第661回例会レポート“Spring In-house Contest” #661 Contest Chair Report



コンテストに参加するスピーカーはコンテスタントと呼ばれ、観客の中にいる複数の覆面審査員によってその勝敗が決まります。 勝者として選ばれたコンテスタントは1ランク上のコンテストに勝ち進むことができます。インハウス(クラブ内)コンテストを皮切りに、エリア・コンテスト→ディビジョン・コンテスト→ディストリクト76・コンファレンス(全国大会)→そして最終的には世界大会へと、仲間のコンテスタントが順調にコマを進めてゆける様にと、毎年コンテストの時期は多くの会員にとって特別で非常にドキドキ感のある季節となっています。先週はYTMCのインハウス・スピーチコンテストでした。

インハウスコンテストでは英語部門に5人、日本語部門に3人のコンテスタントが出場しました。ところでディストリクト76春季全国大会の今年のテーマはスパークです。スパークとは放電などの時に火花が飛ぶことや、その火花の反応から新しく何かが生まれることを意味します。 先日のコンテスタント達の卓越したスピーチの中には沢山の輝きや煌めきが数多く観察され、そのお陰で聴衆も大いに盛り上がり非常に充実したコンテストとなりました。






コンテスト委員長: TM T.N.

The annual Toastmasters conferences are held in every spring and autumn, and these are good opportunities for all members of Toastmasters Club of showing the fruit of their efforts.

Speakers who participate in the conference are called contestants, and anonymous judges among the audience hold the key to the outcome. The winners will be able to advance to a next stage, higher level contests. They start with the In-house contest, Area, Division, and then finally reach the International contest. For all members of Toastmasters Club, the contest seasons are a very exciting time of the year as they are anxious to know whether their representatives can win and move up to the next level. At YTMC, we enjoyed our annual in-house contest on the last weekend.

Five contestants made their speeches in English, and three contestants in Japanese. The word, SPARK!!!, by the way, is the theme of this Spring Conference of the Toastmasters District 76 (Japan). Spark means a very small piece of fire that flies out of something burning and creates something new and valuable. There were so many sparks in the elaborate speeches made by the contestants, which attracted the audience throughout the show, and we had quite a fruitful in-house-contest on that day.

Amazingly, two experienced members, TM T and TM H, presented themselves on the stage in both languages. Their sprits surely stimulated all members of YTMC. TM N humorously spoke about her accident at the shopping mall. TM I talked about the eternal affection he feels for his beloved wife. Last year’s champ TM F presented himself once again on the stage with an inimitable hilarious speech. TM K’s speech was suggestive and we were all inspired. Thanks to all the contestants’ elaborate speeches especially prepared for the contest, time really flied like an arrow. What a lively contest it was!

Every speech was excellent and it was hard to say which one was the best of all, but that’s what a contest is for. After careful consideration, TM F and TM T (for English contest) and TM H and TM N (for Japanese contest) won the contest respectively. They are moving on to the next stage as our representatives. Congratulations!!

The area context will be held on March 18th (Sun) at Yaesu-Gakuen University in Takashima-cho. I’m sure you will be watching more and more sparks shine again on a stage. It would be a pity for us to miss this opportunity, so why not going there next Sunday and cheer on our sparking representatives!

Lastly, I’d like to sincerely thank everyone, especially the Chief Judge TM A, VPE of YTMC who had patiently guided me through to bring this contest a success. I could not have had such a wonderful experience without your great support.

I fully enjoyed the perks of the contest chair on that day. Viewing lively contestants on the stage from the side angle enabled me to feel them so close and fresh. I was really happy.

Contest Chair: TM T.N.


2017年度 ディビジョン E ほら話コンテスト / 2017 Division E Tall Tales Contest


去る2017年10月9日、川崎市生涯学習プラザにて、2017年度Division E ほら話コンテストが開催されました。150名を超える観衆が見守る中、各エリアから選出された優勝者たちが、丹精込めて磨き上げたほら話を披露しました。横浜TMCが所属するエリア54からは、日本語コンテストに関内TMCのTM Sが、英語コンテストには横浜TMCのTM Fが出場しました。


審査の結果、1位が夢のスーパー冷蔵庫のほら話を巧みに語ったTM M、2位はエリア54代表で、「男の楽園」の物語を赤裸々に語ったTM S、そして3位が小人になって女風呂に潜入する話を作り上げたTM Mでした。コンテスタント達の想像力には脱帽します。

続いて英語コンテストが行われました。披露されたスピーチは日本語部門に負けず劣らず工夫を凝らした素晴らしいものばかりで、よくもこんな話を次から次へと思いつくものだと感心しました。中でも美しい英語を操りながら優雅な動作で観客を魅了しつつ笑わせたTM Kが1位に、日本に来てありとあらゆるコミックキャラクターに遭遇しながらアドベンチャーを楽しむほら話を展開したネイティブスピーカーのTM Mが2位に選ばれました。

そしてスーパーペットロボット・ボブの売り込みで会場を爆笑の渦に巻き込んだ横浜TMC代表のTM Fが見事3位に選ばれました!


