第823回例会(スペシャルワークショップ)レポート/The 823rd Meeting (Special Workshop) Report



Under the clear blue sky of early winter, Yokohama TMC’s special workshop was successfully held in a festive atmosphere created by the victory parade of the Yokohama DeNA Baystars, which coincidentally took place in the neighborhood on the same day. The streets were crowded with people eager to see the parade, as well as those who came to attend our special instructor’s workshop, TM N.T.!


The officers of YTMC had been preparing for this special workshop for months, and at last, the day arrived! The preparations were flawless, and all that remained was to await the arrival of the instructor.



Finally, he arrived, dressed casually with a broad smile on his face. TM N.T. is a four-time champion of the District 76 (All Japan) Speech Contests and ranked in the top 20 of the Toastmasters International Speech Contest. We had invited him to conduct a workshop on crafting an engaging public speech through the art of storytelling.




The venue was packed with 50 participants, some traveling from as far as western Japan to hear the champion speak. Not only did he conduct the workshop, but he also performed some of his award-winning speeches. What a treat!


In his workshop, TM N.T. discussed how to add meaning and value to a speech, how to distill personal experiences into a key message, and how to craft memorable phrases. He illustrated these points with iconic quotes like, “That’s one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind,” and “Genius is 1 percent inspiration and 99 percent perspiration.”

He then delved into storytelling techniques, explaining the Three-Act Structure and the concept of the Character Arc. To fully grasp his insights, you really had to be there!

The content was so engaging that participants were furiously taking notes. A group discussion followed, where attendees exchanged ideas and enjoyed collaborative learning.


In the latter part of the workshop, two Yokohama TMC members delivered test speeches. It must have been daunting to follow the champion’s award-winning performance, but both speakers rose to the occasion magnificently. Their courage and effort were truly commendable!

The first speaker, TM M, spoke about what ‘triggered’ her to study English seriously, recounting her initial visit to a U.S. theme park and her transformation as an English speaker. The second speaker, TM O, shared a touching story about an old friend who reread his collection of New Year’s cards on his deathbed, concluding that the most important things in life are people and relationships. After these speeches, group discussions were held, and representatives presented their insights. TM N.T. provided detailed feedback to help the speakers further refine their craft. Undoubtedly, this feedback will inspire improvements in their future speeches!

Before the workshop concluded, TM N.T. delivered another award-winning speech, “You Decide,” which he presented in the semi-finals of the international contest held in Cincinnati in 2013. The speech was so moving and inspiring that the audience listened with bated breath.

Just before the end of the workshop, two test speakers presented the instructor with a golf ball with the instructor’s name on it. The gift was the idea of the officers who heard that TM N.T. liked to play golf.




The workshop ended with a big round of applause for the fabulous instructor, TM N.T. I’m confident everyone gained valuable insights from this experience and felt motivated for the upcoming speech contests next year!

初冬の澄み渡る青空の下、横浜TMCのスペシャルワークショップが成功裡に開催されました。その日は偶然にも、近隣で横浜DeNAベイスターズの優勝パレードが行われており、祝祭ムードに彩られた街は、パレードを見に来た人々のみならず、我らが特別講師TM N.T.を見に来た人々で賑わっていました!(笑)








最初のスピーカーのTM Mは、アメリカのテーマパークを初めて訪れた時に起こった、英語学習に真剣に取り組むようになったきっかけについて話をしました。2人目のスピーカーのTM Oは、亡くなる直前に過去の年賀状を何度も読み返していた友人の話を通じて、友情や人間関係が人生で最も大切だというメッセージを伝えてくれました。

スピーチの後、グループディスカッションを行い、各グループの代表が簡単な論評プレゼンテーションを行いました。また、講師のTM N.T.からスピーチ改善のための詳細なフィードバックもあり、スピーカーたちの今後のスピーチの改善に役立つこと間違いありません。


ワークショップの終盤、TM N.T.が国際大会準決勝(2013年シンシナティ)で発表したスピーチ「You Decide」を再び披露してくれました。この感動的で心を揺さぶるスピーチに、参加者全員が息をのむように聞き入っていました。


ワークショップは、素晴らしい講師TM N.T.への大きな拍手で幕を閉じました。参加者全員がこの経験を通じて多くを学びました。来年のスピーチコンテストに向けての大いなる刺激となった一日でした!




第721回例会レポート – Table Topics Boot Camp


The 721st meeting – Table Topics Boot Camp

Date & Time: 14:00-16:00, September 5th, 2020

Venue: Bankokubashi Conf Center #402 + Zoom













We conducted “Table Topics Boot Camp” as our 721st meeting to hone our impromptu speech skills.

TM A hosted the meeting since has lots of experience as a member of Tokyo Table Topics Toastmasters Club.

At the beginning of session, each of us set goals of the day.
Some focused on building solid structure, paying attention to vocal variety, ensuring humor etc.



Participants were divided into groups of three to go through casual table topics sessions after having impromptu speech tips from TM A.

Session was done as follows.


Step 1: A san asks a question. Start timing for 5 minutes.

Step 2: B san speaks for 2 min.

              C san offers feedback until timer says “Time’s up!” (3 min.)

Step 3: B san practices the speech one more time until A san says times up.

Step 4: Rotate


Then, all participants got together to have the real session.

TM A give a question to a participant, s/he will make an answer to the question
Just after completing the speech, the other person who are assigned by TM A will give a feedback.
Giving feedback just after the speech was very challenging for us since we don’t have much experience on that.













The questions by TM A were very unique and interesting, so all participants enjoyed listening to the responses of speakers
and feedback from other speakers.

We all recognized our speeches were better than usual since we had exercises within small groups prior to the real sessions.
Warm up is very important to make a good speech.

I believe we were able to have some sort of confidence of speaking impromptu throughout the boot camp.

On behalf of the club, I would like to express my sincere appreciation to TM A conducted such a brilliant session!
Also, special thanks to those who contributed preparation for the session.














The next meeting will be regular meeting on September 19th.
I am looking forward to listening to the improved impromptu speeches you guys will make.



In-house Speech Contest/横浜トーストマスターズクラブ 第707回例会レポート


We held the in-house speech contest on January 18th.

The contest chair was TM N. This was the first challenge for her. And the chief judge was veteran TM I.
コンテスト委員長は今回初挑戦のTM Nが務め、審査委員長はベテランのTM Iが担当しました。


Four contestants participated in the English contest and six contestants participated in the Japanese contest. All speeches were excellent.


The contestants received a participation certificate from the contest chair while waiting for the result of the judging.


Then the contestants were interviewed by the interviewer TM S.
そしてコンテスタントはインタビュー担当のTM Sからインタビューを受けます。


The winner of the English contest was TM A, who told us about a super mother-in-low who can do anything.
英語コンテストの優勝者は、なんでもできるスーパー義母の話をしてくれたTM Aでした。


The winner of the Japanese contest was TM F who talked us about his friend who helped him through his difficult time.
日本語コンテストの優勝者は、つらい時期を支えてくれた友人の話をしたTM Fでした。


In this club contest, We enjoyed a powerful speech that was different from the regular meetings.


