#694 例会は、素晴らしいスローガン“Discover yourself and enrich your life”を掲げてO新会長の開会宣言により定刻通り始まりました。新スローガンは、前期のスローガン“Challenge together, support together and smile together!” から次の段階へと繋がる道のように思えます。
TM M. O. さんが、テーブルトピックマスターを初めてつとめましたが、例会のテーマ “梅雨”に関連したやさしい質問3つと、難しい質問2つを出しました。各スピーカーに対して簡潔で機知に富んだコメントを返していました。質問はよく練られており、とても良い出来でした。
準備スピーチは、3本で、最初のスピーカーは、TM H.I. さん。アドバンスマニュアル エンターティニングスピーカー Make Them laugh、スピーチタイトルは、“Your Angel Whispers”
2番目のスピーカは、昨年度べストヤングカップル賞に輝いたTM K.O. さんで、Pathway Dynamic Leadership、スピーチタイトルは、”Why Germany”で、ドイツの大学を選んだ理由と意気込みについて。そして、最後のスピーカーは、TM M.さんで、 CCマニュアル プロジェクト9、スピーチタイトル“Princess Journey for you” 家族と行った釜山、台湾へのクルーズの思い出話。
GEのTM O. さんは、トーストマスターにおける教育セッションの重要性ついてピュアゲストに解るように解説を加えました。
ベストテーブルトピックスピーカー:TM O.
ベストエバリュエーター:TM N.S.
ベストスピーカー:TM H.I.
#694 例会は、ほぼ定刻通り成功裏に終わりました。
最後に、TM H.I., TM A., TM M.N.さんに大変感謝いたします。スピーカーと論評の急な空きを埋めてくれました。呼びかけに応じてくれた方々のリーダーシップとチームワーク精神に敬意を表するとともに、このクラブの一員であることに誇りを感じます。
#694 regular meeting was called to order by new President O. on time and started with marvelous slogan “Discover yourself and enrich your life”.
The new slogan seems to kind of landmark leading to the next stage from the last term slogan “Challenge together, support together and smile together!”.
Around 30 participants including 4 guests enjoyed the meeting even rainy day. Three out of four guests were foreigners and the rest one was from National defense university in Yokosuka.!
In the beginning business session, we had an induction ceremony for a new member who has definite intention to improve speech skill in front of huge audience because of his job circumstance.
The induction ceremony started and it had reached climax, then a funny occurrence happened just when SAA opened front door and guided the new member to meeting room after approving his induction. The university student with close cropped hair wearing dazzling white defense university’s uniform appeared in just timing instead of the new member. Audience laughed very much at the unexpected occurrence.
President and VPE shared his slogan and role assignment policy in workshop session.
It might be the first time to address their thought in workshop at the beginning as long as I know though.
TM M. O. took Table topic master role for the first time though, she gave us three easy questions and two difficult questions relating to meeting theme “rainy season” and added short witty comment for each speaker’s answer. Her questions were well-polished. She did really good job.
Prepared speech session had three speakers.
First speaker TM H.I. delivered well prepared speech “Your Angel Whispers” according to objectives of Advance manual the entertaining Speaker <Project3: >.
Second speaker TM K. O. who was awarded Best young couple delivered his second one relating to his intension and reason why he chose German University. The title: “Why Germany”, Pathway Dynamic Leadership.
The last speaker TM M. shared his family voyage travel to Busan and Taiwan using PPT. Title : “Princess Journey for you”, CC manual Project 9 <Persuade with power>.
General evaluator TM O. explained the importance of educational session in Toastmaster’s activities even his mentor TM T. didn’t care him. Later in Bouquet and Brickbat session the Mentor gave brickbat himself though.
Lastly, award speakers are below:
Best table topic speaker : TM O.
Best evaluator :TM N.S.
Best prepared speaker : TM H.I.
#694 has been finished successfully almost on time.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Lastly, I’d like to say big thanks for TM H.I., TM A. and TM M.N.. They kindly rose up their hands when I ask someone to full vacant speech slot and evaluator. I really appreciate their leadership and teamwork spirit and am honored to be a member of this club.