見事トロフィーを勝ち取り、全国大会に進まれる優勝者のみなさん、Division E代表としてどうか全国大会でも頑張ってください。期待しています!
そしてDivision Eコンテストを成功裡に主催・運営された関内クラブ、ビジョナリーズクラブ、その他運営委員のみなさま、素晴らしいコンテストをどうもありがとうございました。

Division E Contest official photographer TM T. S.

On October 9th, 2017, Division E Tall Tales Contest in 2017 was held at the Shogai-gakushu Plaza in Kawasaki City. The winners of each Area performed the tall tales they’d created and brushed up for this day in front of more than 150 people who fully packed the hall. From Area 54 which Yokohama TMC belongs to, TM S of Kannai TMC participated in the Japanese Contest, and TM F of Yokohama TMC competed in the English Contest.

First, the seven contestants competed in the Japanese Contest. Their agility in manipulating their mother tongue Japanese was quite amazing, and I was totally impressed by their virtuosity in sophisticated movements and ever-changing facial expressions. Their performance threw the house into convulsions of laughter. In the interview session after the contest, each contestant, now relaxed, revealed the curious stories about how their hilarious tall tales were made.

As a result, TM M, who made up a story about a super refrigerator, won the first prize. The second prize went to TM S, a representative of Area 54 who vividly described the “Men’s Paradise” in his humorous way. The third prize was given to TM M, who comprised a wild tale in which he turned into a micro-human and sneaked into a female public bath. Their creativity took my breath away, whew.

The English Contest followed the Japanese Contest. All speeches were as wonderful and amazing as Japanese speeches, and I was truly impressed by their creativity. How could they possibly create such incredulous tales?

In the English Contest, TM K, who entertained and bewitched the audience by her sophisticated English and elegant movements, won the first prize and TM M, the only native speaker of all contestants, won the second prize. She talked about the adventure in Japan in which she met many comic characters on the way.

And guess what? TM F from our Yokohama TMC won the third prize! He made the audience laugh out loud by his non-stop and hyper sales talk of a futuristic pet robot BOB. Congratulations TM F!

The honest impression I had in this contest was that even at the Division level speakers’ skills were amazingly high. It would be quite hard to win the fierce competition like this and proceed to the District Contest. Especially, making tall tales would be tough since tall tales had to be created from a scratch to something incredulously humorous to entertain the audience. However, we, as an audience, are lucky to be able to see and laugh at the fruit of their efforts and be made happy. I enjoyed it thoroughly, too.

The winners of Division E Contest, congratulations! We are looking forward to seeing your fabulous performances once again at the District Contest.

Last but not least, I’d like to thank the hosting clubs, Kannai Toastmasters Club and Visionaries Toastmasters Club, and the people in the contest management committee, for their hard work and dedication to make this contest a success. Thank you very much!

Division E Contest official photographer TM T. S.


第644回例会レポート & 横浜花火イベント”Fireworks watching” #644 TMOD Meeting Report


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私は今回でTMOD(Tostmaster of the Day、例会の進行役)の役は3回目でしたが、いつも思うのは、多くのメンバーに助けられ、また支えられて例会が成り立つことを実感させられます。






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The regular meeting of Yokohama TMC was held on July 3rd.
The weather was very fine, and the atmosphere of the meeting was also fine and energetic.

That meeting was a little special, there was a new member’s induction ceremony and club officers’ election before the regular session.
TM N joined YTMC as a new member. He seems to be so positive that he will excite YTMC more.

We change club officers once a year in Toastmasters Club.
We elect 7 officers, and they lead the management of meetings or other events.
In this election, TM T was elected as President of YTMC.
I’m sure she will make our club more enjoyable, more heart-warming, and more exciting!

We omitted some regular sessions due to the election, we had speech session and evaluation session mainly in the meeting. In the speech session, 4 speakers made various speeches.
The first speaker, TM S is a new member who joined YTMC recently. He spoke about his teacher who influenced very much in his speech.
TM K made a speech about how to enjoy YTMC more. He explained a lot of merits of joining drinking at English bar after meeting.
TM H read a best-seller book “Who Moved My Cheese?” in his speech. He read it aloud with great feeling.
The last speaker, TM I gave us a speech about Japanese comic story “Rakugo” in English.
His calm tone gained more humor and every audience had a good laugh at his speech.