Now, let’s improve our speech skills again for next year’s contest!


by P. O


横浜オーシャントーストマスターズクラブと合同例会! / 横浜トーストマスターズクラブ第705回例会レポート




It was the last meeting for 2019 and the joint meeting with Yokohama Toastmasters club meeting #705/Yokohama Ocean Toastmasters club meeting #216. The seats were full with over 40 participants and and full of passions. Today’s theme was “Chirismas Carols/Songs”. TMOD Y.A., I, requested all role takers to tell their favorite Chirismas carols or songs and since a phrase wishing everyone would. I also sung the Twelve Days of Christmas which is one of famous Chirsmas carols as counting up and down song such as mother goose. Even thoug I was not good at singing, the audience gave me a warm hand.



■Word of the Day  / 今日の言葉



very happy, or likely to make people very happy

It was Chirsmassy choice and easy to use.



■Table Topic by TM A.T/ 即興スピーチ

本日の即興スピーチマスターは横浜トーストマスターズクラブのプレジデントTM. K.O.です。バラエティに富んだ質問に会場が沸きました。

Today’s table topic master was TM. K.O from Yokohama Toastmasters Club. The audience was excited with his various questions.


Speaker TM. H.A. (Yokohama)

Q2.Please tell us the appealing points for your club.
Speaker TM. H.M (Yokohama Ocean)

Speaker TM. A.I (Yokohama)

Q4.What was the best Chirsmas gift that you got ever and why it was the best?
Speaker TM. Iioka (Yokohama Ocean)

Q5.Please pick somebody from the audience and praise him/her.
Speaker TM. S.A. (Yokohama Ocean)

Q6.Please review your new year resolution of 2019.
Speaker TM. W.Y (Yokohama)

Speaker TM. J.S. (Guest)



It was few opportunities for Yokohama members to have a table topic session in Japanese but all of them enjoyed the bilingual table topic. The answer of Yokoahama Ocean’s members with colourful characters was outstanding and they were not hesitate to give an unique answer to the unique question which


■Prepared speech session/ 準備スピーチ

There were 4 speakers and enjoyed various kinds of speeches.

1. “Oshirasama R-18”
by TM. T.N (Yokohama) Time: 9.36 min.
Advanced manual “Storytelling”
Project 1 <The Folk Taler>
He told us a folk story from “Tohnomonogatari” which is about a girl who loves a horse too much to get married and how her story ends with feelings.


2. “She believes”
by TM. R.O (Yokohama Ocean) Time: 6.49 min.
Pathways “Presentation Mastery”
Level-2 Project 2 <Understanding Your Communication Style>
He spoke a cute episode about his daughter who believed in Santa when his family lived in England from a parents’ point of view.


3. “My luckiest thing at YTMC is ….”
by TM. K.T. (Yokohama) Time: 7.39 min.
Pathways “Innovative Planning”
Level-2 Project 3 <Introduction to Toastmasters Mentoring>
She intoroduced a mentor system of Toastmasters well with her experience and her viewpoint.


4. “私のコミュニケーションスタイル(CS)”
by TM. K.E (Yokohama Ocean) Time: 6.52 min.
Pathways “プレゼンテーション熟達”
Level-1 Project 2 <自分のコミュニケーションスタイルを理解する>
She talked her communication style which was identified by answering a questionnaire survey provided by the toastmasters, with using “Sazae-san” family charactors as an example.


Today’s speeches were with a wide range such as a folk tale, a seasonal story, toastmasters’ activity and project. I hope everyone enjoyed.




■Evaluation session/論評



1. TM. S.I.(Yokohama) evaluated TM. T.N. (first speaker)
Positive: イメージするのが難しい昔話をジェスチャーを交えて上手く伝えられていた。
The story was difficult to picture but he delivered very well with using gestures.
To be improved: R-18とタイトルに入っているが、ファンタジーなのでなくったかも?
“R-18” in the tile may not be necessary since the story was fantasy.


2. TM. T.S. (Yokohama) evaluated TM. R.O. (second speaker)
Positive: クリスマスシーズンにふさわしいテーマ。
The theme was fit to the Chistmas season.
His speech skill was excel at following project object and consistant speech in order to understand his communication style through a communication between his daughter and him.
To be improved: 娘さんと自身のそれぞれのコミュニケーションスタイルを比較しながらどのように娘さんを説得したのか、もう少し詳細を語れるとよりよい。
It may make his speech better if he could compare his daughter and his communication styles and then talk how he talke her into getting another toy.


3. S.W. (Yokohama Ocean) evaluated TM. K.T. (third speaker)
Positive: スピーチ冒頭に質問をし聴衆に「気づかせる」デモンストレーションステージの端から端まで動き有効に使用していた点。
Demonstrations to raise the audience awareness with a questions at the beginning. Detailed information what she actually took an action as a mentor such as how to act a role and how to do speech.
To be improved: メンターを始めたときの精神的葛藤と終えたときの気持ちの差をもう少し語れるとよかった。話し方が少し早いと感じた。もう少し間を入れるとよい。
Talking about differences between her mental conflict when she started mentoring and aa feeling when she completed her tasks as a mentor may be making her speech better. She talked a bit too fast so give the audience a pause.


4. K.S. (Yokohama Ocean) evaluated TM. K.E. (fourth speaker)
Positive: 自分のコミュニケーションスタイルを紐解く上で、サザエさんファミリーを例にあげ、聴衆がイメージしやすかった。
To be improved: 子供時代の影響から自身のコミュニケーションスタイルがどのように変化していったのかをもう少し語られるとよかった。





Each evaluator pointed good and improvement points with his/her point of view. Grammarian TM.T.S. said she enjoyed the meeting too much to miss grammers to be pointed out. But she picked interesting words used in a meeting instead.


TM. S.H. conducted Evaluation session as General Evaluator.

We enjoyed both Japanese and English mixed meeting.
The table topic was comfortable to answer.

2.For TM. S.I.: ストーリーの概要を説明してくれた。/He explained the summary of the story.
For TM. T.S.: メッセージがクリアだった。/His message was clear/
For TM. S.W.: 歌声と英語の発音がよかった。また論評内容がロジカルだった。/Her voice with singning and pronounciation was good and the evaluation was logical.
For TM.K.S. 話自体が非常にずっと聞いていたくなるような楽しい内容だった。


■Grammarian’s report

TM. Y.A introduced the word of ”Epiphany” which means “a Christian holy day in January (traditionally 6 January in Western Christianity) that celebrates the revelation of the baby Jesus to the world” but “epiphany” can be used with meaning “a moment when you suddenly feel that you understand, or suddenly become conscious of, something that is very important to you”.

2.TM. K.O.が使ったCheer up。元気づけるはCheer up、応援するときはCheer for。日本人は応援するにCheer upを間違えて使うことが多いので注意。
Ledgend of Toastmasterが面白かった。代わりにIconicも使える。





■Award session:

Best Table topic: TM. M.H.
Best Evaluator: TM. S.W.
Best Prepared Speeker: TM. K.E.



