8月2日はTM NMがファシリテーターとなり、写真から分かるように楽しい笑顔あふれる例会が開かれました!
On August 2, TM NM was the facilitator, and as you can see from the photos, the meeting was full of fun and smiles!
8月2日はTM NMがファシリテーターとなり、写真から分かるように楽しい笑顔あふれる例会が開かれました!
On August 2, TM NM was the facilitator, and as you can see from the photos, the meeting was full of fun and smiles!
9月2日はTM OMをゲストとして迎え、「How to Enjoy Challenges in Table Topic Session(即興スピーチをどう楽しむか)」と題し、ワークショップを行いました。
ワークショップの流れとしては、スピーチの達人、特に即興スピーチの達人として知られるTM OMが資料に基づき、ポイントを学び、あてられたメンバーが即興スピーチをするスタイルでした。
このような貴重な機会にご対応頂いたTM OMに感謝したいと思います。ありがとうございました!!
On September 2, we welcomed TM OM as our guest and held a workshop titled “How to Enjoy Challenges in Table Topic Session”.
The participation rate of our members was very high, showing that everyone was very interested in the topic.
The flow of the workshop was based on the material of TM OM, who is known as a master of speeches, especially impromptu speeches, and the members who were assigned to give impromptu speeches.
In response to questions that were out of the ordinary or too simple to think about, the members used what they had learned to improvise their speeches.
I felt that the explanations were clear and easy to understand, with clear points such as not being able to say what you don’t know, not being conscious of answering questions completely, being aware of your speaking style beforehand, and having your story be thought of as the listener’s story at the end of the speech.
We would like to thank TM OM for this valuable opportunity! We really appreciate it!!
The next meeting , we will have a longer table topic session using what we have learned!
Meeting 792 Report: An Unforgettable Summer Meeting at Toastmasters
Today, we had two guests: Mr. I who attends our meeting for the first time and TM O who is our Area Director.
本日は1回目の参加となるIさん、エリアディレクターのTM Oさんがゲストとして参加してくれました。
【business session】
Our treasurer spoke about reinstating the penalty system. Speakers will pay 10 yen per word in the box(P-chan) based on the Ah-counter’s reported results. Payments are voluntary, and it will be up to 100 yen per meeting. By the way, the “P” in “P-chan” stands for “Penalty”.
罰金制度の復活についてのお話がありました。Ah counterの報告結果に基づいて1単語につき10円をPちゃんに入れます。罰金は任意で、1例会につき最高100円までとなります。ちなみにPちゃんの「P」は”penalty”のPだそうです。
【Word of the day】
In this meeting, many of members were assigned for roles for their first time. The first member was TM H.S. He challenged to announce “Word of the day.” The word was “Tempting” which means attractive.
1人目はTM H.Sで、Word of the dayのロールに挑戦。
Today’s theme TMOD chose was “food for summer.”
Every role taker talked about their favorite food that reminded them “summer,” like ice cream, somen(Japanese noddle especially for summer season), watermelon and eel. Beer and edamame were especially popular. It’s really YTMC-ish result!
【Table Topic】
TM T who attended the meeting online questioned about “food” that related to today’s theme. The question using images, “Name five dishes using the ingredients depicted,” was unique and made the respondents groan.
オンライン参加のTM Tが、今回のテーマに合わせて「食べ物」にちなんだ質問を考えてくれました。
【Prepared speech】
Three members challenged prepared speech.
First speaker was TM S.S. It was her first speech. In a relaxed atmosphere, she talked about her hometown where she was born and raised, and how she came to join YTMC after getting married and moving to new cities.
1人目は今日が初めてのスピーチとなるTM S.Sです。初めてとは思えない落ち着いた雰囲気で、生まれ育った故郷の話から結婚や転居を経てYTMCに入会するに至った経緯を話してくれました。
Second speaker was TM K. It was a tough challenge to a long version speech which became more than 18 minutes. Although the subject was in a specialized field, he explained it in a way that was easy for listeners to understand, using diagrams and photos. He ended his long speech, which was a big challenge, with a nice message, “Do small challenges in your life.”
2人目はTM K。今回は18分を超える長尺スピーチへの挑戦でした。専門的な分野がテーマでしたが、聞き手に分かりやすく図や写真を用いて説明してくれました。
大きな挑戦となった長いスピーチの最後は ”Do small challenge in your life.”(人生の中で小さな挑戦をしてみよう)という素敵なメッセージで締めくくりました。
Second speaker was TM R.S. She is always cheerful, but this time, as she said, it was a serious speech on the theme of “leadership. She presented her considerations based on the results of a test on leadership. She summarized the importance of keeping an open mind and setting short and long term goals.