Then we moved on to evaluation session.
I think evaluation session is unique found only in Toastmasters.
It’s rather difficult to evaluate other member’s speech, but it helps us to give speakers accurate feedback and to brash up our speech skill as well.
Some member evaluated for the first time. However, everyone made typical evaluations.

At the end of the meeting, we awarded a prize to the best speaker and the best evaluator, and the meeting finished successfully.
It was the third time to take the role of TMOD for me. Every time, I realize that the meeting succeeds thanks to many supporters, volunteers, and helpers. So, I really appreciate great cooperation of all the member.

And one more thing at the day, there was fireworks watching event after the meeting. We enjoyed fireworks with drinking and relaxing on a lawn, and we got really lively!
In Yokohama TMC, we plan a lot of events like this, so, we can enjoy YTMC in many ways.
If you’re interested in YTMC, please try to join us as a guest!

See you next time!




2017年度国際スピーチコンテスト、YTMCクラブコンテスト YTMC Club Contest


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I’m TN, Club Contest Chair. I’d like to report the excitement contest result with you.
2017 International Speech Club Contest was successfully finished you’re your positive cooperation and club representatives were selected from four English contestants and four Japanese contestants after fair judge.
Wonderfully, no one was disqualified from time management.

TM H and TM I will represent as English contestants at Area54 Contest and TM T and TM H will represent as Japanese contestants.
So let’s go to cheer them to Earth Plaza.

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第634回年末例会 YTMC “Year-End” Meeting 2016


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s-dscn0555YTMC Year-End meeting was held on December 17th.
Happily, we had lots of guests including other club’s members.

For the special session,
we invited 2016 District 76 English speech champion, TM.M!
Her speech”Next!” touched our hearts, and we learned a lot from her speech and Q&A session.

At the regular meeting,
our joke master TM.S made us laughed hardly and made a good warm atmosphere.
TM.H took the table topic role for the first time. Her choices of the topics was beside the meeting theme “Look Back 2016”.
3 prepared speeches were incredible! TM.M delivered her speech for the 1st time, and she spoke about her major. Another speech talked about the service over the phone, and the last speech was about the rabbit and the turtle. All role takers including GE and evaluators did great job, and the meeting proceeded smoothly.

The social gathering party was also enjoyable time. We brought sweets and snacks and talked a lot with guests. All members and guests, thank you for the great time! I hope you have great holidays!


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12/17(土)年末例会スペシャルイベント(全国大会優勝者スピーチ) 2016 Year-End Meeting Special Event (District76 Champion’s Speech)




→ 2016 YTMC Year-End Meeting ゲスト参加申込フォーム

We will hold a special meeting on Dec.17 (Sat)
TM Masui(Omotesando Bilingual TMC), who won the 1st prize at English International Speech Contest 2016, will come to deliver her winning speech on the meeting!

Not only TMC members, but visitors are largely welcomed.
Would you like to join the Yokohama Toastmasters Club Meeting on this occasion?

For details, please see the following flyer.
and for guest application, click the URL below.



トーストマスターズ秋季全国大会 in 広島 D76 Fall Conference Report


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The one of the most exciting event in Toastmasters was held in Hiroshima.
That was District 76 Fall Conference!!!
I took workshops, listened to key note speech and high level Table Topics Speeches.
I learned a lot from each session.
And TM O, the former member of Yokohama TMC, got 1st place winner at both contest. Congratulations!
Next is District 76 Spring Conference that will be held in Tokyo. Dates are May.5th, 6th and 7th, Golden Week holiday! But don’t go to overseas travel. Let’s go to the Conference!
Don’t miss it!


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第630回ハロウィン例会 YTMC 630th Meeting “Halloween!” 


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As Halloween mtg, some were putting costumes on and which colored the mtg up and the atmosphere move on.
We had three guests including the one all the way from Osaka.
As YTMC like, the mtg was somehow academic mood but not like Cos play one.

630-2I would like convey my sincere gratitude to V counter, Grahco and Timer now eventhough l could not say this at the mtg.
TM O, Thank you very much for your substitute as Joke M with your fluent English just like Native.
TM S made amazing Table Topic Master though his wife was injured by breaking her bone.
He made the mtg move by asking timely Topics Questions such as “What would you do if you were born as Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie?”
His wife participated in the mtg through On line .
So good to see her fine face and enjoying together through the screen and amazed with that.
Specifically l should be grateful that TM F made a great and neat workshop explaining about The Participation by On Line mtg.

