今期最後のYokohama Toastmasters Club第693回例会レポートです。今年も楽しい仲間と楽しい一年でした。


第693回例会レポート #693 TMOD Meeting Report

Today the meeting became a memorial one. Because it was the last meeting of this financial year.
There were three speakers and six evaluators, I mean, all three evaluators for the speech was evaluated. Titles of speeches are bellow.

“Hong Konger Loves Japan”
“Workplace Dress Codes”
“Quitters Never Win.”

Each speech and evaluation was well prepared and organized, and all evaluation for evaluation speech made us think about to make better speeches.






At the end of the meeting, a farewell ceremony for active officers, and an installation ceremony for new ones were held. All members, and officers proud of those activities for the past one
year, and welcomed the new one year.



Enjoy the last meeting photos of this financial year.

Thank you, President F. You red our club to a great.

This meeting’s winners.

YTMC Annual Awards. Many members got unique awards.

New Officers.

YTMC kickoff party.


横浜桜木町ぴおシティでの例会は終始リラックスムード、気楽に英語スピーチを楽しめました 第685回例会レポート


第685回例会レポート #684 TMOD Meeting Report


Our 685th regular meeting was held at Sakuragi-cho Pic City on Feb.16th. On that day, we had a rich content meeting, such as Joke session, Workshop, Table topic session, and Prepared speech etc. We really enjoyed them.


The meeting theme of this meeting was ‘sweets’. We had Valentin’s Day this week, so I collected the answers to the role takers’ favorite sweets and shared them. Sweets make us relaxed when we have a busy time or stressful time. In this meeting, we found the new aspect of members favorite. Yokohama Toastmasters members have a very sweet tooth.

初めに、ジョークマスターの Hさんが2つのジョークを披露して下さいました。話の流がとても楽しく、ジョークマスターHさんの人柄が出る楽しいセッションとなりました。

The first is a Joke session. Joke Master H delivered two Jokes. The flow of words made us amused and it was a very funny session with
Joke Master H ’s character.


Next is the Workshop which was given by immediate past President T about YTMC officers and election. We could learn about each officers’ role and how YTMC is being run. It was very understandable to new members.


Next is the Table Topic session. Table Topic session was very interesting thanks to Table Topic Master I’ s novel idea. By all members who answered to Table Topic Master I’s question, Masterpiece story was made.


Next is the Prepared Speech session, all members were waiting for. Each speech was very interesting. Each of them was well researched and easy to understand. The audience was attracted by the speakers. Good job and thank you, Prepared Speakers!


The last is the Evaluation session. This time is not only the evaluation for prepared speech but also the evaluation for the evaluation of the prepared speech. Each evaluator gave shrewd advice and we could find some improvements which we didn’t know by ourselves. At last, the experienced today’s GE gave us advice throughout the whole meeting that will be of some help a lot.



横浜トーストマスターズクラブでスピーチコンテスト開催!笑いあり、涙ありの英語・日本語スピーチで会場は大盛り上がり 第684回例会レポート


第684回例会レポート #684 TMOD Meeting Report


We held an in-club speech contest once a year on February 2. Yokohama Toastmasters Club is an English speech club usually, but we also did Japanese speech for the speech contest.
We had five English speakers and five Japanese speakers as contestants, and they showed off the speech ability trained through regular meetings.


In English speech contest, Mr. K spoke about the advice of his boss concerned with the attitude of work, Mr. O spoke about how to overcome the pinch, Mr. I spoke about the importance of resetting feelings, Mr. F spoke about importance of “want to do” more than “have to do” and Mr. K spoke about his memory with college friends. All the speeches were wonderful!


In Japanese speech contest, Mr. K spoke about attitude to doing something kind for another person, Ms. T spoke about her experience of a pregnant, Mr. F spoke about the importance of acting for others beyond his own frame, Mr. K spoke about what we should do when we become customers, Ms. A spoke about the importance of thinking about people’s mind. Japanese speeches were also wonderful. They were great!


Judges of contests were the person who selected from among our club members. Of course, speakers did not know who the judges were. The venue was surrounded by tension during the appraisal.


Interviews with the speakers took place until the judgment result appeared. Mr. O and Mr. K in the interview called the laughter of the audience with pointed questions.


As a result of the examination, contest chair Mr. M announced the winners from the speakers of English and Japanese respectively. The 1st and 2nd speakers will participate in the area contest to be held on March 3rd. A speaker participating in the World Competition from Yokohama Toastmasters Club may come up. Everyone participating in the area contest, please do its best.


