横浜トーストマスターズクラブでスピーチコンテスト開催!笑いあり、涙ありの英語・日本語スピーチで会場は大盛り上がり 第684回例会レポート


第684回例会レポート #684 TMOD Meeting Report


We held an in-club speech contest once a year on February 2. Yokohama Toastmasters Club is an English speech club usually, but we also did Japanese speech for the speech contest.
We had five English speakers and five Japanese speakers as contestants, and they showed off the speech ability trained through regular meetings.


In English speech contest, Mr. K spoke about the advice of his boss concerned with the attitude of work, Mr. O spoke about how to overcome the pinch, Mr. I spoke about the importance of resetting feelings, Mr. F spoke about importance of “want to do” more than “have to do” and Mr. K spoke about his memory with college friends. All the speeches were wonderful!


In Japanese speech contest, Mr. K spoke about attitude to doing something kind for another person, Ms. T spoke about her experience of a pregnant, Mr. F spoke about the importance of acting for others beyond his own frame, Mr. K spoke about what we should do when we become customers, Ms. A spoke about the importance of thinking about people’s mind. Japanese speeches were also wonderful. They were great!


Judges of contests were the person who selected from among our club members. Of course, speakers did not know who the judges were. The venue was surrounded by tension during the appraisal.


Interviews with the speakers took place until the judgment result appeared. Mr. O and Mr. K in the interview called the laughter of the audience with pointed questions.


As a result of the examination, contest chair Mr. M announced the winners from the speakers of English and Japanese respectively. The 1st and 2nd speakers will participate in the area contest to be held on March 3rd. A speaker participating in the World Competition from Yokohama Toastmasters Club may come up. Everyone participating in the area contest, please do its best.


Well, do not you all have a great weekend with listening to many wonderful speeches?
You are welcome to visit the club anytime!



カテゴリー Regular Meeting タグ .