It was a very joyful meeting supported by easy-going Yokohama Ocean Toastmaster members. All awards were sweeped by them. Let’s have another joint meeting to pay back next time.
Thank you for all and a happy new year.






祝700回!「伝統」と「挑戦」2つの価値観でYTMCはこれからも進化し続けます! / 横浜トーストマスターズクラブ第700回記念例会レポート



Finally, we reached 700th meeting on Oct.5th,2019!! I was very honored to be Toastmaster of The Day at the memorable meeting. A venue was Sakuragi-cho Pio City. Many member and guests came to our special meeting. The number of participants was more than 40! We could feel special atmosphere to the meeting. However, our agenda remained VERY standard.


■Today’s Guest / 本日のゲスト


The number of guests of this meeting was 17.
(6 non-toastemasters guests and 11 other toastmasters members)



■Word of the day / 今日の言葉

Presented by TM.S.T.


1《口語》 すばらしい,すてきな
a marvelous dinner [suggestion] すばらしいディナー[提案].
marvelous power 不思議な才能

extremely good, enjoyable, impressive etc
類義語 wonderful
e.g.‘How was your holiday?’ ‘Marvellous!’



Presented by TM.M.F.

He brought a Toastmaster magazine and introduced an episode of “influence to others” with using a broccoli. He is one of speakers in YTMC who has humor in his speech and action.



Presented by TM.T.T.

She introduced two jokes. These jokes were so cute and characteristic of her.



■Table Topic / テーブルトピックスピーチ(即興スピーチ)

Today’s table topic was presented by TM.H.O. with no special theme but primary related to Toastmasters.

【Q1】How do you explain Toastmaster to your friend or family who doesn’t know about Toastmasters at all?
Speaker TM. S.G Time:1.20 min.

【Q2】What was your best speech that you ever made? Why you feel so?
Speaker TM H.M Time:2.25 min.

【Q3】What is the moment you feel most, “a table topic session is beneficial”.
Speaker TM.Y.O Time:1.48 min.

【Q4】If you could go back in your time tell younger yourself, what advise do you give him/her?
Speaker TM Y.S (Guest) Time:1.17 min.

【Q5】If you travelled with naked to 200 years ago, how do you prove that you come from future?
Speaker TM.S.A Time:1.41 min.

【Q6】If you want to switch a lives with someone for a day, who it would be?
Speaker TM.H.T Time:1.49 min.



We had Tips, Joke and Table Topics session before a prepared session. That progress is a traditional style that YTMC has been continuing for more than 30 years. After that, 4 speakers and evaluators gave their speech and evaluation with their own character. I’m sure that all participants enjoyed our standard session.



■Prepared Speech / 準備スピーチ

【1】Speech title: “Picture your audience naked?”
Pathways “Presentation Mastery” 5-7 min.
Level-1 Project 2
Speaker TM Y.A Time:7.04 min.

She talked about five terrible speaking tips to ignore.




【2】Speech title: “Did you meet Yokota?”
Pathways “Innovative Planning”
Level-1 Project 2
Speaker TM A.I Time:6.46 min.

His speech was about an incident occurred due to pronunciation in two different languages with his humor.




【3】Speech title: “Let’s grab a coffee!”
Pathways “Dynamic Leadership”
Level-2 Project 3
Speaker TM R.K Time:7.26 min.

He gave a speech about a communication method between mentor and mentee which is very helpful to Toastmasters club.



【4】Speech title: “700”
Pathways “Dynamic Leadership”
Level-1 Project 2

Speaker TM T.S Time:8.21 min. (over time)
She showed science how to fall in love and analyse the steps of love.

He introduced that the pathway to the 700th regular meeting of YTMC with photo and history.



We celebrated the anniversary with TM.H.M handmade cake cut by the current president TM. K.O, TM.S.I who contributed to YTMC long time and TM.H.M who made the cake and TM.S.O as representitive of guests.



■Evaluation / 論評

【1】Evaluation for 1st speech
 Evaluator TM K.T Time:3.36min.

Happy anniversaryと初めの挨拶で聴衆の注意を引いた。
Good opening with a greeting “happy anniversary!” and drawing attention of the audience.
Contents with triggered by the actual incident happening in the regular meeting and quoting the expression that the native English speaker actually use.

Not only intorducing five terrilble speaking tips but also talk about her experience may makes her speech better and persuasive.
Send the evaluation sheet in advance.


【2】Evaluation for 2nd speech
Evaluator TM W.Y Time:3.37 min.

How he talked made the audience picture the situation easily without any visual aid.
Keywords “Yokota” gave the audience imagination how’s the story going on.
Smooth delivery with his style.

Make a pause during the speech, the audience has difficulties to follow due to smoothness of his speech.


【3】Evaluation for 3rd speech
Evaluator TM M.N Time:3.07 min.

Opening with confidence and drawing the audience attention.
Comfortable way of his talking.
The speech contents had a perfect match to his project.

Time management. There was not enough time for a conclusion.


【4】Evaluation for 4th speech
Evaluator TM N.S Time: 3.08min.

The speech content are matched with the 700th anniversary with a visual aid of the very first regular meeting of YTMC and also story of the pot.

Tendency of fading out his voice at the end of sentence.



■General Evaluation / 総合論評

1.TM M.FのTipsは生のブロッコリーを掲げて、聴衆の注意を引いた。大勢の前でジョークを披露したTM T.Tの勇敢さに感謝。
Tips presented by TM M.F with row brrocoli was good to draw the audience attention.
TM T.T were brave to take joke roke

Good conduction of the table topic.

3.TM K.Tの “good!” というときのジェスチャーに説得力がある。
TM W.Yの行儀のよい整理された論評。4つの良い点を挙げるのはなかなかできないこと。
TM K.T, her gesture when she said “good!” is persuasive.
TM W.Y, well-organized and well-mannered and picked four good points which is usually hard to do.

4.TM M.Nが行った二つの利点というフレーズは、通常良い点というのに比べてスマート。
TM N.Sはリラックスしており、ネガティブなコメントもシリアスにはならず、スピーカーの気分を害さないコミカルな話し方がよい。
TM M.N, he said two advantages, not good points which sounds smarter.
TM N.S, he looked relaxed, he gave a negative comment but sounds not too serious and very comical which did not make a speaker offended.


■Grammarian’s report / 文法係のレポート

The sequence of tenses.

Pronounciation. Unclear pronounciation may cause a massage undelivered.


■Award / 表彰

【Best Table Topic Speaker】TM H.T (Guest)

【Best Evaluator】TM N.S

【Best Speaker】TM S.I



YTMC is one of traditional clubs in Japan. There are tons of valuable things which former members had created. Our club still keeps some of them like the standard agenda. On the other hand, we try to do something new and welcome new members actively. What our attractive thing is that members join meetings with accepting both sense of values.Now, YTMC will take one step from the next meeting again!