Well, do not you all have a great weekend with listening to many wonderful speeches?
You are welcome to visit the club anytime!



トーストマスター歴15年以上の経験豊富なメンバーが英語スピーチ上達の秘訣を優しく伝授!聞くだけで為になる論評でした 第683回例会レポート


第683回例会レポート #682 TMOD Meeting Report


2週間後に私たちのインハウスコンテストがあるため、例会のテーマを「コンテスト」にしました。経験豊富なメンバーは、トーストマスターズのコンテストを通じて様々な経験を持っていました。例えば、T Sさんは10年前のディストリクトコンテストという日本の全国大会で3位に表彰されました。R Kさんは2015年に運営実行委員になり、ディストリクトコンテストの運営に携わりました。 また、毎年多くのメンバーが私たちのインハウスコンテストに参加します! どうやら私たちのクラブには、コンテストへの参加に対して積極的なメンバーが集まっているようです!

さて教育プログラムの中では、テーブルトピックマスターのR Kさんが8名のメンバーをスピーカーにしました。彼は様々な質問を用意して、8名のメンバーに当てていきました。中には難しい質問もありましたが、みんな頑張って2分間のスピーチを作り上げていました。

次の3つの準備スピーチはどれも、各々の経験に基づいた個性あふれるものでした。 このようなスピーチこそが、メンバーの興味を引きつけるのですね! 素晴らしい!

そして今日の論評者はみんな経験豊富なメンバーが、選出されました。 なんと全員トーストマスターズ歴15年以上!! 彼らの論評は構成が整っているだけではなく、内容が的を射ていて、聞いているメンバーにとってと学びの多いセッションになったと思います。

さあ、次回はいよいよインハウスコンテストです。 たくさんの素晴らしいスピーチを聴きたくありませんか?? クラブ見学はいつでも大歓迎ですよ!


Our 683th regular meeting was held at Hiranuma Memorial Rest House 2F on Jan.19th. We had 30min Table Topics session and 3 prepared speakers at this meeting. It was simple, but we had a very good time.

I set “Contest” as our meeting theme because we hold In-house contest after 2weeks. Experienced members had various experience through Toastmasters Contest. For example, TM T S won 3rd place at District Contest which is a nationwide in Japan about 10 years ago. TM R K conducted District contest as a steering committee member in 2015. Besides, many members participate in In-house Contest every year. I felt that members who are positive for the contest get together at our club!!

With regard to educational program, Table Topics master TM R K assigned 8 members as a speaker. He prepared a various type of questions and some were difficult. But All speakers managed to give their speech for about 2min.

3 prepared speeches were great individuality. Their speeches were created based on their own experience. That’s why those captured the audience.

Today all evaluators were very experienced members. They have been joining Toastmasters for more than 15 years. Their evaluations were well organized and critical. We could learn a lot from them.

Next meeting is In-house Contest!. Why don’t you listen to great speeches? We always welcome your participation!!



寒さに負けるな!熱気あふれる英語スピーチクラブ! 第680回例会レポート


第680回例会レポート #680 TMOD Meeting Report

YTMC Meeting No.680はとても楽しい会合でした。
今日の単語は “illustrious”でした。








YTMC Meeting No.680 was so Enjoyable. Word of the day was “illustrious”.
Intonation was a little bit difficult but useful.
TM T leaded meaningful workshop “Mentoring”.
We could realize how “Mentoring ” was so important for new members.
Dec.1st was The Day of Movie.

So we enjoyed table topics for about movies. Speech session had 3 speakers.
How to control the anger, what is Russia, how to change the job, were
very interesting.

Best Table Topic Speaker was TM M.
Best Evaluator was TM O.
Best speaker was TM H

We had 2 guests,
They said enjoyed meeting and want to watch and learn more about movies.

All of the attendees, thank you very much for your support.

Member’s Favorite Movies as following.
Let’s watch them in year-end holidays.