3人目はTM R.S。いつも朗らかな彼女ですが、今回は本人の言うように「リーダーシップ」をテーマとしたシリアスなスピーチでした。リーダーシップに関するテストの結果を元に考察したことを発表してくれました。TM Sにはリーダーシップの見本となる素敵な上司がいるようです。心を開き、短期と長期の目標を掲げることが重要であるとまとめました。
From TM O to TM S.S
・background : clear reason for joining YTMC
・episode : easy to imagine her childhood
・attitude : calm and confident
From TM M.T to TM K
・share experience : how to manage tough project
・tone / volume: clear
From TM T.T to TM R.S
・visualize : test result
・attitude : confident, well-eye contact
TM Oから1人目のTM S.Sへの評価
TM M.Tから2人目のTM Kへの評価
TM T.Tから3人目のTM R.Sへの評価
Best Table Topic Speaker: AD TM O and TM A were tied for first place
Best Evaluator : TM T.T
Best Prepared Speech Speaker: TM S.S received the award for her first speech.
This term, the new board members will be preparing mini certificates for each of us!
テーブルトピック:エリアディレクターTM OとTM Aが同率1位でした
評価部門:TM T.T
スピーチ部門:TM S.Sが初めてのスピーチでの受賞となりました。
【Comment from guests】
AD TM O. described the meeting as “Tempting”!
Mr. I said the meeting was friendly. He will be busy with his hobby during summer, but we are looking forward to having him again!
ADのTM Oは”Tempting”な例会だったと評してくれました。
ゲストのMr. Iはフレンドリーな会だったと言ってくださいました。夏の間は趣味に忙しいそうですが、また来てくれるのを楽しみにしています!
At the end of the meeting, the board members announced the next rolls. This was another new trial. I loved it!
We YTMC have full of cheerful and friendly members. I, writing this report joined this club only three months ago, enjoy every single meeting. You can attend meeting as a guest for three times. Don’t be hesitate to contact us. Come and join us!
Regular meeting NO.789 got started on a rainy day, and we welcomed two new members C. N san and M.H. san. Both of them had long and close history with YTMC, hoping to have a meaningful journey again with us.Big applause to them!
雨の日にNO.789の定例会がスタートしました。新メンバーのC. N san and M.H. sanをお迎えしました。 二人とも YTMC とは長い繋がりがあり、再び私たちと一緒に有意義な旅をしたいと願っています。大歓迎です。
Our new President TM K.T was very excited to announce our slogan for new term!
What a strong message! Let’s enjoy together and be ourselves always.
新社長のTM K.Tは、新学期のスローガンを発表することにとても興奮していた!
And today our new Treasurer officer TM A.Y gave us presentation about latest club financial status which is in red because of hybrid meeting for long time.And she also mentioned since membership fee rase up, if you could update your membership for next term by 20th July you still can make it without any extral.
そして今日、TM A.Y.が、クラブ赤字の財務状況とグローバル会費の値上がりについて説明を行なった。次期会員資格を 7 月 20 日までに更新出来れば追加料金なしです!
Also today was first meeting for our new term officers, no doubt a little nervousness was around us , but thanks to our today’s TOMD TM T.S, full of experience,it went quite smoothly from the beginning to the very end.
今日は新クラブ役員の初例会ということで、少し緊張だったと思いますが、経験豊富なTOMD TM T.S.さんのおかげで、最初から最後までとてもスムーズに進みました。
Word of Today is COZY, coming from TM K.R. ,so simple word but not everyone can be in that mood all the time.
TM K.R. からのCOZY 、とてもシンプルな単語ですが、誰もが常にその気分でいらないでしょう。
TM O took emergency call for Table topics master instead of TM T because of emergency family stuff , and he rocked it with 5 interesting questions.
TM Oは、家族事情があったTM Tの代わりにテーブルトピックマスター担当になり、面白い質問で会場を盛り上げました。
One question is about hot topic recently ChatGPT, if you have important date tomorrow which or who would you like to get ideas from, ChatGPT or your friends?
TM S who was also today’s timer pointed out friends know one’s favor more than a machine ,he prefers to ask help from a friend. So true about this , but in future nobody knows how far AI can do.
Looking forward for that day but also with a little worry.
Another interesting question is if you have a job interview, talk about something you have learned from your experience in YTMC.
TM S, myself, really benefit a lot from our club. I started my Chinese lesson in my company , so my public speaking skills got trained during my journey in our club for almost one year. You won’t feel nervous in front of a lot of crowd, have enough courage to express your own idea and got your own voice to be heard.
質問の 1 つは、最近話題の ChatGPT についてです。明日のデートのために、ChatGPT か友達かどっちの意見を聞きたいですか。
TM Sは、AIより友達の方が自分の好みなど分かってくれて、良いアドバイスくれるだろうと。確かにその通りですが、AI が未来どこまでできるか楽しみですね。もちろん不安でもあります。
もう 1 つの興味深い質問は、就職面接を受ける時、YTMC での経験から学んだことについて話してくださいというものです。
TM S、私自身、最近、会社では中国語のレッスンを始めました。人前で話せることはクラブでの一年間に恵まれています。大勢の人前でも緊張せず、自分の声を聴かせることに勇気を出せました。
Next let us talk about our prepared speeches for today.
1st speaker was our new VPE TM T, talked about his first unforgettable experience first for today’s meeting theme.His mother did not recognized him after three years not seeing each other, so shocking.His mother got dementia.I can’t imagine how I will feel about this. That would be really heart-broken i guess.