夢の競演。いつもと違ったメンバーで緊張気味なスタート? ビジョナリートーストマスターズクラブと横浜トーストマスターズクラブの合同例会レポート(3月30日)


3月30日合同例会レポート TMOD Meeting Report


Joint Meeting of Visionaries Toast Masters Club (Musashi Kosugi) and Yokohama Toast Masters Club was held at Hiranuma memorial rest house 2F in Yokohama on March 30th. It has been started with a little bit nervous mood (?)


The first session was a special session controlled by Toastmaster O who is Club Growth Director of District 76. It was “Lie spotting game.” Participants were separated by 4 to 5 people and made 1 untrue and 4 true short self-introductions. Other members need to make wiser questions to spot a lie in limited time. The nervous atmosphere was totally disappeared by this ice-breaking session.


 Table Topic: The second session was a Table Topic session. This session is normally going through one topic, but since this meeting was a joint meeting, there were two topics that were made by each club. The topic from Yokohama TM Club was “Explain how to cook it” made by TM A. The other topic from Visionaries Toast Masters was “How to survive in IT society” made by TM K. Table topic session is difficult for everybody but experienced TM S made a great speech in such a short time and was chosen as best table topic speaker.

準備スピーチ:3つめのセッションは準備スピーチ。こちらのセッションもそれぞれクラブから2名ずつスピーチを行いました。それぞれのスピーチタイトルはビジョナリートーストマスターズUさん: ”Are we ready for Multicultural Society?” 横浜トーストマスターズSさん: “Live like water” ビジョナリートーストマスターズTさん: “Be a leader of your life” そして横浜トーストマスターズOさん: “International Marketing” 皆さん、やはり合同例会と言う事もあり、気合の入ったスピーチでした。ベストスピーカーはビジョナリートーストマスターズTさんのスピーチでした。日々の決断の重要性。大事にしていかねばと思わされる内容でした。

Prepared Speech: The third session was prepared speech. Each club members prepared two speeches. Speech titles were: “Are we ready for Multicultural Society?” TM U from Visionaries TM, “Live like water,” TM S from Yokohama TM, Be a leader of your life” TM T from Visionaries TM and “International Marketing” TM O from Yokohama TM. Since this meeting was a joint meeting, all speeches were well-prepared and great speeches. TM T from Visionaries TM was chosen as the best prepared speaker. It reminded us the importance of decision making in daily life.


Evaluation session: The fourth session was Evaluation session. Each club members evaluated other club members’ speech. TM O from Visionaries TM was chosen as the Best Evaluator. Of course, evaluation itself was great, but his powerful voice and gestures from his big body were amazing!


This meeting was the last meeting for me, but I really appreciate for giving me a chance to be a Toast Master of the day or moderator of the joint meeting.







The Toastmasters Club Area 52 International Speech Contest was held on March 2, 2019, at Noge-chiku Center near JR Sakuragi-cho station. This contest precedes the Toastmasters International Speech Contest which is held annually in summer. The winners of each club compete at respective Area Contest, then the winners there again proceed to Division Contests. The Division Contest winners will compete at the District (All Japan) Contest in May, and then the winner of the District Contest will go to the World Championship in summer.

Each club that belongs to an Area is required to host an Area Contest in turn annually, and our Yokohama Toastmasters Club co-hosted the Area 52 Contest this year with a Japanese club, Kannai Toastmasters Club.

そしてもう一つの特徴は、ピアノ伴奏があったことです。会場に偶然ピアノが置いてあり、幸いにも使用無料で、これまた偶然ピアニストがメンバー内にいたので、開会宣言時や表彰時にじゃじゃーん! とジングルを入れてもらったのです。通常コンテストではピンと張りつめた緊張感が漂うのですが、ピアノの効果は抜群で、今までになく楽しい雰囲気のコンテストとなりました。即興でピアノを弾いてくださったTM K.K.に感謝です!

In this contest, we had special features that we’d never had before. One is that we were required to take off shoes and wear slippers inside a venue. I’d never seen contestants making speeches in slippers and it was a novel sight to behold. I assume they might have had difficulty moving on the floor.
The other thing was that a piano performance accompanied the contest. There happened to be a piano in the venue and it was free to use it. Luckily and coincidentally, we had a pianist within our members who happened to be there! So, I asked him to play it at an opening and award presentation. He stroked the piano keys tenderly and “Baaang!” them when needed. His piano improvisation gave a cheerful boost to the contest, which is usually filled with tension and nervousness. Thank you, TM K.K. for playing it on the spot!

さて本題のコンテスト。まず英語コンテストが13:15に開会しました。コンテスト委員長・司会は私、TM. T.S.が務め、エリア52所属クラブ (横浜・関内・みなとみらい・オーシャンTMC) から集まった総勢65名の観客が見守る中、6名のコンテスタントの熱き戦いが始まりました。

Following the cheerful “Baaang” of piano came the contest opening. First, the English Contest began at 13:15, and I, TM T.S., facilitated it as Contest Chair and MC. The venue was packed with almost 70 Toastmasters from all clubs that belong to Area 52 (Yokohama, Kannai, Minatomirai and Yokohama Ocean TMC), and six contestants started to compete with each other.

トップバッターは横浜TMCのプレジデント、TM F.のスピーチです。コンテストでトップバッターを務めるのは非常に緊張するものですが、そんな様子はみじんもなく、堂々としたスピーチを披露されました。2番目のスピーカーはオーシャンクラブ代表のベテランスピーカー、TM H.です。さすが全国大会出場経験者、声音やジェスチャーなど、卓越したスキルを披露してくださいました。3番目はみなとみらいクラブのプレジデント、TM A。彼はTM歴は浅いものの、何度もコンテストに出場している強豪です。非常に瀟洒な語り口の、スマートなスピーチを聞かせて下さいました。4番目はオーシャンクラブ代表のTM K、長身を活かしたジェスチャーで、面白いアイデアのスピーチを披露してくださいました。5番目は我が横浜クラブ代表のTM O。彼特有の会場を一気に明るくする笑顔で、楽しいスピーチを聞かせて下さいました。6番目に登場した最後のスピーカーは、みなとみらいクラブ代表のTM O。ベテランならではの卓越したデリバリースキルと流暢な英語で、見事にフィナーレを飾って下さいました。

The first speaker was our Yokohama TMC’s president, TM F. Although it must have been nerve-wrecking to speak first at the contest, he delivered his speech marvelously with confidence. The second speaker was TM H., who was an experienced speaker representing Yokohama Ocean TMC. She had been a finalist at the District Contest before and she delivered her speech with excellent vocal variety, gestures and refined skills. The third speaker was TM A. from Minatomirai TMC. Although his experience as a Toastmaster is short, he is a great speaker who has participated in contests many times before. As though to prove it, he rendered his speech with sophistication and smartness. The forth speaker was TM K. who was representing Yokohama Ocean TMC. Taking advantage of his height, he spread his long arms like an eagle and towered over us, and delivered a unique story. The fifth speaker was TM O. who represented Yokohama TMC. He has an innate talent to bring smiles to anyone who sees him. He used his magic onto the audience and delivered a cheerful speech that left us all smiling and happy. The sixth and final speaker was TM O. from Minatomirai TMC. He has a long-term experience as a Toastmaster and delivered his speech in fluent English with prominent speaking skills.