“The Greatest Showman”
“Ocean’s Eight”
“Bohemian Rhapsody”
“2001 Space Odyssey”
“Out & Out”
“Mirai no Mirai”
“Back to the Feurter2”


Queen of Snow
Battleship Potemkin


英語でハロウィンを楽しもう例会! 第677回例会レポート #677 TMOD Meeting Report


第677回例会レポート #677 TMOD Meeting Report


テーマはTrick or Treat. オープニングでは私の北米での始めてのハロウィン体験談をさせていただきました。Trick or Treat.も安全面から治安のよいところでないとなかなか行われないとのこと、世の中いい人ばかりではないのはどの国も同じですね。Trick or Treatで子供たちに振舞われるお菓子はもともとリンゴ飴だったのはご存知ですか?リンゴに針などを仕込む人が出てきたりもして、もはや見知らぬ人の手作りのものは食べられない時代になってしまったのはちょっと悲しいですね。

本日のWord of the dayは、T.Sさん。ハロウィンらしくHorrifiedを挙げてくれました。Horror、Horrifyなどなど恐怖や怖がるなどという意味ですが、びっくりするという意味でも使われる単語です。








Regular meeting #677 was close to Halloween. According to the president’s request, all members wore a costume. I dressed up as a devil.
The meeting venue was different from the regular one, and right next to the pub where we also have regular off-site meetings.

The meeting theme was “Trick or Treat”. I talked my first experience of Halloween in North America for the opening. “Trick or Treat” is the only for safe residence area. There always are some bad people as every country does. The sweets giving away to children used to be a candy apple. Those bad people hid a needle in a candy apple so that nowadays, we cannot eat a sweet provided by strangers anymore. That’s sad though.
More and more Halloween custom has been becoming widespread in Japan. But it is mostly like a costume parade event just to have fun. You can see the products related to Halloween in the season on a front shelf everywhere. The Halloween is becoming more commercial as well as North America.

Anyway, the meeting starting with a costume. Toastmaster T.S raised horrified” for the word of the day which fit Halloween-like. “Horror” and “Horrify” are another word class for “Horrified” meaning scary but it can be used for surprised in some context.

Joke master was Toastmaster O who has a high hope in our club. Telling joke is quite difficult for Japanese, but he did a really good job with three jokes.

Table topic master was Toastmaster N who also is a promising new member. The theme was ” How do you answer the question regarding Japan when you’re asked by Americans”. It was a good theme since lots of Japanese have an experience being asked regarding Japanese culture, custom and history by non-Japanese. Japanese needs to prepare to answer those type of questions because the world is becoming more and more globalized recently. The questions were simple but difficult to answer. The table topic session was very interesting.

We have four prepared speakers including two experienced speakers, Toastmaster N who is currently ongoing manual “Storytelling” and Toastmaster K who talks about music. They were all good especially the one with “Parkinson’s disease” title. We had Q & A time in his speech
and learned lots of thing about Parkinson’s disease.

Today’s general evaluator is Toastmaster M with four evaluators for each speech. Evaluators gave good points and some advice to speakers.

The best table topic speaker was Toastmaster T who answered the question regarding the population in Japan. The best evaluator was Toastmaster H.I who always gets the point with a keen observation and cute voice. The best speaker was Toastmaster I who gave a speech
regarding Parkinson’s disease.

We had a photo time wearing a costume at the end of the meeting. I was thinking the president dressed up as a cow but actually, he was a dog of “One Hundred and One Dalmatians”. Sorry!!



第668回 30周年記念例会レポート #668 TMOD 30th Anniversary Meeting Report




第668回記念例会は、大勢のゲストが見守る中、緊張したムードで始まりました。しかし、Queenの「We Will Rock You」が流れる中、派手な仮装で登場した二人のテーブルトピックマスターの予想外のダンスと歌で、緊張ムードは一瞬にして吹き飛びました。


1番目のスピーカーは入会間もないTM M。この日が記念例会だとは知らずにスピーチを希望した自分の運命を呪いながらも?!果敢にPathwaysのIce Breakerに挑戦し、緊張の中見事にスピーチをやり遂げました。

2番目のスピーカーは九州のトーストマスターズクラブに所属していたTM Oで、彼もPathwaysのIce Breakerに挑戦しました。ご自分の経歴を語る中で、Toastmasters Club Evaluation Contest全国大会への出場経験が自信を与えてくれたというエピソードが印象に残りました。

3番目のスピーカーは九州、北陸のクラブに所属していたTM Sで、年の離れた旦那様との結婚生活をジェスチャー混じりに面白おかしく語り、見事ベストスピーカーに選ばれました。TM Sはこのスピーチでアドバンスト・マニュアル2冊目を終了し、ACB (Advanced Communicator Bronze)を受賞されます。おめでとうございます!