OK, let us come back to today’s speech, his tittle is about his own communication style.Through asking friends and club members questions, he figured out his own communication style is Initiating and supportive which is very perfect for him.And also his presentation style is very confident and full of meaningful message to let us think about.So which is your own your communication style?
最初のは、信任のVPE TM Tでした。今日のミーティングのテーマとして、初めて忘れられない経験について話しました。彼の母親は、3 年ぶり会っていなかった彼のことを認識できませんでした。とてもショックでした。彼の母親は認知症のためでした。本当に心苦しいでしょう。
さて、今日のスピーチに戻りましょう。タイトルは彼自身のコミュニケーション スタイルに関するものです。友人やクラブ メンバーに質問することで、彼は自分のコミュニケーション スタイルが「率先して協力的」であることを理解しました。とてもふさわしい結果だと思いました。また、今回のスピーチスタイルも とても自信で、私たちに考えさせる有意義内容でした。では、皆さん、あなたの身のコミュニケーション スタイルはどれですか?
TM A did the evaluation, delivering the speech at a good pace ,understable word chosen , good speech contents introduced that TM Teraoka excelled at. But this speech mainly introduced the result of the communication style, more details about any aspects of it need to be told for achieving the pathway purpose.
TM A が評価を行い、テンポの良いスピーチ、分かりやすい言葉選び、有意義なスピーチ内容など良いところが挙げました。 しかし、このスピーチは主にコミュニケーションスタイルの結果を紹介したものであり、パスウェイの目的を達成するには、コミュニケーションスタイルのある側面についてより詳細に伝えた方が良いでしょう。
Second speaker was our new VPM TM N, speaking about his fictitious blog about road bike.He told us how to make a blog website, and showed to us his private road bike blog which was so impressive. Waiting for more details about your blog.
TM Ninomiya did the evaluation, good spoken skills and vocal variety were mentioned, also hope in future well prepared were favored.
二人目の講演者は、新任の VPM TM Nで、ロードバイクに関する自作のブログについて話しました。彼はブログ Web サイトの作り方を説明し、印象深くプライベートのロードバイクブログを見せてくれました。 ブログの詳細についてはお待ちしています。
TM Nの評価では、上手な伝え方と多彩なトンが挙げられ、今後より良い準備ができたら良いだろうと。
Our third speaker was our Secretary TM N, who was also our President last term, gave us a speech [Leader or Manager]. Starting with sharing his own promotion story in 30s got
that made him think about the difference between Leader and Manager.
As a leader, you should have clear vision and could have enough influence to you team members, of course you should trust your own team and give them consistent inspiration.
As a manager, objectives and long-term targets are very important , team members are usually influenced by your authority. So which is suitable for YTMC officers? Obviously officers are leaders, should bring consistent inspirations to all of our members.
3人目の講演者は、昨期のクラブ長でもあった今期の秘書TM N[リーダーかまたはマネージャーか]について熱く語りました。30代の頃、彼自身の昇進ストーリーをきっかけにリーダーとマネージャーの違いについて考えさせました。
マネージャーとして、長期目標は非常に重要であり、チームメンバーは通常、その権威に影響されています。 それでは、YTMC役員に適しているのはどれでしょうか? 明らかに役員はリーダーであり、メンバー全員にインスピレーションをもたらす必要があります。
Our new President TM T, did the third evaluation, mentioned the speech was really suitable for today’s new officers’ first meeting, gave us inspiration to how to be good officers for all our members. Of course well structured as always and delivering very smoothly easy for audience to follow were also spoken of.
新クラブ長のTM Tはその論評を行い、今日の新役員初例会にとてもふさわしいスピーチであり、全員にとって良き役員になるためのインスピレーションを与えてくれたと述べました。 もちろん、いつものようによく構成されているスピーチ、わかりやすく理解できることについても話しました。
Our general evaluator TM K, also new VPPR, talked about improvement which was since we had guest today we need involve them more like invite them to take part in table topics sessions and zoom operations need more practice. Of course our time management was always good, today we had more agenda than usual but thanks to everyone’efforts, we did a wonderful job.
総合論評者である TM K (こちらも新任 VPPR) は本日例会の改善点についてまず話しました。ゲストがいたため、テーブル トピック セッションにもっと巻き込む必要があり、Zoom 操作にはもっと練習が必要です。 もちろん、時間管理は常にバッチリ、本日はいつもよりも多くの議題がありましたが、全員の協力のおかげで、素晴らしくできました。
Through everyone’s votes, THEY ARE THE BEST FOR TODAY!
Last but not least, our TM A came back with great news,she gave birth to cute twins brothers, huge congratulations to her family. And we are waiting for you!
The 788th regular meeting report
Date and Time: 14:00 – 16:30, 17th June, 2023
Venue: Hatoba Kaikan and online
Meeting Theme : Your happiness on rainy days
Our meeting today got started with induction ceremony. We’ve got a new member today. Welcome TM. S.S.!!