審査結果を集計するあいだ、座を和ませてくれたのは、みなとみらいクラブ所属のインタビュアー、TM S.によるコンテスタントへのインタビューセッションです。さすが手慣れたもので、コンテスタントへ次々と即興質問を繰り出し、観客を大いに楽しませて下さいました。

While tally counters were tabulating judges’ results, TM S. from Minatomirai TMC interviewed the contestants with his humorous talk and entertained the audience. An experienced Toastmaster as he is, he improvised the question after question and sometimes brought contestants to their wits’ end.

3位入賞者は、トップバッターとしてスピーチを披露した横浜TMC代表のTM F、2位はオーシャンTMCのTM H、そして栄えある1位の座を獲得したのは、洗練されたスピーチを披露したみなとみらいクラブ代表のTM Aでした。みなさんおめでとうございました!

I received the judges’ result from Chief Judge and finally commenced on the award presentation. Unfortunately, one contestant out of six went overtime and became disqualified. Therefore, winners were selected from remaining five contestants.
The third place winner was TM F., who was representing our Yokohama TMC and courageously made the first speech. The second place winner was TM H. from Yokohama Ocean TMC, and the glorious first place winner was revealed to be TM A. from Minatomirai TMC who delivered a highly sophisticated speech. Congratulations all winners!

休憩をはさみ、第2部、日本語コンテストの始まりです。日本語コンテストは関内クラブが担当し、初コンテスト委員長に抜擢された新人のTM T.が司会を務めました。スーツ姿で決めたTM T、しっかりと司会をこなされました!

After the intermission, the latter half of the contest, which was the Japanese Speech Contest, began. It was hosted by Kannai TMC and facilitated by the first-time Contest Chair, TM T. Neatly adorned in business suits, he played the role of MC smoothly and solemnly.

トップバッターはオーシャンクラブ代表のTM K、爽やかで新鮮なスピーチをして下さいました。2番目は横浜TMCのTM F、英語コンテスト3位獲得直後の彼のスピーチは、更に自信に満ち溢れた堂々たるものでした。3番目のスピーカーはオーシャンクラブのTM A。彼のトレードマークであるマイク要らずの大きな声と、研ぎ澄まされたジェスチャーで、素晴らしいスピーチを披露して下さいました。4番目はみなとみらいクラブ代表のTM T。帰国子男の彼の日本語スピーチを聞くのは初めてでしたが、日本語も非常に堪能で、ユーモアにあふれた面白いスピーチでした。5番目、ラストスピーカーは横浜クラブ代表のTM A、少女時代の辛い体験を真摯に、赤裸々に語って下さいました。

日本語のインタビューは、エリア54ディレクターでもあるオーシャンクラブのTM I.が担当して下さいました。スピーチが終わって緊張の解けたコンテスタント達がにこやかに応答するのが印象的な、楽しいインタビューセッションでした。

Japanese Contest proceeded just as the English Contest did. It started with opening remarks, then the rule explanation was given, and the speech competition began. The first speaker was TM K. from Yokohama Ocean TMC. She was given a ticket to this contest a week prior to it, and gave a refreshing speech with a shy smile. The second speaker was TM F. from Yokohama TMC, who had won the third place award in the English Contest. Isn’t it amazing that he participated in the two contests at the same time? With renewed confidence attained by his third place prize, he delivered his speech marvelously. The third speaker was TM A from Yokohama Ocean TMC. With his signature big voice that doesn’t require microphone’s help, he rendered his speech with refined gestures and movements. The fourth speaker was TM T. representing Minatomirai TMC. He grew up in the U.S. and speaks English like a native speaker, and I’d never heard him making speeches in Japanese. But I found out for the first time that he could speak Japanese fluently as well! In his native tongue, he delivered his speech humorously. The fifth and final speaker was one of our representatives, TM A. from Yokohama TMC, who talked candidly and sincerely about her poignant experience in her youth.

The Japanese Interview Session was conducted by TM I. from Yokohama Ocean TMC, who is also an Area 54 Director. It was a cheerful session in which relaxed contestants answered questions with big smiles.

さて、日本語コンテストの結果は…なんと! 1位が我らがプレジデント、横浜TMCのTM F、2位も横浜TMCのTM A、そして3位がオーシャンTMCのTM Aでした。我が横浜クラブ、ダブル受賞で、TM F.は英語コンテストでも3位入賞でしたから、なんとトリプル受賞ですね! おめでとうございます!

Following the fun Interview Session, the winners of the Japanese Speech Contest were announced. And guess what? Our president, TM F. of Yokohama TMC, won the first place! And the second place went to TM. A from our club as well! The third place award was given to TM A from Yokohama Ocean TMC. Since our president TM F. received two prizes and TM A. received one, our Yokohama TMC won the three prizes in the contest it hosted. What a great achievement! Congratulations winners!

1位を受賞されたTM AとTM F、エリア52代表として、来月のディビジョンEコンテストでの雄姿を期待しております。頑張ってください!

One thing I learned in this contest was the power of Toastmasters’ teamwork. Those who had roles to play worked on their own accord without specific instructions. Many volunteers helped setting up the venue without coercion. I can proudly say that everybody, including committee members, contestants and audience, enjoyed the contest thoroughly and it was a great success. Thanks everyone for your cooperation!
The two first-place winners, TM A. and TM F., I wish you a big success in the upcoming Division E Contest next month. I’ll be looking forward to hearing your speeches again there!

コンテスト委員長: TM T.S.
Contest Chair: TM T.S.




横浜地区で活動するトーストマスターズクラブの平成を締めくくる一大イベントが、2018年のクリスマスに桜木町ぴおシティにて盛大に行われました。エリア52合同例会です。横浜トーストマスターズクラブに加え、みなとみらいクラブ、オーシャンクラブ、そして関内クラブが合同で主催したこのイベント、各クラブ会長を中心とする実行委員の方々の数か月にも及ぶ血と涙の結晶!? のような素晴らしいイベントで、60人近くの参加者がつどい、通常の準備スピーチや即興スピーチセッションに加え、こんにゃく体操にはじまり、歌ありダンスあり落語ありの盛り沢山な内容でした。

The Area 52 Joint Meeting 2018, a big event topping off the Heisei Period, was held in the Christmas season in 2018 at the Pio City in Sakuragi-cho, Yokohama. This event was hosted by the four Toastmasters Clubs in Area 52, which includes Yokohama, Minatomirai, Ocean and Kannai Toastmasters Clubs. Each president of the four clubs as well as other event committee members got together, planned and executed the splendid joint meeting that started with Konnyaku Exercise as an ice-breaker, followed by impromptu/prepared speech sessions, singing, dancing and more.

