2017年度 ディビジョン E ほら話コンテスト / 2017 Division E Tall Tales Contest


去る2017年10月9日、川崎市生涯学習プラザにて、2017年度Division E ほら話コンテストが開催されました。150名を超える観衆が見守る中、各エリアから選出された優勝者たちが、丹精込めて磨き上げたほら話を披露しました。横浜TMCが所属するエリア54からは、日本語コンテストに関内TMCのTM Sが、英語コンテストには横浜TMCのTM Fが出場しました。


審査の結果、1位が夢のスーパー冷蔵庫のほら話を巧みに語ったTM M、2位はエリア54代表で、「男の楽園」の物語を赤裸々に語ったTM S、そして3位が小人になって女風呂に潜入する話を作り上げたTM Mでした。コンテスタント達の想像力には脱帽します。

続いて英語コンテストが行われました。披露されたスピーチは日本語部門に負けず劣らず工夫を凝らした素晴らしいものばかりで、よくもこんな話を次から次へと思いつくものだと感心しました。中でも美しい英語を操りながら優雅な動作で観客を魅了しつつ笑わせたTM Kが1位に、日本に来てありとあらゆるコミックキャラクターに遭遇しながらアドベンチャーを楽しむほら話を展開したネイティブスピーカーのTM Mが2位に選ばれました。

そしてスーパーペットロボット・ボブの売り込みで会場を爆笑の渦に巻き込んだ横浜TMC代表のTM Fが見事3位に選ばれました!


見事トロフィーを勝ち取り、全国大会に進まれる優勝者のみなさん、Division E代表としてどうか全国大会でも頑張ってください。期待しています!
そしてDivision Eコンテストを成功裡に主催・運営された関内クラブ、ビジョナリーズクラブ、その他運営委員のみなさま、素晴らしいコンテストをどうもありがとうございました。

Division E Contest official photographer TM T. S.

On October 9th, 2017, Division E Tall Tales Contest in 2017 was held at the Shogai-gakushu Plaza in Kawasaki City. The winners of each Area performed the tall tales they’d created and brushed up for this day in front of more than 150 people who fully packed the hall. From Area 54 which Yokohama TMC belongs to, TM S of Kannai TMC participated in the Japanese Contest, and TM F of Yokohama TMC competed in the English Contest.

First, the seven contestants competed in the Japanese Contest. Their agility in manipulating their mother tongue Japanese was quite amazing, and I was totally impressed by their virtuosity in sophisticated movements and ever-changing facial expressions. Their performance threw the house into convulsions of laughter. In the interview session after the contest, each contestant, now relaxed, revealed the curious stories about how their hilarious tall tales were made.

As a result, TM M, who made up a story about a super refrigerator, won the first prize. The second prize went to TM S, a representative of Area 54 who vividly described the “Men’s Paradise” in his humorous way. The third prize was given to TM M, who comprised a wild tale in which he turned into a micro-human and sneaked into a female public bath. Their creativity took my breath away, whew.

The English Contest followed the Japanese Contest. All speeches were as wonderful and amazing as Japanese speeches, and I was truly impressed by their creativity. How could they possibly create such incredulous tales?

In the English Contest, TM K, who entertained and bewitched the audience by her sophisticated English and elegant movements, won the first prize and TM M, the only native speaker of all contestants, won the second prize. She talked about the adventure in Japan in which she met many comic characters on the way.

And guess what? TM F from our Yokohama TMC won the third prize! He made the audience laugh out loud by his non-stop and hyper sales talk of a futuristic pet robot BOB. Congratulations TM F!

The honest impression I had in this contest was that even at the Division level speakers’ skills were amazingly high. It would be quite hard to win the fierce competition like this and proceed to the District Contest. Especially, making tall tales would be tough since tall tales had to be created from a scratch to something incredulously humorous to entertain the audience. However, we, as an audience, are lucky to be able to see and laugh at the fruit of their efforts and be made happy. I enjoyed it thoroughly, too.

The winners of Division E Contest, congratulations! We are looking forward to seeing your fabulous performances once again at the District Contest.

Last but not least, I’d like to thank the hosting clubs, Kannai Toastmasters Club and Visionaries Toastmasters Club, and the people in the contest management committee, for their hard work and dedication to make this contest a success. Thank you very much!

Division E Contest official photographer TM T. S.


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