The word of the day was “superb” which means excellent, wonderful, amazing, fine, etc.
Today’s Toastmaster of the day is TM. H.K. He picked the meeting theme “Your happiness on rainy days.
TM. A.T, grammarian today said at the beginning “Don’t be afraid of making grammatical mistake” which is very important to learn.
本日の例会は、新しい会員を受け入れる入会式から始まりました。TM S.Sさん、ようこそ我がクラブへ!!
文法担当のTM A.Tさんは始めに間違いを恐れないで!という大事なメッセージをくれました。
The table topic master today was TM.H.O who asked questions regarding “rain”.
テーブルトピックでは、マスターのTM O.Hが本日のテーマである雨にまつわる質問をしました。
1st Speaker: Guest T.N.
2nd Speaker: TM.K.T she hates rain same as me.
3rd Speaker: TM. S.S. She like to do jigsaw puzzle when it’s raining. She can focus on it very much.
That’s is good way to spend the time inside.
4th Speaker: TM. M.T. He said he is the one who brings rain and talk about his unlucky incident at a camping.
5th Speaker: TM. Y.A.
6th Speaker: Guest S.O.
1st Speaker, H.S. Speech Title: Strength + Weaknesses = Myself.
He was a new member and made his very first speech “Ice Breaker speech” I always like to listen to the Ice Breaker speech because I can know who he or she is like. He was brave to talk about his strength and weaknesses. He said it’s important to know weakness of your own to understand yourself. Indeed!! His weakness is communication skill. He doesn’t seem so. I really like the equation of his speech title. It was superb speech!
2nd Speaker: TM.R.K. Speech Title: Tunnel-visioned
He talked about his mentors. He has three mentors!! His story when he had 10 mentees in his team at work. He appealed to importance to have a mentor who lead your success. It was a motivational speech.
3rd Speaker: TM K.O Speech Title: As I YouTuber
He introduced “Dango Channel” which is his company’s channel. He talked about the YouTube channel and digital tattoo. Three good points to be a YouTuber was mentioned. He was very persuasive. His speech was very friendly warm and funny as usual.
We were watching his YouTube video during the intermission.
1番目のスピーカーは、新しいメンバーのTM H.Sさん。タイトルはStrength + Weaknesses = Myself。今日は“Ice Breaker speech”で初スピーチになります。“Ice Breaker speech”は、その人のことを知ることができて好きなお題です。弱点を人に話すのはとても勇気のいることですが、自分の強点も踏まえながら、自分自身を知るためには自分の弱点を知ることが大事というメッセージをくれました。コミュニケーションが弱いらしいですが、そうは見えないです。タイトルの方程式、私はとても気に入りました。
2番目のスピーカーはTM R.Kさん、タイトルはTunnel-visionedです。メンターについてのスピーチで、なんと彼自身、3人もメンターがいるそうです。10人メンティーを抱えていた時の話から、メンテーは自分を成功へと導いてくれる人、だから持つことが大事、というメッセージを投げかけてくれました。動機づけになるとてもよいスピーチでした。
3番目のスピーカーは、TM K.Oさん、スピーチタイトルは、As I YouTuber。だんごチャンネルという彼自身の会社のYouTubeチャンネルを紹介してくれました。社会問題化もしているデジタルタトゥーに触れつつ、YouTuberになるメリットを3点挙げてくれました。とても説得力があり、いつもながらフレンドリーで温かみがあり、かつユーモアあふれるスピーチでした。
1st evaluator: TM T.S
She picked three good points of TM H.S speech. Her suggestion was to be more passionate speaker It would be a big challenge for him in future. Her evaluation was very motivational.
2nd evaluator TM T.T
She mentioned originality about TM R.K speech which was very good point of view. She pointed out to talk loudly and take a pause. That is also important to be looked professional speaker.
3rd evaluator TM M.N
He mentioned ‘ouch’ points of TM K.O speech, being prepared well, take a silence instead of using filler words, etc. Because of his character, it didn’t sounds harsh at all. It was funny TM R.S who was General Evaluator mentioned it was a honest evaluation.
1人目の論評者は、TM T.Sさん。スピーチの良かった点を3つあげ、もっと情熱的なスピーカーになることを挑戦する!という、中々、大きな挑戦を投げかけました。とても、モチベーションが上がる論評でした。
2人目の論評者は、TM T.Tさん。TM R.Kのスピーチのオリジナリティに着目。とてもよい視点です。プロフェッショナルに見えるスピーカーのキーになる、大きな声で合間を取りながら話すことを指摘しました。
3人目の論評者は、TM M.Nさん。もっと準備をすることと、冒頭から痛いところを突いた論評でした。フィラーワードの代わりに沈黙することなど、鋭い指摘でした。論評後に、総論評者のTM R.Sさんが、正直な論評でしたとコメントされたのが中々面白かったです。
Today’s General Evaluator was TM R.S who smiles and laughs all the time. She is a good mood maker for our club. She gave a comment to each role takers and praise them.