合同例会は、横浜クラブとオーシャンクラブ会長によるコントのようなオープニングで始まりました。例会前半のTMOD (司会) 担当は、流暢な英語が魅力的なみなとみらいクラブのVPE、TM Tです。合同例会には日本語クラブも参加しているので、日英織り交ぜた素晴らしい司会ぶりでした。

The joint meeting was opened with the well-rehearsed, stand-up comedy-like opening remark made by the presidents of Yokohama and Ocean clubs. The first half of the meeting was facilitated by the TMOD (Toastmaster of the day) T, a VPE of Minatomirai Toastmasters Club whose fluent English fascinated the audience. Since the meeting was co-hosted by a Japanese club, he deftly spoke in both English and Japanese.

最初のプログラムは、合同例会特別アイスブレーキングセッションと題して、青山ランチクラブからお越し頂いたTM Kに、一族に代々伝わる「こんにゃく体操」をご紹介いただきました。こんにゃくのようにふにゃふにゃ踊って身体をリラックスさせる運動です。さらに初めて会った人とどのように打ち解けるか、名前を忘れてしまった人とバッタリ出会ったらどうするか、など、日常生活で役に立つアイスブレーク方法を伝授して頂きました。この例会で初めてお会いした人たちと気軽に会話できる、素晴らしいセッションでした。

The first program on the agenda was the Ice Breaking Session, which was facilitated by TM K from Aoyama Lunch Toastmasters Club. She introduced us her secret “Konnyaku Exercise”, which had been passed on through generations in her family. The exercise was to sway and relax your body like a soft-bodied animal. She also introduced us how to break the ice when you meet someone for the first time, what to do when you forget the name of a person you’ve already met before and is standing in front of you now, etc. These how-to exercises were not only helpful in our daily life but also gave us a chance to get to know the people we met for the first time in this event.

次はみなとみらいクラブのベテランメンバー、TM Tによるジョークセッションです。堪能な英語・日本語で面白いお話を聞かせて下さいました。特に除夜の鐘の回数108回の、彼独自の解釈 = 四苦(4×9=36)八苦 (8×9=72) の一年を経て幸福を祈願し、新たな年をゼロから迎える、というお話には感心しました。

Next to the unique ice-breaking session came a Joke Session. TM T, an experienced member of Minatomirai Club, cracked funny and witty jokes for the audience in fluent English and Japanese. The most impressive episode in his jokes was his original interpretation of the reason why the bells on the New Year’s Eve ring 108 times. According to his theory, 108 bells signify 4989 (Shiku-hakku: Shi=four Ku=sufferings and Ha=eight Ku=sufferings à tremendous struggles and sufferings), which can be calculated as (4×9)+(8×9)=36+72=108. His interpretation was that people strike a bell 108 times on the New Year’s Eve in the hope to put an end to all the sufferings of the past year and start a new year suffering-free. This was a WOW interpretation for me!

ジョークの次は即興スピーチセッションでした。横浜クラブのTM S、オーシャンクラブのTM Iがそれぞれ英日で質問を投げかけ、当てられた人たちは堂々と、時には戸惑いながら、即興スピーチにチャレンジしました。

The educational Joke Session was followed by the Table Topics Session, in which people try to improve their abilities in making impromptu speeches. The session was co-led by TM S from Yokohama Club and TM I from Ocean Club. It was interesting to see some speakers made speeches with confidence whereas some struggled a lot!

休憩をはさんで、例会後半部分のスタートです。後半の司会は横浜クラブの私、TM TSが担当しました。実は日英での司会はやったことがなく、できるかな? と不安でしたが、なんとか頑張りました。

After the short intermission, the latter part of the meeting started, which was facilitated by TM TS…me! In fact, I’d had no experience of emceeing the meeting in both languages and I was worried if I could do it well or not, but somehow I did it!

後半最初のプログラムは準備スピーチセッションです。各クラブから1名ずつ、日英それぞれのスピーカーが登場しました。最初のスピーカーは横浜クラブのTM Nさんです。ストーリーテリングの上級マニュアルに取り組んでいるNさんは、ご自分の体験を元に、人生における成功とは何かを語ってくれました。最後にSMAPの「ひとつだけの花」の英語版を皆で合唱して終わるスピーチ、見事でした。英語版の歌詞はネットからダウンロードしたそうです。Nさんは英語が堪能なので、ご自分で翻訳されたのかと思いました!

The first program in the latter half was the prepared speech session, in which the total of four speakers (one speaker from each hosting club) participated. The first speaker was TM N from Yokohama club, who’s been working on the advanced manual, ‘Story Telling’. She talked about how to be successful in life from her life experiences. She finished her speech by singing “The Only Flower in the World” of SMAP and made us sing with her together, which was a brilliant idea. She later said she had downloaded the English lyrics of the song from the Internet. Since she is such a great speaker of English I thought she translated it herself!

二番目のスピーカーは関内クラブ代表のTM Hさんです。日本語スピーチなので、司会も日本語に変更。意外とスムーズに英語から日本語にスイッチできました。日本人だから当たり前でしょうか?! スピーチの題名は「大した人間じゃないんだし」。タイトルを聞いただけで興味をそそられますね。内容も大変面白く、日本語スピーチの魅力を再認識しました。このスピーチの目標は「視覚支援ツールを効果的に使用する」というものでしたが、彼がスピーチの最中にホワイトボードに線を1~2本引っぱり、「これ、ビジュアルエイドです」と言った時には会場は大爆笑でした。

The second speaker was TM H from Kannai Club. Since Kannai Club is a Japanese club, I switched from English to Japanese here. Despite my worries, I could switch it without a hitch. It looks like I had underestimated my Japanese-speaking ability. His speech was titled, “I’m just an insignificant fellow”, which intrigued me a lot. His speech itself was truly interesting and made me reaffirm the power and charm of speeches in Japanese. Especially, his way of utilizing the visual aids, which was the main objective of his speech, was such an eye-opener. During his speech, he casually drew two lines on the whiteboard and said, “This, is the visual aid”. The audience laughed out loud in unison and shook the floor.

三番目のスピーカーはみなとみらいクラブのTM Aさん。入会6ヶ月目の新人ということでしたが、見事な構成のスピーチを流暢な英語で披露して下さいました。ご主人の腰痛の話から始まり、腰痛の原因が機能性ではなく心因性であることを、数々の実例から証明してくれ、腰痛持ちの私にもとても参考になる内容でした。このスピーチで救われる人が沢山いることでしょう。

The third speaker, TM A from Minatomirai club, delivered a well-researched speech in her fluent English. She’d joined the Toastmasters just six months ago, but did a great job in telling us about the true cause of back pain based on the supporting data and her personal experiences with her husband who’d been suffering from chronic back pain. Back pain, for your information and according to her, is mainly caused by stress rather than functional disorders. I guess many people would be saved from sufferings by her speech.

最後のスピーカーはオーシャンクラブのTM S.A.さん。映画「君の名は」をもじったタイトル「僕の名は」、というスピーチを持ち前の大声で披露して下さいました。スピーチには自己卑下スピーチというジャンルがありますが、このスピーチはその逆の自画自賛スピーチ。大仰に自画自賛し、笑いを取るというものです。大成功でした!