記念例会最後のスピーカーはTM N。このスピーチでCCマニュアルを完了したTM Nは、2.5年かけてやり遂げたコメントシートびっしりのマニュアルを持参して聴衆に披露し、2.5年間で彼女が学んだスキルに「DIE メッセージ (Demand / Interest / Easy)」と名付け、その内容を丁寧に語ってくれました。CCマニュアルを完了した彼女は、Competent Communicatorの認定証を授与されます。おめでとうございます!

ベテランメンバーTM Iの司会で、引き続き論評セッションが執り行われました。過去メンバーによる素晴らしいスピーカーの論評もあり、668回論評を繰り返しているからこそ、横浜TMCは30年間生き抜き、そして今後も存続していけるのだというTM Iの言葉が印象的でした。




YTMC’s 30th-anniversary meeting was celebrated with over sixty attendees including the honorable guests and the former members at a spacious hall with a commanding view of the Port of Yokohama.
The ceremony was taken place under the affectionate eyes of over sixty people which included founders of the club, past presidents and the guests from other clubs.

We gathered earlier than usual for a lunch party and together, we sang birthday songs and watched video messages collected from various members of Toastmasters around Japan in a festive mood. It wouldn’t be an overstatement to say that the history of Yokohama TMC is the history of District 76. Our charter members were called on the stage and shared their memories from 30 years ago.

Our regular meeting #668 was observed by all the guests, which made us a bit nervous in the beginning.

However, our nervousness was soon blown away by the deafening sound of Queen’s “We Will Rock You” performed by the two Table Topic Masters, who sang and danced to the music in flashy costumes. They rephrased the lyrics to “We Will Name You / We Will Respond”, and made us answer the questions. While we saw the former members trying to hide themselves, when they were called on, of course, they answered with great confidence.

YTMC’s four current members presented their prepared speeches in the Prepared Speech Session.
The first speaker was TM M, who is one of the newest members of our club.
She volunteered to make a speech on this day without knowing it would be an anniversary meeting. While lamenting her fate, she courageously took a shot at an ice-breaking speech of the Pathways and finished it fabulously under pressure.

The second speaker was TM O, who used to be a member of a Toastmasters Club in Kyushu region. He also tried his first speech on Pathways on this occasion. He shared his life events with us, and one of the episodes in which he talked about his experience in participating the District Evaluation Contest that had given him confidence in life impressed me the most.

The third speech was presented by TM S, who had belonged to the clubs in Kyushu and Hokuriku regions before joining our club. She shared with us hilarious and humorous episodes with her old husband with expressive gestures and won the Best Prepared Speaker Award. She has completed the two advanced manuals with this speech and will be given the ACB (Advanced Communicator Bronze). Congratulations!

TM N presented her speech as a finale of the session. Since it was her finishing speech of CC Manual, she showed us the manual covered with so many comments slips and surprised us. She named what she had learned in the two and half years of Toastmastering “DIE (Demand / Interest / Easy) message”, and explained the components one by one. She has completed the CC manual with this speech and will be given the Competent Communicator certificate. Congratulations!

The exciting speech session was followed by the evaluation session conducted smoothly by an experienced Toastmaster I. Some of the speeches were evaluated by former members, and the General Evaluator TM I commented on the good points and improvement points from our entire meeting. She emphasized that 30 years of our constant evaluation keeps improving us for the future.

It was such an honor for me to take this role on this occasion. I really believe that there is Goddess residing at YTMC. She has watched us making mistakes, trying something new, and working harder again. She will continue to assist us as long as YTMC continues.


Congratulations on the 30th Anniversary, YTMC!!


第667回例会レポート #667 TMOD Meeting Report


5月19日、第667回YTMC例会が私たちのホームグラウンドである波止場会館で開催されました。この日はクラブ活動の中で最も重要なイベントがありました。それは役員選挙です。 会長のTさんがスムーズに選挙を進行し、全ての候補者が当選しました!おめでとうございます!新しい会長のFさんが新役員を代表し、スピーチを披露しました。新しい任期はこの7月から始まります。








The 667th regular meeting of YTMC was held at our home ground, Hatoba-kaikan, on May 19th. We had one of the most important events of YTMC activities, which was officers’ election!! President T conducted it smoothly, and all candidates got elected! Congratulations!! New President F gave his speech representing new cabinet. The new term will start from this July!

There was another special event during this meeting. That was the induction ceremony for TM O. And guess what? His mentor is me! I’m really glad to be his mentor. I’d like to enjoy YTMC activities with him.