総論評者のTM R.Sさんは、いつも笑顔で笑いながら話し、クラブのムードメーカーです。それぞれのロールテイカーをピックアップしてコメントし、褒めてくれるというとてもよい総論でした。
TM K.T and TM Y.A Best Table Topic Speaker
TM T.S Best Evaluator
TM T.S Best Speaker
Lastly TMOD TM H.K gave a comment for the meeting and he said the meeting was superb!! Very true.
最後にTMODのTM H.Kさんが、素晴らしい例会だったと本日のワードを使ってコメントしました。本当にそうです!
Today was the last day for the term. We had two special events.
今期のベストアワードはプレジデントのTM N.S.から授与されました。3名の方、おめでとうございます!
2023 YTMC Award was announced by VPE TM H.O.
2023 Best Promoter: TM S.I who arranged our 35th anniversary meeting.
2023 Best Rookie: TM R.S
2023 MVP: TM M.T
These awards were presented by President TM N.S.
We had the induction ceremony for new officers. Officers this term, wonderful and superb job!!
New president TM K.T made a remark.
Her cues for the next term were 1. Be Yourself, 2. Discipline, 3. Educational. Her address was very touched. She is the one who loves YTMC very much.
All in all, the meeting was super superb!!
その後役員の交代セレモニーが行われました。役員のみなさん、素晴らしい働きお疲れ様でした。新しいプレジデントが来期の方針を掲げました。キーワードは、1. Be Yourself, 2. Discipline, 3. Educationalです。心に触れる挨拶で、彼女がいかにこのクラブが大好きかわかりました。
Reported by TM Y.A
YTMC 35th Anniversary (The 787th meeting report)
Date and Time: 13:00 – 16:30, June 3rd, 2023
Venue: Hatoba Kaikan and online
Although the weather was initially threatening due to Typhoon No. 2, the 35th anniversary ceremony started at 1:00 p.m. under clear skies and sunny skies.
The venue for today’s ceremony was the same as usual, but instead of the usual first floor, it was on the fifth floor with a wide view.
From the window, we can see the Red Brick Warehouse and Osanbashi Bridge.
I thought it was worth coming here today just to see the view.
TM.S, the MC, declared the meeting open, and a YTMC history video made by TM. I. was shown.
When the video showed the presidents of YTMC, the audience burst into applause.
The following programs were then conducted during the ceremony.
1.Club Anniversary Cerificate presentation by Division Director to the current
presidents for the 35th anniversary
2.Speech by the current President
3.Message from the first president
4.Speech by TM. T, the current Area Director and the next President of YTMC
5.Introduction and comments by alumni including charter members of 35 years ago
6.Comments from guests from other clubs
7.Group photo
And the ‘handshake’ that had been refrained for a long time due to COVID-19 has revived.
We are finally beginning to return to the norm.
By the way,35 years ago, it was “Showa” period. It makes me feel the history.
1.Club Anniversary Cerificate presentation Division Directorより現プレジデントへ
The regular meeting was then held at 2:00 p.m.
President TM S opened the meeting.
Today’s Word of the day is “Transformative”
-How will everyone weave it into their speeches?
The Toastmaster of the day was TM. O, a veteran of the event.
When he introduced each role-taker, he included comments about what kind of person they are.
・プレジデントTM Sの開会宣言
・本日のWord of the dayは”Transformative”
・Toastmaster of the day はベテランのOさん。
Next up was the table topic session.
TM. A, another veteran, asked 8 questions on the theme of YTMC.
1.”What is your first impression of YTMC?”
2.”What has been changed in YTMC, do you know?”
3.”What is special about YTMC”
4.”Why YTMC lasts 35 years”
5.”Please design the YTMC logo.”
6.”What kind of souvenir would you like to make at YTMC?”
7.”Please provide financial support.”
8.”Please promote those items to the guests.”
Everyone nominated to answer had very unique answers.
I learned for the first time that P-chan (?), who was used in the collection box,
had been a member since the foundation.
The best table topic master was Mr. O and Ms. F, who instantly drew the YTMC logo on the whiteboard.
They are very talented artists, aren’t they?
1. “YTMCの第一印象は?”
2. “YTMCで何が変わりました?”
3. “YTMCの特別なところは何でしょう”
4. “なぜYTMCは35年間続いているのでしょうか”
5. “YTMCのロゴをデザインしてください。”
6. “YTMCでどんなおみやげを作りたいですか?”
7. “おみやげの資金援助をお願いします。”
8. “そのおみやげをゲストにアピールしてください”
Next,prepared speech session.
Today was the 35th anniversary of YTMC, so speeches related to YTMC were in full bloom.
Unlike usual meetings, the speakers were equipped with pin microphones.
This allows them to move freely around the podium without worrying about the position of the microphone, making it easier for them to express themselves with gestures than usual.
Our first speaker was TM. T.
It takes over 10,000 hours to master something.
His PowerPoint presentation was specific and easy to understand.
TM. A spoke in a very natural way and seemed to be talking to everyone rather than giving a speech.
I can’t imagine that TM. Arai was not good at speeches, but YTMC has a magic that makes speakers relax.
