第736回例会レポート / The 736th Regular Meeting Report


Date&Time: 14:00, April 17th
Venue: Hatoba Kaikan + Online
















The 736th meeting was started on time.
There are 28 participants on that day, 14 each for both onsite and online.
It is good for members to join wherever we are as long as internet connectivity here.













TMOD was TM ST, the very first attempt for the role to my surprise.

He did a good job to make it fun during the meeting.


TM KO took the table topics session master.
He performed to make “impromptu” questions according to the previous question.
All the members experienced the thrills of unexpected questions with fun.
















Prepared speech was made by 4 members.
TM HO told the interesting story from the memory with his father.
TM YO completed level 2 program.
The fruit of serendipity by using SNS by TM KT.
TM HM became the 2nd completion member of Level4.

Each 4 speaker did great job except exceeding designated time.
Time management is very important for developing leadership, let’s improve it.

Evaluators adressed both good and bad feedback to speakers.
I am looking forward to listening to the next speech of today’s participants.

At the end of the meeting, the announcement of candidates of officers
for the 2021-22 term of YTMC.
Apparently all candidates are well experienced officers before,
I believe they will bring our club to the best club.

The next meeting to be held on May 1st during “the golden week” in Japan.
Hoping many participants on site and online.

See you real soon!


Regular Meetingカテゴリーの記事