Best Speaker TM A,
Best Evaluator TM Y,
Best T TPS TM N,
I felt all roletakers, speakers were the Winners though!!
As I, TMOD participated in the mtg ,I had totally forgotten how tough it was.
I felt all officers have been dedicating for members joy behind scene with their kindness always.
TM N, Thank you for your great support such as the music “Thriller” by operating your Tablet and as the lighting effect.

With Terrific thanks and love wholeheartedly,
Happy Halloween\(^o^)/


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Vote counter、Grahco、Timerの皆様のご尽力にもきちんとお礼言えませんでしたが感謝申し上げます。
Oさんもピンチヒッターで、nativeの様な流暢なJoke ありがとうございました。

ベストスピーカー Aさん
ベストエバリュエーター Yさん
ベストテーブルトピックスピーカー Nさん




10/15(土)はハロウィン例会!Halloween Meeting is coming up on Oct. 15th!







場所:波止場会館 3F会議室

ゲスト参加・見学希望の方はこちら →ゲスト参加申し込みフォーム

“Halloween Meeting” is coming up on Oct. 15th.
Please wear any costumes or stuffs if you have.

Contents of the meeting are same as usual.
There’re many sessions. Prepared speeches, Evaluation speeches, Table topics session, Joke session, and more.
Let’s enjoy the regular meeting in a Halloween mood!

*Costuming or stuff is not mandatory. Please feel free to participate in the meeting.

■YTMC “Halloween Regular Meeting”
Date: October 15th (Sat) 2016
Venue: Hatoba Kaikan 3F Conference room

→ Application for YTMC meeting observation

横浜トーストマスターズ ハロウィン例会

横浜トーストマスターズ ハロウィン例会は10月15日(土)


YTMC 629th Meeting “Speech Marathon!”



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Let the Marathon begin… That is right folks! We had a speech marathon for the Yokohama TMC 629thMeeting. A total of 7 speeches and 7 Evaluations were conducted successfully. We couldn’t beat the World Record Marathon pace and complete in 2 hours but we did our best including an Induction Ceremony for Mr. & Mrs. S., who are transfer members all the way from Fukui!

TMODRight after the business session, we were captivated by the Word of the Day, which was “captivate/captivating”. It was used well throughout the meeting. We skipped our usual Jokes/Tips/Table Topics sessions to get right into the Speech Marathon.
First we were surprised at the low carb diet that TM H. introduced and how he lost several kilograms in just a few weeks.
We then were captivated by the beauty of Miyajima, as TM K. took us on a journey to a place worth visiting in Japan. He included references to the newly crowned Hiroshima Carp Baseball group winners and the upcoming Toastmaster’s District Fall Conference in Hiroshima.
TM O. then lectured us about her favorite professor from Carnegie Mellon University. She described how impressed she was from the lecture he gave.
We were then captivated by today’s Best Speaker TM J., as he explained for the first time ever his new innovative JABOT theory. Maybe Toastmasters will feature him in a future magazine or add his tips to their manuals as he really focused on some key speaking tips for all of us.
TM N. came literally riding on her horse with boots and all using her Body perfectly to describe the flowing movement that the body needs to make while horse-back riding. We could imagine it as if we were riding ourselves. It was one of the best CC #5 project speeches that I have experienced.
After a short break, TM M. continued the marathon with a long rally of her own. She had to battle with English speakers, who were extremely hard to understand, going back and forth several times before eventually getting it or giving up. She used vocal variety in unique ways that impressed the audience.
Last but not least, the audience got an Advanced Manual Speech to Make us Laugh from the Humorously Speaking Manual. TM I. described her Summer Trip to Seattle. Her trip was not as exciting as the story of how she enjoyed “single” life in Japan after moving her husband for an extended stay in Seattle.


Our GE TM T. took the reins and performed admirably by giving great feedback to all role takers and all Evaluators. Our top evaluator must have learned the JABOT Theory as TM. N.S. took the honors after his evaluation of the Jabot theory speech. Many evaluators could get good practice is due to the 7 speeches we had.

Eventually the Marathon came to an end and some participants enjoyed drinks after the meeting at our regular bar!

Thanks for all Speakers and Role Takers for their efforts as everyone stayed until the end and we could finish the Marathon together!


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ビジネスセッション(連絡事項)の後、”Word of the Day(今日の言葉)”担当のFさんが紹介してくれた言葉に、私たちは魅了されました。
そうです、今日の言葉は”captivate/captivating (魅了する/魅力的な)”。











Toastmaster of the Day (TMOD), M.F.