TM. T talked about her fun trip at YTMC (speech, officer, drink party, etc).
And TM. T was chosen as the best prepared speaker. Congratulations!
We are very much looking forward to seeing her in “Season 2”.
After a 10-minute break, three evaluators provided feedback to the prepared speakers.
ANd TM. S. was chosen as the best evaluator.
Today’s meeting was a special one, but with so much planned, the time went by quickly.
The next meeting will be held on June 17.
That’s it for reporting. Thank you!
The 785th regular meeting report
Date and Time: 14:00 – 16:00, May 7th, 2023
Venue: Hatoba Kaikan and online
How are you spending your days of Golden Week? Beautiful sunny day of Saturday, we had regular meetings of YTMC! We thought not many participants during GW, but we have many on-site participants here at Hatoba Kaiakan.
ゴールデンウイークをいかがお過ごしでしょうか? 綺麗に晴れた土曜の午後、いつもように横浜トーストマスターズクラブの例会が行われました。GW中なので参加者が少ないかなと思いましたが、ほぼ満室になるほどの参加者が波止場会館に集まりました。
Induction Ceremony
We had induction ceremony for 2 new members. One new member TM. M. She is the old friends of TM and good at speaking English. T. She wants improve her presentation skill. Another new member is TM. R. He is young person filled with energy and he is from Chia. TM. T wants to improve communication skill. Welcome both as new member of YTMC!
The Word of the day: Splendid
This is very useful vocabulary. Instead of using common vocabulary such as “Wonderful” or “Excellent”, this word gives us wider range of expression.
Today`s Toastmasters of the day : TM. T.
This is the second try for TM. T to lead the meeting as TMOD. We are very impressed his preparation of short talk and information sharing!
He choose the theme of this meeting as following sentence, “ What did you want to be when you were a child?”.
He started with introducing the most popular job for child. It was good start to warm up participants. Members shared their ideal carrier of childhood, and it was good ice break to know the memory of each member!
今日のトーストマスター総合司会(TMOD)はTM. Tです。今回が二回目のTMODです。TM.Tはオープニングでの小話やテーマに関係した情報を入念に調べてくるなど、その入念な準備が素晴らしかったです。 テーマは「子供の時になりたかった職業」です。
Table Topic Session: (TM. O)
He said he prepared questions by using Chat GPT!
1. What did you want to be when you were child. (TM. R) Professor!!
2. Who is the admired person when you were child. (TM. M) Teacher
3. How does your dream of childhood effect your current career? (TM. A) The dream to be kindergarten teacher effects current job of communication specialist. Both needs good communication skills.
4. Importance of pursuing childhood dream. (TM. T) It is important to like what you do.
5. Episode of hard work to be your childhood dream comes true. (TM. T) She wanted to be a singer and shared story to be a real singer.
テーブルトピックはTM. Oです。なんと本日の質問はChat GPTに聞いてきたそうです。そして本日のテーマに沿った質問を準備してくれました。今話題のChat GPTですが、ここまでやってくれる時代がきたのですね。
Prepared speech:
1. “Stepping out towards 70% Minimalism” (TM. S.)
Very interesting story to be a Minimalist.
Compare with China, her room in Japan is small, but filled with big furniture which she does not need.
So, she started to be a simplified her room and noticed that she might be a minimalist. She is not 100% minimalist, but 70% she is moving the direction of minimalist.
2. “How should Toastmasters deal with Chat GPT? (TM. N.S.)
Panel Discussion about Chat GPT with 3 members of Toastmaster.
TM. S facilitated discussion of favor and unfavorable opinion about Chat GPT.
Chat GPT is the good tool to develop a speech at this moment. It is similar with Google search, and it is up to speaker how to bring the speech.
3. “Walking with monsters” (TM. N)
About smart phone game: Pokemon.
Short story with his colleague to going out for lunch and played game together.
TM. Sは日本の狭い部屋に対応するためにミニマリストになる話
TM. N.S.は25分に及ぶパネルディスカッションのファシリテーションです。ここでも今話題のChat GPTの活用について3人のパネラーの議論をファシリテーションしました。
TM. Nは彼がはまっているゲームについてです。熱中しすぎたエピソードなどを踏まえたスピーチです。
Evaluation Session (TM. O)
1st Evaluator: TM. T
Use space more!
More vocal variety!
2nd Evaluator: TM. M
Paraphrasing is the key for facilitating discussion!
3rd Evaluator: TM. A
Try to give speech without script!
Show more emotion!
Utilize time more!
General Evaluator: TM.O
Before Evaluation, good to clarify the purpose of speech!
Use personal experience to give advice during evaluation.
Them of Table topic is stimulating to inner personality of speaker.
TMOD: We are very amazed TM. T to have a confidence with small talk!
YTMC is the club to be able to proceed high level of panel discussion!
AWARD Presentation (TMOD)
BEST Table topic speaker: TM. A
BEST Evaluator: TM. T
BEST Prepared speaker: TM. S
We had 4 guest including former TM member from Mongolia. YTMC is very diverse club, and we are welcome to all guest to enjoy our meeting!
