英語でハロウィンを楽しもう例会! 第677回例会レポート #677 TMOD Meeting Report


第677回例会レポート #677 TMOD Meeting Report


テーマはTrick or Treat. オープニングでは私の北米での始めてのハロウィン体験談をさせていただきました。Trick or Treat.も安全面から治安のよいところでないとなかなか行われないとのこと、世の中いい人ばかりではないのはどの国も同じですね。Trick or Treatで子供たちに振舞われるお菓子はもともとリンゴ飴だったのはご存知ですか?リンゴに針などを仕込む人が出てきたりもして、もはや見知らぬ人の手作りのものは食べられない時代になってしまったのはちょっと悲しいですね。

本日のWord of the dayは、T.Sさん。ハロウィンらしくHorrifiedを挙げてくれました。Horror、Horrifyなどなど恐怖や怖がるなどという意味ですが、びっくりするという意味でも使われる単語です。








Regular meeting #677 was close to Halloween. According to the president’s request, all members wore a costume. I dressed up as a devil.
The meeting venue was different from the regular one, and right next to the pub where we also have regular off-site meetings.

The meeting theme was “Trick or Treat”. I talked my first experience of Halloween in North America for the opening. “Trick or Treat” is the only for safe residence area. There always are some bad people as every country does. The sweets giving away to children used to be a candy apple. Those bad people hid a needle in a candy apple so that nowadays, we cannot eat a sweet provided by strangers anymore. That’s sad though.
More and more Halloween custom has been becoming widespread in Japan. But it is mostly like a costume parade event just to have fun. You can see the products related to Halloween in the season on a front shelf everywhere. The Halloween is becoming more commercial as well as North America.

Anyway, the meeting starting with a costume. Toastmaster T.S raised horrified” for the word of the day which fit Halloween-like. “Horror” and “Horrify” are another word class for “Horrified” meaning scary but it can be used for surprised in some context.

Joke master was Toastmaster O who has a high hope in our club. Telling joke is quite difficult for Japanese, but he did a really good job with three jokes.

Table topic master was Toastmaster N who also is a promising new member. The theme was ” How do you answer the question regarding Japan when you’re asked by Americans”. It was a good theme since lots of Japanese have an experience being asked regarding Japanese culture, custom and history by non-Japanese. Japanese needs to prepare to answer those type of questions because the world is becoming more and more globalized recently. The questions were simple but difficult to answer. The table topic session was very interesting.

We have four prepared speakers including two experienced speakers, Toastmaster N who is currently ongoing manual “Storytelling” and Toastmaster K who talks about music. They were all good especially the one with “Parkinson’s disease” title. We had Q & A time in his speech
and learned lots of thing about Parkinson’s disease.

Today’s general evaluator is Toastmaster M with four evaluators for each speech. Evaluators gave good points and some advice to speakers.

The best table topic speaker was Toastmaster T who answered the question regarding the population in Japan. The best evaluator was Toastmaster H.I who always gets the point with a keen observation and cute voice. The best speaker was Toastmaster I who gave a speech
regarding Parkinson’s disease.

We had a photo time wearing a costume at the end of the meeting. I was thinking the president dressed up as a cow but actually, he was a dog of “One Hundred and One Dalmatians”. Sorry!!



カテゴリー Regular Meeting タグ .