The last speaker was TM S.A. from Ocean Club, who delivered a speech titled “My Name”, which must have been inspired by the movie, “Your Name”. He spoke in his inherent loud voice, and his speech was ‘self-admiring speech’, which was opposite to the so-called ‘self-depreciating speech’. He admired himself a lot throughout the speech and made us laugh a lot.

準備スピーチのあとは論評セッションです。通常例会では論評セッションを取り仕切る総合論評者がいるのですが、今回の合同例会ではおらず、TMODが司会をしました。1番目の論評者はオーシャンクラブのTM W、会長経験もあるWさんがTM Nのスピーチに対して熟達した論評をして下さいました。2番目はみなとみらいクラブのTM M。みなとみらいクラブは英語クラブですが、TM Hの日本語スピーチを日本語で論評して下さいました。社交ダンスの名手でもある彼女は、美しいダンスポーズを決めながら登場し、観客を美貌と立ち姿の美しさで魅了するだけでなく、日本語論評は初めてと言いつつ、ウィットの利いた素晴らしい論評を披露して下さいました。最後の論評者は奇抜な女装で登場した神奈川クラブのTM S、いでたちは奇抜ながら、知性みなぎる論理的かつユーモアに富んだ論評を発表して下さいました。

The prepared speech session was succeeded by the evaluation session. Although we usually have a general evaluator to facilitate this session, as we had a tight schedule I emceed the session as well. The first evaluator was TM W, who was a former president of Ocean Club, and she evaluated the TM N’s speech skillfully. The second evaluator was TM M from Minatomirai Club, who fascinated us with her witty and wonderful evaluation as well as her beautiful dancer-like pose. She explained that she was taking a ballroom dance lesson regularly. No wonder she could stand and move so gracefully.

論評が終わったところでいよいよ受賞者の発表です。発表は前半・後半TMODが共同で行いました。記念すべき合同例会で英語ベスト即興スピーチ賞を獲得したのは、サンタクロース姿で卓越した英語スピーチを披露したTM Oさん、日本語部門は稲荷ずしにまつわる恨み節を開陳したTM Tさんでした。ベスト論評者には、日本語論評に初挑戦したTM Mさん、ベストスピーカーには線2本でビジュアルエイドを表現したTM Hさんが選ばれました。みなさん、おめでとうございました!

Following the evaluation session, we had an award presentation conducted by two TMODs. The Best Table Topics Speaker Award was given to TM O, who dressed up as Santa Clause for the occasion and entertained us with his splendid English speech. The Japanese Best Table Topics Speaker Award was presented to TM T, who talked about his grudge on his father who treated him Inari-sushi on Christmas Day in America. TM M, who made an evaluation for the first time in Japanese, received the Best Evaluator Award, and the Best Prepared Speaker Award was given to TM H, who used a visual aid humorously. Congratulations guys!

通常プログラムが終了し、最後にこの合同例会のスペシャルスピーカーとしてお招きした、エリア52ディレクターでもあるTM Sが、珠玉の名作「男の楽園」を披露してくれました。Sさんはこのほら話スピーチで昨年のディビジョンコンテスト2位を獲得された名スピーカーです。そのユニークさから伝説と化したこの名スピーチを、今回特別に再演して下さいました。初めて聞いた人も多く、会場は大きな歓声と笑い声に包まれました。Sさん、どうもありがとうございました!

The fun joint meeting ended with a special speech made by TM S, who is the Area 52 director and the 2nd place winner of the Division E Tall Tales Contest in 2017. He re-performed his legendary speech “Men’s Paradise” for this occasion. Some of the audience had never listened to this epic speech and we were all thoroughly entertained.

Thank you very much TM S for your wonderful speech!


Sさんのスピーチを聴いて興奮冷めやらぬ参加者たちは、そのままパーティー会場へと移動、会場は大きなホールで、既に立食形式の食事が待ち構えていました。でも待ち構えていたのは食事やドリンクだけではありません。なんと、参加クラブの会長たちを含む有志による、男女ともにセーラー服姿の歌とダンスがはじまったではありませんか! 女性陣のセーラー服姿は可愛かったですが、男性のセーラー服姿には絶句し、パーティー会場は再び笑いの渦と化しました。この出し物は、単にコスプレ陣が踊るだけではなく、参加者全員が2グループに分かれ、AKBの歌とダンスを即興で習って踊る、という趣向がこらされており、トーストマスターズの即興力および底力が試される面白い企画でした。

Although the joint meeting was over, the night didn’t end here. It was followed by the Christmas Joint Party!

The still-excited audience moved to the party venue where food and drink awaited the hungry and thirsty guests. But there was one more thing that awaited us. Some of the presidents and members, men and women, changed their outfits into school girls’ uniform and started to dance! Male members in girls’ uniform struck us speechless, momentarily, then we broke into laughter. The cosplaying dancers instructed us how to dance, and we danced together to the song of AKB 48. This proves how Toastmasters can rise to any occasion, doesn’t it?

コスプレダンスが終わったあと、何やら高座が組み立てられていきます。何かと思いきや、ダンスのあとには横浜クラブメンバーの一人、TM Hによる落語公演が始まりました。彼はスピーチだけでなく落語も学んでおり、着物姿に扇子を持ち、本格的な古典落語「金明竹」を披露してくれました。この作品の中には早口言葉が出てきます。日本人の威信にかけてなんとか理解しようと言葉を分解してみたり、いろいろ試したのですが、やはり所々しか聞き取れません。あの意味不明で難解な文章を覚え、早口で喋れるようになるだけでも、相当の時間と努力が必要です。ましてやそれを面白おかしく語らなければならないのです。これに比べたら例会でのスピーチなど、朝飯前のような気がしますが、TM Hによると、スピーチは一から独自に生み出さなければならないので、落語とは違う難しさがあるそうです。いずれにせよ、何にでも真剣に取り組み、セミプロのレベルにまで到達してしまうTM Hの多芸ぶりと才能には感嘆します。また例会でのユニークなスピーチを期待しています。

After the cosplay-dance performance, I noticed that they were assembling something big on the stage. I wondered what it was. It turned out to be a special make-shift stage for TM H, who performed Rakugo (Japanese traditional sit-down comedy) for us. He’s been taking lessons of Rakugo performance and he delivered one of the famous Rakugo classics, “Kin-mei-chiku”, wearing kimono with a Japanese fan in his hand. In this piece of Rakugo, a speaker has to do some long tongue twisters. While he was delivering it I tried hard to catch what he was saying. I believe any self-respecting Japanese would want to understand what’s being said. But no matter how I tried I could only pick up a few words in his long monologue. I was amazed to imagine how much efforts and time he dedicated just to memorize these words and speak them so fast. And he has to deliver it in a way to entertain his audience! Compared to this, making a speech in our regular meeting should be a piece of cake for him. That was what I thought. But according to him, it isn’t. When he makes a speech he has to create it from a scratch, so it’s as difficult as performing Rakugo. Anyway, his seriousness and dedication toward acquiring skills in both making speeches and performing Rakugo are truly impressive and I can’t wait to hear his new speech in our regular meeting soon.