On this day, The Table Topics Session was very thrilling. The Table Topic master was our TM S., and she set a unique rule in the session. She made word cards, and an assigned member chose one of them. He or she explained the chosen word in about 2 min. without using the word itself. After his or her speech, audience guessed the answer! Six speakers struggled to explain the words because many words were difficult. But TM I explained his chosen word perfectly, and he got the Best Table Topics Speaker Award!!! FYI, the word he chose was “FBI”!!

There were three speakers in the Prepared Speech Session. They gave their own speech with performances reflecting their characters. As a result, TM T got the Best Prepared Speaker Award! She sang in her very beautiful voice during her speech as well as told us how to make a beautiful voice. What a beautiful voice it was, wasn’t it! She could involve the audience in her speech with her beautiful voice!

We also had three respective evaluators, and TM A got the Best Evaluator Award!
She told us how to show the 1st slide of powerpoint effectively. It was very useful and accurate!

The time schedule for this meeting was tight. However All role takers managed time well and as a result, we could finish the meeting almost as planned.
Thanks all of you for your effort and cooperation!
The next meeting will be the YTMC 30th Anniversary Special Meeting! This is a very important event just like the officers’ election. Don’t miss it!



第666回例会レポート“Discovery Through Travel” #666 TMOD Meeting Report






Hello members and guests.
The last meeting #666 was held in the latter half of Golden Week holidays, but many members and guests joined it.

The meeting theme was “Discovery Through Travel.” Members had given me a variety of comments about it and although I wanted to share all of them with other members, I only introduced keywords of them at the meeting.

Questions asked in Table Topics Session fit each speaker and all of them could show their own episodes.
In this meeting, two speakers tried the Ice Breaker speeches based on our new education system, Pathways.
They were well prepared and the audience enjoyed them.

After the meeting adjourned, we had an opportunity to hear a rehearsal speech made by TM O, who was going to participate in the Toastmasters International District 76 Spring Speech Contest. It was great and I was happy to be given such a precious opportunity to listen to it before the big contest.
I believe this meeting was a memorable one.
Thank you,



第665回例会レポート“Start” #665 TMOD Meeting Report











The #665 regular meeting of YTMC was held at Hatoba Kaikan on April 21.
The venue was by the sea and we could see the beautiful scenery of Minato-Mirai area.
The weather was fine and we felt good.

The meeting theme was “Start”, and many members gave their comment about it.
Every comment was unique. Especially TM O’s following comment was impressive,
“I’ve started to go to the gym. My goal is to get six packs, but I only have one pack so far.”

At the Table Topic Session, TM O took the role of the Topic Master.
He asked questions and called on some members to answer them.
The appointed members made short impromptu speeches which usually last for around two minutes.
He asked a variety of questions regarding “Journey” and we enjoyed the session.

At the Prepared Speech Session, four speakers gave us their unique speeches.
TM S made a speech about the ”Rookies’ Speech Contest” amusingly.
TM N.T. delivered a folktale of “The emperor’s plum tree” with deep expression and feeling.
TM M gave us a speech about “Hokke Incident” that happened in his family in Hokkaido enjoyably.
The last speaker TM N.M. rendered a speech on “Useful rope knots” with the actual demonstration.
All speakers entertained us with their attractive speeches.

At the Evaluation Session, four evaluators made evaluations for each speaker respectively.
Each speech has predetermined speech objectives and evaluators would evaluate each speech from the viewpoint of each project’s objectives.
All evaluators got to the point and they were useful not only for the speakers but also for my study.
And then, General Evaluator TM S pointed out pros and cons of the whole meeting. I’m also grateful to her for her accurate advice on my performance as a TMOD.

At every meeting, we vote for the best speaker for each session.
The Best Prepared Speakers were TM S and TM N.T. (they had tied score).
The Best Table Topic Speaker was Mr. K (guest).
The Best Evaluator was TM A.

Although I took the TMOD role for the first time in a year, as this was the 5th TMOD role for me I was relaxed the best of all time. I enjoyed every speech from my heart and this time I was relaxed enough to see faces of the audience during the meeting.

When I first started Toastmasters activity I had no confidence, I stood at the podium like a stone statue with my heart beating so fast that it almost exploded. However, thanks to Toastmasters activity and YTMC members’ kind support, I’d made a progress and was confident enough to stand there relaxed and smiling.

I’m looking forward to taking the next TMOD role with further progress.
Thank you.

