第796回例会レポート/The 796th Regular Meeting Report


YTMC Meeting#796 / 2023.10.21

The regular meeting #795 of YTMC was held in Hatobakaika.



お菓子=Sweets、としか使ったことが無かったので、新しい学びです!<Confection = お菓子> 使ってみましょう♪


急遽欠員が出てしまったため、「Table Topic Master」も引き受けてくださいました。 あらゆるロールを、参加している会員全員でサポートしあうところも、トーストマスターでの学びであり、横浜クラブの素晴らしいところですね!

ベテラン会員のYOさん。 「スポーツの秋」にちなんで、スポーツに関するお題を出してくださいました。 



1, あなたはどんなスポーツをしていますか?

2, あなたがオリンピック選手として出場するなら、どのスポーツを選びますか?

3, あなたが好きなアスリート、スポーツ選手は誰ですか? 

4, あなたがチャレンジしたくない、スポーツはなんですか?

5, あなたは何のスポーツを観戦するのが好きですか?思い出に残っている試合(ゲーム)はありますか?

6, 今からチャンレンジするとしたら、何のスポーツにチャレンジしたいですか?






1960年代,1970年代、1980年代の音楽を楽しもう!「YTMC Rock Band」というプロジェクトを新しく立ち上げるべく、



Understanding and Trying to Embrace Your Inner Photographer」という非常に興味深いスピーチタイトルでした。



















そして・・・もちろんそのあとの懇親会も、いつも通りとっても盛り上がりました! また次回の例会でお会いしましょう!


Under the pleasant autumn weather, the 796th meeting of the Yokohama Toastmasters Club was held.

MH, in charge of “Word of the Day,” introduced the word “Confection” in line with the Halloween season. Since I had only used the term “Sweets” to refer to confections, this was a new learning experience! Let’s try using “Confection = お菓子.”

Next, Today’s TMOD(Toastmaster of the Day) is one of the experience member, YO!!

He also took on the role of “Table Topic Master.” The mutual support among all participating members in handling various roles is one of the great aspects of learning in Toastmasters and is admirable in the Yokohama TM club!

YO presented sports-related topics in line with the theme of “Sports in Autumn.”

Since Table Topics (impromptu speeches) is challenging for many members, there was a sense of tension among everyone during this session.

The questions included:

1.What sports do you participate in?

2.If you were to participate in the Olympics as an athlete, which sport would you choose?

3.Who is your favorite athlete or sports player?

4.What is a sport you wouldn’t want to try?

5.What sports do you enjoy watching? Do you have any memorable games?

6.If you were to take on a new challenge, what sport would you choose?

Following the Table Topics session, the main session of the meeting was the “Prepared Speeches.”

Toda, 4 members delivered speeches.

The first speaker, TM, shared a heartwarming story about their family, touching on childhood memories with parents and later discussing the father’s struggle with dementia, providing a universally relatable and insightful narrative.

The second speaker, NM, delivered a unique speech incorporating a 2-minute video, inviting members to join the “YTMC Rock Band” project, exploring music from the 1960s to the 1980s. The speech contained delightful musical elements that entertained the audience.

The third speaker, RS, presented a fascinating speech titled “Understanding and Trying to Embrace Your Inner Photographer,” addressing the challenge of building confidence in photography. It was a compelling speech with a strong message for the audience.

The fourth speaker, AH, shared the challenging experience of pregnancy, childbirth, and the difficulties of raising twin boys, incorporating the emotion of “Oh, No!” The speech was fast-paced, humorous, and touching, providing a real-life account of navigating through the anxieties of twin pregnancy.

After a break, the second half featured a “Feedback Session” for the “Prepared Speeches.”

In Toastmasters, there are no teachers; members learn and support each other through feedback.

The “General Evaluator” for the day was one of the experienced member, OK.

The first evaluator, TT, provided precise advice aligned with the project, acknowledging the weight of the story and suggesting improvements in gestures and vocal dynamics.

The second evaluator, AY, praised the incorporation of storytelling and music while encouraging the speaker to express more passion for their music.

The third evaluator, KH, offered insightful feedback aligned with the project, noting a slight sense of inadequacy due to a departure from the dynamic speeches typically delivered by the speaker.

The fourth evaluator, SH, commended the first-time evaluator for the challenge and appreciated the thorough preparation and collaboration with the speaker.

From preparation to cleanup, the cooperative and supportive attitude of the capable members made the meeting smooth and educational.

Thanks to the wonderful members, the meeting was a great success.

Of course, the subsequent social gathering was lively too! Let’s meet again at the next meeting!

