数は30人以上。ゲストは10名。今回のテーマはSummer Dream!令和最初の夏に夢を見ようぜ!です。

Meeting No 695was held on July 20th at Hatoba Kaikan where located in front of Osanbashi of Yokohama Bay Terminal. It was hot and humid day which we felt the beginning of summer. More than 30 people including 10 guests participated in the meeting. Theme of the meeting was “Summer Dream!” We should enjoy the first summer of Reiwa Era!


TM Tのword of the dayはEager!  使いやすい単語で、皆自分のコメントに紛れ込ませました。

The world of the day was “Eager”.  Everyone was eager to use this word during the meeting!



本日のテーブルトピックは衝撃的な質問がありました。あなたはこのメンバーの誰の子供として生まれたい? この質問にはベテランメンバーのTM Sも苦戦しましたが、やはり即興でユーモアを交えて締めくくりました!

There was a sensational question during table topic which is most exciting time when member provides the prompt speech for some topics. 2Whose baby you want to be re-born among members who are participating in today`s meeting???”

That question gave very challenging moment even for experienced member, TM S. However, she concluded her short speech with humor and laugh!



スピーチセッションのスピーカーは三名。自分の趣味を実践交えて説明した「Raqs Sharqi(ベリーダンス)」、子供教育の問題を鋭く指摘した「Is it Dangerous?」, 才能開花についての「10,000 hour Rule」です。それも個性的で素晴らしいスピーチでした。

There were three speakers for prepared speech secession. First speech was about the hobby with actual demonstration called” Raqs Sharq (Belly Dance)”. The second speech was talked about the problem of child education called “Is it dangerous?” Third speech was about the how to flower the talent called “10,000-hour rule”.  Those are all unique speech and those were informative speeches which we could enjoy,


Evaluationセッションでは、TM KがGeneral Evaluatorを務めました。ご家庭の都合でトーストクラブに参加できなくなることを伝えましたが、今までのトーストで学んだことや横浜トーストマスターズクラブの素晴らしいポイントを感動的にまとめてくれました。会場のみんながジーンときました。

TM K lead the evaluation secession as general evaluator. Due to family matter, TM K will leave this club soon. He passionately talked about the memory of the club and things he leaned together with team members.  It was impressed all members and touched our heart! Thank you for his comment!







In Toastmasters club, we share the common purpose which we try to improve “Self Confidence” and “Leadership skill”. It is the best moment to demonstrate those by taking the role of Toastmasters of the day! I enjoyed the role and it was fantastic experience for my life.




Regular Meetingカテゴリーの記事