This joint meeting and party provided us with a valuable opportunity to meet other clubs’ members, interact with them, listen to their speeches and evaluations, dance and sing together, and more. Especially, I was glad to hear some of the new members say, “I didn’t know Toastmasters are so interesting and fun. A joint meeting is great, I want to join it again!” Wow, what a success. Let’s do it again fellow Toastmasters!


即興で英語スピーチするコツを教えてください! 現役英語教師のスペシャリストが秘訣を伝授してくれました。第681回例会レポート








横浜トーストマスターズクラブ 会長F



  The last meeting of Yokohama Toastmasters Club in 2018 was the special workshop named “Table Topics Boor Camp” held on Dec. 15.
“Table Topics” is an impromptu speech session in which randomly pointed members make a short speech for one or two minutes for various questions from the topic master. At a regular meeting, we have Table Topics session for twenty to thirty minutes, and around ten members answer a question without preparation. It is quite difficult. So we held a special workshop specific to table topics for two and a half hours in this “Table Topics Boot Camp”.

  We invited TM W (Atsugi-Zama TMC) as an instructor. He is an English teacher at high school, won the second prize at Toastmasters International Speech Contest, has held a lot of workshop about Table Topics.

  First, we made a group of four people and every member made an impromptu speech in each group. We used questions that each member wrote down on paper and shuffled.
Next, TM W gave us a lecture about table topics speech technique simply.
Then we made a speech again in each group of four. At that time, we answered the same question as before. So we could answer better than the first time. We could practice what we learned and I felt I could get the sense of table topics speech more or less.
Lastly, we had a regular table topic session together.
Besides, we had feedback and Q&A session and two and a half hours went by fast.


  The most impressive thing that I learned from TM W is “In Table Topics Speech, don’t pay attention to your feeling. Pay attention just to the question.”
In addition, TM W smiled all the time and lectured with humor. It was impressive, too. Thanks to that, I think everyone was able to relax and enjoy the workshop.
Personally speaking, I was always nervous at table topics session before, but this is the first time for me to have such a fun time in table topics.
I’d like to make the most of what I’ve learned in the workshop, and raise the level of table topics speech little by little.

Thank you everyone who participated in the workshop.
And TM W, thank you so much!

Yokohama Toastmasters Club
President F


第668回 30周年記念例会レポート #668 TMOD 30th Anniversary Meeting Report




第668回記念例会は、大勢のゲストが見守る中、緊張したムードで始まりました。しかし、Queenの「We Will Rock You」が流れる中、派手な仮装で登場した二人のテーブルトピックマスターの予想外のダンスと歌で、緊張ムードは一瞬にして吹き飛びました。


1番目のスピーカーは入会間もないTM M。この日が記念例会だとは知らずにスピーチを希望した自分の運命を呪いながらも?!果敢にPathwaysのIce Breakerに挑戦し、緊張の中見事にスピーチをやり遂げました。

2番目のスピーカーは九州のトーストマスターズクラブに所属していたTM Oで、彼もPathwaysのIce Breakerに挑戦しました。ご自分の経歴を語る中で、Toastmasters Club Evaluation Contest全国大会への出場経験が自信を与えてくれたというエピソードが印象に残りました。

3番目のスピーカーは九州、北陸のクラブに所属していたTM Sで、年の離れた旦那様との結婚生活をジェスチャー混じりに面白おかしく語り、見事ベストスピーカーに選ばれました。TM Sはこのスピーチでアドバンスト・マニュアル2冊目を終了し、ACB (Advanced Communicator Bronze)を受賞されます。おめでとうございます!

記念例会最後のスピーカーはTM N。このスピーチでCCマニュアルを完了したTM Nは、2.5年かけてやり遂げたコメントシートびっしりのマニュアルを持参して聴衆に披露し、2.5年間で彼女が学んだスキルに「DIE メッセージ (Demand / Interest / Easy)」と名付け、その内容を丁寧に語ってくれました。CCマニュアルを完了した彼女は、Competent Communicatorの認定証を授与されます。おめでとうございます!

ベテランメンバーTM Iの司会で、引き続き論評セッションが執り行われました。過去メンバーによる素晴らしいスピーカーの論評もあり、668回論評を繰り返しているからこそ、横浜TMCは30年間生き抜き、そして今後も存続していけるのだというTM Iの言葉が印象的でした。




YTMC’s 30th-anniversary meeting was celebrated with over sixty attendees including the honorable guests and the former members at a spacious hall with a commanding view of the Port of Yokohama.
The ceremony was taken place under the affectionate eyes of over sixty people which included founders of the club, past presidents and the guests from other clubs.

We gathered earlier than usual for a lunch party and together, we sang birthday songs and watched video messages collected from various members of Toastmasters around Japan in a festive mood. It wouldn’t be an overstatement to say that the history of Yokohama TMC is the history of District 76. Our charter members were called on the stage and shared their memories from 30 years ago.

Our regular meeting #668 was observed by all the guests, which made us a bit nervous in the beginning.

However, our nervousness was soon blown away by the deafening sound of Queen’s “We Will Rock You” performed by the two Table Topic Masters, who sang and danced to the music in flashy costumes. They rephrased the lyrics to “We Will Name You / We Will Respond”, and made us answer the questions. While we saw the former members trying to hide themselves, when they were called on, of course, they answered with great confidence.

YTMC’s four current members presented their prepared speeches in the Prepared Speech Session.
The first speaker was TM M, who is one of the newest members of our club.
She volunteered to make a speech on this day without knowing it would be an anniversary meeting. While lamenting her fate, she courageously took a shot at an ice-breaking speech of the Pathways and finished it fabulously under pressure.

The second speaker was TM O, who used to be a member of a Toastmasters Club in Kyushu region. He also tried his first speech on Pathways on this occasion. He shared his life events with us, and one of the episodes in which he talked about his experience in participating the District Evaluation Contest that had given him confidence in life impressed me the most.

The third speech was presented by TM S, who had belonged to the clubs in Kyushu and Hokuriku regions before joining our club. She shared with us hilarious and humorous episodes with her old husband with expressive gestures and won the Best Prepared Speaker Award. She has completed the two advanced manuals with this speech and will be given the ACB (Advanced Communicator Bronze). Congratulations!

TM N presented her speech as a finale of the session. Since it was her finishing speech of CC Manual, she showed us the manual covered with so many comments slips and surprised us. She named what she had learned in the two and half years of Toastmastering “DIE (Demand / Interest / Easy) message”, and explained the components one by one. She has completed the CC manual with this speech and will be given the Competent Communicator certificate. Congratulations!

The exciting speech session was followed by the evaluation session conducted smoothly by an experienced Toastmaster I. Some of the speeches were evaluated by former members, and the General Evaluator TM I commented on the good points and improvement points from our entire meeting. She emphasized that 30 years of our constant evaluation keeps improving us for the future.

It was such an honor for me to take this role on this occasion. I really believe that there is Goddess residing at YTMC. She has watched us making mistakes, trying something new, and working harder again. She will continue to assist us as long as YTMC continues.


Congratulations on the 30th Anniversary, YTMC!!