The 784th regular meeting report
Date and Time: 14:00 – 16:00, April 15th, 2023
Venue: Hatoba Kaikan and online
Our president TM NS called the 784th meeting to order at 14:00 JST sharp.
There were 21 participants attended the meeting including 3 guests.
First, TM KM presented today’s word of the day as “assume” – he encouraged us to use “I assume“ instead of “I think” to make the speech more professional.
Then The president invited TMOD (ToastMaster Of the Day) – TM YA to the lectern.
She is one of experienced toastmaster of our club and tries to make our meeting more attractive. The theme of the meeting was “True Colors”. She introduced her supporters such as Grammarian, Ah Counter, Vote counter, Timer and Website reporter and showed her image of color of each supporters.
We enjoyed the difference of color TMOD presented and that supporters theirselves in mind.
Table Topics Session was conducted by President, he made a number of questions regarding spring. Questions were as below.
1. Which food do you want to carry for Hanami?
2. Where do you want to go in spring and why?
3. Tell us your favorite Hanami spot and why?
4. Tell us your plan for “Golden Week”?
5. Tell us the memorable moment at the time of your new recruit?
Today’s guest won the best impromptu speaker since she made a wonderful and hilarious memory of Hanami, good stuff.
There were 3 prepared speakers made speeches at this time.
The first speaker was TM TS, she faced a number of difficult audiences during the speech such as the talker, the interrupter, the chatterer, the arguer, the silent type and the electric device enthusiast. She managed these and made an impressed speech.
TM MT delivered a speech how he overcame speech anxiety by experiencing some public speeches at his company and toastmasters.
TM HO experienced toastmaster made an icebreak speech hilariously introduced cats recently adopted. It was informative that there are some criteria for being a foster parent.
TM HO awarded as the best prepared speaker, congratulations.
After a short intermission, session moved to evaluation. 3 evaluators delivered feedback to assigned prepared speakers.
TM YN won the best evaluator, well done.
The meeting was concluded with a photo shoot as usual. Many members came and see in person, I surely feel it is getting back to normal.
It was great for us that 2 guests expressed the intention to join our club from the next month.
The next meeting will be May 6th. Looking forward to seeing all of you.
日時:2023年4月15日(金)14:00 – 16:00
NS会長は、14:00 JSTに厳密に第784回会議を開催しました。
最初に、KMさんが「Assume」を今日のワード・オブ・ザ・デイとして紹介し、「I think」の代わりに「I assume」という表現を使ってスピーチをよりプロフェッショナルにするように促しました。
次に、会長は、TMOD(ToastMaster Of the Day)であるYAさんを講壇に招きました。
彼女は、クラブの経験豊富なトーストマスターの一人で、今回の会議をより魅力的にするために尽力しました。今回のテーマは「True Colors」で、彼女は文法委員、アクアウントカウンター、投票カウンター、タイマー、ウェブサイトレポーターなどのサポーターをイメージするカラーとともに紹介しました。彼女が紹介したカラーの違いや、サポーターが持っている考えを楽しむことができました。
TM MTは、自社やトーストマスターズでの公のスピーチの経験によりスピーチ不安を克服した経験についてスピーチを行いました。
TM HOはトーストマスター経験者であり、最近飼い始めた猫の面白い自己紹介スピーチを行い、フォスター親になるための基準があることを紹介しました。TM HOは最優秀準備スピーカーに選ばれ、おめでとうございます。
短い休憩後、3人の評価者が準備スピーカーにフィードバックを提供しました。TM YNが最優秀評価者に選ばれました。会議は通常通りの写真撮影で締めくくられました。多くのメンバーが直接参加し、いつものように感じられ、徐々に普通に戻っていると感じました。2人のゲストが来月からクラブに参加する意向を表明してくれたことは素晴らしいことでした。
The 783rd meeting was held on April 1st, April Fool’s Day. And of course, TMOD (Toastmaster of the Day) made it a meeting theme. Major role takers shared their most memorable lies they told or told on them on April Fool’s Day. Since April is the beginning of the fiscal year in Japan and everybody’s busy, the meeting was attended by fewer members (16) than usual and we had only one guest.
The Word of the Day was “Two-way”, which means involving movements or communications in opposite(both) directions.
The Table Topics Session was led by our VPM (Vice President Membership) online. She started the session by sharing the funny lie told by BBC, which broadcasted the funny video titled “Harvesting Spaghetti in Ticino”. The four questions she asked were all interesting ranging from “If you already have everything, what would you want to do in your life?” to the theme-related “What’s the difference between a good lie and bad lie?”. The Best Speaker Award was given to TM I who answered the final question.
The fun TT Session was followed by the Prepared Speech Session with three fine speakers. The 1st speaker, TM T, made the second speech that incorporated the feedback received for the first speech. She talked about the spring time years ago when she was fired by the employer. Thus, every time she sees beautiful cherry blossoms, she remembers her bitter experience. The 2nd speaker, TM I, shared the plan of our 35th Anniversary Meeting, which is scheduled to be held on June 3rd this year. The unique point of his speech was the opening. He got the AI translate his Japanese writing into English, and made it read out to us. His speech foretold us the age of symbiosis with AI is coming in the near future. The 3rd speaker, TM N, shared with us his experience as an “Ekiden” runner. He wore a blue Ekiden sash over his shoulder and talked about “behind the scene” interesting story of Ekiden. FYI, “Ekiden” is a long-distance relay race popular in Japan. Thanks to his blue sash or not, TM N received the Best Prepared Speaker Award.
The Evaluation Session was managed by the first-time General Evaluator, TM T. He had prepared his “opening speech” for the session and handled it perfectly. The 1st Evaluator, TM S, made further suggestion to TM T’s speech and requested to make it sound more hopeful. TM K requested TM I to put in personal experiences more into his speech, which would render the audience the excitement of 35th Anniversary Meeting more. TM K said in his evaluation of TM N’s speech that he couldn’t understand how the speech contents (how to win the Ekiden race) and the speaker himself were related. TM S received the Best Evaluator Award for his evaluation.
Today’s Grammarian, TM O, picked up “dimensional”, “drastic change” and “super (something)” as his favorite words.
The meeting was adjourned on time, which showed TMOD’s excellent time management. Congratulations! Lastly, I loved his final April Fool joke…”In the next meeting, I’m going to give a nice speech. It’s not a April Fool lie”. Thanks for a good laugh!
横浜TMCの第783回例会は、4月1日、エイプリルフールに開催されました。TMOD(Toastmaster of the Day)が選んだミーティングテーマももちろんエイプリルフールで、主要なロールテイカーは、各々エイプリルフールについた、もしくはつかれた嘘の中で印象的なものを披露し合いました。年度初めのせいか、通常より少ない16名のメンバー参加で、ゲストも1名だけのこじんまりした例会となりました。
今日の言葉 (ワード・オブ・ザ・デイ)は「Two-way」で、双方向の動きやコミュニケーションを意味する言葉でした。残念ながら会話中に挿入するのが難しく、使うメンバーはあまりいませんでした。
テーブルトピック・セッションは、VPM(メンバーシップ担当役員)のTM Nさんがオンラインで担当し、冒頭にBBCが放送した「ティチーノでスパゲッティを収穫する」というタイトルの面白いエイプリルフールビデオを紹介してセッションを開始しました。「すでにすべてを手にしているとしたら、あなたは残りの人生で何をしたいですか」や、「良い嘘と悪い嘘の違いは何ですか」など、4つの質問はどれもユニークで興味深かったです。ベストスピーカー賞は、最後の質問に答えたTM Iさんに贈られました。
楽しいTTセッションの後は、3人の素晴らしいスピーカーによるプリペアド・スピーチ・セッションです。1人目のTM Tさんは、1回目のスピーチのフィードバックを反映させた2回目のスピーチを披露して下さいました。数年前の春、会社から解雇された時の話です。彼女は美しい桜を見るたびに、その苦い経験を思い出すのだそうです。2人目のTM Iさんは、今年6月3日に開催される35周年記念例会の企画を紹介されました。ユニークだったのは、オープニングです。彼は日本語で書いた文章をAIに英訳してもらい、それをAIに読み上げさせました。近い将来、AIとの共生時代がやってくることを予感させるスピーチでした。3人目のTM Nさんは、駅伝ランナーとしての経験を語ってくれました。青い駅伝たすきを肩にかけ、駅伝の “裏側 “の面白さを語ってくれました。参考までに「駅伝」とは、日本で人気のある長距離リレーマラソンです。青いたすきのおかげでしょうか? いや、実力です、TM Nさんは見事ベストスピーカー賞を受賞されました。
論評セッションは、初めて総合論評者に挑戦するTM Tさんが担当されました。彼はなんと、このセッションのために「オープニング・スピーチ」まで準備しており、完璧に役割をこなされました。第1論評者のTM Sさんは、TM Tさんのスピーチにさらなる指摘を行い、より希望が持てるようなスピーチにするよう要望しました。また、TM Kさんは、TM Iさんのスピーチにもっと個人的な体験を盛り込み、35周年記念例会をもっと感動的に聴衆に伝えてほしいとリクエストしました。TM Kさんは、TM Nさんのスピーチの論評で、スピーチの内容(駅伝必勝法)とスピーカー自身との関係性がよく分からなかったと述べられました。ベスト論評者には、TM Sさんが選ばれました。
本日の文法係、TM Oさんは、「another dimensional (異次元の)」「drastic change (抜本的変化)」「super (something) (超~) 」を好きな言葉として紹介されました。
TMOD Nさんが優れたタイムマネジメント能力を発揮し、例会は定刻での閉会となりました。おめでとうございます! Nさんは最後に、エイプリルフールネタで例会を締めくくってくれました。「次のミーティングでは、素敵なスピーチをご披露します。これはエイプリルフールの嘘じゃないですよ」。これには会場大爆笑! 面白いジョークをありがとうございました!